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David took the 81 Armored Soldier with a neat pace and followed two hundred meters behind the caravan displayed by the insect race. He could clearly sense the tension of the 81 Armored Soldier behind him.

This tension is not fear, but a feeling of having to face life and death after returning to the battlefield.

“Following the prisoners of the insect race are the heroes of the Federation. It is because of them that these Federation enemies cannot endanger our lives!” The commentary began to introduce the War Star Armored Soldier phalanx that just appeared.

The War Star Armored Soldier phalanx has the least number of people, but the imposing manner is the strongest.

The initial number of Peak Armored Soldier phalanx reached 2500, and the strength is higher than most of the 81 Armored Soldiers.

However, the Peak Armored Soldier phalanx showed only the imposing manner of its own strength, while the War Star Armored Soldier was a murderous aura, a fierce murderous aura that broke out under the influence of the insect race in front of the prisoners.

This kind of murderous aura gathered together is more terrifying than the imposing manner gathered by strength.

“They wear their exploits on their chests, and behind them are their weapons, and the shiny outer skeleton armor illuminates the hero’s medal!” The voice of the commentary was full of inspiring power.

War Star Armored Soldier phalanx not at all The previous battle formations or other displays, they just walked forward, and the bitterness between the walks was like a blade of a knife.

“My God, the Armored Soldier in front was wearing a’National Scholar’ medal!” The sharp-eyed invitee saw the’National Scholar’ medal on David’s chest and couldn’t help exclaiming.

At this time, the broadcast system also came to a specific point for David. Of course, David’s face was covered by the visor, and David’s face could not be seen, but the 3 medals on the chest were clearly visible.

“Not long ago War Star broke out an all-out war with the insect race. 82 Armored Soldiers made outstanding contributions in this war. Among them, the one who killed the insect race the most, died in his hands alone. The level 3 insect race is over 100!” The commentator introduced the identities of the War Star Armored Soldiers.

This is a propaganda by the military, not a personal recognition, so the War Star Armored Soldiers did not show their faces, but even so, it is a great praise to the War Star Armored Soldiers.

David knew that he was the one who killed more than 100 Level 3 insect races mentioned in the commentary. During the Total War, he alone blocked the impact of the Level 3 insect race and prevented the Level 3 insect race from approaching the defense line.

Not only David himself knows, but the invitees who watched the military parade and the audience from all over the Federation also know that the gold armor Armored Soldier is the one who killed more than 100 Level 3 insect races.

Because of the 82 Armored Soldiers here, only David has won the “National Scholar” medal, which directly shows David’s high military exploits.

Coupled with David’s leadership position, this also illustrates the difference in David’s phalanx.

“10000 wins, 10000 wins!” the invitees shouted.

David listened to the praise of all around, he was not at all fascinated, because he felt something wrong with the insect race captive ahead.

The ten Level 3 insect races are almost close to the parade. The breath of the ten Level 3 insect races has a problem, and the breath of the Level 3 insect races is growing rapidly.

This growth is very abnormal, but the life force of Level 3 insect race is rapidly decreasing.

“There is something wrong with the insect race ahead, prepare to fight!” David yelled in the channel.

David believes in his own spiritual perception. He has a spirit far beyond Transcendent, which makes his perception stronger than Transcendent.

His perception saved his life countless times, and it also allowed him to know in advance that the danger was coming.

David’s roar made 81 Armored Soldier heart startled, almost instinctively, they took the weapon in their hands.

At this time, the faults of the ten Level 3 insect races also made the generals on the parade stand aware of the abnormality. Four Transcendents flashed out behind the parade and blocked the parade.

The ten Level 3 insect races uttered a howling together, and their eyes turned blood red. The medicine that was originally injected into them within the body to suppress their strength disappeared for unknown reasons.

But another kind of medicine exploded at this time, making the strength of these ten Level 3 insect races rapidly improved.

The cage made of Level 3 materials was originally very sturdy, but with the improvement of the strength of the ten Level 3 insect races, all of them reached the strength of Peak Level Level 3 insect race.

These ten Level 3 insect races have 4’Giant Armored Cyclops Beetle’, 4’Phantom 1000 Foot Insects’ and 2’White Wolf Ant King’.

The strength of these Level 3 insect races can only be regarded as average, but in this way, a lot of Transcendents were dispatched to capture them, so that the people watching this military parade can feel the victory of the war and stimulate the insect race. Hatred.

