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David is also not polite. He has outer skeleton armor. Although it has undergone some anti-electric treatment, it is difficult to avoid any problems under the action of strong lightning.

There is a’magic amulet’ that protects against lightning attacks, which can better protect the outer skeleton’s armor from damage.

Armored Soldier like David, without the outer skeleton armor, its combat power will be horribly low.

Just think about power reduction ten times, defense is reduced to slightly stronger than ordinary person, Armored Soldier will become extremely vulnerable.

Even without being attacked, the extreme cold of the’thunderbolt valley’ made David unable to bear without the protection of outer skeleton armor.

David stuck the’magic talisman’ on the outer skeleton armor, and then turned on the inner circulation system of the outer skeleton armor, and also increased the energy input for the thermostat system.

The 3 Transcendents are also preparing to enter the’thunderbolt valley’. The’Transcendent armor’ is superior to the outer skeleton armor in defense and other aspects. In addition, the Transcendent itself is far superior to the Armored Soldier’s physique, making them more secure. For promotion.

Baron Dubois didn’t have much preparation. His strong strength is the best preparation, and Knight Kade is the same. Apart from Baron Dubois, he is the safest here, because he also has a life-sharing horse.

As for Knight Miller, he took out several’magic charms’ and held them in his hands. The armor on his body even flashed white radiance, making his body appear with multiple defensive shields.

“Enter the’thunderbolt valley’!” Baron Dubois was indifferent to the waste of Knight Miller, perhaps the infinitely precious’magic talisman’ for the Federation, for them is an ordinary consumable.

With a command from Baron Dubois, the team marched towards the’thunderbolt valley’.

This time David was not at all at the front, but stayed in the middle of the team with Knight Miller, Baron Dubois and Knight Kade in front, and 3 Transcendents behind.

When David rode a war horse into the’thunderbolt valley’, the temperature on his visor immediately showed a red alarm, which was an alarm when the temperature outside the outer skeleton armor reached extremely dangerous.

David can feel that the outer skeleton armored engine has increased the extraction of kryptonite crystals to provide more energy for the constant temperature system.

The war horse riding behind David was not affected by the cold at all, still carrying him along with the team.

As soon as the team entered the’thunderbolt valley’ ten meters, several lightning bolts shot at several people. Everyone here except Baron Dubois suffered a lightning attack.

A wooden shield appeared in Knight Kade’s hand, and he easily shot the lightning away.

It can be seen that Knight Kade was well prepared for this operation. Otherwise, how could there be a wooden shield? You must know that wooden shields have no effect in War Star.

The 3-digit Transcendent silhouette flashed in succession, and even though it avoided most of the lightning attacks, it was still swept by the aftermath of the lightning.

Knight Miller was struck by lightning, and the energy shield on his body shook lightly for 2 times, not at all the remaining losses.

David perceives the danger one step ahead of time, which is probably related to his spirit exceeding 8 points, but even if he perceives the danger one step ahead, the speed of the lightning is still too fast, so fast that he cannot avoid the danger in time.

So a bolt of lightning fell straight on him like this, the’magic talisman’ on his body flashed a white light, and then the lightning hitting his body was instantly cancelled out.

“I forgot, our equipment is metal!” Knight Miller said with a tap of his head.

Knight Miller knew that metal is easy to attract lightning, but he only thought of defense outside the valley, not at all.

Of course, only he and David need to consider these. The rest of the people, as powerhouses, would not think about whether their equipment is attracted by lightning.

When the three Transcendent and David heard what Knight Miller said, they couldn’t help but look at their own equipment. David didn’t say anything. It was impossible for him to take off the equipment.

The three Transcendents also couldn’t help laughing. They also need the’Transcendent armor’ to increase their own strength, otherwise, with their real combat power, without the’Transcendent armor’, 3 can’t even protect themselves if there is danger.

“David, I’ll add an isolation talisman to you!” Knight Miller took out two more’magic talisman’ from the space ring, one blessed one for himself and activated it and threw it at David.

The’magic amulet’ turned into a white light pattern in the air, and then turned into an energy shield covering David’s body, together with the horse under David’s body.

