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Even if Team Leader Layard wants to embarrass David again, David, as the Vice Group Leader, also has his own office, which is fully equipped.

David had a strange feeling sitting behind his desk.

This is the first time that he has become a researcher, and he did not expect to become the Vice Group Leader of the research project team.

David turned on the optical brain with his identity bracelet, and the project information appeared on the pop-up light curtain.

If David didn’t have the “Research Grandmaster” Innate Ability provided by Dean Constable, he would look at the information as if he were looking at the Heavenly Book.

With the’Research Grandmaster’ Innate Ability, he almost has ten lines at a glance when he looks at the project information.

The working hours of the institute are from 5 am to 1 pm, and lunch is served in the restaurant on the first floor of the building.

It took David all morning to read all the previous materials of the research team, and he even had some ideas about this research.

The research here is a branch of biomaterials. Through cultivation, biomaterials that can be industrialized are obtained. This biomaterial can be used in many aspects, and is lighter and stronger than steel.

However, David discovered the error of this research. In the previous research, the research direction was biased during one selection, which made the research unable to produce results in the middle and late stages.

David shook the head, he was not going to tell this discovery.

On the one hand, he is just the Vice Group Leader. Team Leader Na Layard obviously doesn’t want to see him, and he doesn’t want to help Team Leader Layard. He just wants to go around peacefully.

On the other hand, he couldn’t explain his judgment. This kind of observation and conclusion with the ability to’study the Grandmaster’ from a height is inhumane.

Looking at the time, when it was time for lunch, David stood up.

There are relevant regulations of the research project team on his identity bracelet, among which there are arrangements for rest and work.

When David came to the first floor, he found that it seemed that he was not well-known. There were more than 60 staff in the restaurant, but at most these staff were just laughed at him, not at all people took the initiative to talk with him.

This was in line with David’s mind, he was not planning to make any friends here.

After ordering a meal, David sat alone to start the meal.

Team leader Layard walked in at this time, and more than 60 staff members all stood up and greeted him nodded.

Team Leader Layard also saw David, and David also nodded with a smile to Team Leader Layard, but Team Leader Layard ignored David and took the meal and sat far away from David.

Seeing this, of course the staff present knew what had happened. Someone would occasionally look at David before, at least his expression was friendly, but now no one looked at David as if he was airy.

David wouldn’t take these seriously, he quickly used up the meal, stood up and was about to leave.

“Arthur Vice Group Leader, come here!” Group Leader Layard said.

David was taken aback for a moment, but he still walked over.

“How’s the information look?” Team Leader Layard not at all told David to sit down, and he asked while eating.

It is very rude for Team Leader Layard to do this. David is the Vice Group Leader and is considered a manager in the research project team. Team Leader Layard did not give David a bit of face and put David’s face under his feet.

“I’ve finished reading it!” David is not the person who submitted to humiliation, even if he is currently working as Arthur, he doesn’t want to be bullied, so he answered very simply.

Team leader Layard called David in to attack David’s prestige in the team.

Logically speaking, David entered the research project team as the Vice Group Leader, and the leader of Layard should introduce him to all staff.

Now team leader Layard is doing this. When David meets everyone for the first time, he will give David a blow. This will make David lose any prestige in the team.

But Team Leader Layard didn’t expect David to say so, his face was surprised, and then angry.

“Arthur Vice Group Leader, you should respect everyone’s research results, read the research materials carefully, instead of slanderously here!” Team Leader Layard reprimanded.

“Leader Layard, I said I have read all the information!” David repeated with aggravated voice.

“Okay, then you answer my question!” Layard leader angrily said.

He then asked David five questions about the contents of the research materials in a row. David always blurted out the answers, as if he had all the research materials in his head.

The whole restaurant was quiet, and all the staff were watching a good show at first, but now they are all startled by David’s answer.

Not to mention that David has just arrived for a long time, even among the researchers who have been involved in the research here, there are also many researchers who cannot answer these 5 questions.

Because in the research project team, each researcher is only involved in the research part of their responsibility, and the rest of the research content is only a rough understanding, they do not have a strong memory to keep those data in their heads.

“Since you have finished reading the materials, then you can participate in the research in the afternoon!” Team Leader Layard stood up and left the unused lunch.

After finishing talking about the team leader Layard, he left the restaurant. He felt that not at all in the restaurant would trample on David’s face, but instead put his own face under David’s feet.

David’s performance in the afternoon was quite satisfactory. He didn’t show too much talent. Of course he didn’t act like a novice. He was like a mature researcher.

At 5 pm, David left the institute in a suspended vehicle.

“What’s the matter?” Just as David was walking on the road in a suspended vehicle, he felt a malicious atmosphere watching him as he approached the villa.

At this moment David thought his identity had been exposed, because the road was full of malice as a Transcendent.

Arthur is just an ordinary person, how could he be targeted by Transcendent!

David doesn’t want to cause trouble, especially his identity as Arthur. Once he makes a move, it will expose his strength.

Fortunately, the breath of Transcendent still seems to be scrupulous, not at all.

This is Origin Star. Anyone who dares to do something in the city of Origin Star must consider whether it is worth it.

Parked the floating car in the garage, David walked into the lobby, he wanted to check the security system to see if there were any loopholes.

At this moment, the security system received an application requesting to enter the villa. He turned on the monitoring screen at the door and saw the Transcendent and two middle-aged people in formal clothes.

David was a little surprised. The other party would actually go to meet him directly.

He also thought that the other party would use illegal means to invade the security system, or directly break in.

David also wants to know the other party’s purpose, and he doesn’t worry about what the other party will do.

In the building, there is no monitoring by Skynet. What action this Transcendent dare to do is to court death.