“These shameful politicians can really do anything!” Great Marshal Andre whispered to himself,’Transcendent armor’ appeared on his body for an instant, covering his body completely, and then his hands were extra Created a Level 4 heavy sword.

“Great Marshal, leave it to us!” one of the four Transcendent loudly said.

The 4 Transcendents are all Level 4 heavy swords. They are not worried about the ten Level 3 insect races, but they are afraid that the Level 3 insect race accidentally injured the Great Marshal Andre, and they will be blamed for their 10000 deaths.

“I also crawled out of War Star’s corpse. Although I haven’t fought for many years, I won’t drag you back!” Great Marshal Andre laughed and said with a smile.

The cages that trapped ten Level 3 insect races were torn apart by the sharp claws of the Level 3 insect race. The cages made of Level 3 materials can no longer trap these enhanced Level 3 insect races.

Ten Level 3 insect races rushed out of the cage and rushed towards Great Marshal Andre. They had only this goal in their eyes.

There was a voice in their hearts that had been telling them to kill Great Marshal Andre. This voice made them lose all the ability to think, so they rushed over according to the instructions of this voice.

4’Giant Armored Cyclops Beetle’ shot 4 red light in one eye. Unlike the normal’Giant Armored Cyclops Beetle’, the red light emitted by these 4’Giant Armored Cyclops Beetle’ is continuous.

The normal red light emitted by the’Giant Armored Cyclops Beetle’ will stop after one shot. This red light attack is the Innate Ability of the’Giant Armored Cyclops Beetle’, which consumes the energy of the’Giant Armored Cyclops Beetle’ within the body.

This continuous shooting is not only consuming the energy of the’Giant Armored Cyclops Beetle’ within the body, but also the life force of the’Giant Armored Cyclops Beetle’.

As long as it is a normal attack like the’Giant Armored Cyclops Beetle’ will not, but these four’Giant Armored Cyclops Beetle’ are incredibly crazy, and they don’t even care about their lives.

How could the 4 Transcendents let this red light shoot over, with Great Marshal Andre by his side, and absolutely not allow Great Marshal Andre to be injured.

So they used the Level 4 heavy sword to block the past. At this moment, 4’Phantom 1000 Foot Worms’ attacked from behind the red light.

“Slow down!” A Transcendent shouted loudly, and a white radiance flashed on the Level 4 heavy sword in his hand.

The white radiance turns into a dao chart pattern and shoots at a “Phantom 1000 Foot Worm”. Level 3’Phantom 1000 Foot Worm’ will inevitably be affected by the effect of’Slowdown’.

But something unexpected happened to Transcendent. The red eyes of the’Phantom 1000 Foot Worm’ just swept across Transcendent coldly, and there was no effect on the body. Ten 2 slender forelimbs hit Transcendent.

Transcendent’s complexion changed, this change is almost fatal in close combat, the only thing he can do is to retreat.

But as long as he retreats, the Great Marshal Andre behind him will be attacked. Just when he hesitated, Great Marshal Andre came to his side, and the Level 4 heavy sword in his hand slashed out, and the sword broke 3 pieces. Slender forelimbs.

The appearance of Great Marshal Andre made the rest of the Level 3 insect race even crazier, and the two’White Wolf Ant Kings’ directly rammed the Transcendent in front of them with their bodies.

What happened here was so fast that although there were many combat units all around, there was no time to come to rescue.

Even the other Transcendents near the parade stand were not able to rush over immediately. They all speeded up the rescue, but it took them ten seconds to arrive at the earliest, and the ten-second battle might be an early result.

The closest to Great Marshal Andre is David, two hundred meters away. In addition, David discovered that something was wrong in advance and rushed forward. When the Level 3 insect race was in trouble, he had already rushed to a distance of 50 meters.

The Level 4 heavy swords in the hands of the 4 Transcendents are all top-notch’quasi-Transcendent weapons’, but these ten Level 3 insect races have no response to the special effects of the’quasi-transcendent weapons’, plus the’Giant Armored Cyclops’ Beetle’s crazy life-consuming red light attack, 4 Transcendents were suppressed for a short time.

Two more’Phantom 2’s worms’ rushed towards Great Marshal Andre, and the 1000 slender forelimbs turned into invisible lances and stabbed towards Great Marshal Andre.

The Level 4 heavy sword in Great Marshal Andre’s hand quickly swept out, only to sweep off more than ten of the slender forelimbs, but there were still slender forelimbs that continued to stab him.

