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Lord Gould’s request is a complete recognition of David as a friend of the Maine Family, and this is not just Charlie’s friend.

“Arthur, I don’t want to say any extra thanks. My body is already healed. I don’t need to take this spaceship away. I will send it to you!” Lord Gould then said with a smile.

“How can this be? This is your car!” David quickly refused.

How could he not see that such a luxurious arrangement is basically impossible to be an ordinary “space boat”, and the Lord Gould travels and rides, naturally it is Lord Gould’s special car.

“You just accept it. You need to find the servants above. These servants have followed me for many years. I can’t bear to give them to you!” Lord Gould waved.

“Father, did you recover completely?” Charlie didn’t understand until then, he asked in surprise.

Even Bishop Bolin of the Earth God Palace couldn’t help Lord Gould’s injury. This has become Charlie’s recent heart disease.

Knowing that Lord Gould said that he was in good health, his excitement and joy can be said to be exhibiting one’s feelings in one’s speech.

“My luck is very good, I met Arthur!” Lord Gould nodded with a smile said.

“Arthur, thank you, thank you so much!” Charlie turned to David and said repeatedly.

At this moment, all the worries in Charlie’s heart dissipated. Lord Gould was so important to him and to the Maine Family. Once Lord Gould had an accident, the Maine Family would be greatly affected at least for decades.

“Arthur, you have Heavenly Knight subordinate, I will arrange some meritorious tasks for you in the near future, so that you can get a piece of territory as soon as possible, which is of great benefit to your future development!” Lord Gould waited for Charlie to quiet down, Just continued.

“Lord Gould, I want to secluded cultivation recently, and may not be able to do the task, but you can see if this item can be exchanged for meritorious services in exchange for territory?” David took out the’Divine Idol’ and asked.

Lord Gould was angry at David’s proposal not at all against him, and smiled and took a look at Divine Idol.

“The Divine Idol of’Shadow God’ has traces of divinity. I will hand it over to the Earth God Palace for you, and the Earth God Palace will seal a territory for you!” Lord Gould recognized the origin of the’Divine Idol’, and then said .

Lord Gould did not explain why it should be sent to the Earth God Palace.’Divine Idol’ is an item needed by several major temples. He naturally gave priority to Earth God Palace to increase Bishop Bolin’s status in the Earth God Palace.

At the same time, Lord Gould can also do his best to strive for greater benefits for David, with Bishop Bolin playing a role, and I believe that David can gain a better territory than other temples.

“Then trouble you!” David didn’t expect the battle angel crystal to extract a certain substance from the’Divine Idol’, but it didn’t even affect the value of the’Divine Idol’.

Lord Gould naturally wouldn’t stay longer, his body recovered and he would deal with many things soon.

Like the things behind his 4 best friends, he needs to deal with the troubles that 4 families are facing.

Even if the four top aristocratic families that lost the Substitute Patriarch will face the same troubles from the stronger top aristocratic families, Lord Gould will step forward without hesitation.

This is not only because of the friendship of the 5 lords for many years, and the integration of the 5 top aristocratic families for countless years, but also because Lord Gould was able to survive. It was the 4 lords who fought for his life, and he naturally needs to do his best to repay.

It was Lord Gould’s body that didn’t allow it before, but now he didn’t want to wait for a moment.

Lord Gould took Charlie and left. As for the servants on this’spaceship’, they would leave by themselves.

After ten minutes, David was left with an empty spaceship.

David has many cars in the Interstellar Federation. He didn’t expect that he came to the Great Spiritual World. It didn’t take long for him to get his first car in the Great Spiritual World.

Obtaining a spaceship in Great Spiritual World is much more difficult than in the Interstellar Federation. Not to mention the eligibility of buying a spaceship, just the time required to order each spaceship is for David to take it. It also takes a long time to wait for the God of Gold Coin.

David boarded the “Space Boat” again and looked at his own “Space Boat”, completely different from his previous mood.

