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“Name?” David solemnly asked.

“Elbert!” Elbert Transcendent replied.

“How many Transcendents have you come this time?” David asked again.

“Here are ten Transcendents!” Elbert Transcendent continued to replied.

“Ten Transcendents?” David seemed a little unexpected. He turned his head and looked towards Law Enforcement Group and asked, “Did we only solve 9 Transcendents?”

“Yes, Chief Defense!” The Chief Law Enforcement Group immediately replied.

“Elbert Transcendent, can you explain to me what happened to the remaining Transcendent?” David complexion sank asked.

“The Transcendent is called Atherton. I don’t know what happened to him. He didn’t at all go to the meeting point and didn’t contact him afterwards!” Elbert Transcendent replied without resisting consciousness at all.

At this time, Elbert Transcendent had already been punished for fear. When did Transcendent suffer such torture?

Before Elbert Transcendent thought he was very brave and could not fear punishment, but after experiencing it, he discovered that he was originally an ordinary person after losing the power of Transcendent.

“Then tell me what is coming to Bedarea star this time?” David asked with a smile.

Elbert Transcendent obviously hesitated. Although the matter was very obvious, he said here that assassinating a general would still have serious consequences.

To be honest, he did not die on the spot, which already made him very satisfied.

Elbert Transcendent also believes that as long as he enters the trial proceedings in the military court, someone will help him, but here he admits that he was here to assassinate the major general David, so if someone helps him afterwards, it is difficult to get rid of his crime.

David took out the Level 3 Army Knife from the calf and swept it towards Albert Transcendent’s lower body.

Elbert Transcendent let out an exclamation, and then urinated down the leg tube to the ground.

But Elbert Transcendent soon discovered that David not at all really cut it off, just swept it from the side.

“This time I just scared you. After you answer, I will not miss it if you hesitate for a second!” David’s voice was cold.

Elbert Transcendent’s face turned pale, and this David was more aggressive than the Law Enforcement Group just now.

You must know that no matter how the leader of the Law Enforcement Group did it before, it will keep Albert Transcendent’s body intact, but David does not have so many worries. As a general of the defense army, who will process the video afterwards. Say what.

As for the injuries on Elbert Transcendent, it is said that they were left from the battle. Even when Elbert Transcendent was killed at this time, it can also be said that Elbert Transcendent was seriously injured and died.

“What mission did you perform on Bedarea this time?” David repeated the question just now.

“I’m here to assassinate you!” Albert Transcendent still wanted to hesitate, but thinking of David’s words, his brain didn’t have time to think about it, and he blurted out.

After saying this, Elbert Transcendent also lost the last resistance. This kind of thing has been said, is there anything more serious?

“Who sent you?” David asked again.

“It was organized by Anderson Transcendent, and we all received an invitation from Anderson Transcendent!” Albert Transcendent did not hesitate, or he thought of how to respond to this question after he woke up.

Pushing all the troubles to Anderson Transcendent is indeed organized by Anderson Transcendent.

Elbert Transcendent certainly knew who was behind, but he had to tell him, especially in the army, so he would die.

At that time, no one will come forward to help him, he will be abandoned by that side, and even there will use the relationship to kill him.

David glanced at Elbert Transcendent, he didn’t ask any more questions. In fact, he also knew that the forces that could send ten Transcendents must be very powerful.

He didn’t know if Elbert Transcendent really didn’t know, but in the prison cell in the army, he couldn’t really make radical methods.

“You continue to interrogate, no one is allowed to come near here except my order!” David checked the time. The three captains should be there, and he instructed the Law Enforcement Group chief.

When returning from the cell, David reset the access permissions for the cell, so that only members of the Law Enforcement Group can enter and exit, and the rest of the permissions are all taken back.

When entering the Conference Hall, the three captains had arrived. They were standing in the Conference Hall, not at all sitting down.

“I’m late!” David walked into the Conference Hall without taking off the outer skeleton armor, and he said to the three captains nodded.

“Captain of Defense!” The three captains did not wear outer skeleton armor, which gave them an oppression.

