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During the return to house in the evening, David summed up the day’s things, and the Kylerton Vice Principal was a temporary motive and was a last resort.

In this peaceful world, power has more influence than military force.

As long as David wants to stay in the Interstellar Federation military academy, he must be managed by the military academy. Kylerton Vice Principal still holds the leadership of David’s destiny in the military academy. This kind of enemy staying will cause him huge trouble.

Killing Kylerton Vice Principal may be troublesome, but Kylerton Vice Principal is more troublesome, David chose a less troublesome approach.

To tell the truth, David, a person with multiple innate abilities, faces many ordinary persons without vigilance in such a peaceful environment, just as a giant dragon faces a trivial ant.

It is in this mentality that he will kill Kylerton Vice Principal casually.

What’s more frightening is that these ordinary persons didn’t know that David had such abilities, so the behavior against David happened.

When David thought of Kylerton Vice Principal, he couldn’t help thinking of the soul of Kylerton Vice Principal absorbed by Shadow Servant during the day.

“Shadow Servant, list the sphere of knowledge of Kylerton Vice Principal!” David placed a hand on Shadow Servant’s shoulder and commanded in his heart.

In David’s mind, this Kylerton Vice Principal can become a lieutenant general and is also a Vice Principal of the Federal Military Academy. He must have the ability to take the Grandmaster Rank or higher.

It’s just that when he saw the sphere of knowledge, it was still startled.

‘Space warfare research (1% perfect)’, Grandmaster level’s’space warfare research’, which shows that Kylerton Vice Principal is the authority of the entire Interstellar Federation in the field of’space warfare research’, even if it is not the first, it is at least One of the strongest.

But David does not regret killing Kylerton Vice Principal. For him, the enemy must die, and the dead enemy is a good enemy.

David moved the “Space War Research (1% Perfect)” knowledge sphere to his within the body. In the illusion, he passed the 60-year academic research period of Kylerton Vice Principal, and experienced Kylerton Vice Principal in the “Space War Research” ‘On growth.

Even if he left the illusion, his mind was still thinking about the content of’Space War Research’.

David knew this was because the “space warfare research” knowledge of the grandmaster level was too large, and his brain received too much knowledge in a short time.

After studying’Space War Research’, David knew for the first time that the Interstellar Federation could be an equal alliance with the Great Spiritual World to deal with the confidence of the insect race world.

In War Star, David has always had a lot of questions in his mind. For instance, the personal combat power of Interstellar Federation is extremely weak compared to Great Spiritual World and insect race world.

The Interstellar Federation can only rely on the number of Armored Soldiers to barely maintain. When facing the Level 4 insect race, there is no counterattack ability and it completely needs the Great Spiritual World powerhouse to resist.

The strength shown by the Interstellar Federation is completely ineligible to join the Great Spiritual World alliance mention on equal terms, let alone resist the insect race.

In the knowledge of’space warfare research’, David understood how terrifying the federal space power is.

Insect race’s Fifth Level insect race and Great Spiritual World’s supreme powerhouse burst out with all their strength, which may cause the space energy chaos of War Star.

The Federation also has the ability to completely destroy the War Star in a moment, that is, the ten man-made planet’s “doomsday defense line”, which can destroy the War Star when a concentrated energy attack occurs.

War Star is located at the overlap point of Great Spiritual World, Interstellar Federation world and insect race world. No one knows the consequences of destroying this overlap point.

Once the coincidence point is destroyed, it is very likely to lead to the destruction of the three worlds. This theory is unanimously agreed by the highest level of the three worlds.

Of course, this identification must be supported by research results, which is not what David knows.

It is precisely because of Interstellar Federation’s space warfare capabilities that the current War Star situation has been maintained, and it has also resisted the insect race’s desire to enter Interstellar Federation from space.

The knowledge system of’space warfare research’ is very large, containing almost all the contents of space warfare, including combat, deterrence, reconnaissance, logistics and many other contents.

Throwing away the knowledge of “space warfare research” in his mind, David took out a kryptonite crystal and a special feed for war horses from the space item, and gave them to Shadow Servant into the summon ring.

