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David laughed, he knew very well in his heart that if he showed weaker battle strength and could be crushed to death by any temple in the Four Great God Palaces, the Four Great God Palaces would definitely crush him to death.

The reason why David sent the two insect race Divine Grade Avatars back to the insect race world immediately after the battle with Temple of War to shrink the Black Dragon Alexis to the size of a kitten and hide his divine force breath. Shows that his Divine Grade helper does not exist in Great Spiritual World.

But even with this kind of expression, he still needs to wait for Four Great God Palaces to deal with the choice, this kind of feeling is very bad, and his fate is in the hands of others.

Although Four Great God Palaces has expressed it now, this is far from a long-term meaning. Everything depends on his own strength.

David opened one of the wooden boxes and saw three ‘perfect kryptonite crystal stones’ inside. He didn’t feel much joy in his heart.

For Demi-God, this gift is neither light nor heavy. The “perfect kryptonite crystal stone” is one of the rarest resources in the Great Spiritual World, and it is also the most versatile resource.

Most of the output is controlled by the temple, and only a small amount of the “perfect kryptonite crystal stone” produced will be allocated by the highest council.

David opened the other three wooden boxes again, all of which were the same three ‘perfect kryptonite crystal stones’. The temple maintained an amazing consistency in this regard.

He entered the thank you content on the lord-level contact array and sent them to the Archbishop of Four Great God Palaces.

“It seems that I can continue to rebuild Garmi Star!” After finishing this, David said with a faint smile.

After finishing the meal, David sent Speaker Gould out of the castle, and Speaker Gould found a bright light outside the castle.

Speaker Gould looked up at the sky, and saw a beam of white radiance shot at the castle from a very high point, illuminating the castle and its vicinity all the way to the planet-level Transmission Gate.

Speaker Gould stood in the rays of light, feeling warm all over, like a priest performing the ‘blessing divine technique’.

‘Blessing divine technique’ is a low-level divine technique. Its function is to increase the resistance of the subject’s body and mind, so that the subject can avoid curses and Hypnosis attacks.

Although Speaker Gould felt that rays of light were like ‘blessing divine technique’, he didn’t believe it would be ‘blessing divine technique’.

Because he has never heard of anyone who uses the ‘blessing divine technique’ as lighting. There is a simpler divine technique in the divine technique, which consumes less and is more economical.

Furthermore, using the ‘blessing divine technique’ as lighting is a kind of blasphemy compared to the Spiritual God of faith.

“Arthur, what is that?” Speaker Gould asked David curiously.

How could Speaker Gould not be curious? The more he feels, the more sure he can be sure that the rays of light with white illumination are the ‘blessing divine technique’, and how many sacrifices are needed for such a large area of ​​‘blessing divine technique’.

“That’s my trophy!” David replied with a smile.

“Can you go and have a look?” Speaker Gould’s curiosity couldn’t be restrained. Of course, there were enough reasons for his relationship with David to make such a request.

“Okay, go and see!” David hesitated slightly before agreeing.

President David and Gould rose into the air and flew towards the sky.

The ‘Extinguishing Soul Temple’ is high in the sky, protected by a divine runes array during the day, and only a cloud can be seen from the ground.

David left the extinguishing soul hall in space here for the safety of Garmi Star. With the huge might of extinguishing soul hall in space, plus the Garmi Star defense system that is being restored, next time The incoming enemy will receive a stronger counterattack.

At night, the ‘Extinguishing Soul Hall of Space Destruction’ provides lighting below. This is mainly normal. David lives alone in Garmi Star. The ‘Extinguishing Soul Hall of Space Destruction’ provides lighting very convenient.

Because the ‘Extinguishing Soul Palace’ is being manufactured for war service, it is not at all the divine runes array of the life class, and there is no divine technique like lighting.

The ‘blessing divine technique’ has the longest effect, and at the same time it consumes relatively little strength of Faith, which is in line with the function of lighting. David also chose the ‘blessing divine technique’ to act as lighting.

As for blaspheming the Spiritual God, the Spiritual God named ‘Destruction’ is himself. How can he blaspheme if he serves himself?

The Speaker Gould saw the huge temple. He didn’t recognize the source of the temple for a while, but he quickly remembered the information from Temple of War.