The armor of the golden outer skeleton reminded them of the “Federal War God” in the military parade. Eight Transcendents fell today and one was captured alive. These achievements made their oppression extremely heavy.

“Three captains, can anyone of you tell me who told you to disobey my order and let these ten Transcendents have time to gather to assassinate me?” David still smiled, but what he said was for the three ships The long complexion greatly changed.

“Captain of Defense, I did not violate the order. There were special circumstances at the time!” Captain Faulkner explained quickly.

“Captain Faulkner, you have special circumstances, Captain Noel, you also have special circumstances, and you Captain Hausmann, you also have special circumstances, except for the captured 4th Fleet formation, the entire Defense Force’s battleship has everything Under special circumstances, it takes at least ten minutes to enter the battle when needed!” David one after another looked at the three captains said with a cold laugh.

“Captain of Defense, I’m sorry!” Captain Noel quickly apologized.

Captain Hausmann and Captain Faulkner also bent their bodies, expressing their apologies.

“Originally I thought anyone of you would tell the messenger behind the scenes, and I can let him go, but since you have chosen, you won’t regret it!” David said solemnly.

“Captain of Defense, we not at all made a mistake. Since you are dissatisfied with me, I will apply for transfer immediately after I go back!” Captain Hausmann heard David say this, knowing that David didn’t want to end this way, so he said directly.

“Although you are the captain of the defense, you can’t impose an error on us if we are right!” Captain Faulkner also continued.

David burst out laughing, his eyes full of mockery when he looked at the three captains.

At this time, the two sides really tear off their faces and put the opposition on the bright side.

“You are very good, since you choose this way, you can do it yourself!” David said and turned and left the Conference Hall.

After David closed the door heavily, the three captains looked at each other in blank dismay, worrying about each other.

To be honest, they also don’t want to completely tear their faces with David, and they are very worried about this kind of powerful and terrifying powerhouse.

“Let’s apply for transfer soon, I’m worried that David will find a chance to kill us!” Captain Faulkner said softly.

“Killing us will not be enough, but we are afraid that our days will be sad in the future, so let’s leave!” Captain Noel also said helplessly.

“If we report to the above in three joint names, it will be said that David uses military force to threaten his subordinates, then we will be able to transfer away quickly, or leave David with some trouble!” Captain Hausmann proposed.

“We will be blamed in the military for doing this!” Captain Faulkner said, shaking his head.

The actions of accusing superiors in the army, even if they are correct, will be rejected by most officers in the army.

“There is Lieutenant General Kenneth to help us, what are you afraid of!” Captain Hausmann said lightly with a smile.

“Sound silence!” Captain Faulkner changed face, looked around and said.

Standing in the hall, David heard Captain Hausmann’s words through Shadow Servant. He couldn’t help being frowned. He wanted to know the bigger picture, but it seemed that the three captains knew up to Level 3 of Lieutenant General Kenneth.

David didn’t look down on Lieutenant General Kenneth, but those who were enemies of him could use such a large network of connections to dispatch ten Transcendents, simply not the energy that a Lieutenant General from the Star Domain military can possess.

“They are useless!” David whispered to himself softly.

Then the three captains in the Conference Hall were about to leave the Conference Hall, but they saw a little Fatty silhouette appearing out of thin air in the Conference Hall.

This is exactly when Shadow Servant released the Assassin Mantis Puppet from the space ring. As soon as the Assassin Mantis Puppet was released, the Assassin Mantis Puppet directly attacked the three captains.

Not to mention the 3 captains who did not wear outer skeleton armor, even the 3 Transcendent wearing’Transcendent armor’ could not stop the attack of the’Assassin Mantis Puppet’.

In an instant, the three captains fell to the ground, and then Shadow Servant collected the Assassin Mantis Puppet, and then threw the body of Atherton Transcendent in the Conference Hall.

The corpse of Atherton Transcendent still wears the damaged’Transcendent armor’, which David put on again for him, and even the Level 3 heavy sword is in his hand.

