
You can search “Transcendent David 妙笔阁(” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!

David’s left shoulder is the Black Dragon Alexis which is reduced to the size of a kitten, and his right shoulder is the Avatar of the’Titan golden armor Sovereign’ and the Avatar of the’Blade Mantis Sovereign’, which are also reduced to the size of a kitten.

The ‘Titan golden armor Sovereign’ Avatar and the ‘Blade Mantis Sovereign’ Avatar are still very hideous after shrinking. Compared to the appearance of ordinary insects, the kitten-sized insect looks shocking.

Today, the strength of faith of the two insect race Divine Grade Avatars within the body finally recovered to the point where they could fight. David couldn’t wait. It has been more than half a year since he left Great Spiritual World.

According to the information obtained from the Supreme Council of the Great Spiritual World and the ‘Dawn Alliance’, McIntyre Archbishop has managed the Temple of War well in the past six months.

McIntyre Archbishop organized Temple of War and Evil God believers in several battles, and all of them were victorious. Although they paid a certain price, they restored Temple of War’s reputation.

But McIntyre Archbishop not at all did not want to move Lord Arthur and the idea of ​​his industry at all, and even voluntarily backed down in many ways.

David looked at the intelligence and didn’t feel much about McIntyre Archbishop’s initiative in his heart. The conflict between Temple of War and him could not be handled by McIntyre Archbishop at all.

The contradiction between Temple of War and him is the contradiction between War God and him. If War God does not let go, he will be unable to live in peace.

“Alexis, every time I want to return to Great Spiritual World, I feel a sense of crisis!” David said to Black Dragon Alexis while preparing the Space Wormhole leading to the ‘Great Spiritual World Safe Point’.

“My lord, your soul is extremely powerful, and your perception of danger is also extremely sensitive. If you perceive danger, it means that you will be in trouble when you return to the Great Spiritual World. However, with the current battle strength, you don’t need to worry about trouble. Yes!” Black Dragon Alexis smiled and replied.

After a period of comprehension, Black Dragon Alexis also comprehend ‘War God’ Innate Ability as his own Innate Ability.

This makes Black Dragon Alexis feel that his strength has risen sharply. Coupled with two insect race Divine Grade Avatars who also mastered the Innate Ability of ‘War God’, this battle strength is enough to challenge any Spiritual God.

“Hidden for too long, I don’t want to hide anymore, just fight War God!” David mobilized the space energy in the ‘space pattern’ and said solemnly after activating Space Wormhole.

He waved his hand and collected the three Divine Grades into the ‘Divine Item Space Card’ and looked at the five Demi-God clone Avatars. This time he did not intend to bring the five Demi-God clone Avatars back.

Although the five Demi-God clone Avatars have the ability to fight against Divine Grade in a combined state, they can only fight against the weakest Divine Grade. In the face of the battle with War God, their effect is extremely limited. It is better to leave a good cultivation.

Two ‘Sovereign level inheritance patterns’ were left for five Demi-God clone Avatars. David didn’t want to waste their precious cultivation time.

David took a long and deep breath, suppressing the sense of crisis in his soul. This sense of crisis became even stronger when he made the action of returning to the Great Spiritual World.

He stepped into Space Wormhole and Space Change. When he reappeared, he was already 500 metres underground in Garmi Star.

David didn’t stay in Garmi Star for even one second. As soon as he appeared 500 metres underground, he immediately used the Innate Ability, passing through the space channel and into space.

“Sure enough, it was monitored!” David murmured to himself, feeling the weird sense of exploration from the Great Spiritual World World Rule.

David is like being probed by Great Spiritual World this World. The feeling of nowhere to hide makes him have the illusion of being stared at.

He didn’t know, War God paid a huge price in order to find him, and asked the God of Justice to create the ‘Soul-lock Talisman’, just to track his breath.

David continuously displayed the Innate Ability of “Broken Air”, and he stayed away from Garmi Star’s Star Domain.

This is not that he wants to escape. In this situation of being probed by Great World, unless he is hiding in other Great Worlds, he cannot escape the results of being probed by Great World.

