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“This barbecue is not good, you can’t do it well without David!” Knight Miller cut the steak very gently, but complained in his mouth.

“Young Master, if necessary, I will apply for a chef again from the family!” Steward, who was standing beside him, said quickly.

Knight Miller’s dissatisfaction with the food is that he did not do his job well, and he certainly values ​​it.

The level of the chef we brought this time is pretty good, but it is still a lot different from the best Chief Steward in the family. Chief Steward is impossible and can only hire the chef again.

“Steward, no need, no matter who you invite, it is impossible to have David’s level!” Baron Dubois smiled and said to Steward.

Baron Dubois’ words made Steward a moment of stun, and Steward turned his head and looked towards David.

As a federal member, David was able to save Knight Miller, and his strength was not too weak.

But as a cultivation combat professional, he can’t believe that he can have a very high level in cooking.

In particular, Baron Dubois said that no matter who he invited, he is not as good as David. This sentence includes the Chief Steward of the family.

Chief Steward’s cooking ability is recognized by everyone in the family, and even few in the cook world can compare with Chief Steward.

“The dishes are very good!” David laughed to steward.

“I will tell the chef!” Steward bowed to David and said.

In any case, David’s praise can reduce the impact of Knight Miller’s complaint a lot, and the chef can stay.

“David, don’t take any more outing tasks this time!” Baron Dubois said solemnly after putting down his knife and fork after finishing the meal.

“Dubois Uncle, did something happen?” David asked.

“Come with me to the study, Miller, and you too!” Baron Dubois stood up and said.

Three people came to the study, Steward brought a drink and backed out.

“This revenge on’Halfbody Spider Queen’ will definitely allow’Halfbody Spider Queen’ to provoke the insect race to start a full-scale war ahead of time. All areas that leave the defense line are extremely dangerous. Level 3 Level 4 insect races may appear at any time!” Baron Dubois drank. Said with a sip.

“Does the federal side know the consequences of retaliation?” David asked worriedly.

“David, you underestimate the Federation. This retaliation is for the early outbreak of a full-scale war. This insect race consumes a lot of front-line Armored Soldiers. If this continues to drag on, it is not good for the Federation. They hope to break out a full-scale war early War!” Baron Dubois replied with a smile.

David shook the head, he felt he was not suitable for playing politics and tactics.

It is estimated that this mission was jointly planned by Interstellar Federation and Great Spiritual World, not just for revenge on the’Halfbody Spider Queen’, but for the outbreak of a full-scale war in advance.

“You don’t have to worry about things on the front line. Great Spiritual World has transferred a lot of combat power this time and will do its best to deal with this full-scale war. The insect race is very strong, but we haven’t been crushed by us for 10000 years! “Baron Dubois continued.

“I am understood!” David nodded said.

“This is a Fifth Level axe blade. The’sharpness’ effect on your’Sharp Heavy Axe’ is invalid for weapons above Level 4, so this Fifth Level axe blade adds ten times a day of’acceleration’ The effect!” Baron Dubois took out a box from the space ring and placed it on the table.

David looked at the box and his heartbeat speeded up. This is a Fifth Level weapon. Although it was only added to the Level 3 Heavy Axe, it is also a very impressive weapon.

Although after adding this Fifth Level axe blade, the’sharpness’ effect of’Sharp Heavy Axe’ is no longer effective, but I only think that this is Fifth Level’s’sharpness’ now, not the kind of’sharpness’ that is forcibly upgraded. .

After the original “Sharp” effect on “Sharp Heavy Axe” is activated, the “Sharp” level of “Sharp Heavy Axe” is upgraded to Level 2 within 4 seconds, but this Level 4 is only the lowest level of the Level 4 level of “Sharpness”. of.

It is very easy to deal with Level 3 insect race, but when dealing with Level 4 insect race, its formidable power is not so good. It is estimated that it will be difficult to break the defense even when encountering the defensive power of Level 4 insect race.

But it is different now. As long as David is given a chance, he can break through any Level 4 insect race defense.

David opened the box carefully, and what he saw was a touch of golden rays of light.

“David, every time you use this Fifth Level axe blade, don’t leave witnesses behind, otherwise you will be in big trouble!” Baron Dubois lightly saying.

