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David calculated the time of the’underground stealth’ in his mind. When he came under the’Assassin Mantis’, he still had 5 seconds of the’underground stealth’ time. In fact, these 5 seconds were enough for him to launch an attack, but he was not at all this way.

From the observation in the sky Shadow Servant, it can be seen that this’Assassin Mantis’ is very alert. Although lying on the ground, his body is in a state of eruption at any time.

At this time David makes a surprise attack, and he is likely to be countered by this’Assassin Mantis’.

David gave up this opportunity. The time for the’underground stealth’ Innate Ability passed, he still did not move and was trapped underground.

In fact, with a thickness of 30 cm, he can attack at any time he wants. Of course, such an attack will first stimulate the ground of 30 cm before attacking the “Assassin Mantis”. He will not do this until as a last resort.

A minute has passed, and the fighting on the battlefield continues. Three Level 3 insect races have entered the battlefield. Three Transcendents are leading the Armored Soldiers to fight the Level 3 insect race. There will be no trouble in a short time. .

Since the battle, every Armored Soldier who has participated in the battle, whether it is a veteran or a new soldier, has become accustomed to life-and-death battles. They dash on bravely with no thought of personal safety attacked again and again and left wounds on the Level 3 insect race. at all I was scared by Level 3 insect race.

On the other hand, the battle between Knight Kade and the’Titan Black Beetle’ is also coming to an end. After a long period of continuous injury and recovery, the’Titan Black Beetle’ has used all the’sharp’ effects of the equipment on’Titan’. On the body of the black beetle, the wound on the body of the black beetle has not recovered for a long time.

For Level 4 insect race’Titan Black Beetle’, it means that the life force of its within the body is greatly consumed, and subsequent injuries will increase the reduction of its life force.

Of course, ten and eight Knights are not without paying the price. Five Knights are now stepping aside. If it weren’t for the life force sharing of the horses, and the attacks shared by the Knights in the battle formation, the five Knights might not only be seriously injured.

Defeating the’Titan Black Beetle’ and wanting to kill the’Titan Black Beetle’ are two different things. The desperate’Titan Black Beetle’ is very scary.

David can see clearly through Shadow Servant, at most two minutes later, this’Titan Black Beetle’ will be besieged by the Knights.

Not only David saw this, but the Assassin Mantis still lying on the ground also saw this.

‘Assassin Mantis’ hesitated, it accepted the order of assassination, it must complete the task, but wait here again, as long as the’Titan Black Beetle’ died over there, those Knights would come over.

The hesitation of’Assassin’s Mantis’ was seen by Shadow Servant, and at this time, the 5-minute’underground stealth’ cool-down period passed.

David did not wait any longer, he activated the’Extreme Speed’,’Physique Enhancement’,’Power Concussion’,’Power Enhancement’ and’Power Overlap’, and added the’Attach Poison Pattern’ to the’Sharp Heavy Axe’.

He doesn’t know whether the Level 4 “Attach Poison’ Innate Ability” has any effect on the same Level 4 insect race “Assassin Mantis”, but this is also one of his powerful methods, and he took them all.

Worried that his power would not be able to exert the effect of the Fifth Level grade axe blade, he resolutely launched’Charge Up’.

After’Charge Up’ is issued, he will lose all his battle strength, which is an attack by his cutting off one’s means of retreat.

In the face of Level 4 insect race’Assassin Mantis’, David will strike his strongest blow.

Even whether it was useful or not, he even aroused the’spiritual piercing’, and guided the long-nurtured’spirit arrow’ from the soul fortress, and was in a firing state.

The’underground stealth’ was activated. As David’s physical activity, the soil and stones he all around were automatically separated.

The mental line locked on the body of the’Assassin Mantis’ again, and David tried to concentrate all the power from the body to the’sharp Heavy Axe’ in his hand.

Immediately before launching the attack, he activated the’speed up’ effect on the Fifth Level axe blade.

David’s heart was calm. For the first time he slapped Heavy Axe to Level 4 insect race, but he was not at all worrying, but his heart was solid outside Divine Spark.

Just like a volcanic eruption, there is no movement before the eruption, but once it erupts, it is heaven-shaking, earth-shattering.

David’s attack is not at all heaven-shaking, earth-shattering such an exaggeration, but if anyone knows how much Innate Ability he has used, this is even more exaggerated than heaven-shaking, earth-shattering.

