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The reason why insect race all-out war has changed people’s conversation is because it is a war launched against every line of defense at the same time. In terms of scope and scale, it is all Hell Level.

Every full-scale war requires the Interstellar Federation and Great Spiritual World to constantly consume the vital power of the insect race. In this process, Great Spiritual World and Interstellar Federation will have a large number of combatants killed.

Every time a full-scale war is over, the military black battleship is dispatched the most, and it sends death messages to various parts of the Federation.

At that time, in space can be seen everywhere black battleship, and a large number of battleship colors were changed to black to complete this task with huge workload.

The fourth frontline base defense line is still lucky so far. On the one hand, David and Great Spiritual World’s tenth-eighth Knight blocked the Level 4 insect race from the defense line and did not let the Level 8 insect. race harms the line of defense.

On the other hand, it is also because of David and the relationship between David and Great Spiritual World that the Knights of Great Spiritual World respect David very much. This also makes the Knights very active in fighting and greatly reduces the pressure on the Federal Armored Soldiers. .

Of course, this batch of Armored Soldiers, under the command of the three Transcendents, also broke out extraordinary combat power. From the beginning of the war until now, they have not let the defense line fall for even a second.

The battle that began in the morning continued until the afternoon. Even after many rotations at the defense line, the Armored Soldiers are still full of exhaustion.

David was also tired. The continuous sniping was not just a sniper rifle, but his powerful spirit was also consumed too much, which made him feel dizzy.

But he did not rest for a moment. As long as he kept sniping, he could reduce the casualties of the Armored Soldiers.

Transcendent Babington looked at the projection in front of him, which marked the current battle. Among all the lines of defense, only their 4th frontline base line of defense was still holding. The rest of the lines were broken open, and the worms were rushing forward.

The war entered the depletion stage, and the reserve army built 6 lines of defense, each line of defense has a large number of Armored Soldiers and Gauss gun defenses.

What these lines of defense have to do is to protect the retreating troops, so that the retreating troops can receive treatment and recovery at the next line of defense, and can participate in the defensive battle.

The one after another line of defense consumes the number of insects, and the elongated front allows the tired Armored Soldiers to have time to rest. A large number of reserve forces and military facilities continue to cause damage to the insects.

Transcendent Babington is very worried about the flank of the 4th frontline base. He is always paying attention to the latest battle situation. As long as the worms on the 2nd side turn, he will make the 4th frontline base defense line retreat.

Of course, this situation rarely occurs when the insect tide turns. As soon as the insect tide starts, a Level 2 insect race will go crazy and will only strike forward. It is almost impossible to direct them to change directions.

But Transcendent Babington did not dare to take any care, his decision affected the lives of tens of thousands of soldiers.

Transcendent Babington saw a video uploaded by projection. It was the 3th defensive line of the adjacent 4rd frontline base. The 20 defensive walls were all self-destruction, and the huge explosive formidable power blocked the insect tide.

In fact, the formidable power of this kind of explosion is limited, and the damage to the insect race is not too strong. Only the Level 1 insect race that is too close to the defensive wall will suffer fatal damage, and more insect races will only be affected by the explosion. Pause the pace of the charge.

The rebuilt third frontline base is not strong enough. Although some veterans are drawn from the bases, they are more composed of recruits.

Under the cover of the explosion, the combatants of the 3rd frontline base retreated to the 5th line of defense, where it was the defense line organized by the military.

In the sky, a fleet of 100 small battleships began to attack the worms on the ground.

Due to the lengthening of the front, the insect race cannot accurately command the insect race, especially when it encounters an attack from the fleet, it is impossible to quickly organize the Flying Insect attack from the rear for a while.

When the Flying Insect family arrived, the fleet had already covered the evacuation of the combatants.

Those Flying Insect clan will be attacked by the 5th line of defense with special sticky ammunition and suffer a devastating blow.

Transcendent Babington shook the head, the third frontline base only has the last two lines of defense left. Once all of them are lost, the generals’ reserves will be required to go into war.

It has been recorded in history that, in order to resist the worm infestation, on several occasions, even all the personnel capable of fighting in the military department participated in the war. After a war, the senior officers of the War Star military department lost more than half of them.

Transcendent Babington checked the time, and it was dark for more than an hour. If the infestation cannot be resolved before dark, the night will bring more trouble.

