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In the morning, David didn’t do anything else, so he stayed on the side of the horse. It was rare to play with the horse with Little White. To be precise, it was Little White playing by himself, and the horse just stood there blankly.

It was not until Lieutenant Mason came to remind David that it was time for lunch, and David returned the horse to summon into the ring, and Little White returned to David’s wrist.

At the end of the lunch, Lieutenant Mason drove the’Deathwing’ assault ship and 6 David’s subordinates to accompany David to the military headquarters.

Sitting on the’Deathwing’ assault ship, David found that not only the area near the defense line, but also more troops stationed in the rear.

Countless military camps almost occupied the entire area, and the large transportation spaceship in the sky continued to transport supplies.

War Star only has a period of time a day to transport supplies from outside, so in order to maintain the consumption of so many troops, the large-scale transportation spaceship uses every moment of time at all costs.

The atmosphere of the war pervades the entire War Star. David doesn’t know how many soldiers here will survive the war.

This is not something he can deal with. No matter how powerful he is, he is just a person, not to mention that he can only barely fight the Level 3 insect race. No matter how strong the insect race is, he can only avoid it.

The closer you are to the military headquarters, the greater the number of military camps. There are a large number of small battleships hovering in the sky 100 kilometers away from the military headquarters.

The environment of War Star is special, and the role of large-scale battleship is very small, because a large number of energy weapons cannot be used, and the consumption of engines increases, which makes large-scale battleships not as flexible and fast as small ones.

At present, the only ship-based weapon that can be used in War Star is the Gauss cannon. This single-shot ship-based weapon with a similar design to the sniper rifle. Each small battleship can be equipped with dozens of additional weapons. There are more than one small battleship. , Can also play a suppressing role.

However, in the War Star environment, small battleships and Flying Insect clan cannot fight against each other. After a war, the loss of small battleships will be astonishing.

Therefore, in normal times, the war on War Star will not involve battleship, but once this kind of all-out war starts, the military will no longer consider the issue of attrition.

Since the assault ship’Deathwing’ entered the 100 km range of the military headquarters, it has received multiple authentication requests.

When he finally came to the military headquarters 5 kilometers, he was asked to park the “Deathwing” assault ship on the apron 5 kilometers away, and was not allowed to approach it.

David also understands that now is the time of war, and everything is proceeding in accordance with the state of war. The military is the command agency of the federal army on War Star, and strict security review is inevitable.

“Lieutenant Colonel David, hello, see you again!” The major adjutant of General Adams still came to greet David, and he smiled and saluted David.

“Hello, please come and pick me up!” David returned a military salute.

“General Adams asked me to tell you that this time the badge issuance ceremony is very simple, the battle situation has changed too fast, and there is no way to give you a grand award ceremony!” said the major adjutant while guiding David into the floating car.

“I understand!” David responded with a smile.

The suspended vehicle headed towards the military department. This suspended vehicle obviously had special permissions. It entered the military department’s garage directly, and then led David to the entrance of a Conference Hall through a special elevator, the Lieutenant Commander.

“Report!” the major adjutant loudly said at the door.

“Come in!” General Adams’ voice came from inside.

“Lieutenant Colonel David, please!” the major adjutant opened the door for David and said.

When David walked into the Conference Hall, he saw General Adams and three other generals, all with the ranks of lieutenant general or higher. Even if David didn’t know them, he knew that these were all powerful figures in the military.

Next to the four generals, three Transcendent who had gone through several days of adventure with David were looking at him with a smile.

These three Transcendents are Transcendent Buckley, Transcendent Brown and Transcendent Fenwick. They heard that today is David’s badge issuance day and also applied to participate in the award ceremony.

“‘Sniper Armored Soldier’,’Heavy Axe Grandmaster’, Lieutenant Colonel David, for your outstanding military service, I, on behalf of the Federal Headquarters, will present you with the highest medal in the army, the “National Scholar” medal!” General Adams and David walked closer to say solemnly .

David is now wearing a school-level military uniform with one gold one silver 2 medals on his chest.

