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“There is a’Giant Armored Cyclops Beetle’ ahead, let’s kill it!” Transcendent Benton looked at his identity bracelet, and then pointed to the front left.

For this hunting operation, four Transcendents purchased drones at their own expense and used these drones to enhance the field reconnaissance of the 4th frontline base.

The focus is on the orientation of the Level 3 insect race. Of course, it is also convenient to see if the Level 4 insect race exists, so as to avoid it in advance.

“Benton, you have to check if there is a Level 4 insect race nearby, don’t pit us all!” Transcendent Garth reminded.

“How come, I have been studying this area during the days when David left!” Transcendent Benton said dissatisfied.

David proposed to go out with 4 Transcendents to hunt the Level 3 insect race before leaving. Several Transcendents made a lot of preparations for this.

As a one-time consumable, UAVs have been released continuously for many days, even now they continue to ensure that UAVs are under surveillance in the sky.

David rode on the horse, smiling at their conversation.

The speed of this horse is much faster than his own speed, so he prefers to use the horse to travel.

“Okay, get ready to act!” Transcendent Babington looked at the time said solemnly.

David and the 4 Transcendents ran towards the direction of’Giant Armored Cyclops Beetle’, and the Shadow Servant in the sky saw the silhouette of’Giant Armored Cyclops Beetle’ far away.

“David, how do you fight?” Transcendent Babington waved his hand and the group stopped. He turned his head and asked David.

This is the difference in status. Although David is only Peak Armored Soldier, the four Transcendents are ashamed of their true combat power, so they asked David for their opinions before acting.

“I will try to sniper once. If I succeed, I will immediately pick up the next target. If I miss, I will rely on you to block it!” David suggested with a smile.

Because David didn’t have many days to drive, he hoped to hunt more Level 3 insect races to repay the 4 Transcendents for their care.

“That’s good!” Transcendent Babington didn’t care about the contribution of their 4 Transcendents in the battle. Anyway, they had seen David’s toughness. This time it was obvious that David brought them to make a fortune, and no one would be sorry.

David did not get off the horse, but lay directly on the back of the horse, and put the’Growler Sniper Rifle’ around the horse’s neck.

Transcendent Benton saw David’s movements and wanted to say something, but was stopped by Transcendent Babington.

Although I don’t understand why David did this, Transcendent Babington believes David has his own reasons.

David certainly has his own ideas. Since he got the horse, he has done some research on the horse.

The strength of the horse’s body is much stronger than that of him, almost comparable to that of the Level 3 insect race, and this kind of body strength can fully withstand the recoil of the’Growler Sniper Rifle’.

In fact, if David has such physical strength, he doesn’t need to sniper on the ground at all, he can use standing sniper and use his body to withstand recoil.

until now The biggest weakness of the Armored Soldier is the movement problem. The Armored Soldier is safe only until the first shot.

After firing the first sniper bullet, he exposed his position and he became the enemy’s target.

It’s not that no one has thought of increasing the mobility of the Armored Soldier, but unless it is a heavy armored vehicle, light vehicles cannot withstand recoil.

Besides, when fighting an insect race, it is easier to expose the target with armored vehicles or levitating vehicles, and these vehicles cannot protect the passengers, and the speed is not faster than the outer skeleton armor.

The war horse is different. It has strong physical strength and sufficient speed, plus it can be included in the summon ring at any time, what better sniper vehicle than the war horse!

When he went deep into the area occupied by the insect race alone, David was still a little hesitant to use this method, but now he is acting with the 4 Transcendents, even if it is a mistake, it doesn’t matter.

Although this war horse is not in a spiritual connection with David, it is also a war horse that has been rigorously trained since childhood. When David asks it to stand still, it can be completely still.

“Bang!” A blast rose from the’Growler Sniper Rifle’, and David did not look at the result of the super large-caliber Level 3 sniper bullet.

Because there was no need to look at it, he understood the result at the moment the super large-caliber Level 3 sniper bullet was fired.

David felt the recoil from the’Growler Sniper Rifle’, and then used the method of mental transmission in the body to transmit the recoil to the horse.

The recoil was added to the horse, and the horse seemed to feel nothing.

This made David very satisfied. The sniper effect in a static state was very good, almost the same as his sniper effect on the ground.

