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“Master, David Young Master, it’s lunch time!” Following steward’s reminder, David’s conversation with Baron Dubois ended.

“Where is Miller?” Baron Dubois frowned and asked Steward.

Although David is considered to be his own, Knight Miller is extremely rude not to come out to accompany him.

“Miller Young Master is waiting in the restaurant!” Steward bowed back.

“David, let’s go to dinner!” Baron Dubois shook the head, turning his head and said to David.

When the two people came to the restaurant, they saw Knight Miller sitting upright and waiting there.

“Miller, are you hungry?” Baron Dubois couldn’t help but ask when he saw Knight Miller.

“Uncle, all the dishes for lunch today were brought by David!” Knight Miller spoke with expectation.

Because Steward kept up in time, Knight Miller not at all could steal food in the kitchen, so he had to wait in the restaurant early.

“David, I’m interested!” Baron Dubois said with a smile on his face to David.

“Dubois Uncle likes it!” David also responded with a smile.

Needless to say, everyone was very satisfied with the lunch. Knight Miller hugged his belly with happiness, and Baron Dubois was also thinking about it.

Because the physiques of the 3 people are extremely powerful and they have more meals than the ordinary person, David’s dishes are very large, but there is not a little left over the ten dishes.

After lunch, David bid farewell to Baron Dubois.

Steward brought David’s horse, which was washed and cleaned, and fed with special feed, which seemed very energetic.

There were still insect races on the way back, and David let them go.

As soon as he returned to the base headquarters, he immediately came to his own office, which was rarely used since he became an inspector, and was used by Lieutenant Mason.

David stopped Lieutenant Mason’s attempt to stand up and greet him, and he asked Lieutenant Mason to continue.

Sitting on the chair behind the desk, David turned on his own optical brain.

This light brain has special permissions and needs to detect his identity bracelet to open it, and according to his permissions, he can find the official internal information of War Star.

What David needs is the latest map of the insect race occupied area. Every once in a while, the military will arrange for drones to enter the insect race occupied area. Although these ultra-small drones fly into the insect race occupied area, most of the branches are flying. The Insect family was destroyed, but some of them survived. The situation inside the occupied area of ​​the insect race was photographed and returned.

The military’s map will be updated based on these returned data. After an all-out insect race war, David believes that the distribution of insect races in the area occupied by the insect race has long been very different.

He needs more information to ensure the safety of him entering the area occupied by the insect race, he would not think that his Innate Ability is impossible to be discovered.

There is only one life, and as long as one is not careful, life will be lost.

After watching the latest insect race distribution map updated by the military after the war, David’s expression also became serious.

Because he saw 9 places marked on the map sent by Baron Dubois, all of which are areas where a large number of insect races gather, and there are also Level 4 insect races there.

Don’t look at David successfully killing the Assassin Mantis, the Assassin Mantis is Level 4, but the Level 4 of the Assassin Mantis is just like Baron Dubois said, its defense is one of all Level 4 insect races. The weakest of them.

This kind of forced upgrade is inherently different from the naturally grown Level 4 insect race.

David downloaded the map and transferred it to his identity bracelet.

Now the corpse of the’Assassin Mantis’ is stored in the space wristband. Although the items in the space wristband will be stored in a special space for a long time, David does not want to affect the use of the’Corpse Controlling Technique’ because the corpse has been stored for too long. ‘.

According to the record in the’Corpse Controlling Technique’, he needs to dispose of the body of the’Assassin Mantis’ first, and these cannot be done on the military side.

In the afternoon, David was making plans. He went to the logistics department and maintenance department to order and build some items.

David set a time, and plans to go to the insect race occupied area after the item he ordered in 2 days.

Before David could leave, he was called to the Conference Hall by Transcendent Babington one day later.

Entering the Conference Hall, David saw all the 4 Transcendents from the 4th frontline base were there, and they were chatting.

“David, congratulations!” Transcendent Benton was the first to stand up and laugh and congratulate after seeing David.

The other three Transcendents also congratulated David, which made David who didn’t know what happened for a while.

“What can I congratulate?” David asked puzzled.

“Have you not received the message?” Transcendent Babington said with a smile.

“David, you can go to school again soon!” Transcendent Benton said to David.

David was taken aback. Is the military planning to release him back to the Alidia No. 3 Academy, but this is also unlikely. His current rank is colonel, and he has only been in the military for a little over 1 months.

Besides, the army doesn’t just leave as soon as he says he leaves. He has military exploits, and if he has made no mistakes, it is not justified to let him leave the army.

“Benton, you don’t understand when you say that David!” Transcendent Augustine finally couldn’t stand it anymore, he said aloud, then turned to David and said, “The military department is going to send you to the military academy for a year!”

“Why did you suddenly let me go to the military academy?” David still didn’t quite understand.

“The news from the military department is that you will be awarded the rank of major general after one year of advanced studies in the military academy, and then you can officially lead the army!” Transcendent Babington explained.

The content of the military meeting cannot be concealed at all. There are representatives of many forces there. Just after the meeting, the award plan for David was spread.

It’s just that David has been busy for the past two days, so no one told him about the incident.

Transcendent Babington, they also came to David after receiving a formal notice. For any soldier, becoming a general is a major event.

Even if David didn’t care about his position in the army, he couldn’t help but be delighted to hear that his major general rank had been set.

He also has a dream of being a general. Being a general is the dream of almost all boys.

“Which military school is it? Is the time set?” David calmed down and asked.

“You are going to the Federal Military Academy. It is the Interstellar Federation Ranked 1st Military Academy. It is a military academy designed to train elite military talents. The time is 1 month later!” Transcendent Babington passed a document to David through his identity bracelet, while replied .