When underground, the’sharp Heavy Axe’ splits out, and the underground soil and stones are automatically separated.

The mental line doubled the attack speed of’Sharp Heavy Axe’, and the’Extreme Speed’ and’Acceleration’ increased this speed again.

This speed is almost equal to nothing below the distance of 30 cm.

And this attack itself is silent, even the sky-splitting sound split at first is isolated from the ground because of the’underground stealth’, and when it gets out of the ground, it has already come to the’Assassin Mantis’ Body.

David’s attack target was generated through the observation of Shadow Servant and the spirit line generated by the’Spirit Slashing Heavy Axe Technique’. He attacked the heart position of the’Assassin Mantis’.

Because it is close to the ground, the Assassin Mantis thinks the ground is the safest.

David also wanted to attack the head of the’Assassin Mantis’, but the head of the’Assassin Mantis’ was always upward. This made David want to attack and he needed to increase the attack range of the’Sharp Heavy Axe’.

David has his own consideration, Fifth Level axe blade must not be exposed, this is a must.

Although this is a battlefield, almost no one can notice a ground in the worm tide, but as long as David increases the attack range, the golden of Fifth Level axe blades will be exposed, and it is likely that other people will find anomalies.

Because Fifth Level grade axe-blade golden is too easy to be found, for any creature, as long as it appears, it must be paid attention to. This is an instinctive feeling of creatures for Fifth Level grade materials.

‘Sharp Heavy Axe’ cut through the chest of the’Assassin Mantis’, almost without any obstruction, and divided the heart into two.

David overestimated the defensive power of the Assassin Mantis. In fact, the defensive power of the Assassin Mantis is the bottom of the Level 4 insect race.

The posture of the’Assassin Mantis’ makes it want to counterattack the enemy attacking it after its heart is attacked, it needs to lift its body first, and then use the blade to attack.

Shadow Servant had long been waiting aside. When David’s attack was over and his body was extremely weak, Shadow Servant put away the Fifth Level grade axe blade, and the only thing David could do was block the Level 3 grade shield on his body.

‘Assassin Mantis’ lifts its body, even if its heart is fatally injured, its Level 4 insect race life force can also deliver the final blow.

But when’Assassin Mantis’ wanted to do this, David triggered’Power Concussion’ and’Power Overlap’. The most important thing is that Level 4 poison directly acts on the heart of’Assassin Mantis’. All these make’Assassin Mantis’ The body that had just been lifted was soft again and fell to the ground.

Losing the chance of the last blow, the life force of the’Assassin Mantis’ also lost, the heart was cut open, and the vitality disappeared immediately.

David injected a bottle of’Unaging Holy Water’ within the body, and the frailty of the body quickly subsided. When he sensed that the Shadow Servant had absorbed a powerful soul and felt a sense of comfort, the worries in his heart also disappeared.

This Level 4 insect race died in his hands. He actually assassinated a Level 4 insect race.

After the excitement, David couldn’t help but feel a sense of fear. This is a Level 4 insect race. The Level 3 shield in front of him can’t stop the attack of the Level 4 insect race. The customized outer skeleton armor on him is also Unstoppable.

David shook the head hard, the battle was over, but he started to worry.

This time he used too much Innate Ability, this Level 4 insect race corpse could not be exposed, his mind moved, Shadow Servant collected the corpse of the’Assassin Mantis’ into the space bracer on David’s wrist.

Fortunately, the corpse of this “Assassin Mantis” is not big, it is 1.5 meters tall and extremely slender. Otherwise, ordinary Level 3 insect races cannot fit into the space item, let alone Level 4 insect race corpses.

After doing all this, David not at all left the underground immediately. He controlled the Shadow Servant to fly to the sky, observing the situation of all around.

He found that what happened just now, not at all attracted anyone’s attention, and no one noticed that just now, a Level 4 insect race died here.

The battle on Knight Kade is about to end. Knight Kade continues to attack the’Titan Black Beetle’. After this round of attacks, the’Titan Black Beetle’ will definitely not survive.

When the’Unaging Holy Water’ showed its effect, David’s power was fully restored. He suddenly rushed out of the ground, waving the’Sharp Heavy Axe’ in his hand and rushing in the direction of the three Transcendents.

David’s battle method is very simple. He first used the “High Frequency Sound Wave “Innate Ability” to send out a “High Frequency Sound Wave”, so that the insect race in an area within 100 meters in front of him was affected by the “High Frequency Sound Wave”. .