Although the’sonic boom Armor-Plated Insect’ in the summon ring consumes very little, and the Level 4 insect race can live a long time without consuming energy, in order to maintain the combat power of the’sonic boom Armor-Plated Insect’, Regular replenishment of energy is still necessary.

Not to mention the war horse, if not because of the limited conditions, he would want to release the war horse.

After doing this, David began the cultivation of the’Crystal Meditation Method’ every night, transforming his spirit into a solid crystal shield that protects the soul.

After finishing the’Crystal Meditation Method’, his spirit is extremely exhausted and he needs some sleep to recover.

He took out the’Essence Gathering Disk’ and spent a long time in the military academy. He didn’t want to waste the opportunity to enhance Shadow Servant.

This’Essence Gathering Disk’ has improved the Shadow Servant, although David can’t see it, but every time the Shadow Servant shows the need for the’Essence Gathering Disk’ to gather energy, as long as the environment allows, David will provide the Shadow Servant.

After doing all this, David is also ready to rest, but he thought about it, let Shadow Servant summon the “Assassin Mantis Puppet” out of the space ring. He needs to check the results of the previous transformation.

When David saw that the terrifying Level 4 insect race’Assassin Mantis Puppet’ turned into a human boy, Little Fatty, he couldn’t help wearing a malicious smile on his face.

I don’t know what the first enemy will think when facing the “Assassin Mantis Puppet”.

‘Assassin Mantis Puppet’ seems to have an instinctive idea of ​​the energy collection of’Essence Gathering Disk’. Although it can’t speak, this instinct is fed back to David.

David hesitated for a while. It was not a big problem to release the Assassin Mantis Puppet, because the Assassin Mantis Puppet was completely different from the Sonic Boom Armor-Plated Insect. At least there was no scanning device to find the Assassin Mantis Puppet.

In the end, the “Assassin Mantis Puppet” was also placed in the “Essence Gathering Disk”, but the kryptonite crystal in the “Essence Gathering Disk” doubled, which consumes David not at all pressure.

David discovered that when the’Assassin Mantis Puppet’ was standing in the’Essence Gathering Disk’, it was able to feed energy back to the’Corpse Controlling Technique pattern’, and supplement energy to the’Perfect level kryptonite crystal stone’ through the’Corpse Controlling Technique pattern’ .

During David’s research on the “Assassin Mantis Puppet”, the energy in the “Perfect level kryptonite crystal stone” has been consumed. Although the rate of consumption can’t be considered for the “Perfect level kryptonite crystal stone”, this Continuous consumption will eventually clean up the energy consumption in the’Perfect level kryptonite crystal stone’.

This is still the non-combat state of the’Assassin Mantis Puppet’. Once it enters the combat state, the energy consumption will increase, and the energy consumption rate in the’Perfect level kryptonite crystal stone’ will increase.

David has the idea to get more’Perfect level kryptonite crystal stone’, but now he accidentally discovered that it has solved this problem.

David confessed that Shadow Servant had any life approaching at night, and immediately took the’Assassin Mantis Puppet’ back into the space ring, after which he also rested.

Since the incident of Kylerton Vice Principal passed, the short-term training courses have become quiet, and there has been no violation of the rules, and there has been no special case against David.

David also gradually got used to this peaceful life, this life away from life and death, away from war.

However, his daily cultivation time not at all decreased, but because he had more time, he increased the cultivation time for various weapons.

The connection between David and Emma became normal because he came to the peaceful world, and he also understood Emma’s itinerary.

If David had arrived some time earlier, he might have rendezvous with Emma in Origin Star. Emma is currently on an interstellar tour.

This tour will establish Emma’s status in the federal music scene and make it a solid new queen.

As this peaceful and happy day passed for a month, David also joined the short training class.

His various achievements are extremely outstanding, especially the “Military Command” and disciplines related to space warfare, which surprised the professors who teach.

Sitting in the classroom, the first two rows of the classroom are the positions of 2 school-level officers. Although everyone is a cadet in the military academy, the military rank is still very important among the cadets.

Sitting next to David was Lieutenant Colonel Beckett. Since the first day they met and were trained together, the two of them had friendship.