You must know that David’s strength at this time can be said to have improved too much than before. After using a special power lifting device, he can manipulate more power than Transcendent.

In the past few days, David also discovered the true effect of special power-enhancing devices, like Armored Soldier’s outer skeleton armor, which increases his strength tenfold. Once the breakthrough has reached the limit of human beings at 5 points, before he has become a Transcendent, Armored Soldier’s outer skeleton armor can still only increase the strength within 5 points, the extra part cannot be increased.

In other words, the outer skeleton armor has a limit value, which is about 30,000 taels and 1000 kg.

But the special power lifting device does not have this limitation. For example, David’s power reached 2 10000 5600 kg. After the special power lifting device was activated, his power directly soared to more than 250,000 kg.

Although it is no different from ordinary Armored Soldier in terms of physical defense, skeleton possesses the terrifying resilience that allows him to quickly recover completely even if he is injured.

These are David’s courage to face Transcendent without wearing outer skeleton armor, which he could not do before.

You must know that Transcendent’s’Transcendent armor’ is a single thought and can be put on, and a fatal attack can be issued with a breath.

Like Armored Soldier, it needs a process of having armor. This is about 2 seconds. In this process, Transcendent can make Armored Soldier die many times.

David opened the door, and he stood up, behaving like an ordinary person to welcome the guests.

“Mr. Arthur, I am Transcendent Hayward, and I am good friends with your adoptive father Mooney Transcendent. This time I came here to see you specially!” Transcendent Hayward said to David with a cordial smile.

If Transcendent Hayward can eliminate the Evil Thought hidden in the heart, it can also convince David, but at this time David can still perceive the Evil Thought in Transcendent Hayward’s heart.

“I never heard my adoptive father mention you, but I still thank you for coming to see me!” David replied politely and politely.

David This is to make it clear that Transcendent Hayward is not a good friend of Mooney Transcendent.

“I’m sorry for the death of Mooney Transcendent. I have something to ask Mr. Arthur. I don’t know if the equipment left by Mooney Transcendent can be sold. I have enough sincerity to purchase Mooney Transcendent equipment!” The smile on Transcendent Hayward’s face did not change, and he said his intention.

David didn’t know that Mooney’s Transcendent equipment had been left behind, and he didn’t even check the villa carefully.

He just wanted to use Mooney Transcendent’s equipment to send Transcendent Hayward away, and he couldn’t take out the equipment to give Transcendent Hayward, not to mention that he didn’t care about the identity of Transcendent Hayward.

There were dozens of Transcendents who died in David’s hands, and he was far less afraid of Transcendent than an ordinary person.

If it is true Arthur, I guess he was shocked when he heard Transcendent Hayward’s self-introduction, and then Transcendent Hayward made a request, and there was a great probability that he would agree.

Even if Arthur wanted to refuse, he would trade with Transcendent Hayward under the threat of Transcendent Hayward.

Transcendent Hayward thought the same way, but at this time Arthur was David, and David had no fear of thinking.

“Not for sale!” David rebuffed.

“Mr. Arthur, Transcendent equipment is used to fight against the insect race. As a federal member, I must contribute to the fight against the insect race. I need a set of Transcendent equipment to fight against the insect race in the War Star. I hope you can do it!” Transcendent Hayward Said in an agitated voice.

Transcendent Hayward’s voice is applied with a hint of spirit, which makes it easier for people to identify with.

To be honest, it is very easy for a Transcendent to deceive an ordinary person, and spirit is the easiest way to use without leaving evidence.

“Not for sale!” David’s response surprised Transcendent Hayward. David was not affected by the spirit, and he was still so decisive.

“Mr. Arthur, I came here with sincerity. This is a banker and a lawyer next to me. As long as you agree to the transaction, I will give out 200000000 million credits. So many credits are enough for you to spend a lifetime! “Transcendent Hayward brought a little coercion in his spirit this time. He carefully controlled the amount of coercion so as not to directly injure David.

David didn’t seem to feel the pressure, he clicked on the identity bracelet, and immediately the security system issued a harsh alarm.

“Get out of my house!” David stood up and pointed to the open door.

Transcendent Hayward stood up abruptly. He wanted to have an attack, but he looked at the surveillance in the hall and heard an alarm in his ears, knowing that if he didn’t leave, there would be a police officer.

Transcendent Hayward was not afraid of the police, but after David 10000 had an accident, his conflict with David is likely to make him a suspect.

“Mr. Arthur, you think about it, I will leave first!” Transcendent Hayward forcibly held back his anger, said solemnly.

After speaking, he turned and left, and two people who followed quickly caught up.

David shook the head, 200000000 million credits want to buy a set of Transcendent equipment, even the worst Transcendent equipment is not 200000000 million credits can be purchased.

This Transcendent Hayward definitely wants to bully him as an ordinary person and force him to trade by means.

If David’s job is not a research institute, it is an area where Transcendent Hayward cannot intervene, Transcendent Hayward will find someone to kill David’s work, and then force David a little bit until David agrees to trade Transcendent equipment at a cheap price.

David turned off the alarm and submitted a note explaining why there was an alarm.

Then he released Shadow Servant and started to explore the villa little by little from the basement.

With Shadow Servant, David can easily find out the entire villa, and no hidden place can escape Shadow Servant’s detection.

Soon, there was a secret room in the study room on the second floor.

David walked into the study and stopped in front of the inner wall of the study.

He didn’t want to open the front wall, because the front wall used a security mode of mechanical and signal synthesis, and an identity bracelet and corresponding mechanical password were required to enter.

David has the identity bracelet, and the mechanical password needs to be checked slowly. He doesn’t have that many time wasted.

Shadow Servant has been in the secret room for a long time, and all the items in it are directly collected into the space ring.

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