The Level 1 insect race loses its ability to move directly, and the Level 2 insect race is dizzy for a short time. David swung the’Sharp Heavy Axe’ all the way to kill. There is no need to consider any fighting skills. He just needs to swipe out the’Sharp Heavy Axe’ hard.

“Augustine, I’ll help you!” In this way of movement, David quickly came to Transcendent Augustine’s side, and he shouted.

“Haha, I knew you were all right, let’s solve this guy together!” Transcendent Augustine laughed and said with a smile.

Transcendent Augustine was very worried when he heard that David was chased by Level 4 insect race. It was Level 4 insect race. After that, Knight of Great Spiritual World supported David, and then David had no information, which made him very worried.

He didn’t know that David was being chased by another Level 4 insect race, otherwise he wouldn’t just worry about it.

Transcendent Augustine side lance Armored Soldier sacrificed the most. This is because Transcendent Augustine itself does not have much attack power and can only make defenses. This makes Level 3 insect race less scrupulous about attacks on lance Armored Soldier.

David is very familiar with the Armored Soldier battlefield, he stepped into the Armored Soldier battlefield and became a part of the Armored Soldier battlefield.

The remaining Armored Soldiers also automatically changed their battle formations and accepted David in.

Following several lance Armored Soldiers, David stepped forward and entered the range of attacking Level 3 insect race. The spirit line immediately appeared and locked Level 3 insect race.

“Dead!” Following David’s a light shout, a green rays of light flashed by, and the head of this Level 3 insect race flies up.

The Level 3 insect race that killed dozens of lance Armored Soldiers was hit by David as soon as he came into contact with David.

Transcendent Augustine looked at David helplessly. Now he feels that David is Transcendent, and he is more like an Armored Soldier.

After killing the Level 3 insect race, David immediately rushed to the location of another Level 3 insect race.

“Benton, are you hurt?” David asked, seeing the scarlet on Transcendent Benton.

“I’m not injured. This is the blood of several Armored Soldiers who blocked the attack for me!” Transcendent Benton’s voice was a bit hoarse. While speaking, the lance in his hand was continuously pierced, and several points were pierced on the body of the Level 3 insect race. Road injury.

It’s just that this Level 3 insect race is defensive. Although it was injured, it was not fatal.

David immediately activated the’sharp’ effect, and came to the side of the Level 3 insect race, and then’sharp Heavy Axe’ guided the Level 3 insect race again with the guidance of the spirit line.

“Medical Armored Soldier, hurry up and save people!” Transcendent Benton did not speak to David, but turned his head and yelled.

Transcendent Benton is a lance Armored Soldier. His defense is insufficient. In the face-to-face battle with the Level 3 insect race, if it hadn’t been for multiple Armored Soldiers to block the attack for him, he would have been seriously injured.

David felt the sadness and anger of Transcendent Benton, he did not hesitate, and turned to kill in the direction of the last Level 3 insect race.

He did not say hello to Transcendent Garth, but approached the Level 3 insect race in the fastest way and killed it.

David also found that he is more suitable for fighting Level 3 insect race in battle formation, because Level 3 insect race would not notice him at all in battle formation, of course this is related to his concealed aura ability.

The Level 3 insect race has to deal with Transcendent Garth and the attack from the lance Armored Soldier, so when David attacked, the Level 3 insect race didn’t even have time to react.

The death of 3 Level 3 insect races made the Armored Soldiers rest assured, and even greater cheers came. It turned out that Knight Kade on the other side finally killed the’Titan Black Beetle’.

The scene of the huge body of the’Titan Black Beetle’ falling down was very spectacular, and it was seen by many Armored Soldiers, which caused cheers.

Generally, only one Level 4 insect race will appear on a defensive line. Once this Level 4 insect race is killed, it means that the infestation of this defensive line is about to end.

The level 4 insect race is needed to control this scale of insects. The’Titan Black Beetle’ is the commander to attack this line of defense. The death of the’Titan Black Beetle’ makes the insect race in the insect wave wake up immediately.

Once the fearless crazy insect race wakes up, it will be assassinated by countless lances after discovering that the companions rushing to the Armored Soldier battlefield will be assassinated by countless lances, and with the violent gunfire, all the insect races in a large area will die. Let the sober insect race fear.

The worms no longer hit the front, they scattered and fled aimlessly in other directions.

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