Because David is the life saving benefactor of Knight Miller, and Baron Dubois himself admires David very much. He is an aristocrat who abides by his heart. Otherwise, he would be tempted by this Fifth Level material.

Fifth Level materials are extremely precious, or it is not right to say that they are precious. It can be said that every Fifth Level material will make powerhouse crazy.

The “Master Alchemist” that Baron Dubois found in his own name, that “Master Alchemist” has a 1000-wire 10000-strand relationship with his family, so the “Master Alchemist” will keep this secret.

Baron Dubois didn’t want to bring hidden dangers to David because of this Fifth Level axe blade, so he reminded David to pay attention.

“Dubois Uncle, I will be careful!” David nodded heavily.

Just look at this golden rays of light, such an eye-catching rays of light, as long as you take it out and use it, it is estimated that anyone who sees it will know what it is.

For his own safety, David will not be merciless. He never considers himself a good person. He will not kill innocent people indiscriminately. But when it comes to his own safety, he will act cheaply.

David picked up the Fifth Level axe blade with his hand. The starting point was very light. Of course, the finger was not heavy.

The interior of the Fifth Level axe blade was drawn with densely packed patterns. Under the guidance of Baron Dubois, he found that the Fifth Level axe blade seemed simple, but in fact it was extremely complicated.

The installation of Fifth Level ax blade requires the use of spirit to activate the designated pattern inside the ax blade. This dao chart pattern will make the Fifth Level ax blade fit tightly on the ax blade, replacing the original ax blade.

As long as you no longer use the spirit to stimulate the pattern to escape, this Fifth Level grade axe will not be separated from Heavy Axe.

Ten times a day’s “acceleration” effect also requires mental activation of the designated pattern to obtain the “acceleration” effect.

“Thank you Dubois Uncle!” David thanked sincerely.

Without the help of Baron Dubois, David would not have been able to find a master who could handle Fifth Level materials. He was barely able to handle it, and the weapons he made were far inferior to the Fifth Level axe blades he has now.

“This is the material you got yourself. The’Master Alchemist’ is very happy to process Fifth Level materials!” Baron Dubois said with a smile.

Baron Dubois couldn’t help thinking of the scene when the’Master Alchemist’ saw Fifth Level materials for the first time. The excitement and madness. If he does not hand over Fifth Level materials to the’Master Alchemist’ for processing, then’Master Alchemist’ ‘It is possible to break off friendship with him.

When leaving the castle, Knight Miller secretly gave David another note, and Baron Dubois once again pretended not to see it.

With Baron Dubois’s strength, how could he not see the little moves that Knight Miller did.

After David left the castle, he asked Shadow Servant to recruit a war horse. The tasks these days make him like riding a war horse.

The horse is stable and fast, and the horse has the strength of Peak Level 2 insect race. Although the horse is not at all bound to David, it is also a top mount.

David was sitting on the war horse, and he took out the paper that Knight Miller gave.

It says a kind of feed ratio. This is the feed for the war horse. Without this kind of feed, the body strength of the war horse will slowly decrease.

If it is a Knight’s horse, this problem will not occur. Ordinary feed can supplement the consumption of the horse’s body, and Knight can supplement the energy consumption of the horse within the body.

The reason why the horses can compare to the strength of the Level 2 insect race Peak Level is that these horses have been nurtured by Knight’s energy since they were young, and within the body, they flow the same energy as Knight.

The specially formulated feed is capable of maintaining the energy of the horses, and will not decline or become weaker without Knight’s supplement for a long time.

Don’t think too much, David also knows the importance of this formula, or Knight Miller would have given it to him at the beginning, and don’t have to wait for the parting to secretly give it to him.

Doing so is afraid that Baron Dubois will object.

David memorized the formula in his head, and then stretched out a finger to activate the’Flash Fire Art’. A spark appeared on his finger, and the flame ignited the paper.

As he got closer and closer to the headquarters of the 4th frontline base, he found that this place was very different from before.

He only left for a few days, but there are many more barracks here.

And there are countless heavy armored vehicles neatly lined up next to the barracks, which surprised him.