Of course, sitting on a battle horse to sniper the target is more obvious and easy to be seen by the enemy.

It’s just that David’s sniper range is as far as 5000 metres. It is difficult for the enemy to see him at this distance. Not everyone has the in the sky eyes like Shadow Servant.

“Okay!” Transcendent Benton could not help shouting when he saw the’Giant Armored Cyclops Beetle’ struggling on the ground in the distance.

This’Giant Armored Cyclops Beetle’ was resting. It was hit by a super large-caliber Level 3 sniper bullet in the neck. The neck was penetrated, especially the spine was interrupted, and he couldn’t control his body.

Transcendent Benton flew over with lance, and Transcendent Garth also followed along.

Transcendent Babington and Transcendent Augustine looked at David. David’s sniping this time broke the limit on sniping Armored Soldier for countless years.

“If this sniper method can be promoted, it will greatly enhance the combat power of sniping Armored Soldier!” Transcendent Babington exclaimed.

But he bitterly laughed himself immediately, because he thought of the horse under David.

This kind of horse is only available in Great Spiritual World. It is not easy to trade this kind of horse.

In countless years of trading, I have never heard of a war horse trading.

“This horse was stripped from the Knight who made the mistake!” David explained, tapping the horse on the neck.

Transcendent Babington and Transcendent Augustine looked at each other, completely understood David’s sniper method cannot be promoted.

In fact, David hasn’t said that the war horse is only one aspect. Without a matching feed supply, the war horse will gradually lose its particularity.

Before coming, David clearly proposed not to participate in the distribution of spoils of war, so Transcendent Benton and Transcendent Garth did not distribute the material of the’Giant Armored Cyclops Beetle’ on the spot, but disassembled the material and put it into the space bracer.

“Go to the next target, two’Giant Clawed-Flame Worm’!” Transcendent Benton took out the identity bracelet again to check it, and said quickly.

This is all real-time information, so the information is very accurate, as long as the speed is fast enough, it will not fail.

“I’ll snipe first this time!” David commented.

“Okay!” Transcendent Babington nodded agreed.

David let the horse gallop, instead of taking back the’Growler Sniper Rifle’, he tried to set up the’Growler Sniper Rifle’ on the horse.

The horse runs very smoothly. Of course, this balance is relative, but there are still some small ups and downs.

For ordinary sniper Armored Soldier, this slight ups and downs will have a huge impact on the sniper.

Especially for the target 5000 meters away, as long as a small error will be as different as heaven and earth.

But David is different. The strong spirit makes him extremely powerful in calculation and analysis. The slight ups and downs of the horse can be calculated into the analysis of snipers.

But this is the first time, David needs to get used to this sniper method.

The 4 Transcendents looked at each other, and they all wondered if David wanted to sniper in motion. They were extremely surprised just by sniping on a stationary horse.

They were only slightly surprised and immediately chased up. After chasing them, they found one thing, that is, the speed of the horse is indeed very fast.

With David letting the horse run at full speed, the 4 Transcendents could only keep up.

When the Shadow Servant in the sky saw two’Giant Clawed-Flame Worm’, David rode a horse and rushed into a distance of 2 metres, and then he shot out a super large-caliber Level 5000 sniper without any hesitation. bullet.

Two’Giant Clawed-Flame Worm’ were marching one after the other, but they did not expect a sudden long-range sniper. One’Giant Clawed-Flame Worm’ made evasion, but was still hit by a super large-caliber Level 2 sniper bullet Up the shoulders.

This sniper was originally aimed at the heart, but the vigilance of these two’Giant Clawed-Flame Worm’ was very high, so that David’s 2st sniper only injured one’Giant Clawed-Flame Worm’.

The other’Giant Clawed-Flame Worm’ immediately rushed towards David after being alarmed by the sudden attack.

“Not good, how could David act without waiting for us!” Transcendent Babington heard the sniper rifle from behind, and he yelled impatiently.

Although I know that David is very strong, it is conditional. For example, David needs to be in a complex environment to be able to burst out the strongest long-range sniper ability.

The ability of the’Heavy Axe Grandmaster’ depends on what kind of insect race the opponent is.

Level 3 insect race with Transcendent flame ability like’Giant Clawed-Flame Worm’ will be very troublesome if there is no corresponding defense method.