He also didn’t understand why the insect race did not engage in a full-scale war at night. Every full-scale war started in the morning. Until dark, there would be no more insect races on the insect race side.

Just when Transcendent Babington was worried, he saw that there was an additional Knight battle formation composed of 3 Knights in front of the 5th line of defense of the 60rd frontline base, which was impacting the insect tide.

“The Knight regiment of Great Spiritual World is dispatched!” Transcendent Babington let out a long relaxed breath said.

The Knight regiment is the backbone of the Great Spiritual World. As long as 60 Knight does not encounter the Level 4 insect race, it will not be a problem to sweep the battlefield.

For the Level 4 insect race Great Spiritual World, they are also prepared. There are powerhouses that can delay the Level 4 insect race at every defense line. Their task is to cooperate with the rest of the Knights when the Level 4 insect race appears. 4 insect race Hold on until the end of the war.

There are not many powerhouses that can kill the Level 4 insect race, especially during this kind of war, a large number of powerhouses are separated and cannot be gathered to encircle the Level 4 insect race.

“Level 4 insect race has appeared!” Transcendent Babington saw the alarm issued by the scanning device and immediately reminded it through the channel.

David saw the huge black silhouette through Shadow Servant, which was a’Titan Black Beetle’.

‘Titan Black Beetle’ is the normal combat power among Level 4 insect race. In addition to its defensive power and attack power, it is not at all special. This makes the threat of’Titan Black Beetle’ not a big one.

Of course, this so-called threat is not too big and it is comparatively speaking. If there is no powerhouse arranged by Great Spiritual World, the defense of the entire line of defense for one day will be directly broken through by the’Titan Black Beetle’.

On the current battlefield, apart from ten Knights, no one can resist the’Titan Black Beetle’.

The’Titan Black Beetle’ in the state of total war is somewhat different from the’Titan Black Beetle’ in the normally. The’Titan Black Beetle’ enters the defensive area and must be besieged by the Great Spiritual World powerhouse.

Therefore, Level 4 insect race normally is close to the defense line and dare not stay for a long time. This is the reason why only 6 Knights can expel the’Titan Black Beetle’.

When the’Titan Black Beetle’ appeared, the Knight Kade in the Great Spiritual World war fortress rushed out riding a mighty war horse.

Ten 8 Knights also changed direction and merged with Knight Kade.

“Something is wrong!” David saw the’Titan Black Beetle’ not at all marching towards the Knight battle formation, but still rushing towards the defense line.

According to the historical records of total warfare that David has read, Level 4 insect race will not attack the defense line before defeating the Great Spiritual World Knight. This is a bit like Knight Kade who has been staying in the war fortress and did not participate in the previous battle. .

Before the two of them have come to a result, they will not attack each other’s remaining combat power first.

Of course, if Knight Kade does not appear here, the’Titan Black Beetle’ will naturally crush the defense line and kill everyone.

David’s spirit is very high. He can feel the maliciousness of the’Titan Black Beetle’ penetrating the space.

“The target of’Titan Black Beetle’ is me!” David heart startled.

“You stay here!” He immediately put away the sniper rifle and instructed Lieutenant Mason and the rest of the Armored Soldier.

Before Lieutenant Mason responded, David jumped out of the sniper hole.

Since the target of’Titan Black Beetle’ is him, he will not stay here and wait for’Titan Black Beetle’ to come.

That would allow the’Titan Black Beetle’ to break through the entire line of defense, and the compatriots here do not know how much to die.

When David flew out of the defensive wall, he immediately sensed the gaze from the’Titan Black Beetle’.

At this moment he is 100% sure that this’Titan Black Beetle’ has come to him.

‘Titan Black Beetle’ does not take the initiative to fight the Knight battle line led by Knight Kade. Even if Knight Kade wants to step forward to block it, it is difficult to keep up with the speed of’Titan Black Beetle’.

David’s observation of the battle is clearer than everyone else, and the Shadow Servant above his head can find the best direction to escape for him.

He saw the familiar Knight Kade. He didn’t know why Knight Kade appeared here, but he knew that Knight Kade was very powerful. Leading ten or eight Knights against the’Titan Black Beetle’ was not a problem.

David found the location of Knight Kade, and at the same time calculated the speed of the’Titan Black Beetle’, and found the most reasonable route to meet Knight Kade first.

