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War God is very angry recently, because he wanted to shoot, but the target disappeared in the Great Spiritual World, which made him extremely dissatisfied.

However, no matter how dissatisfied, War God will have to wait. If Lord Arthur is not expelled from the Interstellar Federation, he will not enter the Interstellar Federation to hunt down.

Interstellar Federation can be said to be a forbidden place for Divine Grade. Whether it is the Spiritual God of belief into a god or the Divine Grade of cultivation success god, after reaching the Interstellar Federation world, the world Rule suppression will be stronger than the known Great World Several times.

Under the strong world Rule suppression, Spiritual God’s speed will become extremely slow, and at the same time, the breath cannot be concealed, and it is very easy to be found by the divine spiritual aura detection equipment of the Interstellar Federation.

Once discovered, Spiritual God became the target of the ‘Weapon of Doom’.

This is not a danger imagined out of thin air, but the result of a previous attempt by the Spiritual God of the Great Spiritual World to invade the Interstellar Federation.

Some of the invading Spiritual Gods were sent by the five spiritual gods. The consequence is that the Spiritual God is slaughtered and the soul falls into the turbulence of time and space.

As long as War God is not mad, he will not go to the Interstellar Federation to courting death.

“Yi!” War God was waiting for Choate Archbishop to do his confession, and when Lord Arthur returned to the Great Spiritual World, a strange feeling arose.

War God sensed it and found that something was wrong with Choate Archbishop.

Although Qiaot Archbishop is Archbishop, its body is not at all modified, and even War God did not grant him even one grace. This leaves Qiaot Archbishop with the name of Archbishop without the actual soul of Archbishop. Variety.

However, in the end, Choate Archbishop was also referred to as Archbishop by War God himself, and was concerned by War God. When the scepter was given, he put a mark of special attention.

After Choate Archbishop lost the position of Archbishop, War God’s special attention mark of Archbishop left on Choate Archbishop also disappeared.

This is why Choate Archbishop feels that the connection with War God is weakened, and War God is also wrong because of this discovery.

War God probed the cause, and immediately looked very ugly.

The impeachment procedure was one of the many countermeasures that five Spiritual Gods took when they discovered problems when they were simulating the five major temples to manage the Great Spiritual World. However, for the Archbishop, which was personally bestowed by Spiritual God, the impeachment was successful. Choate Archbishop was first.

Because in the process of impeachment, Archbishops who participated in the impeachment must consider the idea of ​​Spiritual God.

War God checked the entire process of development again. He found it easily, because Speaker Gould of the Supreme Council informed all the top nobles of the whole matter, as well as the five major ones including Temple of War. Temple.

After discovering that Choate Archbishop almost broke the diplomatic relations between the two Great World alliances and turned each other into feud, War God also had no opinion on the impeachment of Choate Archbishop by the four Archbishops.

Even War God has a slap in the face. How could he choose such an unreliable Archbishop, who was in a high position but used the most inferior methods.

Don’t look at the War God aloof and remote, almost nothing about Great Spiritual World affairs, the other four Spiritual Gods are the same.

But in fact, the five Spiritual Gods have already stabilized the operation of Great Spiritual World. As long as the setback does not occur, Great Spiritual World will continue to operate steadily.

Geot Archbishop slowly came to his senses, he got up from the ground, his eyes swept all around, as if he saw all around people looked towards him with mocking eyes.

He was too worried. Speaker Gould would not be bored enough to tell the identity of Choate Archbishop to the ordinary person here, and he wouldn’t tell ordinary nobles and ordinary persons about the detention of Archbishop.

So the people all around looked towards Choate Archbishop, they were more surprised and puzzled.

Wearing high-level sacrificial robes, the sacrificial rites can’t walk steadily. How can they keep all around people from being curious.

Qiaote Archbishop has never felt that the short distance of 50 meters will be so long. He is only 50 meters away from the Transmission Gate. He walks towards the Transmission Gate step by step, just thinking about leaving soon, but he feels that the days are like years. .

Finally arrived in front of the Transmission Gate, he teleported to Tula, here is the forced transit star, and then teleported from Tula to the main temple of war.

When seeing the building of the main temple of war, Choate Archbishop felt extremely kind, and he wanted to cry.