In the intelligence, Lord Arthur attacked the Space Temple of War, causing thousands of ascetics to fall, and the Space Temple of War missing.

Now it seems that the Space Temple of War was used by Lord Arthur, but Speaker Gould looked at the outer wall of the ‘Extinguishing Soul Temple’, hesitated to say something.

“Gould, just say anything!” David saw what Speaker Gould meant, said with a smile.

“Arthur, you don’t believe in any Spiritual God, do you?” Speaker Gould asked carefully.

President Gould was worried that David wanted to quickly improve his strength, so he chose to believe in Spiritual God that can provide powerful power.

This kind of thing has appeared too much in the history of Great Spiritual World. Evil God always uses various benefits to entice human beings. Once tempted, certain benefits can be obtained in the short term, but in the long term it is a kind of Great danger.

The consequence of believing in Evil God is to completely oppose the five major temples.

Although the five major temples have chosen to maintain a relationship with David, if he knows that he believes in Evil God, then he must join forces to encircle him.

“No, with my strength cultivated to Demi-God, who can be worthy of my faith!” David laughed and shook his head.

The pride and pride in his words made Speaker Gould feel relieved.

President Gould actually wanted to ask how this ‘Space Destruction extinguishing soul hall’ works, but thinking that this might involve some of David’s secrets, he just thought about not at all and asked.

When seeing the relief outside the ‘Extinguishing Soul Hall of Space Destruction’, Speaker Gould guessed that this was a Spiritual God that had never appeared before.

According to the content shown on the relief, this is a great Spiritual God, who opened up the Great World and is the god of creation.

This will definitely not be the Spiritual God of the Great Spiritual World. Speaker Gould doesn’t have to worry about anything, because even if David believes in the Spiritual God of the Great Spiritual World, it doesn’t matter to the temple.

For the Spiritual God of the foreign world, the temple cannot identify it as evil, let alone its followers.

More importantly, this Spiritual God is the God of Creation. This Spiritual God is very special. In his Great World, the God of Creation is omnipotent, and destruction and rebirth are just a matter of fingertips.

Speaker Gould thought in his heart, he only watched all around the ‘Extinguishing Soul Temple in Space’, not at all asking to enter the temple.

The temple is an area that believers can only enter. Speaker Gould is able to visit outside, which is already a lot of face.

“Arthur, I know you can invite the Spiritual God of the foreign world, but I hope you don’t let the foreign world Spiritual God invade the Great Spiritual World!” Speaker Gould said solemnly to David when he was leaving.

“The Great Spiritual World is also my hometown, I will not let the foreign world Spiritual God invade!” David assured.

Speaker Gould left Garmi Star with a smile, and his only worry was removed.

He believes in David very much, and David will not deceive him.

After David sent away Speaker Gould, he looked towards the “Extinguishing Soul Hall of Space Destruction” in the sky. Just as Speaker Gould worried, the operation of the “Extinguishing Soul Palace of Space Destruction” made it easy to suspect that other Spiritual Gods were involved. among them.

His mind moved, and the Divine Idol rays of light in the main hall of the ‘Extinguishing Soul Hall’ flashed, and an opaque silver energy shield rose outside the ‘Extinguishing Soul Hall of the Space’.

The silver energy shield reflects the light all around, and the huge ‘Extinguishing Soul Hall’ is strangely disappeared out of thin air.

This is optical invisibility. This is not the ability of the ‘Extinguishing Soul Hall of Space Destruction’, but David’s installation of an optical stealth system from the Interstellar Federation in the ‘Extinguishing Soul Hall of Space Destruction’.

He is now the deputy commander of the Federal Headquarters in the Interstellar Federation, the military leader level existence. This military-level optical stealth system is not troublesome to obtain, and even the technology can be read at will.

“Annabella Legendary, you can come back!” David thought of Annabella Legendary again. She was not allowed to return because she was worried about the attitude of Four Great God Palaces. Now Four Great God Palaces has made it clear that there is no crisis and can be recalled Annabella Legendary is here.

With Annabella Legendary in, Garmi Star’s reconstruction work, some things that require external contact do not need David to come forward.