General Adams took the “National Scholar” medal from the major adjutant on the side and put it on David’s chest beside the two original medals. The rays of light of this “National Scholar” medal immediately suppressed the two medals.

“May you make more contributions to the Federation in the future!” General Adams stepped back 2 steps and looked at David said with a faint smile.

“Serve the Federation!” David replied loudly.

The surrounding generals and Transcendent applauded and congratulated.

“David, the award ceremony is a bit rushed this time, I hope you can understand that I have some important matters to discuss with the generals, so I left first!” General Adams said sorry to David.

“I understand, please go ahead!” David responded with a salute.

General Adams and several generals need to manage a large number of troops in War Star. The usual business is very busy. Now there are so many new troops, you can imagine how busy it is.

David also not at all thinks how simple today’s awards ceremony is. The appearance of 4 generals and 3 top Transcendents is enough to show how much the military attaches importance to this matter.

“Grandmaster David, you are the youngest recipient of the’National Scholar’ medal, congratulations!” After the 4 generals left, Transcendent Buckley smiled and congratulated him.

“Transcendent Buckley, if you want, it should be easy to get the’National Scholar’ medal!” David said with a smile.

What David said is not bad at all. Transcendent Buckley has made a great contribution to the Confederation. With Transcendent Buckley’s military exploits, he can get the “National Scholar” medal at any time.

Normally, these Transcendents will exchange their achievements for corresponding resources instead of honors after they have obtained the corresponding achievements.

For Transcendent, the identity of’Transcendent’ alone is the greatest honor. Everyone must show corresponding respect to Transcendent everywhere.

The honor brought by the’National Scholar’ medal is still a bit worse than the honor of’Transcendent’.

“Grandmaster David, with your growth rate, it is only time to become a Transcendent, but getting the’National Scholar’ medal before that is also a great honor in life!” Transcendent Brown said with a smile.

“Thank you for your compliment!” David said modestly.

“Grandmaster David, I want to ask you something!” Transcendent Buckley looked at all around, and then said, there are only three of them Transcendent and David, the major adjutant has already walked out of the Conference Hall with interest.

“Say, please!” David saw Transcendent Buckley’s solemn face, and he was taken aback, not understanding what was wrong with him.

“The military wants to set up a rapid support group. The members of the group will be composed of the ten most powerful Transcendents. I hope you can also join this group. We need your ability!” Transcendent Buckley asked.

“Transcendent Buckley, I know my ability. I am best at sniper. Only at the 4th frontline base can I use my ability!” David shook his head and refused.

Although Transcendent Buckley invited him this way out of good intentions, David has too many secrets. He has too many restrictions to act with the unfamiliar Transcendent.

Especially in this state of war, he can’t guarantee his safety when he is afraid of his strength.

You must know that since the rapid support group is set up, it is where the danger should arise and where you must go, which increases the danger.

David is self-aware. Although his strength is better than the ordinary Transcendent, his combat power can’t be considered at all. The three Transcendents in front of him can be easily defeated face-to-face. he.

This kind of war David wants to spend safely.

Transcendent Buckley was very disappointed. The quick support team was led by him. After performing tasks in the same group, he had a deeper understanding of David’s abilities.

David can play a very important role in both the perception of danger and the long-range fire support.

But he had no way to force it, and David was unwilling to give up.

“Grandmaster David, if there are special circumstances, I still hope you can help!” Transcendent Buckley finally asked.

“It’s no problem!” David could not refuse, he nodded replied.

An awards ceremony ended very quickly, David left the military after staying in the military for less than half an hour.

When coming to the assault ship’Deathwing’ again, Lieutenant Mason and the 6 Armored Soldiers all saw the’National Scholar’ medal on David’s chest.

“Salute!” Lieutenant Mason stood up straight and saluted David.

The 6 Armored Soldiers also paid a military salute to David, and their gazes looking towards the’National Scholar’ medal were extremely hot.

This is the difference between Transcendent and ordinary person. The’National Scholar’ medal is just a good medal for Transcendent, but it is the highest honor for ordinary soldiers.