David felt that this energy shield completely isolates him from the outside world, but what is amazing is that his perception of the outside world is not at all any decline. This isolation is one-way.

Transcendent Buckley saw the energy shield on David, and wanted to ask Knight Miller for an energy shield, but he couldn’t speak.

There is no friendship between him and Knight Miller, and Knight Miller has no intention to give him the initiative.

Knight Kade saw Knight Miller’s actions, his face turned red, and he took out a’magic talisman’ and blessed himself with an isolation shield.

Knight Kade also forgot the attractiveness of the metal armor on his body to lightning. It is estimated that only Baron Dubois is powerful here. I don’t know what method was used to hide the metal breath on his body.

Shadow Servant has not been affected either. The space in which Shadow Servant is located is very special. As long as Shadow Servant does not take the initiative to reveal itself, it will not be affected by lightning.

The Shadow Servant is flying 100 meters above the valley, where the red fog and valley cold are rubbing against each other. Electricity and light constantly appear here. When the electric light accumulates to a certain level, it will gather into a lightning bolt.

Through the eyes of Shadow Servant, David saw the formation of several lightning bolts, and then these lightning bolts flew downward as if attracted by an object.

Several lightning bolts were all attracted by the 3 Transcendents, and the 3 Transcendent silhouettes flashed in a row, embarrassing.

“Miller, how do you do logistics!” Baron Dubois shouted in a deep voice to Knight Miller.

“Uncle, I thought they didn’t need it, and they didn’t say it!” Knight Miller murmured softly, then took out 3’magic charms’, activated them and threw them to 3 Transcendents.

Baron Dubois was also lazy to say more to Knight Miller. For this action, he asked’Master Alchemist’ to make many’magic charms’ for various purposes.

It has not been used before, but also to let everyone feel the formidable power of the’thunderbolt valley’.

“Many thanks!” Transcendent Buckley nodded to Knight Miller and thanked Baron Dubois.

All it takes is a’magic talisman’, and the original feeling of being stared at by lightning disappears. David even sees the lightning in the sky reappearing through Shadow Servant, not at all continue to select members of the attacking team, but randomly select position.

In this case, it would be bad luck to be attacked by lightning, and you can’t blame others.

The team traveled a certain distance, and no lightning attack happened. The three Transcendents also relaxed and began to observe the scenery all around.

The’thunderbolt valley’ is supposed to be attacked by lightning all the year round. The ground is full of scorched black, and there are vitrification of sand and stone caused by instant high temperature in many places on the ground.

In a low temperature environment, people mistakenly think it is like ice.

David’s viewing angle is different from all others. He observes below through the perspective of Shadow Servant.

Suddenly he saw a strange electric light. This electric light didn’t descend from the air, but after a distant lightning disappeared, the electric light not at all disappeared completely, and there was an electric light moving fast.

“Be careful!” David saw the electric light rushing towards Knight Miller and immediately reminded him.

This electric light does not at all pass in the direction of Baron Dubois, but shoots from the direction of the 3 Transcendents behind to Knight Miller. Although the 3 Transcendent responds, it is a step slower. The electric light passes through the 3 Transcendents and shoots towards Knight Miller. .

Knight Miller reacted almost instantaneously. A Level 3 shield appeared in his hand, and he blocked this shield in front of him.

Because of the lightning-proof’magic talisman’, Knight Miller was not at all worried about the lightning attack. Seeing the electric light was not strong, he did not see the electric light in his eyes.

Dianguang collided with the Level 3 shield, and Knight Miller shook his body and almost fell off the horse.

In fact, Knight Miller is not at all so weak. The main reason is that the horse under him is not the horse he cultivated. Any help to him is not at all, which makes him face the electric light alone, plus This happened only when he underestimated the electric light.

Baron Dubois looked at him coldly. In fact, he had already seen something, but he just didn’t ask.

The moment the electric light collided with the Level 3 shield, the electric light stopped for a moment. After the electric light stopped, it appeared a white scorpion with electric light flashing all over the body.

David was not far away from Knight Miller. With a strong force on his legs, the horse underneath him approached Knight Miller. David removed the’Sharp Heavy Axe’ from behind.

When he was five meters away from Knight Miller, the spirit line had been locked on the white scorpion, and David did not hesitate to slap Heavy Axe.