What David wants is to stay away from Garmi Star, and don’t let the war of God spread to Garmi Star.

Although the surface of Garmi Star was destroyed by the ‘disciplinary divine technique’, now David has also mastered the ‘disciplinary divine technique’, and he has found a way to remove the radiant energy from the surface of Garmi Star.

As long as David can gain a foothold in the Great Spiritual World, he will have time to slowly restore Garmi Star to its original state.

Most recently, War God has been waiting for the appearance of Lord Arthur.

Lord Arthur’s destruction of Temple of War caused War God to lose the divine sense, plus Lord Arthur is worth a’world spar’, and the secrets of Lord Arthur, these make War God must catch Arthur Lord.

How many years have passed, War God has never been angry, and such strong emotional fluctuations appeared in War God, and it also originated from Lord Arthur.

Capturing Lord Arthur became a kind of obsession of War God, and for this reason he even took the risk of using a god body.

‘Soul-lock Talisman’ sent out an abnormal signal, and War God divine sense swept across it, and a smile couldn’t help but put on her face.

“I found you!” War God’s perception, ‘Soul-lock Talisman’ discovered the location of Lord Arthur, and Lord Arthur teleported continuously over a long distance, but stopped soon.

War God has no accident that Lord Arthur’s long-distance teleportation ability can threaten the existence of Temple of War. How could it be possible without some special abilities.

In his view, Lord Arthur obviously sensed the lock of the Soul-lock Talisman, and then used some kind of secret technique to get rid of it. After several long-distance teleportations, he found that he could not get rid of it. Soul-lock Talisman’s lock was locked, and he gave up avoiding it.

War God sensed the location of Lord Arthur, and then mobilized the strength of Faith from the nearest Temple of War branch.

The priests and priests of the Temple of War branch suddenly saw a golden beam of light rise from the Temple of War branch. The golden beam turned into a strange golden pattern and flew away.

The priests and priests don’t know what happened. This kind of thing has never happened before. Even if the priests used the super large divine technique, they needed to call the strength of faith of the temple, they would say hello in advance.

The chief priest of the Temple of War sub-temple was expression excited. He chanted the War God “Book of Gods” loudly. He understood that this kind of person who had the power to call the strength of faith without saying hello was only their Lord.

The rest of the priests and priests also reacted and chanted the War God “Book of Gods” loudly along with the chief priest.

David sensed the energy fluctuation of the strength of Faith, and he looked up towards the direction of the energy fluctuation.

In his mental perception, a divine runes composed of strength of Faith flew over. Because strength of Faith divine runes has no quality, the speed is so fast that it is unimaginable.

This strength of Faith divine runes did not even breathe from discovery to approach in David’s mental perception.

Know that David’s mental range is 1000 kilometers away, and the strength of Faith divine runes can’t cross this distance in one breath, and the movement speed of the strength of Faith divine runes can be seen.

Strength of Faith divine runes appeared about 500 metres away from David. The golden light of divine runes flourished, and then the divine runes turned into a giant golden gate suspended in space.

Many of the creeping Spiritual God patterns appear on the golden giant gate like reliefs. David has a feeling that those Spiritual Gods are Spiritual Gods that War God defeated.

These Spiritual Gods, whether they live or die, are now appearing on the golden giant gate in this form of shame.

The image of Spiritual God is not sculpted at will. If the image of Spiritual God is carved, Spiritual God will pay attention to it.

The fallen Spiritual God is better. If the Spiritual God is alive, then Spiritual God’s attention will fall on the head, and even the Spiritual God curse will follow.

In this way, War God ignored the dignity of many Spiritual Gods and demonstrated its Supreme nobility.

In David’s observation, the golden giant door opened silently.

Behind the golden gate, the melodious music, the blue sky, and the religious singing all show the out of the ordinary of the world behind the gate.

War God wears dark golden armor and holds a golden battle axe, but the energy contained in this golden battle axe is far less than the one David got last time.

War God walked out of the golden giant gate. He saw David alone, but he was a little surprised.

“Arthur Luce, I finally found you!” War God didn’t want to do it right away. Although the sound cannot be transmitted in space, the penetration of his voice broke this rule, just like Hong Zhong The sound enters David’s ears.

