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“Okay, Hans, I wanted David’s life over there, can David not fight back? I did it all!” Transcendent Garen persuaded on the side.

“David, you have grown up and have your own opinions, but you must pay attention to your own safety!” Hans was not really angry, and when he heard Transcendent Garen’s words, he said instead.

“I will pay attention!” David said with a smile.

“You have already won the’National Scholar’ medal, so withdraw from the army!” Hans said suddenly.

Hans heard about the backstage of Lieutenant General Beaumont from General Adams. Once David is paid attention to, David will be very troublesome in the army.

That’s why Hans had the idea of ​​letting David resign from the army. He has a “National Scholar” medal and proposes to retire easily.

“Hans, David has the rank of colonel in the army. This time he will be a general after graduating from the military academy. How do you want David to be discharged?” Transcendent Garen asked puzzled.

“David’s character is not suitable for the army, according to his temperament, there will be big troubles in the future!” Hans said helplessly.

“Father, I will retire when I become a general!” David didn’t refuse, but pushed time back a bit.

David knew Hans’s long-cherished wish to become a general. When Hans retired from the army due to injury and returned to Rock Star with the’National Scholar’ medal, his whole body was decadent.

David just wants to achieve Hans’s wish. He doesn’t care about power. What he wants to do more is to improve his strength.

“You!” Hans couldn’t say anything, he could feel David’s thoughts.

Afterwards, David showed his hand in front of the two relatives, took out the ability to’cook Grandmaster’, and cooked meals for the two relatives.

In the joyous atmosphere, several people forgot the unpleasant things.

In the evening, Hans and David both lived in the villa of Transcendent Garen, because David could only stay for one day and he did not go home. Anyway, the Hans he cares most about is here, and this is his home.

At 2 1 o’clock, David ended the night’Crystal Meditation Method’ cultivation. He was getting ready to go to bed under exhaustion, but he felt a little abnormal.

His tired eyes immediately became alert, and he came back from the battlefield. Even if he knew it was safe, he was still extremely alert whenever there was any disturbance.

Shadow Servant came to him, a bottle of’Unaging Holy Water’ appeared in his hand, he poured’Unaging Holy Water’ into his mouth, and his spirit immediately recovered.

It is estimated that the quality of’Unaging Holy Water’ can be used to restore the spirit, and only David can do so.

David’s body did not move, but the Shadow Servant flew out after sending’Unaging Holy Water’.

Now Shadow Servant has an activity range of 100 meters, which is enough in a city.

Shadow Servant flew around all around. This villa is very large. The area of ​​100 meters is almost the area of ​​the villa. David did not see anything suspicious.

But David not at all gave up. He believed in his own perception very much. The trace of abnormal perception would definitely not be an illusion.

David began to converge his breath, and the’camouflage cloth’ was also draped on his body, which made all his breath and body heat disappear.

He then quietly opened the door a gap and walked out.

After leaving the room, the feeling of abnormality disappeared.

David is more certain that there is a problem. He speeds up, because he has the authority of the security system here, so he left the villa silently.

To be honest, he prefers the feeling of being in the wild. In this kind of city, many of his abilities cannot be used.

The ground is all steel, making his “underground stealth” unusable, and some special abilities cannot be used, because there are surveillance everywhere here.

Even so, he is still the best scout on the battlefield, even the scout invited by Great Spiritual World.

David’s silhouette was concealed by the’camouflage cloth’, and the investigation began with the villa as the center.

Finally, in another villa 2000 metres from the villa, he found the problem.

There was no light in the villa, as if no one was living, but Shadow Servant saw the equipment in the villa that shouldn’t appear indoors behind a window.

It was a special military scanning device. Even David had never seen this type of scanning device, but he still recognized the military number on the device.

It’s a pity that this villa is similar to that of Transcendent Garen, and the area is also large, which prevents Shadow Servant from fully investigating.

David came into the shadow of the wall, his spirit drew a pattern of’Shadow stealth’, and then he turned into a black mist in the shadow.

If the lights in this villa are not turned off, he still needs to use the “electronic countermeasure master” ability to crack the security system of this villa, but because there is no light, it is more convenient for him.