“Great Marshal, be careful!” Without any hesitation, a Transcendent approaching yelled and abandoned the opposite’Giant Armored Cyclops Beetle’ to stand in front of Great Marshal Andre.

The red light hit the Transcendent, and then more than ten slender forelimbs pierced into the body of Transcendent.

“Great Marshal!” Transcendent on the other side also saw the danger, and rushed over regardless.

But everything was too late. After the Transcendent standing in front of Great Marshal Andre fell softly to the ground, Great Marshal Andre was exposed in front of four Level 4 insect races.

The invitees on Planet One and the federal citizens watching the live broadcast all saw their most beloved Great Marshal Andre about to be killed by the Level 3 insect race.

At this moment, a golden silhouette appeared beside Great Marshal Andre, and this silhouette was David.

David pulled Great Marshal Andre behind him with one hand, while holding a Level 3 Heavy Axe in the other hand, while his body slightly dodged.

In order to get over in time, David exploded all the available Innate Ability,’Extreme Speed’,’Physique Enhancement’,’Power Concussion’,’Power Enhancement’ and’Power Overlap’ were all turned on.

Even the’High Frequency Sound Wave’ was used once in the middle of the road, but the’High Frequency Sound Wave’not at all played any role.

He only came and was rescued when Great Marshal Andre was in distress, and then the’Spirit Slashing Heavy Axe Technique’ was stimulated, and the spirit line was connected with the’Phantom 1000 Foot Insect’. When the Level 3 Heavy Axe was hacked out, the ghost could not be See clearly.

The head of the’Phantom 1000 Foot Worm’ was split into 2 pieces, and the mental line was immediately transferred to another nearby’Phantom 1000 Foot Worm’.

The Level 3 Heavy Axe continued to smash the past, and the mental line accelerated again. The crazy “Phantom 1000 Foot Worm” did not come and dodge, or the “Phantom 1000 Foot Worm” simply did not make a dodge action, so it was avoided. .

But David did not pay the price without paying the price. Three slender forelimbs pierced the outer skeleton armor of his concierge. There was no defensive power outer skeleton armor not at all to provide any protection.

Fortunately, David has been bursting out of spirit, his whole body is completely covered by his spirit, he can clearly perceive the process of 3 slender forelimbs stabbing, which gives him the opportunity to do as much dodge as possible.

Three slender forelimbs pierced his body, but he avoided all the vitals.

Although it looks very scary on the surface, 3 slender forelimbs pierced his body, but he himself knew that this injury did not at all damage his internal organs, and even the larger blood vessels were deliberately moved away. Up.

If these’Phantom 1000’s worms’ can still maintain their wisdom, then David will never have such an easy way to dodge the key.

In front of David, there is also a’Giant Armored Cyclops Beetle’ and a’Phantom 1000 Foot Insect’. At this time, the red light shot by the’Giant Armored Cyclops Beetle’ is shooting towards him and Great Marshal Andre.

‘Phantom 1000 Foot Worm’ also used the remaining limbs to stab towards David, and even the other 3’Giant Armored Cyclops Beetle’ also gave up Transcendent, there are 2’White Wolf Ant King’ and one’Phantom 1000 Foot’ The insects were entangled, and the other three Transcendents wanted to get close to Great Marshal Andre, but were blocked.

David sensed extreme danger. If it was just a’Giant Armored Cyclops Beetle’ and a’Phantom 1000 Foot Worm’ in front of him, he would fight to get injured again, and he could kill one of them, pulling Great Marshal Andre to avoid it.

But the other three’Giant Armored Cyclops Beetle’ completely sealed the escape space between David and Great Marshal Andre, making them lose the opportunity to escape.

What made David even more shocked was that the energy of the’Giant Armored Cyclops Beetle’ within the body in front of him appeared fierce turbulence.

“Self-destruction!” The word came up in his mind, and his situation at the moment could only be described as’desperate situation’.

Without any hesitation, David didn’t care about revealing his secrets. He instantly extracted energy from the space in the’Transcendent Army Knife’ next to his calf, and then inspired’Void Rush’.

At the same time, the body of the’Giant Armored Cyclops Beetle’ expanded and exploded.

David also disappeared in place with Great Marshal Andre at this time, and then appeared behind 3’Giant Armored Cyclops Beetle’. Due to the impact of the explosion, he used’Void Rush’ to be covered by the explosion.

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