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When it was actually sent out, David discovered that Baron Dubois was also riding a war horse. He always thought that Baron Dubois’s mount was just the flying eagle.

“David, come here!” Baron Dubois beckoned to David.

Wearing outer skeleton armor, David came to Baron Dubois’s side.

“This is for you to use, you can activate it if you have energy. Although there is no battle strength, there is no problem on the way!” Baron Dubois threw a ring to David and said.

David took the ring, and he didn’t hide it. Baron Dubois knew his exceptional spirit, so he swept the ring with his spirit and found that there was a war horse in the ring.

The lifeform sign of the warhorse is very weak and requires very low consumption, just like dormancy.

“Dubois Uncle, is this a war horse?” David asked somewhat unexpectedly.

David thinks that war horses need to spend time with their owners, and they are connected with each other. How could Baron Dubois throw a ring with a war horse inside so that David can have a war horse!

“This is not a war horse, or it is not a war horse in the true sense. This is a war horse stripped from the Knight who made a mistake. The intelligence of the war horse has been forcibly erased, leaving only the instinct to obey the ring’s owner’s order. There is no war horse and the owner. Contact, there is no special ability such as life sharing, so this can only be regarded as a transportation tool with the physical strength of a horse!” Baron Dubois explained with a smile.

“So it is!” David nodded said.

If it was so easy to get a horse, then how could Knight Miller be so sad after the death of Knight Miller’s horse.

Thinking of Knight Miller’s horse problem, David used his spirit to scan Knight Miller’s horse and found that Knight Miller’s horse was also the same as his horse at this time. It could not be in contact with the owner. It was just a means of transportation.

In this way, Knight Miller participated in this mission, and Baron Dubois took him to visit more often.

It is estimated that only a powerhouse like Baron Dubois can dare to take his family’s descendants to the depths of the War Star insect race occupied area.

David touched a pattern on the ring with his spirit, and then a white light emitted from the ring, and a majestic horse appeared beside him.

The horse bowed to David, waiting for him to sit on his horse.

David has never ridden a war horse before, but with his strength, riding a war horse is not a problem at all.

There is a set of horse armor on the war horse, but David does not need to bother, he just needs to sit on it.

“David, watch my movements!” Knight Miller said as he walked to David’s side with the horse.

David knew that Knight Miller was here to teach him, and he did not refuse. The horse is the mount of the Great Spiritual World Knight, and Knight naturally knows how to control it better.

Knight Miller turned on his horse, the whole movement was very light and agile.

David’s spirit passed 8 o’clock, which made him fully remembered in the heart just by watching Knight Miller perform it once. In addition, his agility is not low, and his strength control is extremely strong. It is easy to copy Knight. Miller’s launching action.

Knight Miller did not wonder about David’s learning speed. In his mind, David is a top genius. It is not surprising to have such learning ability.

This first section of the road did not require scouts, so David followed Knight Miller to learn how to control the horses. Many of these are Knight’s unique skills, but these skills do not need to be kept secret. There is no such thing as Great Spiritual World, a warhorse cultivated by Knight since childhood.

Not to mention ordinary horses on the battlefield, just close to the insect race will collapse to the ground, and ordinary horses can’t bear David’s outer skeleton armor and multiple pieces of equipment.

Just an hour later, David was able to steer the horse like Knight Miller.

David also understood why Baron Dubois gave him a horse. He can hang his equipment and items on the horse’s back. When he needs to move, the horse can be controlled by Knight Miller, and he will act lightly.

After he really entered the area occupied by the insect race, David didn’t need Baron Dubois’ command, and he directly handed the horse to Knight Miller, and walked forward quickly.

In fact, David doesn’t need to be like this. The Shadow Servant above his head can see all the conditions all around a few kilometers clearly, but he can’t be too much, so he needs to show what a scout should be. .

The 3 Transcendents and 3 Knights felt very strange. In the subsequent march, David informed Transcendent Buckley of the direction of movement through the channel from time to time. The team traveled in the insect race occupied area for a day, and none of them encountered one. Level 1 insect race.

Only a few insect race larvae found them when they got out of the ground, but the larvae could not give an alarm at all, and of course they did not let the larvae live.

Because they couldn’t fly, they only advanced 400 kilometers a day. This was because David, a scout, allowed them to move forward without scruples in order to maintain such a fast speed.

At this speed, you can reach the destination in up to 5 days, which is the most ideal state.

“Let’s rest here today, and move on tomorrow morning!” Baron Dubois looked at the sky and ordered.

It is definitely the most unwise choice to act in the occupied area of ​​the insect race at night. David cannot guarantee that the team will not be discovered by the insect race at night. The darkness affects the observation of Shadow Servant in the air.

The place Baron Dubois chose to rest was the nest of a Level 2 insect race. Of course, this Level 2 insect race did not survive and was killed by Baron Dubois.

Knight Miller first enters the nest, lights a stick of incense and inserts it in the nest. A scent drives out the unique smell of insect race in the whole nest.

“David, this is an insect-controlling incense. In addition to getting rid of bad smells, it can also prevent low-level insect races from approaching here!” Knight Miller saw David’s curiosity and explained with a smile.

It can be seen that Knight Miller has been prepared for a long time, otherwise, although the people here are powerful, it is not a comfortable thing to spend a night in the smelly insect nest.

The lair is very large, can fully accommodate everyone in the team, and is very spacious.

Knight Miller took out another magic amulet and activated it. There was a flash on the magic amulet, and between the white light flashes, an invisible energy barrier appeared at the mouth of the lair.

When Transcendent Buckley saw Knight Miller’s movements, the corners of his mouth couldn’t help being twitched. He used a precious magic amulet just for rest, which made it hard for him to accept.