After turning into a black mist, David entered the villa, not at all triggering any security alarms.

No matter it was scanning or triggering security system, David did not feel entering.

David came to the wall next to the villa. He didn’t need to enter, as long as Shadow Servant had enough distance. He explored all around the villa. There was no one in the villa.

Just when he felt strange, he suddenly thought of the underground.

Then Shadow Servant entered the underground. As expected, in a small room in the basement, two people were sitting in front of the light curtain.

A variety of information is displayed on the light screen, such as biological scanning, thermal imaging, sound wave collection, and so on.

When David saw the information collected by the sound wave through the eyes of Shadow Servant, he couldn’t help but feel tight. If his conversations with Hans and Transcendent Garen were collected by this device, then he would be in trouble.

Although in the conversation with Hans and Transcendent Garen, not at all mentioned Lieutenant General Beaumont’s name, as long as the person who knows that matter combined with the conversation, you can find a lot of content.

David gritted his teeth and he was about to get ready to do it.

“Brother, investigating this villa, 10000 we didn’t know how to die as soon as it was known!” one person complained slightly.

“Just wait for that one to leave, we can hand over the task!” said another.

“Captain is easy, handing over this kind of task, he himself hides far away!”

“Why do we have a low position? What’s the point of this kind of task? Just watching them eat and sleep after eating, there is no entertainment!”

“Is this thermal imaging broken? The thermal energy in the bedroom has not been scanned!”

“I heard that he is a’sniper master’, maybe he is practicing some special hidden ability!”

David, who was about to start his hands, stopped his actions, recalling that he had only said something about Lieutenant General Beaumont at the beginning of the day, and then he did not mention it again. It seems that the surveillance of these two people started with meals, otherwise he would not say that. .

Of course, David didn’t just listen to the conversation between two people. Shadow Servant flew into the room. When the two people looked at the light curtain, a string of codes was flashed on a device behind them.

David saw the start time of the instrument here, and couldn’t help but relax.

He didn’t beat the grass to scare the snake. He only looked at the advanced scanning equipment and the military serial number of the scanning equipment to know that the people here belonged to the military.

The black mist flew out of the villa, David showed his body in the corner, and he returned to his bedroom.

In the morning of 2nd day, David finished the cultivation. When he came to the living room, he saw Hans and Transcendent Garen.

“Morning!” David said hello to the two, but his hand was in sign language.

This is a military sign language. Hans and Transcendent Garen both came out of the military and recognized this sign language.

“There is surveillance!” This means sign language.

Transcendent Garen’s eyes sharpened, and he made a questioning gesture to David.

David pointed his finger in the direction of the monitor, and then informed the situation with a gesture.

“Let’s have breakfast first!” Transcendent Garen said in his usual tone, but his hands were typing commands on the identity bracelet.

David didn’t care about Transcendent Garen’s operations. This is the site of Transcendent Garen. What Transcendent Garen knows better than him.

When the three people were having breakfast together, four armored suspension vehicles flew in the sky to surround the villa, and then the Armored Soldier, directly under Transcendent Garen, jumped out of the suspension vehicle, completely disregarding the safety system. Crazy calling the police and rushed in directly.

With the precise positioning provided by David, the two intelligence agents were soon arrested, and the Armored Soldiers took the two intelligence agents away. The entire operation was only two minutes before and after the operation. There was no other movement except the sound of the alarm.

“You left early today, I will let’Dark Specter’ take you away!” Transcendent Garen said with an ugly face.

Transcendent Garen has a very high status in Rock Star. He belongs to the government’s Transcendent and guards Rock Star together with the other 5 Transcendents, but he was monitored in his home.

Regardless of the reason, this behavior is definitely a provocation to him, and even more a provocation to the government.

Just at Transcendent Garen while speaking, a message came over.

“David, those two are military intelligence agents. It seems that you were targeted by some military personnel!” Transcendent Garen said solemnly.

“Teacher, I caused you trouble!” David apologized.

“What’s this, don’t say you are my discipline, it’s my relationship with Hans, can I take it off if you have anything?” Transcendent Garen stared.