“There is a murderous aura in the Conference Hall!” David standing in the hall suddenly shouted.

His silhouette quickly ran towards the Conference Hall. His action immediately alarmed the rest of the soldiers in the hall, and they rushed to the Conference Hall.

No one doubted what David said, this is the trust that everyone has placed in David after David has demonstrated his strength.

“You dare!” David kicked open the Conference Hall door, then roared, and then rushed in with the Level 4 heavy sword in his hand.

When the rest of the soldiers came over, they saw 4 bodies. In addition to the bodies of the 3 captains, there was also a Transcendent body.

“Check it out for me, check it now. Who brought this Transcendent in?” David ordered angrily.

The relevant soldiers immediately started work, all the security data of the entire base were reorganized, and the security records were reviewed.

“Protect the scene well, the Law Enforcement Group will investigate first and report the situation to the military department at the same time, requesting the military department to send military intelligence personnel to take over the investigation!” David continued to order.

David walks out of the Conference Hall, and the Conference Hall will be blocked afterwards, waiting for military intelligence personnel to take over.

David didn’t worry about exposure at all, because after the death of Atherton Transcendent, the corpse was taken into the space ring, and it was almost as if it was just killed.

They are exactly the same in time, no matter what equipment is used for inspection.

Since the three captains dared to participate in the assassination of him, they must be prepared for death.

As all the three captains died, the entire planetary defense force was rioted. Fortunately, the story of David killing 3 Transcendents in succession was spread in the planetary defense force. With such a general sitting in town, the military spirit is still stable. of.

Although the impact of the death of the three captains is not small, the military has its own order in the army, the death of the captain, and the level 3 officer taking over the command, this does not need David to worry about.

“General, the captain of the 4th Fleet formation sent by the military has been waiting for you over there for a while!” When David walked outside the office, Adjutant Dirac immediately reported to him.

David turned his head and saw the young major standing up in the waiting area.

“Captain Glenn Fair has seen the Chief of Defense!” Captain Glenn Fair said in a military salute to David.

“Hello, Captain Glenn Fair, come in first!” David returned a polite.

Entering the office, David sat on the sofa first, then pointed to the sofa opposite to motion Captain Glenn Fair to sit down.

Captain Glenn Fair sat on the sofa using standard military posture, looking straight at David with his back straight.

“It’s very unfortunate that you came today. Ten Transcendents sneaked into the Star Bedarea and wanted to assassinate me. The captains of the first 2-3 fleet were attacked and killed. According to my understanding, the ten Transcendents used the transport ship you were on to sneak in. Yes, according to the rules, you temporarily need to wait for the investigation to end before you can take office!” David explained to Captain Glenn Fair.

He didn’t have any doubts about Captain Glenn Fair. Captain Glenn Fair had no malice against him, and Captain Glenn Fair was obviously an officer who had just graduated from the military academy. He had a strong atmosphere of the military academy. It has not been wiped out by the army.

“Follow the command of the defense chief!” Captain Glenn Fair responded without any comment.

“Don’t be so serious!” David smiled and waved his hand. He opened Captain Glenn Fair’s profile and checked it.

Captain Glenn Fair still maintains a straight posture, as if he had just entered.

“You graduated from the Federal Military Academy?” David raised his head somewhat unexpectedly.

“Yes, I graduated from the Federal Military Academy last year!” Captain Glenn Fair replied.

“We are alumni, but I am a short training class, you are a regular class!” David said with a smile on his face.

There was also a smile on Captain Glenn Fair’s face. In any case, it was not easy to meet alumni in such a remote Star Domain as Tongtuo Star Domain.

In the military, the same military academy represents a kind of connection. This kind of connection inherently makes the two sides who don’t know have entanglements, and they are no longer strangers, but become natural alliances.

“Captain Glenn Fair, don’t worry, the investigation will be over soon, and you and your men will soon be able to board the battleship!” David said with a smile.

“Captain of Defense, I am not worried, I just hate that I can’t help you kill the enemy!” Captain Glenn Fair loudly said.

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