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In the eyes of Captain Chester, David at this time looked like a demon, and the outer skeleton armored loading box in his hand fell to the ground.

“Captain Chester, can you tell me who wants to kill me?” David gently shook off the blood on the Level 3 Heavy Axe and asked indifferently.

“I don’t know!” Captain Chester replied in a trembling voice.

Even at this time, Captain Chester still wanted to struggle, but he did not dare to say the name of that person, who was the backstage of their Darrow Chamber of Commerce.

David shook the head, he took a few steps forward and hit Captain Chester’s stomach with a punch.

Captain Chester didn’t at all wear outer skeleton armor. This fist made him bend down immediately and spit out gastric juice from his mouth.

Of course, David didn’t want to punch Captain Chester to death, otherwise this fist could cause Captain Chester to die directly.

David picked up Captain Chester and brought Captain Chester’s face in front of him.

“Although I don’t like torture, but you don’t want to say, then I can only make it difficult!” David looked at Captain Chester’s eyes said solemnly.

David displayed mental suppression. When Captain Chester’s mentality is about to collapse, just a little mental suppression can show special effects.

Captain Chester sniffed the smell of blood in the room, and the pain in his abdomen kept reminding him that the man in front of him was a demon, and it would really torture him if he didn’t say it.

“I will tell you what I know, can you promise not to kill me?” Captain Chester hesitated for a moment, then asked in a trembling voice.

“Of course, I never lie!” David put down Captain Chester with a smile.

As for whether David has lied before, Captain Chester does not know, and Captain Chester can only choose to believe in David’s character at this time.

“It’s Lieutenant General Beaumont, he instructed us to do this!” Captain Chester said a name.

“Lieutenant General Beaumont!” David made sure that he had never heard the name, and should never offend this Lieutenant General Beaumont.

“Know why Lieutenant General Beaumont is dealing with me?” David asked.

“I really don’t know this. I’m just a nobody. How can I ask more about what Lieutenant General Beaumont told me!” Captain Chester replied with a mournful face.

“The actions of the escort flagship that prevented me from riding the escort flagship were also instructed by Lieutenant General Beaumont?” David continued to ask.

David knew that Captain Kram was also instructed by Lieutenant General Beaumont, otherwise how could it be so coincidental.

After he came to the transit Battlestar, all the arrangements made him have to board the cargo spaceship.

“I don’t know the details. I only know that you will definitely take this spaceship early in the morning.” Captain Chester couldn’t answer two questions in succession. He was also anxious, and he tried his best to say what he knew.

“How do you look down on me? You don’t even send Transcendent!” David looked at the corpse in the room and couldn’t help but shook his head to say with a smile.

David thought that with his reputation on War Star, someone wanted to deal with him and at least send Transcendent over. For this reason, he was always cautious, even putting his custom outer skeleton armor in the space bag, ready to be equipped .

But until now, only the elite Armored Soldier has appeared, and simply no Transcendent has appeared.

“Originally, there were two Transcendents there, but something happened temporarily, so…” Captain Chester felt that he had failed to speak here, and stopped quickly.

“It turned out to be very important!” David laughed and said with a smile. After a while, he stopped and continued to ask: “Where is Lieutenant General Beaumont? Where do you go to report the situation after completing the task?”

“I don’t know where the Lieutenant-General Beaumont is. After the mission is completed, I only need to post a video to go over!” Captain Chester replied.

David clearly felt that Captain Chester’s spirit had abnormal fluctuations, and he knew that Captain Chester was probably telling lies.

“Captain Chester, this is the first time you lied, and the last time you lied. You have to know that as long as you lie in front of me, you will be discovered by me. If you want to die, continue to lie!” David warned slightly.

Captain Chester’s eyes were clearly flustered. He had heard that some people had the ability to detect human hearts.

I didn’t expect the demon in front of me to possess this ability, otherwise how could he be discovered just as he lied.