“David, we are okay, Garen belongs to the government, I am a’National Scholar’, those guys in the military don’t want to move us without any evidence!” Hans is also comfortable.

Hans is actually still worried about David. The two of them are still safe on Rock Star, but David is in the army and the danger is even greater.

“Wait, I’ll contact Alvin!” Transcendent Garen waved.

Alvin is the military’s Transcendent in Rock Star and has a close relationship with Transcendent Garen.

“Garen, do you want me to have breakfast with me so early?” As soon as China Unicom heard a smiling voice on the other side.

“Alvin, just now there were two military personnel in the villa next door to my villa with scanning equipment. Your military must give me an account of this!” Transcendent Garen was not polite, and directly stunned. Tao.

“If there is such a thing, wait a while and I will go over immediately!” Transcendent Alvin was also surprised, and then said.

“I’m waiting for you in the villa!” Transcendent Garen said solemnly.

After disconnecting from Transcendent Alvin, Transcendent Garen reported the incident to the government, and then informed Transcendent Darryl and Transcendent Mervyn of the Armored Soldier Association, and Transcendent Hadley of the Chamber of Commerce in Naan.

The reason why Rockstar has been stable for so many years is because of the close cooperation of the 6 Transcendents that will drive out anyone who wants to get involved in Rockstar.

When something happens, all 6 Transcendents can unite the front. When encountering such a thing, Transcendent Garen has to notify all Transcendent.

Ten minutes later, Transcendent Alvin not only came over by himself, but also another Transcendent Baker Transcendent from the military.

Two military Transcendents have just arrived, and the other three Transcendents have also arrived.

“Master David is here too!” Several Transcendents were very polite when they saw David, not because they were Transcendent Garen’s discipline.

David also greeted several Transcendents.

“Garen, I have already asked. I am definitely not a member of the Rock Star military. I can guarantee that.” Transcendent Alvin said in front of all Transcendent.

This matter can be big or small. Monitoring a Transcendent is equivalent to provoking all Transcendents of the entire Rock Star. Everyone knows that the 6 Transcendents of Rock Star are equal to one.

“Alvin, I don’t care who sent it, I just hope that this will not happen again in the future!” Transcendent Garen said solemnly.

“Don’t worry about this. Find out the contacts of the two people in Rockstar. All the people involved in this matter, no matter who they are, will make him pay the price as long as they are in Rockstar!” Transcendent Alvin nodded said.

“Garen, our Chamber of Commerce in Naan will stop all external spaceships and cooperate with this investigation!” Transcendent Hadley stated.

“We will also send people to participate in the investigation, no matter who it is, if you dare to reach out to Rock Star, you must cut it off!” Transcendent Mervyn also continued.

Just after this meeting, which was less than ten minutes in the morning, Rock Star was blocked, and all the forces began to move.

All the interpersonal relationships of the 2 intelligence agents are listed. Even if the 2 intelligence agents have undergone torture training, all the people involved in this matter, including the Captain in the mouths of the 2 intelligence agents, were all translated before they could give a statement. Came out.

Knowing that these people were military intelligence agents, all 28 people who participated in the operation were taken away from Rock Star. The result is unknown.

Rock Star is protected by the law. It is illegal to kill people on the surface of Rock Star, but when you are in space, the law cannot take care of it.

By noon, when David was about to board the’Dark Specter’ to the spaceport and meet the’Hess’, the operation was over. From here, we can see how terrifying the power of the 6 Transcendents on Rock Star is.

Even the Intelligence Section of the military was cleared by them.

“David, you have to become a Transcendent as soon as possible. When you become a Transcendent, your enemies will have scruples, and your actions will be less restrictive. As long as you have reason, then you can fight back, because all Transcendent In the face of this kind of interest, they are unanimous!” Transcendent Garen said to David at the final farewell.

Why did the 6-digit Transcendent react so fiercely? That is because the military Intelligence Section violated the interests of Transcendent. This is the reason. All Transcendents will stand by the 6-digit Transcendent because of this, even if the military Intelligence Section does not Dare to touch the interests of Transcendents.

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