“David, do you know about the military parade in the near future?” Lieutenant Colonel Beckett used this time to ask David as the class will not take place for a while.

After spending a month with David, Lieutenant Colonel Beckett also spoke a lot more casually. Of course, this was also due to the fact that they were all cadets, and they did not need to be called by military rank in the military academy.

“The military academy is ready to engage in a military parade?” David has been thinking about it recently, except for cultivation, which is learning, not at all, because he has too much contact with the outside world, so he doesn’t know.

“It’s not the military parade of the military academy, my God, don’t you know the federal military parade once every ten years?” Lieutenant Colonel Beckett said in a louder voice.

“How old is David? Maybe he didn’t pay much attention to the military parade before.” Lieutenant Colonel Beckett’s voice alarmed Colonel Bloom who was sitting on the other side of David. He said with a smile.

Colonel Bloom and David are the only two colonels in the short-term training class, and they both come to the cultivation base to prepare for promotion.

Naturally, the relationship between Colonel Bloom and David is closer than other students.

“Federal parade? I really haven’t understood!” David recalled, then shook his head.

Afterwards, he did not need two explanations, and directly checked on the identity bracelet.

The Federal Parade is a military parade held by the Interstellar Federation once every ten years. This kind of military parade is still widely promoted in peaceful areas. During the military parade, almost all media will broadcast live.

But the federal military parade is not very attractive to the planet in the War Zone, because on those planets, the army is the main body, can be seen everywhere various military equipment, various battleships are also frequent, and wars will happen at any time. .

David was born in Rock Star, he didn’t pay much attention to the planet of the Federal Parade, and then he came to the Lenka Star of Alidia Star Domain, but he did not at all catch up with the last Federal Parade. In addition, the time in Lenka Star did not It’s long, so I haven’t heard of it.

The Federal Parade is a review of the elite army by the Interstellar Federation. A large number of elite soldiers and various equipment will appear on the parade.

“Beckett, even if there are places in the military academy, I am afraid we will not consider our short courses!” Colonel Bloom expressed a different view.

Although the short-term training class belongs to the Interstellar Federation military academy, the attitude of the federal military academy can be seen only by seeing that there is no chance to communicate with the rest of the classes.

Of course, this is also related to the fact that the short-term training courses are all officers with military ranks. You must know that those military academies who are still in school do not have military ranks, and many of them are older children about 20 years old.

Except for David in the short training class, most of the students can become the Uncle of those military academies.

“I don’t know, I just heard about it, it depends on the arrangement of the military academy!” Lieutenant Colonel Beckett also didn’t know the details.

“Where is the location of this federal parade?” David also became interested and asked aloud.

“I know that, it’s on Planet One!” Lieutenant Colonel Beckett replied with a smile.

Planet One is Origin Star’s first artificial planet. Due to technical problems at that time, the area of ​​the artificial planet is not too large and the shape is also problematic. It is just a plane of ten square kilometers.

Since then, Planet One has been used as a venue for important events. After many modifications, a large number of special equipment has been installed for important events.

There have been many military parades arranged on Planet One in history, but only when the parade was relatively large.

“Could it be that the scale of this military parade is huge?” David asked.

“Of course, this federal parade just caught up with War Star’s big victory, so the scale will exceed the scale of the previous ten. It is said that many battleships have been transferred recently, and you can see almost all models by then. The battleship is over!” When Lieutenant Colonel Beckett said, expressions all lit up.

For soldiers in a peaceful area, it is difficult to see all battleships after many years of service in the military.

Only soldiers in the War Zone will be exposed to various battleships, but also not all soldiers can see all battleships.

“I wonder if Great Marshal will be there then?” Colonel Bloom said yearningly.

“The probability of attending the Great Marshal is great. Even if the Great Marshal does not attend, the other deputy commanders will definitely attend!” Lieutenant Colonel Beckett said with a smile.

For them, it would be very satisfying if they could meet these big men in the military.

You must know that these military bosses can only be seen in the video normally. For soldiers, the military bosses shine like stars in the eyes of ordinary persons.

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