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“Lieutenant Colonel!” As soon as David left the room, he saw Lieutenant Mason standing outside, and Lieutenant Mason greeted him immediately when he saw David coming out.

“Second Lieutenant Mason, is it okay?” David couldn’t help asking, seeing the obvious joy on Mason’s face.

“We won!” Lieutenant Mason retorted excitedly and reported.

“Didn’t we win yesterday?” David didn’t understand where the excitement of Lieutenant Mason came from. He also knew about it.

“No, last night we joined forces with Great Spiritual World and used our 4th frontline base as a cornerstone to attack the 2nd side in one night. Good news came in the morning that the insect race of the insect race was completely destroyed!” Lieutenant Mason Explained quickly.

“So that means the war is over?” David then understood, he asked let out a long relaxed breath.

An all-out insect race war. If this kind of war did not end last night, it would drag the war for many days. It will take a long time for the Federation and Great Spiritual World to slowly recover all the occupied areas. During this time, War Star will again Once they became flesh and blood grinders, humans and insect races died in large numbers in these areas like meat grinder wars.

“Yes, the war is over. After that, only the remaining insect race needs to be cleaned out!” Lieutenant Mason said with a smile.

David also shook his fist with joy. He thought that this war would not end in a short time. Who knew the military’s actions were so decisive. He took advantage of the opportunity of the 4th frontline base to defeat the worm infestation first. The war ended at night.

“Go out and take a look!” David said excitedly.

Walking out of the defensive wall, the outside is still full of bloody smell, and the logistics personnel are still cleaning up the corpses. The number of insect race killed this time is so large that it is difficult to count.

The logistics staff are constantly busy, and until now they have not been able to completely clean up.

This time the military will harvest a lot of materials. Not only will the losses and losses of this war be recovered, but also a lot more inventory.

Outside the defensive wall, only a few Armored Soldiers are on duty, and the rest of the Armored Soldiers have resumed their usual routines.

“Do you know how many soldiers we have sacrificed?” David saw that there were only corpses left on the battlefield yesterday, not at all soldiers, he solemnly asked.

“The battle damage has been calculated. The 4th Frontline Base sacrificed 6500 and 43 Armored Soldiers this time, with 1400 disabled!” Lieutenant Mason replied without Garth.

This number Lieutenant Mason has been reverberating in his mind ever since he knew it, so David blurted it out when he asked him.

David was also in a daze. You must know that yesterday, he prepared the best medical treatment. Even the genetic repair chamber was prepared in the defensive wall, and ordinary injuries can be recovered through the genetic repair chamber.

During the war, he almost squeezed Level 3 insect race within 3000 metres. Except for the last 3 Level 3 insect races because he was hunted down and took the opportunity to approach, there was no Level 3 insect race during the entire war. Able to approach the line of defense.

In addition, David has been able to kill a large number of powerful snipers in the Level 2 insect race for a long period of time, which has also reduced the pressure on the defense line.

In this case, there were still nearly 7000 casualties. How many Armored Soldiers died in the remaining bases, and how many other soldiers died?

Just think of an ordinary city in the Federation, and the number of Armored Soldiers is less than 100. That still includes many old Armored Soldiers who have lost their battle strength. From this, you can know how much the loss of this war is.

“Do you know the loss of the entire War Star?” David asked softly.

“The battle damage hasn’t come out yet, but I know the news that Armored Soldier has sacrificed more than 700,000, and the remaining services have died more than 3,000,000!” Lieutenant Mason was taken aback, but he was still replied.

David didn’t say anything again. He actually guessed the special of Lieutenant Mason a long time ago, because Lieutenant Mason knew a lot of news and intelligence that ordinary officers could not know, but he didn’t perceive malice from Lieutenant Mason, so it didn’t matter.

It is almost impossible for an officer with weak combat effectiveness like Ensign Mason to hide his emotions from David. David’s perception is extremely sensitive. Unless he can surpass him mentally, he cannot escape his perception at all. .