At least with David’s physique, even if he holds a Level 3 shield, he will suffer damage under the flame of Transcendent.

The 4 Transcendents rushed into the air, they needed to help David as quickly as possible.

Only after they took off, they saw another way of sniping, a battle method that was enough to break their imagination.

David still lay on the horse in a very weird posture. The speed of the horse was not at all reduced, but he turned and ran to the side.

David retargeted the’Growler Sniper Rifle’ at the injured’Giant Clawed-Flame Worm’. Because of a shoulder injury, the action of this’Giant Clawed-Flame Worm’ slowed down.

There was no waiting time, yet another super large-caliber Level 3 sniper bullet flew out. This time he was sniping at the location of the injured shoulder that’Giant Clawed-Flame Worm’ wanted to dodge, but would use it the most .

The’Giant Clawed-Flame Worm’ slowed its movements by a step due to pain, and the super large-caliber Level 3 sniper bullet made a hole in its chest.

“Damn it!” David screamed slightly annoyed.

The sniping of the horse while running still affected his accuracy. He made a prediction for the dodge action of’Giant Clawed-Flame Worm’. He was very lucky. This time the prediction was successful, but because the horse was in A bump on the ground passing by during the run caused his aiming to go wrong.

David immediately re-adjusted the aim with the gun, and then hurriedly sniped, making this sniper only a hole in the chest of’Giant Clawed-Flame Worm’ near the heart.

After 0.5 seconds, David sniped again. There was no problem this time. The heart of the’Giant Clawed-Flame Worm’ hit by 2 sniper bullets was blasted.

This is also the most frequent sniping of an insect race by David, but during the sniping process, the distance between him and the other’Giant Clawed-Flame Worm’ was not at all close.

The speed of the war horse is too fast, and’Giant Clawed-Flame Worm’ is not a Level 3 insect race that is good at speed. When the speed of the war horse erupts, it cannot catch up with the war horse in a short time.

David shifted the sniper target. He knew that in this face-to-face sniper, the chance of him sniping into the’Giant Clawed-Flame Worm’ was not high.

But as long as he was given time, tried a few more times, and collected data for analysis, he could make some judgments about the actions of this’Giant Clawed-Flame Worm’.

His requirements are not high, only the’Giant Clawed-Flame Worm’ needs to be wounded. It does not need to be the same as before. If you don’t kill the Level 3 insect race, you will be killed by the Level 3 insect race.

With this completely different mentality, David can calmly make many tactics.

David turned his body, he put the’Growler Sniper Rifle’ on the horse stock, and pointed the muzzle directly at the’Giant Clawed-Flame Worm’.

This’Giant Clawed-Flame Worm’ has seen the terrifying power of the’Growler Sniper Rifle’. When it was aimed at the muzzle, it quickly moved its body sideways, which also caused the speed of the’Giant Clawed-Flame Worm’ to drop significantly.

At the moment when the direction of the’Giant Clawed-Flame Worm’ changed, David fired a super large-caliber Level 3 sniper bullet.

For a’sniper master’, there is no need to aim at the critical sniper, as long as the sniper hits any part of the target’s body, which greatly reduces the difficulty of sniping.

David is doing this now. He has a lot of super large-caliber Level 3 sniper bullets. Besides, the warheads are all recyclable, and they can be remade once they are retrieved.

With the speed of a war horse, he can make mistakes.

The’Giant Clawed-Flame Worm’ moved its body sideways, but saw a super large-caliber Level 3 sniper bullet flying in the air. It quickly moved its body in the air to avoid the vitals.

It’s just that after the’Giant Clawed-Flame Worm’ dodged in the air, it was discovered that the sniper bullet could not be completely avoided, but it didn’t matter. As long as the sniper bullet did not hit its vitals, its body could still move.

The foot of’Giant Clawed-Flame Worm’ was hit by a super large-caliber Level 3 sniper bullet, which caused the body of’Giant Clawed-Flame Worm’ to sway. The intense pain made it wave its feet and wanted to shake it away. feel.

0.5 seconds later, David sniped again. The’Giant Clawed-Flame Worm’, whose body was not completely stable, was shot headshot. The sniper bullet entered through the eyes and instantly shattered its brain.

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