David opened the identity bracelet and saw an admission notice signed by Interstellar Federation Military Academy.

The military academy that can be named Interstellar Federation can know its status from the name.

David has heard of this military academy. The admission of this military academy is very strict, requiring multiple audits and high grades to enter.

Of course, the way David enters the Federal Military Academy is actually gilded. With the qualifications of the Federal Military Academy, you can easily grow in the military in the future.

This is also the painstaking effort of General Adams. This kind of fast squad is all attended by elites of the military, and almost every soldier who participates is a reserve talent in the army.

In addition to learning relevant knowledge at the Federal Military Academy, you can also accumulate a heavy friendship. After graduating from this class, your classmates can be said to become natural allies.

“One month, enough time!” After David saw the time, he was relieved. This did not delay his going to the insect race occupied area.

“David, this time there are a number of resources allocated based on your record, including a year of Level 3 fortified meat, 5 potions that will help you promote Transcendent, and a flagship guardian!” Transcendent Babington continued.

“This is the real general treatment!” Transcendent Benton also exclaimed.

David knows what Transcendent Benton means. All the actual generals in the army can have their own battleship, which is not needed in War Star, but it is needed after leaving War Star.

The flagship of this kind of escort is the enhanced ship in the frigate. In addition to the stronger firepower, it also strengthens the defensive power, which is regarded as the finest item in the frigate.

This is not the most critical thing. Like David’s previous battleship, although it is called battleship, it has been streamlined in many ways.

Even if this is the case, that kind of battleship cannot enter the administrative star. It can only stop at a place close to the administrative star, and then enter the administrative star through the landing spaceship.

But the battleship rationed by the military is different. You can park at any military airport at will and do not need to accept inspections other than the military.

In another year, Level 3 strengthened meat resources. This should be to ensure his preparation in the Interstellar Federation military academy. Of course, this is also his record.

As for the 5 potions that are beneficial to the promotion of Transcendent, these are all military-specific potions, even if you have money, you can’t buy them.

Why are there so many Transcendents in the military? Many of them are self-cultivating, and they have the effect of these drugs.

Of course, it is estimated that apart from the military, other forces have no choice but to make them, because the most important materials are all from War Star.

“For a year of Level 3 fortified meat, you can receive it all at once, or save it in the military system, and wait until the Federal Military Academy to receive it in batches. My opinion is that you’d better choose to receive it in batches.” Transcendent Babington Said again.

“No, I want to receive it all at once!” David said, shaking his head.

David knows that Level 3 fortified meat is a limited amount of resources except just after the end of the war.

10000 As soon as I arrived at the Interstellar Federation military academy, when I received Level 3 fortified meat, I found that there were no extra resources.

“Unless Level 3 fortified meat is placed in the space item, it will soon lose its utility due to corruption!” Transcendent Babington reminded.

“Actually, I didn’t tell you. I also have a space item. It was the reward from Great Spiritual World after completing the joint mission between Great Spiritual World and the Federation last time!” David said somewhat sorry.

“God, what task will Great Spiritual World give such a reward for completing it?” Transcendent Benton asked with wide-eyed eyes.

Not only Transcendent Benton, but the other 3 Transcendents are also unbelievable.

You must know that David is not a Transcendent, and there is no Bloodline of the Great Spiritual World. The space item that Great Spiritual World can reward David is the space item that an ordinary person can use.

This kind of space item is extremely rare in the Federation, and it is passed down from the Great Spiritual World, but every such space item requires a huge price to be obtained.

These spatial items are in the hands of some powerful figures of the top federal forces, and will not appear in other places.

When David saw the reaction of several Transcendents so intense, he didn’t tell them the size of his space bag, for fear of irritating them.

“In this case, I will apply to the military department and they will send it over soon!” Transcendent Babington shook his head to say with a smile.

He manipulated the identity bracelet, then took out 5 more bottles and handed them to David.

David knew that these were the 5 potions that would help promote Transcendent, and he carefully put them away.

The 5 bottles of potions are placed outside, enough to make any Armored Soldier crazy. Even if David is confident to become a Transcendent, he can have more confidence that he will not let it go.

“Babington, I want to take a week off. Some things need to be dealt with!” David said to Transcendent Babington, somewhat sorry.

David had just asked for leave today, and he just came back to ask for leave again. He was a little bit hard to speak.

“The war is over, you should also take a vacation, there is nothing important next, you can arrange your own time before going to the military school!” Transcendent Babington said with a smile.

In fact, David was fine after the notice this time. He originally had only the duties of an inspector at the 4th frontline base, but it was all handled by Lieutenant Mason, a deputy, and he could rest at any time.

“Thank you, do you plan to wait until I come back in a week, and then go out together to hunt the insect race!” David suggested with a smile.

“This proposal is good, I will make a plan this week!” Transcendent Benton heard David’s proposal and immediately responded with a smile.

They applied for David to come to the 4th frontline base. The original plan was to join forces with a sniper master to hunt down the insect race.

But I never thought that David, the’sniper master’ is too strong, they need to team up to kill the Level 3 insect race, but David can easily kill it, which made them sorry for a long time to go out hunting Killing insect race.

They also knew that David said that he was going to share the spoils of war with them before he left, and they would not miss this opportunity.

To be honest, it is extremely cost-effective for David to come to the fourth frontline base even if he does not hunt down the insect race with them, because David’s arrival reduces the loss of the fourth frontline base and becomes the key to victory in the total war.

The 4 Transcendents of the 4th frontline base have gained a lot. Transcendent’s resource supply has been upgraded to Level 1, and there are many special resources that they didn’t even dare to think about before.

In the afternoon, a small battleship arrived at the headquarters of the 4th frontline base and delivered a year of Level 3 fortified meat. David received Level 3 fortified meat.

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