Of course, every soldier who saw David was equally surprised, who had seen a Union soldier riding a war horse.

“Lieutenant Colonel David, welcome you back!” When David rode his horse to the base headquarters, the soldier standing guard loudly said and saluted him at the same time.

The excitement of the soldiers exhibit one’s feelings in one’s speech. With the arrival of a large number of troops, the atmosphere here has long been very tense.

Seeing David at this time gave soldiers the hope of victory.

David can always perform miracles, as every soldier on the front can attest.

David returned a salute to the soldier, although the salute on his horse was a bit weird.

He also didn’t put away the war horse, it was helpless to put the war horse in the summon ring, and he didn’t want to do this at this time.

Besides, there is a’Sonic Boom Armor-Plated Insect’ in the summon ring. The horse is really uncomfortable in it. Although this horse has little wisdom, since it has become his mount, he will give the horse the best of.

“Lieutenant Colonel, you are back!” As David walked into the gate of the base headquarters with the war horse, Lieutenant Mason appeared in time.

“Second Lieutenant Mason, you just came here, apply for a room for my warhorse!” David saw Ensign Mason and immediately instructed.

“Yes, Lieutenant Colonel!” Lieutenant Mason responded, and then he continued: “General Babington invites you to come over, he is waiting for you in the office!”

David nodded, he thought about it or temporarily took the horse back to the summon ring, and released the horse after the room was applied for. He also needs to prepare feed for the horse.

Lieutenant Mason’s eyes lit up. As an intelligence officer, he knew what this ability to directly make the horse disappear. This is the special space ring that only a few Knights in the Great Spiritual World have.

Lieutenant Mason was not surprised that David was able to get this kind of space ring of Great Spiritual World, because David is one of the few federal people who can get along well with Great Spiritual World and have friendly relations.

“Come in!” Transcendent Babington raised his head and said when he heard a knock on the door.

The adjutant opened the door to let David in.

“David, you are finally back, just in time for the war!” Transcendent Babington said with a smile and came out from behind his desk.

He didn’t ask about David’s mission. He wouldn’t ask about that kind of High Rank mission, which was a federal secret.

“I saw it, the fourth frontline base has expanded again!” David sighed while sitting on the sofa.

“Not only these, there will be troops coming to join us one after another, these all are heavy self-propelled Gauss gun troops, they are to consume the number of insect race!” Transcendent Babington said with a bitter smile.

Such heavy self-propelled Gauss gun units can only kill a Level 2 insect race from a distance, but at the speed of Level 2 insect race, they want to aim hard, so most of the time, heavy self-propelled Gauss gun units are Group battle.

The heavy-duty self-propelled Gauss artillery unit used a cover attack to conduct a full coverage attack on an area, so that the Level 2 insect race in this area can be eliminated.

But this kind of heavy self-propelled Gauss gun unit is almost equal to no defense, and it will be slaughtered if it is approached by the insect race. The defense of the heavy self-propelled Gauss gun is almost nothing for the insect race.

“Are we going to use Gauss cannon to consume insect race?” David asked incomprehensibly.

But David knew that as long as an insect race above Level 2 entered the heavy self-propelled Gauss gun position, it would be a nightmare.

“The Great Spiritual World will block the 3 Level 4 insect race. Our task is to deal with a Level 2 insect race. Our Armored Soldier will form a defensive battle formation. As long as the Armored Soldier does not fall, the Gauss gun position will not be a problem!” Transcendent Babington explained.

“How many troops are coming now?” David asked aloud.

In fact, he doesn’t need to ask this question, as long as he goes back and inquires with his own authority, he can see all military information.

It’s just that David was curious at this time, so he asked directly.

“There were 10000 heavy self-propelled Gauss guns, and the number of troops operating heavy self-propelled Gauss guns exceeded hundreds of thousands, and another 5000 Armored Soldier was added!” Transcendent Babington replied.

“5000 recruits Armored Soldier?” David asked immediately when he heard 5000 Armored Soldier.

“Of course they are recruits Armored Soldier, but a small part of them are former veterans. These veterans take the rest of the recruits and their combat power is still good!” Transcendent Babington is still very satisfied with 5000 Armored Soldier. With a smile.

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