However, he immediately thought of the weakening of his sensitivity to War God before, and his original pale complexion became paler.

Geot Archbishop walked towards the main entrance of the main temple, he wanted to see what was going on.

He saw several priests in front of the main temple of the war. In normal times, these priests would trot over to greet, but today is very strange. These priests just looked towards him with weird eyes, not at all. the meaning of.

After the successful impeachment, the main temple of the war and even all the sub-temples received relevant notifications.

Joe Archbishop is fortunate to be the first Archbishop to be successfully impeached in nearly a thousand years. This news made all Temple of War staff feel shame, and this made the already low reputation of Temple of War even worse.

Qiaote Archbishop felt a chill, and seeing the attitudes of several priests, his bad premonition became stronger.

When he walked to the gate of the main temple, a terrifying pressure hiding the sky and covering the earth fell.

All the priests and priests in the main temple felt the familiar coercion, and they all crawled to the ground. They felt the anger from War God in the coercion.

This is even more shocking to all priests and sacrifices. War God’s anger always has to be vented, but I don’t know who is asking for bad luck this time.

Geot Archbishop was walking to the gate, and War God’s coercive pressure made him fall to the ground again.

This time he fell by prostrate oneself in admiration, and the energy of the sacrifice within the body Fifth Level was blocked. Fortunately, the physique was still very powerful, not at all injured.

“Great Lord, your humble servant Joe…” Archbishop said instinctively.

It’s just that he hasn’t said everything, so he has to shut up under the pressure.

“Guilty!” War God’s divine intention was conveyed to all priests and sacrifices under coercion.

Following the trial of War God, a thick white beam of light ascended in front of the main gate of the war temple.

The white beam of light was centered on Choate Archbishop. In an instant, the body of Joet Archbishop was lit by the white beam of light, and it was turned into ashes in just one breath.

Geot Archbishop didn’t know what happened until his death. This can’t be blamed on him. He took over Archbishop’s affairs for too short a time. He didn’t come in contact with many things Archbishop should know.

He didn’t even enter the public space fragments. After he took over the Archbishop position, he has been busy, and he didn’t even come and read the Archbishop book.

After War God sanctioned Choate Archbishop with Divine Punishment, the anger in his heart was slightly eliminated.

War God swept over all the sacrifices in the main temple. He unexpectedly found that the number of Fifth Level sacrifices in the main temple of the war was as few as three.

Of course, this does not mean that there are only three Fifth Level priests in the entire Temple of War, but the rest of the Fifth Level priests and Fifth Level priests have been assigned to some important positions. Those positions require Fifth Level powerhouse guard.

War God is preparing to re-select another Fifth Level priest from among the three Fifth Level priests to inherit the position of Archbishop, but he thought again and stopped.

He thought of Choate Archbishop, which was the Archbishop he appointed at will. As a result, what Choate Archbishop did, almost made the two Great Worlds deadly enemies.

War God issued a metaphor, ordering the Fifth Level sacrifice to return to the main temple, through the internal test of Temple of War, to determine the Archbishop candidate.

Temple of War’s internal tests are meant to select talents, including the selection of Archbishop, but they are generally not used.

This divine metaphor has spread throughout all the Temple of War in the Great Spiritual World. After receiving the divine metaphor, the Fifth Level priests all set off to return to the main temple.

The Divine Punishment that took place in the Temple of War was quickly known to the Four Great God Palaces and the Supreme Council.

“Finally, I can give the Interstellar Federation an explanation!” Speaker Gould said with a smile after hearing the news.

The Speaker Gould owed favors in order to bring back Choate Archbishop.

If Speaker Gould hadn’t gotten the friendship with Admiral David at that time, perhaps it would be much more difficult to bring back Choate Archbishop. He chose to owe favors and take back Choate Archbishop as quickly as possible.

Now, Choate Archbishop is killed by Divine Punishment, which can be regarded as an explanation to Admiral David.

Always can’t Admiral David capture Archbishop, Speaker Gould takes away Archbishop from Admiral David, and then let the tiger returns to the mountains, let Archbishop find a way to avenge Admiral David.

Although Admiral David is in the Interstellar Federation, it is difficult for Choate Archbishop to deal with him, but it is a troublesome matter.