David didn’t care about it. “Divine Item Knight armor” appeared on his body, a pair of energy feather wings appeared behind him, and six Divine Item ‘Death God chains’ were flying on both sides of the wings.

There is a huge gap between his height of two meters and the height of War God two hundred meters, and it seems that he can’t resist even War God’s fingers.

“War God, in order to trade with insect race world, you have made a plan to treat me as a trade item. Last time I killed your goddess body, this time we will fight again!” David solemnly replied.

David felt the blood flow all over his body accelerating, and the sense of majesty from the War God body, with the resolution of World Tree, naturally couldn’t really suppress him.

“You can’t escape. Believe me wholeheartedly, and I can give you a way to survive!” War God ignored David’s ignorance, and he said like alms.

As the voice of War God rang out, the bewildering voice flooded into David’s brain.

David felt the bewitching from War God, but he didn’t need to fight it himself. The bewitching sound just entered the Soul Space Small World and was dissipated by the energy of World Tree.

Don’t talk about the credibility of War God’s words, that is, War God really wants David to believe in him, and David will not do that.

If you believe in War God, David has lost all protection. All of David’s secrets will be exposed to War God, allowing War God to observe.

David has believers himself, and he fully understands how much Spiritual God controls believers.

“War God, don’t use this little trick, don’t make me look down on you!” David loudly said.

“haha!” War God’s laughter made the space tremble. He said to David after he laughed: “Arthur Luce, I will write your name in the Book of Gods, and your image will Will appear on the door of faith and be remembered by me along with those Spiritual Gods who have been defeated!”

It can be seen that in War God’s perception, he is very fond of David.

David sensed that War God was about to make a move, and he didn’t hesitate anymore. While his mind moved slightly, three silhouettes appeared from the ‘Divine Item Space Card’.

David himself plunged into the’Divine Item space card’, and the spirit of Black Dragon Alexis swept over the hidden’Divine Item space card’, placing the’Divine Item space card’ under the protection of his dragon scales .

Under normal circumstances, after David enters the ‘Divine Item Space Card’, the ‘Divine Item Space Card’ is safe to hide in the space.

But the current situation is not normal, and the fluctuations of the battle can break the space.

“Black Dragon, insect race, when did Giant Dragon Race and insect race join forces?” War God saw the three Divine Grade suddenly appearing, and then asked slightly.

War God’s expression is extremely serious. If Giant Dragon Race really joins forces with insect race, it will be a big trouble.

At this moment, ‘Black Dragon Alexis’ took out a golden tomahawk. The golden axe changed from small when it was taken out to large enough that ‘Black Dragon Alexis’ was suitable for use.

Feeling the familiar energy fluctuations, War God looked at this Divine Item which was created by him and strengthened tens of thousands of years in various ways. This was originally his own weapon, but now it falls on In the hands of Black Dragon.

Black Dragon Alexis is very proud of holding the golden battle axe, which he asked for from David.

Although this Divine Item originally belonged to War God, it has been re-cleaned by Black Dragon Alexis, and there is no trace of War God.

Even in the presence of War God, War God cannot recall the Divine Item golden battle axe.

Black Dragon Alexis is certainly not boring. After studying the Innate Ability of ‘War God’, he found that the description of the use of tomahawks in ‘War God’ Innate Ability is the most, and the rest of the fighting skills need to be summarized by himself.

Because of the great probability of fighting War God, Black Dragon Alexis has been using the Divine Item golden battle axe for a period of time to be familiar with the battle method of this weapon.

Black Dragon Alexis attaches great importance to fighting with War God. Although there are two insect race Divine Grade Avatars beside him to help, this is War God.

Perhaps the rest of the Great World’s lives cannot understand Black Dragon Alexis’ emotions towards War God. War God, God of Justice, God of Wealth, God of Earth, God of Knowledge, these five Spiritual Gods swept the entire Great Spiritual World .

Among them, the War God performed the most bravely. As a spiritual god, he had never failed in close battles with the Divine Grade of the cultivation success god, putting all the enemy Spiritual Gods in the Great Spiritual World underfoot.

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