For those materials contacted by Speaker Gould, someone will be responsible for receiving matters.

Not ten minutes after the message was sent, Annabella Legendary returned to Garmi Star through the planet-level Transmission Gate.

A smile appeared on her face after seeing that her castle was safe and sound.

Perhaps not many people understand Annabella Legendary’s feelings for Garmi Star. This is her real home. After leaving Temple of War and losing the Temple of War home, this castle built for her became Her home.

Annabella Legendary did not meet Lord Arthur, she is also used to this mode of getting along, Lord Arthur’s cultivation is extremely crazy.

Even if Annabella Legendary lives in Garmi Star for a long time, it is rare to meet Lord Arthur.

Walking into her castle, she saw a space ring on the table in the hall.

Annabella Legendary picked up the space ring and scanned it with spirit, and found that it was full of spiritual object fruits. She understood that this was the cultivation resource given to her by Lord Arthur.

While being grateful, Annabella Legendary also took over Garmi Star’s external work, which she is very familiar with.

It seems that everything has gone back to the past, and there has been no conflict between the senior leaders of Great Spiritual World.

Only some nobles talk about the successive fall of the three Archbishops of Temple of War. As for the battle between War God and the three Divine Grade, it is only circulated among a few top nobles.

Lytton star, a planet originally belonging to the Lytton family, was later given to David by Templar Knight Aviad of the Lytton family.

This planet has always been managed by Steward Dickens. Lytton Star has a complete management system. Steward Dickens only needs to check the accounts.

As for whether these managers who originally belonged to the Lytton family will do anything to harm Lord Arthur, Steward Dickens is not worried at all, because as long as the Lytton family is not crazy, they will not actively provoke Lord Arthur, let alone these now It belongs to the manager of the Luce Family.

Lytton star has a large island called Tijie Island, where it is the planting base of alchemical crops. Since several alchemical crops planted require a lot of manual management, there are 1,000,000 farmers living on Tijie Island.

The city on Tijie Island has been evacuated long ago, and most of them are empty. There are no nobles left. At present, only a Dixon manager is in charge of management.

Don’t talk about Tijie Island, but the entire Lytton star originally belonged to the private leader of the Lytton family. The nobles who originally lived on Tijie Island were all related to the Lytton family, part of the clansman branch, and part of it Take refuge in the nobles of the Lytton family.

After the Lytton star changed hands, of course these nobles also moved out. All they could take away were their own personal items. They didn’t even dare to take away the decorations in the castle.

David’s rise was so fast that he was almost too late to accept the refusal of low-level aristocrats, and he had become a top-level aristocrat with a huge territory.

For a long time afterwards, David was either cultivation or busy, and he almost stopped dealing with affairs. This also made it impossible for other low-level nobles to seek refuge.

This also caused the extreme lack of the nobles in David’s territory. Of course, the situation of Lytton Star is better. There has long been a complete management system. As long as the manager gives orders, there are long-standing regulations and rules below. That’s it.

Without the nobility, there will be no Knight. This was originally not a major event, Lord Arthur’s territory, who would dare to have any fancy.

Tonight’s Tijie Island, dark clouds cover the entire Tijie Island, this kind of large-scale dark clouds is very rare in this season.

Many old farmers are looking towards the sky, wondering about today’s abnormality.

In the dark cloud, a small arc was produced, and then the arc flickered around in the dark cloud, causing more arcs.

Just like a chain reaction, a large number of electric arcs emerged in the dark clouds, and the dark clouds in the dark sky showed a strange light.

The animals on Tijie Island first discovered that something was wrong, and they all crawled on the ground, seeming to want to blend their bodies into the mud.

The arc accumulated in the dark cloud finally reached its extreme, one after another lightning fell from the dark cloud and struck the island of Tijie below.

The houses made of stone blocks are also extremely strong, even if they live for a hundred years, they will not have any impact, but after a flash of lightning, the houses will be detonated and instantly turned into fragments.

The peasant family in the private house was scorched by the electric light, and after the soul was separated, it was attracted by an inexplicable suction.

This is just one of them. Countless lightning bolts fell. Almost all the houses on Tijie Island were attacked. Millions of farmers died and their souls disappeared.

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