“I said, Lieutenant General Beaumont is just waiting for me to go back in the Battlestar!” Chester did not dare to lie this time.

David was puzzled that Lieutenant General Beaumont was waiting for news at Battlestar.

“You answered very well!” David said with a faint smile.

Chester let out a long relaxed breath, he felt the oppression on David disappeared and his life was saved.

As soon as Captain Chester’s heart relaxed, he saw David smiling and putting his hand on his head. He vaguely saw that David’s palm seemed to have a bright light.

David not at all used the’bewitching pattern’ in the Soul Fortress, but directly used the spirit to draw the’bewitching pattern’, and then pressed it in Captain Chester’s mind.

The’bewitching pattern’ in the Soul Fortress can deal with Level 2 insect races, and even some Level 3 insect races may be affected. The longer you train in the Soul Fortress, the better its effect will be.

How could David waste this kind of “bewilderment pattern” on the little Captain Chester. He just drew the “bewilderment pattern” freely, and he could easily control Captain Chester and make it his puppet.

After Captain Chester was controlled, Captain Chester was actually considered a living dead at this time, but David did not kill him, which is not a violation of his previous promise.

It’s just that whether Captain Chester’s life is what Captain Chester thinks is alive, it’s not what David thought.

David entered the soul of Captain Chester with a trace of his mind, and controlled Captain Chester to open his identity bracelet and transfer the highest authority of the spaceship to him.

In fact, David can completely control this cargo spaceship through the ability of the’electronic countermeasure master’, but there is a simpler way, and he does not need such complicated operations.

An unexpected thing happened to all the crew. They saw David and Captain Chester walking out of the training room side by side, as if there was no contradiction.

“All crew members must gather in the cockpit!” Captain Chester issued an order using his identity bracelet.

After a while, all the 45 crew members of this spaceship arrived in the cockpit. Some of them knew something in advance, while some did not understand what was going on.

It’s just that Captain Chester’s orders must be carried out. This has been the majesty of Captain Chester for many years.

“Everyone, the ten or two elite Armored Soldiers on the ship have been killed by me!” David was now wearing custom-made outer skeleton armor, holding a Level 2 Heavy Axe in his hand, he watched the restless crew members announce .

The crew obviously rioted, only to see the green rays of light of the Level 3 Heavy Axe, and quickly calmed down.

“Very well, I don’t want to kill people casually, you all person handed over the identity bracelet, and stayed in this room next to the cockpit for the next few days!” David was satisfied with the appearance of the crew, and said in a deep voice. Commanded.

Captain Chester walked up to the crew and began to collect identity bracelets.

The 45 crew members here are very acquainted, facing a powerful Armored Soldier who can kill a dozen elite Armored Soldiers, especially when the opponent is still wearing outer skeleton armor, they have no intention of resisting at all.

Coupled with the obedience shown by Captain Chester, they all follow suit.

David really didn’t want to kill people at will. As long as no one of these crew wanted to attack him, he would be lazy to ask.

There was food in that room. It was a bit small for the 45 crew members to stay in it, but who would care if they were alive.

Without the identity bracelet, and David has taken back all the crew’s permissions, after the room is closed, they cannot leave the room unless the outside is opened.

David sat in the captain’s position and steered the cargo spaceship to turn around.

They didn’t leave the transit Battlestar for a long time, only one and a half hours later, the cargo spaceship was 100 kilometers away from the transit Battlestar.

This distance is very close to spaceship. David parked the cargo spaceship in space.

He issued an order for Captain Chester to guard here, and this order would make Captain Chester do his best to guard the crew.

Captain Chester put on the outer skeleton armor at this time, holding a Warhammer in his hand, standing outside the room.

David left the cargo spaceship right here, and what he has to do next must not be exposed, otherwise he might turn from a hero to a criminal.

He draped the’camouflage cloth’ on his body, and the short wings behind the customized outer skeleton armor sprayed out energy, propelling him towards the transit battlestar.