At the same time when David was swinging Heavy Axe, a lightning bolt in the sky struck Knight Miller. The speed of the lightning was faster than David swinging Heavy Axe.

David thought that the’Sharp Heavy Axe’ that could be hit 100% was magically lost.

You must know that in his perception, this white scorpion is a Level 3 insect race. At this distance, the attack speed blessing with the spirit line will not hit him in the air.

David saw very clearly that the lightning hit Knight Miller, but the lightning-resistant’magic talisman’ on Knight Miller’s body made this lightning not at all effective.

But the white scorpion was disappeared by the scattered electric light after the lightning hit Knight Miller. David saw that the white scorpion seemed to turn into electric light, but he could not determine which of the four scattered electric light the white scorpion was.

This was the first time David swung an axe and failed after he became the’Heavy Axe Grandmaster’, and under the premise of using the’Spirit Slashing Heavy Axe Technique’ to generate a spirit line under certain circumstances.

“It’s’Electric Scorpio’!” Baron Dubois said solemnly at this time.

It is the first time for David, who has excellent grades, to hear the name “Electric Light Scorpio”. The name of this kind of insect race must have not appeared in the textbook, otherwise he would not know it.

This is the pride of a schoolmaster. Although David’s knowledge is not really learned, but obtained through a light ball of knowledge, he is also a 100% schoolmaster.

Not only David, but even the 3-digit Transcendent is at a loss.

“‘Electric Scorpio’ is extremely rare. They are a special insect race that lives in a lightning environment. They live in symbiosis with lightning. They can be incarnation as part of lightning, or they can use themselves to guide the direction of lightning attack!” Baron Dubois continued Explained.

“David, your axe is very difficult to deal with. If it weren’t for the incarnation of the’Electric Scorpio’, the’Electric Scorpio’ would be killed by you!” Baron Dubois turned his head and smiled and praised David.

Although David’s axe just failed, Baron Dubois saw a lot of things. The control ability against Heavy Axe and the special acceleration in the attack all showed the power of David’s’Heavy Axe Mastery’.

“‘Heavy Axe Grandmaster’! You are already a’Heavy Axe Grandmaster’!” Transcendent Buckley is even more direct. As a Federalist and a top-level Transcendent, he can see what David’s axe represents.

Although the weirdness of’Electric Scorpio’ shocked several Transcendents, but the’Heavy Axe Mastery’ shown by David made them even more surprised.

“I accepted the’Spirit Slashing Heavy Axe Technique’ inheritance of the Alidia First Academy!” Since the strength of the’Heavy Axe Grandmaster’ was exposed, David did not hide it anymore. He said with a smile.

“No wonder you can easily kill Level 3 insect race.’Sniper master’ plus’Heavy Axe Grandmaster’. This combination of strength is afraid that the Federation has not appeared in 10000 years!” Transcendent Buckley sighed and shook his head.

“Should you find a way to deal with the’Electric Scorpio’!” Knight Miller was struck by lightning, and said very dissatisfied.

Knight Miller is a member of the Great Spiritual World. He doesn’t feel much about the’Heavy Axe Grandmaster’ not at all. In fact, the Great Spiritual World has never regarded it in the cultivation of the Federation.

“The attack of’Electric Scorpio’ mainly relies on attracting lightning to attack.’Electric Scorpio’ cannot leave the’Thunderbolt Valley’. Don’t worry that’Electric Scorpio’ will reveal our whereabouts!” Baron Dubois is not worried about the safety of Knight Miller. , Continue to talk about the situation of’Electric Scorpio’.

In fact, there is really no need to worry, Knight Miller has a lot of anti-lightning magic amulet, and lightning attack alone will not pose any threat to him.

As for the “Electric Scorpio”, Knight Miller can feel the danger, such a good opportunity Baron Dubois will not be wasted, let alone solve the’Electric Scorpio’ personally.

Knight Miller saw the 3 Transcendents carefully watching all around, and he felt more comfortable if he didn’t speak. He provided the 3 Transcendents with isolation amulet. The 3 Transcendents were not the first to think of protecting him after he was attacked. It made him very dissatisfied.

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