The’National Scholar’ medal is the highest medal that a soldier can obtain, and every owner of the’National Scholar’ medal can be respected by everyone.

The corresponding “National Scholar” medal also has a lot of treatment. For example, David is wearing a “National Scholar” medal. No one can take the initiative to do anything to him, or even speak insults. Once someone does this, then he is a “National Scholar”. The disrespect of the medal is also a challenge to the military.

Of course, if the benefits are large enough, the’National Scholar’ medal is not a body protection symbol.

The Owner of the’National Scholar’ medal can pass in any area that needs to buy a ticket.

The owner of the’National Scholar’ medal has monthly subsidies, which is of no use to David, but this is also the federal support for the’National Scholar’ medal, and the other is tax exemption, which is the biggest benefit.

The rest of the invisible help is too much. In work and in life, the owner of the’National Scholar’ medal is more convenient than the others.

Of course, the most important thing about the “National Scholar” medal is the honor. After countless years of publicity by the Federation, this honor has penetrated into the hearts of every member of the Federation.

David paid a tribute to Lieutenant Mason and the 6 Armored Soldiers.

Lieutenant Mason knew in advance, and although he was excited and could be controlled, the 6 Armored Soldiers looked towards David’s “National Scholar” medals from time to time.

David shook the head, he changed the school uniform. Even in the federally controlled area on War Star, he needs to be careful. Wearing the school uniform he can’t even participate in the battle.

The outer skeleton armor was replaced, and David equipped all the weapons, which allowed Lieutenant Mason to return with the’Deathwing’ assault ship.

Just when the’Deathwing’ assault ship was tens of kilometers away from the base headquarters, a voice sounded, it was a screaming howl.

The voice was very strange, as if it was ringing in everyone’s ears.

David even had the shadow of Fifth Level insect race’Halfbody Spider Queen’ in his mind. He felt that the owner of this voice was’Halfbody Spider Queen’.

“Fight!” The next voice said in the language of Great Spiritual World.

The sound is also ringing in everyone’s ears.

At the same time, it was not only on the’Deathwing’ assault ship, everyone in the entire War Star frontline area heard the sound.

“All-out war has begun!” Lieutenant Mason murmured.

Lieutenant Mason has not experienced a total war before, but he has also read a lot of relevant information and knows some details of the total war.

The Fifth Level insect race and the supreme powerhouse of Great Spiritual World will not directly participate in the war, but they are the supervisors of the war. Both parties need to prevent the other from having the powerhouse beyond the agreement.

“The biggest engine, let’s go back!” David ordered immediately.

Lieutenant Mason directly pushed the engine energy of the’Deathwing’ assault ship to the top, the engine made a roar, and the assault ship suddenly accelerated.

“Lieutenant Colonel David, report your location?” Transcendent Babington’s voice came from David’s identity bracelet.

When the war approaches, everyone’s identities and bodies are no longer closed, and they are forcibly opened, and they are completely open to commanders in accordance with their relative authority.

This is the case for David now. He received a call from Transcendent Babington without any operation on his identity bracelet.

“General Babington, this is my position, I will return to headquarters immediately!” David replied while sharing the position with Transcendent Babington.

“You don’t need to go back to the headquarters, immediately go to the front line base defense line, and Augustine support the line of defense, I will be in charge of the command from the rear!” Transcendent Babington commanded.

“Yes, General Babington!” David can only take orders at this time.

The assault ship’Deathwing’ passed over the base headquarters, not at all, and continued to fly toward the defense line 20 kilometers away.

At a distance of 2 kilometers from the defense line, Lieutenant Mason did not dare to fly forward.

In the sky ahead, energy pillars continue to fire from the insect race side. In the sky, some ships that were too late to dodge were hit, and then exploded in the air and disintegrated.

David directly opened the door of the assault ship’Deathwing’.

“You stop the assault ship and come to me!” David finished speaking and walked out of the assault ship, using the short wings behind the outer skeleton armor to fly towards the defense line.

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