“This energy barrier can make the outside imperceptible to the inside, and if you want to break into the lair, it will immediately alarm us!” Knight Miller continued to explain to David.

Knight Miller now looks like a child’s beloved toy, which needs to be shown off to his companions. Everyone who can come to War Star at the Normally Great Spiritual World knows these things.

Knight Miller was unfamiliar with the people of the Federation, coupled with the estrangement between himself and the Federation, he would not say anything to the Federation, which made Knight Miller who likes to show off has no object to show off. At this time, I met David. , I found the opportunity.

“Miller, prepare dinner!” Baron Dubois frowned said.

He couldn’t understand Knight Miller’s childish performance. Knight Miller followed in this operation, but it was not really idle. Knight Miller was responsible for the logistics of this mission.

“Okay, Uncle!” Knight Miller responded immediately.

He took out the allocated 7 pieces of beef from his own space item, then took out a weird stove, stuffed a kryptonite crystal inside, and then flames rose from the stove.

Knight Miller took out a frying pan and some spices from the space item, and was about to start doing it, but David stopped it.

“Miller, let me do this!” David said with a smile.

“David, can you do it?” Knight Miller asked with a chuckle, stopping his hand.

Knight Miller himself has received wild survival training. Of course, this wild survival training is not survival training without food, but training how to make satisfactory food while carrying space items.

“Don’t worry, the food I made is not bad!” David thought of the’cooking (99% Perfection)’ ability on the attribute panel, and said confidently.

Knight Miller passed the frying pan in his hand to David. He didn’t want to make dinner either. He knew how uncle Baron Dubois tasted, and the food he made had never been praised by Baron Dubois.

Since David wanted to take over the dinner task, Knight Miller would not insist.

David opened the seasoning prepared by Knight Miller and took a look. He couldn’t help hooking the head. He turned to the horse and took down the package, taking out the seasoning he had brought from it.

After that, Knight Miller saw David’s skillful cooking of beef. In his opinion, he was not at all special. But when the aroma of beef was permeating, the taste reminded him of the family’s old steward.

The old steward that Knight Miller thought of was not the steward in the War Star upper castle, but the old steward in the Great Spiritual World. The main dish of every banquet in the family was taken by old steward himself, and the guests were full of praise every time.

Even Baron Dubois on the side was attracted. The gaze looking towards David was full of curiosity. He had seen a genius, but it was the first time he saw a genius like David who had performed well in many ways.

At this time, David is not only using the top cooking master’s ability to cook, but also his other innate talent at this time.

‘Flash Fire Art’ is an Innate Ability that David thinks is a tasteless existence. David thought it was just a useless Innate Ability that was ignited with his fingers. When he was frying beef, he found that’Flash Fire Art’ could easily control the fire in the stove. The flame can make the flame bigger or smaller, and the temperature higher or lower, completely within his grasp.

This allows his’cooking master’ ability to get more play, and even the taste of the fried beef he made breaks through the level 1 of the’cooking master’ and enters another realm.

A dinner greatly admired everyone in the team. Although there was only a portion of beef, it was just this food that made them full.

Everyone in this lair is not an ordinary person. They have a wide range of knowledge and eat a lot, but this fried beef made in the wild is the best they have ever eaten. food.

“David, you will be responsible for our food in the future. As for the ingredients, you will ask Miller!” Baron Dubois recalled the taste of fried beef. If this is not the wild, he wants David to cook more. In order to have the opportunity to enjoy this class of food again, he still made a request.

Baron Dubois’s request was immediately approved by all three Transcendent, Knight Kade and Knight Miller.

At around 2 o’clock on 5nd day, when everyone was resting, David had taken out the soaked’Earth Vein Tree Leaves’ water from the horse’s package, plus Level 3 fortified meat suits, and then walked out of the lair. I practiced’Golden Spirit Body Forging Art’ and’jujutsu’.

David has the ability to concealed aura. Even if he is standing outside, as long as he is not seen directly by the insect race, he cannot be found. This is why David dared to leave the lair.

“It’s no wonder that David can have the current achievements, and in the federal cultivation system, he can still have such achievements!” Baron Dubois opened his eyes and exclaimed when David left the lair for cultivation.

Baron Dubois looked at Knight Miller who was sleeping again, and had the urge to kick him up.

David’s efforts make Knight Miller’s laziness even more apparent. Of course, if Knight Miller is sober, he is afraid that he will be wronged. His spirit is not as good as David. Walking in such a dangerous place, although David is a scout, Knight Miller still consumes It takes a lot of energy and needs a lot of sleep to supplement it.

After David’s cultivation was over, he took out the ingredients from his package. Of course, he asked Shadow Servant to take out some of the ingredients from the space item and put them in the package, and then borrowed the Knight Miller stove to make breakfast.

When the aroma of breakfast spread in the nest, everyone woke up, each and everyone craned their necks to look at David who was distributing breakfast.

David if there is an opportunity to check his attribute panel, you will find that among the innate talents of his attribute panel, there is another grandmaster level ability, but this ability is not at all any battle strength, because of this new promotion The grandmaster level ability is’cooking (1% perfect)’.

Last night, David achieved a new realm of’cooking’ ability through the combination of’Flash Fire Art’ and’cooking (99% Perfection)’. Even if the environment is so simple, the food produced is far beyond the previous one.

David also noticed some anomalies, but he thought it was just the effect of mixing the two abilities. He has not yet discovered that he has become the “cooking Grandmaster” of genuine.

At the end of breakfast, the sky was already bright outside, everyone packed their equipment and set off again.

David rushed to the front again and became the scout for this team.

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