As the deputy director of War Star’s logistics department, Lieutenant General Beaumont is also considered a senior officer in the top ten in War Star.

He is sitting in an office at this time. This transit Battlestar is also part of the logistics department, and he often works here.

In fact, Lieutenant General Beaumont does not like to stay in War Star, but often stays here.

His position in War Star is very embarrassing. Although he is a lieutenant general, his status is not particularly high. He does not have the right to participate in high-level meetings to decide important matters of War Star.

The main force that Lieutenant General Beaumont belongs to is not in the War Zone, but in the upper level of the Federation, which makes him restricted in War Star.

Fortunately, he is not interested in War Star, as long as he has experience here, he will return to the Federation.

Coupled with the danger of War Star can be seen everywhere, Lieutenant General Beaumont is very afraid of death, and he can feel safe only in the area of ​​the’Doomsday Defense’ of ten artificial planets.

The person standing at the desk of Lieutenant General Beaumont was Captain Kram who was taken away by the law enforcement Armored Soldier. At this time, Captain Kram was bent over, with a pleasing expression on his face.

“Kram, your business is very troublesome this time, you immediately leave War Star and go back to Origin Star!” Lieutenant Admiral Beaumont looked at Captain Kram said solemnly.

If it weren’t because the people behind Captain Kram had a very close relationship with him, he was impossible to use his power to get Captain Kram from law enforcement.

In order to retrieve Captain Kram, Lieutenant General Beaumont offended General Adams.

But Lieutenant General Beaumont didn’t care anymore, because the end of the insect race total war gave him a lot of credit. Even if he didn’t go to War Star, the logistics work is also very important.

I believe he will be transferred back soon, so what if he offended General Adams.

“I’m going back like this now, that job?” Captain Kram asked softly.

Captain Kram is now a guilty person. Even if he returns to Origin Star, he still needs to be tried by a military court when he gets there, but they have a deep relationship there and this kind of thing can be settled.

It’s just that Captain Kram didn’t want to do this, because he was tried, and with his evidence in the military system, even if it was settled, he could no longer stand in the military.

“Now you are still thinking about this, if you don’t go back immediately, the result will be 40 years of hard labor!” Lieutenant General Beaumont patted the table angrily and said.

Captain Kram was very unconvinced. He did what Lieutenant General Beaumont had ordered. Now, if something happens, he needs Lieutenant General Beaumont.

David approached the transit Battlestar silently. He took advantage of a battleship entering the port and easily avoided the Battlestar scan.

He did not act on the ground, where he was too attractive. He still did some research on the Battlestar and easily found a maintenance entrance.

Using some tricks to open the entrance door, David walked into the internal maintenance passage of Battlestar.

In the pit lane, David found a mid-range, then flipped through the map of Battlestar. By the way, he also used Skynet to find information about Lieutenant General Beaumont.

A senior War Star general, Ranked 2nd in the logistics department, is very powerful. It is no wonder that David can easily choose the cargo spaceship on the transit Battlestar.

As for the position of Lieutenant General Beaumont, it is clearly marked on the map.

David not at all invaded the Transit Battlestar system. It takes a lot of time to fully control this military system. He didn’t want to let Lieutenant General Beaumont escape the Transit Battlestar because of this.

So he chose the fastest way. After finding the map, he relied on the maintenance tunnel inside the Battlestar to quickly move towards the position of Lieutenant General Beaumont.

There was Shadow Servant observation along the way. Some probes he avoided easily, and the probes that he couldn’t avoid were also shielded by Shadow Servant’s hands.

In less than 20 minutes, he arrived under the office of Lieutenant General Beaumont.

From here to Lieutenant General Beaumont’s office not at all aisles, but David didn’t need a passage anymore. He first let the Shadow Servant fly up, just to see a familiar face.

David did not expect to see Captain Cram in the office of Lieutenant General Beaumont. Wasn’t Captain Cram arrested by the Law Enforcement Group?

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