Hearing such a huge number, David was a little stunned for a while.

In fact, such losses were not many in the previous total insect race wars, but rather rare.

If you calculate the average, the total damage caused by the insect race total war to the federal army is about twice the loss this time.

But this time is different. David personally participated in the war. He saw the death of the Armored Soldier and the invasion of the insect race. This feeling is completely different from the cold numbers in the textbook.

“Go ahead, I’ll stay here for a while!” David sat on a rock and said to Lieutenant Mason.

“Yes!” Lieutenant Mason responded immediately.

Lieutenant Mason has a lot of work, and David’s inspector work is done by Lieutenant Mason. During the war, some soldiers violated disciplines, and Lieutenant Mason was required to deal with it.

Lieutenant Mason thought of David’s age. He also knew how much impact it had on people when he heard this sacrifice figure. It is normal for people of David’s age to be unacceptable for a while.

David was sitting on a rock. He watched the logistics staff at work. He watched the ground not only the green blood but also the red blood mixed in it. Those were all human blood.

After sitting for a while, David’s mood calmed down. He stood up, but saw Transcendent Augustine standing behind him.

“Augustine, when did you come?” David asked in surprise.

His mind was completely empty just now, and Transcendent Augustine was not dangerous, so Shadow Servant not at all reminded him that this made Transcendent Augustine stand behind him, and he didn’t even notice.

“I have been here for a while. Seeing you are thinking about things here, it didn’t bother you. Are you in a bad mood?” Transcendent Augustine asked concerned.

“It’s nothing, but I didn’t expect so many soldiers to die after a war!” David said with a bitter smile.

“This is the war. We have sacrificed a lot, and the insect race has died more. This time because of you, the number of victims of the fourth frontline base is the least among all the bases, and thanks to your help, this war Ended early, you have saved 4 million soldiers!” Transcendent Augustine said solemnly.

“This is not my contribution alone. Every soldier on the base is a hero, and I can’t hold it without them!” David said, shaking his head.

“Stop talking about it, do you know what day it was yesterday?” Transcendent Augustine didn’t want to talk about this heavy topic anymore, he asked with a smile.

“Yesterday, except for the day when the insect race launched a full-scale war?” David didn’t react for a while. He didn’t remember what special significance yesterday was.

“Yesterday was the final day of the’strongest freshman’!” Transcendent Augustine looked at David said with a smile.

David couldn’t help but stunned, he almost forgot the game he had also signed up for.

After calculating the time, it was almost exactly the day of the game, but after he was called up, he has been fighting all the time, and there is no time to think about the things in the previous school.

“‘The strongest freshman’!” David muttered to himself.

If not for the total war of the insect race, he should now be holding the medal of the’strongest freshman’ and celebrating the victory.

When he was in school, David was still a little interested in the “strongest freshman” competition, because it would bring him a lot of resources, and it also means that he is the most powerful house of this generation.

It’s just that David now watching the “strongest freshman” game is like watching a little child play house. Compared with the insect race total war, the “strongest freshman” competition can’t be considered.

“I know you signed up for the’strongest freshman’, but unfortunately, if you go to participate, this’strongest freshman’ is yours!” Transcendent Augustine wanted to solve David’s mood through this relaxed topic, so he deliberately said .

Transcendent Augustine has seen David’s archives, which is also one of Transcendent’s privileges, including the registration information for the’strongest freshman’.

When Transcendent Augustine saw this message, he thought about David actually participating in the “Best Freshman” competition. He knew that David was a “Heavy Axe Grandmaster”.

Let a “Heavy Axe Grandmaster” participate in the “Best Freshman” competition, who can take David’s blow!

In Transcendent Augustine’s view, let alone the’strongest freshman’ game, it is for him to fight David. It is estimated that he will not survive.

“How can the’strongest freshman’ game be refreshed on the battlefield!” David said with a smile and waved.