He holds a control card in his hand, which is the total control card of the “Spaceship”.

He walked through the hall where he had stayed just now and passed a gate, and he came to the living room behind the hall.

A faint scent permeates the living room, all of which are emitted from the wooden walls in the living room. Sitting here can calm your mind and mind.

The rest include a study room, dining room, master room, and cultivation room, which occupy the entire floor space. The rest of the servants’ living area is on the bottom floor, consisting of 25 rooms and supporting living facilities.

The entire’Spaceship’ is more like a palace in the sky, allowing passengers to feel the same comfort as in a noble castle.

When David came to the study, he was still a little stunned when he saw the bookcases on the top of the three walls.

He saw books on Knight cultivation, noble biography books, and some knowledge books. The value of these books alone could be compared to this’space ship’.

These books are the collections of the Maine Family. Books that can be placed in the study room of Lord Gould, how can they be ordinary books? Each book is carefully selected and represents the most cutting-edge of each type. Knowledge.

David doesn’t believe that Lord Gould doesn’t know the importance of the books in the study, but he still keeps all the books.

The books here are enough for Luce Family to make up for its own inheritance. Unfortunately, Luce Family does not have more Bloodline, it is difficult to make a big splash.

David came to the master room again, which originally belonged to Lord Gould. The items placed made David feel that he was a little unable to take advantage of what he gained from the Barry family.

He saw an oil lamp. The oil lamp ignited the dragon whale fat lamp oil. Although the dragon whale fat was also a luxury item, he didn’t care too much. He cared about the oil lamp.

The oil lamp comes with a storage space for storing dragon whale fat lamp oil, which can store more than 1000 kilograms of dragon whale fat lamp oil.

This is the first time David has seen an oil lamp of this design. This is an alchemical item that can automatically take out the lamp oil from the storage space. The design and the materials required, even if David has the ability of’Master Alchemist’, I dare not imagine such a design.

This is just a detail. There are such fine alchemy items that are rarely seen outside, and each piece represents the highest achievement of alchemy.

What interests David the most is an alchemy map on the wall of the Master room. He has seen the alchemy map, and there are multiple planet alchemy maps in his space pendant.

But these alchemy maps have the same disadvantage, that is, they can only be used on the designated planet, and for other planets, this alchemy map has no effect.

However, the alchemy map on the wall has a switch function, which can be switched to space mode. In this mode, you can see all the planets found in Great Spiritual World and show the current location of the’Spaceship’ The planet.

This function allows David to stop worrying about not knowing his destination. Even if there is no Transmission Gate on a certain planet, he can still return in a “Spaceship”.

In the past, David thought that Great Spiritual World did not have such a map, but now he realized that it is not that there is, but that the level he contacted did not have the qualifications and channels to purchase such a map.

David didn’t leave the “Space Boat” in the square after visiting the “Space Boat”. He let go of his spirit. Even if the “Space Boat” is big, the spirit that can now be extended to 1000 meters is enough Feizhou’ wrapped around.

With a movement of his spirit, the’Spaceship’ disappeared above the square and appeared in the space pendant on his chest.

This is the advantage of space equipment with a large enough space, so that David can carry his “space boat” with him.

Three days later, all the noble families on Bama Star received the information from the Noble Affairs Office. Since the news was related to the well-known Luce Family on Bama Star, many nobles personally checked this information.

When they saw David’s title promoted to Earl, many nobles were surprised.

Heavenly Knight Lydgate and Heavenly Knight Dick completed the patrol mission that day. They went to the restaurant to have a drink and enjoy the leisure time in the afternoon.

“Two adults, this is today’s latest news!” The waiter of the restaurant not only delivered two of Heavenly Knight’s favorite red wines, but also sent a copy of the latest noble affairs office.

As Heavenly Knight, the two of them are naturally nobles, but because of the identity of the Law Enforcement Group, few people normally call them noble titles.

Heavenly Knight Lydgate flipped through the news that Baron Arthur used his merits to redeem the title of Earl, and he was not well.