Speaker Gould passed the news to Viscount Dward. The reason why he did not pass Ambassador Cumming was because Viscount Dward passed the information faster.

Not long after, another full incident briefing will be sent to the Presidential Palace by Ambassador Cumming himself through official diplomatic channels.

The presidential spaceship left the outer space of War Star, and after passing through the most dangerous area, came to the War Zone.

When President Biddle’s safety is here, David’s personal protection is no longer needed. Six Transcendent guards alone can do a good job of security.

David is the deputy commander of the Federal Headquarters. Escorting President Biddle to meet with Temple of War is a major foreign matter. Usually, even President Biddle is not eligible to be personally protected by Admiral David at this level.

So after leaving the danger zone, David returned to his frigate, and the frigate would also leave the presidential spaceship.

The journey after President Biddle will be protected by another military fleet.

When David left, he took away two Fifth Level priests and two Fifth Level priests. These were his captives. President Biddle asked him to take them away when he left.

Of course, the most important thing is that President Biddle is very aware of his own strength. Although the four Fifth Level powerhouses have been banned by Admiral David, if the Fifth Level powerhouse breaks out of the ban, it will not be accompanied by President Biddle. The six Transcendent guards can resist.

David also had no objection. He brought two Fifth Level priests and two Fifth Level priests back to his flagship.

“Major General Morris, I will leave on my own after handling some affairs. You take the fleet back to the Alidia Star Domain defense line!” David returned to the fleet and commanded to Major General Morris of the convoy.

“Yes, admiral!” Major General Morris also responded helplessly.

As the frigate of the Federation Deputy Commander, it was unable to protect Admiral David at any time, which made Major General Morris feel that he was negligent.

But there is no way. Admiral David’s strength far exceeds the strength of the frigate. Even if the frigate consists of two hundred battleships, this fact cannot be changed.

David didn’t realize the idea of ​​Major General Morris, he took two Fifth Level priests and two Fifth Level priests into the room.

“Four people, I’m telling you a very bad news. The Speaker of the Supreme Council, Gould, came to negotiate and eventually took away Archbishop. When Archbishop was taken away, he did not at all mention you!” David looked at the four Fifth Level powerhouse said solemnly.

To David’s surprise, the angry expression of the two Fifth Level priests was not at all, but one of the two Fifth Level priests was a little excited.

“Geot Archbishop will definitely save us!” the Fifth Level priest exclaimed.

At this moment, a message flashed on David’s identity bracelet.

He is now in the escort fleet and has remote communication equipment. Although he is not in Skynet, he can still use the identity bracelet to communicate.

When David saw the message on the identity bracelet, he couldn’t help hooking the head.

Joe Archbishop was executed by War God using Divine Punishment. This news not at all makes David so happy. Even if he did not receive Divine Punishment, Choate Archbishop would not live long.

David cloned Avatar through Demi-God, borrowing the foot that finally stepped on Choate Archbishop, and injected a ‘Strength of Black Dragon’ energy group into Choate Archbishop within the body.

The’Strength of Black Dragon’ energy group will explode in five days. At that time, if Joey Archbishop is inside the main temple of war, the explosion of the’Strength of Black Dragon’ energy group will not only make Joey Archbishop fall. , Can also make the main temple suffer a lot of losses.

But a Divine Punishment not only kills Archbishop, but also removes the energy group of ‘Strength of Black Dragon’ of Archbishop within the body.

“Qiaote Archbishop won’t save you anymore, because he received the Divine Punishment from War God!” David looked towards the Fifth Level sacrifice lightly saying.

“No, this is impossible!” The Fifth Level priest shook his head out of control.

“A few, it seems that you have no value. According to the laws of the Interstellar Federation, Fifth Level Great Spiritual World people cannot enter the Interstellar Federation, so you have only two choices, one is to die, and the other is to choose Become an Interstellar Federation!” David said while looking at the four Fifth Level powerhouses.

The resurrected Fifth Level Templar Knight Avatar is still not as flexible as the real Fifth Level Templar Knight. These Fifth Level powerhouses abandoned by the Temple of War, if they are willing to take refuge in him, he has his own way to control the Fifth Level powerhouse. .

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