As long as he rendezvous with Knight Kade, he is in safe range.

The short wing behind the customized outer skeleton armor made a roar, which was the loudest sound when the engine was turned on. He also turned on the’extreme speed’ to achieve a faster speed.

“This’Titan Black Beetle’ wants to assassinate Mr. David!” Knight Kade also found something wrong. He was sent here with a task to protect David.

Knight Kade knew some of the contradictions between David and Fifth Level insect race’Halfbody Spider Queen’, Baron Dubois explained when he came here.

It is precisely because he knows David that he was sent here.

Baron Dubois has long discovered the hatred of Fifth Level insect race’Halfbody Spider Queen’ towards David. It is definitely not a good thing to be targeted by a Fifth Level insect race, especially a vengeful’Halfbody Spider Queen’.

In normal times, Baron Dubois doesn’t have to worry.

If’Halfbody Spider Queen’ comes over, it will be dealt with by its own supreme powerhouse, and even a few supreme powerhouses will leave it behind.

But during the Total War, the’Halfbody Spider Queen’ may allow the powerful insect race to target David, and Baron Dubois needs to prevent this from happening.

Baron Dubois knows David’s true combat power. As long as it is not Level 4 insect race, David’s self-protection is not a problem.

So Knight Kade came here to help David resist the Level 4 insect race.

Knight Kade also urged the horses and brought ten or eight Knights to David.

“This Level 4 insect race’Titan Black Beetle’ is here to find me, I have to leave the defense line first!” David reported on the channel.

During the war, it is not a trivial matter to leave duty and become a deserter. Once 10000 is caught, it is easy to go to a military court.

“David, be careful, I agree!” Transcendent Babington replied almost without thinking.

Transcendent Babington knows that David can’t lie. There is no need to lie about this kind of thing. Just look at the’Titan Black Beetle’ staring at David and turning with David’s movement to understand the truth of what David said. .

David got the authorization from Transcendent Babington, and he was determined in his heart. He had no choice but to leave the sniper position before. At this moment, he should report immediately when he is free. Only when he is authorized is a legal action.

Don’t look at David’s previous record is extremely brilliant, but as long as he escapes the battlefield without authorization, the least consequence is going to jail, and it is even possible to be executed directly.

“Knight Kade, many thanks!” David’s previous analysis did not at all mean that Knight Kade took the initiative to come over, and now Knight Kade took the initiative to greet him, allowing him to quickly rendezvous with Knight Kade.

“Mr. David, it seems that’Halfbody Spider Queen’ is still stingy!” Knight Kade also relaxed, laughed and said with a smile.

David couldn’t help but shook the head with a wry smile. If it weren’t for as a last resort, he wouldn’t want to have a vengeance with Fifth Level insect race, even Level 4 insect race he can’t deal with, let alone Fifth Level insect race.

The’Titan Black Beetle’ rushed over with a roar, Knight Kade did not hesitate, the heavy sword in his hand waved, and the ten or eight Knights instantly dispersed.

The heavy sword in the hands of Knight Kade slashed out. The’Titan Black Beetle’ wanted to attack David, but David had already retreated behind Knight Kade. The’Titan Black Beetle’ wanted to attack him and had to go through Knight Kade.

Knight Kade was also very angry in his heart. This’Titan Black Beetle’ obviously didn’t see him in his eyes and dared to be distracted at this time.

The heavy sword in his hand collided with the forelimbs of the’Titan Black Beetle’, and he couldn’t help retreating a few steps from the horse under him, while the’Titan Black Beetle’ staggered slightly, but stopped the momentum.

At this moment, ten or eight Knights scattered all around concentrated on the’Titan Black Beetle’ and surrounded the’Titan Black Beetle’.

Due to the emergence of the’Titan Black Beetle’, there is no insect race nearby that dared to approach. The majesty of the Level 4 insect race allows the insect tide to detour in five hundred meters.

There is also only a battle formation consisting of Knight Kade and ten 8 Knights, and the’Titan Black Beetle’ surrounded by the battle formation.

Without David’s reason,’Titan Black Beetle’ would not be so carelessly surrounded by Knight’s battlefield. This’Titan Black Beetle’ single-mindedly wanted to complete the explanation of’Halfbody Spider Queen’.

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