He immediately thought of the mission. They destroyed the temple and killed the puppets of the Guardian God temple. In the end, they only got a few merits, and most of the merits were taken by Baron Arthur.

Heavenly Knight Lydgate can be 100% sure that the merits of that time were not enough for Baron Arthur to promote the merits to Earl. Most recently, there was no major merits. Where did Baron Arthur’s merits of raising the title come from? There is a high probability that it will still be the last mission. .

“Heavenly Knight Lydgate, what news shocked you so much?” Heavenly Knight Dick curiously asked when he saw the look of Heavenly Knight Lydgate.

“Look at it, we seem to be tricked by Arthur!” Heavenly Knight Lydgate said bitterly.

Heavenly Knight Dick received the parchment that recorded the information. There was a seal of the noble affairs office on it, which naturally showed that the information was accurate, and no one dared to pretend to be the seal of the noble affairs office.

He saw the name change about Baron Arthur, which was also complexion changed.

“Heavenly Knight Dick, shall we talk to Earl Arthur?” Heavenly Knight Lydgate asked aloud.

“How to talk? What evidence do we have? What if there is evidence?” Heavenly Knight Dick shook his head and said helplessly.

They are considered to have status in Bama Star, even if they know Earl Arthur’s record of extinguishing the Barry family, they are still very dissatisfied.

“Could there be no way to deal with him?” Heavenly Knight Lydgate also had no interest in drinking, he said solemnly.

“I heard that several temples are recruiting nobles, and the basis of the recruitment is the title of Earl!” Heavenly Knight Dick lightly saying.

“I’ve heard of this too, isn’t it a good thing?” Heavenly Knight Lydgate asked somewhat puzzled.

The temple recruits aristocrats by borrowing the fighting power of the aristocrats. The harvest of this kind of recruitment is great. In the past, when such tasks appeared, they were rushed to win.

Hearing Heavenly Knight Dick’s meaning, I want Earl Arthur to enter it too!

“What a good thing, there is news from my friend over the temple, this time there is a great probability involved in the battle of God!” Heavenly Knight Dick looked at all around, then said softly.

“What? God battle?” Heavenly Knight Lydgate almost exclaimed. If it weren’t for Heavenly Knight Dick to stop, I guess the entire restaurant would have heard it.

What is the god war?

Almost every Great Spiritual World person has heard of related legends since childhood. It was a war between Spiritual Gods, not to mention Heavenly Knight, even Templar Knight was like cannon fodder.

If there is a real battle, don’t say that there are 2 Heavenly Knights beside David, even if there are ten Heavenly Knights, David’s life cannot be kept safe.

“Since Earl Arthur has done something unique, we are naturally welcome. Although we can’t defeat him, it is not a problem to get him into trouble!” Heavenly Knight Dick coldly said.

“But this kind of opportunity, even if it is dangerous, will not be the turn of Earl Arthur, the new Earl to participate!” Heavenly Knight Lydgate thought for a while and shook his head.

Why should Earl be restricted in the temple enlistment? Because only the title of Earl has the opportunity to cultivate a Knight with rich combat experience, especially the proportion of Heavenly Knight that is cultivated, the noble family with the title of Earl and above will be higher.

This is mainly because the nobles of Earl and above have the right to directly sign up to send the family Knight to War Star. The other nobles also have this power in name, but the kind of queue that takes ten years or more can almost ignore this power.

“What if we tell Heavenly Knight Bernal this news?” Heavenly Knight Dick clicked the parchment in front of him and said.

“We don’t need to tell, it is estimated that Heavenly Knight Bernal has already been understood at this time. We only need to meet him and point out the relationship!” Heavenly Knight Lydgate also said with a bright eye.

With the energies of their two Heavenly Knights, it is difficult to force David to arrange the recruitment of the temple, but the last time they performed the task together was Heavenly Knight Bernal of the Noble Affairs Office. Heavenly Knight Bernal came forward, and the chances of David being called would be higher. increase.

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