In fact, in the “Best Freshman” competition that ended yesterday, Dude, the student who won the honor of “Best Freshman”, not at all received the cheers he deserved.

Because the students from Alidia Star Domain, Kardor Star Domain, Volga Star Domain and Sila Star Domain cast their eyes on the’strongest freshman’ with disdain.

“If David is there, where will it be his turn to get the title of’the strongest freshman’!” A student who knew David below said to other students around him.

“Can Du De catch David’s axe?” This is the voice of David’s classmate Mike. His voice is very loud and many students present have heard it.

Even Du De, who had just received the “Best Freshman” medal on the stage, also heard it. Du De looked towards Mike, his eyes full of anger.

“The one in the audience, if you said that David is really capable, why didn’t he come to the stage to fight me?” Du De was also extremely proud, and he shouted at Mike in the audience.

“That’s because David’s combat power is too strong and he was directly recruited by the military. Your combat power is not worthy of David’s shoes!” Mike also spoke with no mercy, and his heart was full of dissatisfaction.

The Alidia First Academy is 100% in the bag for this’strongest new student’, and the corresponding tilt to the Academy is also their Academy, but the military’s enlistment makes all this lost.

Mike felt extremely upset when he saw the complacency on Du De’s face, and he wanted to say it out loud.

Du De was also taken aback. Freshman students were called up. How could this happen? You must know that the strongest freshman student is Peak Armored Soldier, and a Peak Armored Soldier goes to War Star. The role is also very limited.

He didn’t believe it in his heart, but he also saw that Mike was not lying.

Just when Du De wanted to say something, a student suddenly exclaimed.

“God, David actually got the’National Scholar’ medal!” The student just heard that everyone was discussing David’s information, and he also inquired about David’s information through Skynet.

In David’s latest information, there was a message announced by the War Star military department that David was awarded the “National Scholar” medal.

“How is this possible? Did David sacrifice?”

The rest of the students couldn’t believe it, because David was recruited and he had only been in the army for 3 months. It was too weird to get the “National Scholar” medal at this point.

Not to mention that the military rarely awarded the’National Scholar’ medal to active duty soldiers, and the winners of the’National Scholar’ medal are very healthy, and many are posthumously awarded.

The “National Scholar” medal is the highest medal awarded by the military. The “strongest freshman” and “National Scholar” medals have no comparability at all. The “strongest freshman” is only the most powerful house among freshmen, and it will be updated in subsequent semesters. With more knowledge and more learning, it is difficult for the’strongest freshman’ to remain the real strongest.

And this’strongest freshman’ can only be compared with the freshman students, the senior students are far too much stronger than this’strongest freshman’.

“David did not sacrifice, he is now a lieutenant colonel!” Some students spoke out the results of the query.

“I would be satisfied if I could achieve David’s record in War Star!”

“Don’t dream, David is a monster who was called up in his freshman year, how can you compare!”

The students seem to have forgotten that this is the award presentation site for the’strongest freshman’, and they all started discussing about David.

None of the students here are simple. Those who can take part in the competition as soon as their freshman year enrolls require a lot of resources, and they all have strong support behind them.

So some of David’s information in War Star was also checked by them. Of course, the information is very simple, with only a few words.

But it was this little word that made the students very excited.

“David killed 3 Level 8 insect races alone in 3 days!”

“I really want to see David fighting with my own eyes!”

“That’s the Level 3 insect race. Transcendent can kill very few Level 3 insect races alone!”

“David is still the’sniper master’!”

Each and everyone news was mentioned, followed by more exclamations.

Du De stood on the stage, holding the medal of the’strongest freshman’ in his hand. It should be him giving his acceptance speech at this time, but he did not want to say a word.

He even felt that the’strongest freshman’ medal in his hand was a bit hot, and he felt like he wanted to leave here quickly.

Du De’s opinion on David not at all. After hearing David’s message, he only had admiration for this enchantment at the same level.

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