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“Lord Gould, thank you very much, let’s meet and talk when we are free!” Bishop McKinley smiled and said to Lord Gould.

For David entering the Grandspread Star, regardless of success or failure, Bishop McKinley needs to accept the favor of Lord Gould.

Meeting Lord Gould in private is also a statement.

“Bishop McKinley, I look forward to seeing you next time!” Lord Gould said with a smile, and then said: “Arthur, everything is safe first!”

“Yes, Lord Gould!” David responded.

Bishop McKinley closed the contact array, his eyes looking towards David softened a lot.

David didn’t want to help before. It is well understood that with the ability to break through the defense of the alchemy array, it will be very troublesome to spread David. Once something is lost, it is estimated that the first suspect is David.

It is like the assassination of Law Enforcement Group in the main city of Bama. Almost as soon as the incident happened, the first suspected by Law Enforcement Group was David.

“Earl Arthur, I want to explain to you that to arrange the Transmission Gate, you need to arrange an isolated all around environment before you can start to arrange the Transmission Gate. Otherwise, the spatial energy of the Transmission Gate will probably attract attention!” Bishop McKinley said David explained.

“An array of isolation all around the environment, you need to provide it!” David nodded said.

Although he has an isolation array himself, they are all his own spoils of war, which are normally used in it, which is impossible to consume for this mission.

Besides, David is to do the task for the temple, all the consumption is naturally from the temple.

“That should be the case. In addition, the task reward for arranging the exploration array is 2 great merits, and the task reward for arranging Transmission Gate is ten great merits and a territory. This is also the biggest reward I can win for you. If you have any needs, You can bring it up!” Bishop McKinley continued.

“The rest is unnecessary, thank you!” David bowed and said with satisfaction.

Twelve great achievements, plus a territory, this has long exceeded his imagination.

Twelve great merits are enough for David to be promoted to the title of Duke. You must know that great merits are not so easy to get, except that the top nobles have the existence of Fifth Level Templar Knight and risk the mortal danger to perform tasks, and they can get more than 2 great merits. Besides, at the rest of the time, even half of the great work is extremely difficult to obtain.

Many nobles spent 100 years to maintain the inheritance title, and then use the merits to promote the descended knighthood back to the original knighthood. It is difficult to survive if they want more merits.

Only some big aristocrats or top aristocratic families will give the second son or daughter a valuable opportunity to gain merits so that they can continue to live aristocratic lives after leaving the family.

“Earl Arthur, I will arrange the Spaceship to send you!” Bishop McKinley saw that David no longer needed anything, said with a faint smile.

“Bishop McKinley, the’Spaceship’ is no longer needed, I have a’Spaceship’ myself!” Of course, David will not let the Temple of War’s’Spaceship’ give him away, he doesn’t even want to take the’Spaceship’.

“This space ring has components for detecting array and Transmission Gate. I put 2 sets of isolation arrays in it. There are also a few magical charms for life protection. I hope it will be useful to you!” Bishop McKinley took out a space ring and used it. The spirit transferred several items among them, and then said.

David took the space ring, scanned the inside, and found 5 magic amulets, including 3 automatic energy shields and 2 escape amulets, all rare life-saving amulets.

The number of life-saving amulet is scarce, mostly in the hands of top nobles, because most of the’Alchemy Grandmaster’ who can make life-saving amulet are among the top nobles, and the materials needed for life-saving amulet are also blocked by the top nobles.

Thanks to Bishop McKinley’s generosity, David left the hotel with two Heavenly Knights.

David’s departure naturally attracted the attention of many enlisted nobles. Outside the hotel, he took out the ultra-luxury “space boat” originally belonging to Lord Gould from the space pendant.

“My God, this is a lord-level’space boat’!” The knowledgeable noble exclaimed.

Some nobles have regretted being indifferent to David. You must know that being able to own this kind of “space boat” means having a deep relationship with a lord, and the relationship is so deep that the lord can give away his own car.

If you can pass the line of David and hug the thigh of a lord, then it will be an excellent thing for the nobleman himself and his family.

Earl Henderson of the Carney family, a subsidiary of the Maine Family, has a shocked expression. He knows better than the others who David’s “Spaceship” originally belonged!

This is Lord Gould’s car, even Charlie Young Master can only be borrowed and cannot be used for a long time.

But Lord Gould gave the car to David. It is no wonder that Lord Gould will order all affiliated families to take care of David. This relationship is so close that it is estimated that the family’s direct line can’t compare it.

David didn’t know the mind of the nobleman who was called up. After he got on the’Spaceship’, two Heavenly Knights went to operate the’Spaceship’, which was also the least manipulation configuration.

The’Space Flying Boat’ rose into the air and flew towards the distance.

“No wonder he refused to use the’Spaceship’ of the temple!” Standing behind the hotel window, Bishop McKinley couldn’t help shaking his head and exclaimed.

Bishop McKinley had also suspected that David had taken something to hide, and waited until the incident was over before reappearing, when he said he was trapped.

Who said David didn’t want to use Temple of War’s “Space Boat”, it’s no wonder that Bishop McKinley can think randomly.

After seeing the lord-class “space boat”, Bishop McKinley dispelled this idea. If he had such a luxurious “space boat”, he would not spend 30 hours in a relatively simple “space boat”. .

The’Spaceship’ flew several thousand kilometers, but David did not leave Kailian Star, but landed in a deserted and crowded area of ​​Kailian Star.

Putting away the’Spaceship’, he found a big mountain, then activated the’underground stealth’, and after putting two Heavenly Knights into the summon ring, he dived underground and entered the mountain.

David stopped in the center of the mountain and dug a cave underground by using the’underground stealth’ ability to control the earth and rocks.

He took out the quill again and dipped it in alchemy ink to draw a concealed aura pattern on the cave wall.

After everything was done, David took out the old medium-sized Transmission Gate and skillfully assembled the old medium-sized Transmission Gate.

After installing the kryptonite crystal energy stone, he activated the ancient medium-sized Transmission Gate, and looked a little nervously among the many optional transmission targets.

David has always been worried about whether the’Shadow God’ safe house cave will be discovered. If it is discovered, the ancient medium-sized Transmission Gate there might be shut down.

You must know that this time the Grandspread Star is occupied by a Spiritual God, and he can’t guarantee that the safe house will not be discovered by Spiritual God.

Of course, David has other options. Although it is a bit dangerous, he can be guaranteed to enter the Grandspread Star.

That is, according to the normal operation, he drove the “Space Boat” to the vicinity of the Grandspread Star, then activated the “Lightning Body”, merged into a beam of electric light, and entered the Grandspread Star directly from space.

With Dianguang’s Innate Ability, who ignores any attacks, David has great confidence to successfully enter the Grandspread Star.

But in the same way, David didn’t know the true power of Spiritual God, and he couldn’t guarantee that he would not be discovered when he used the Lightning Body.

Just think about the last time he entered the world of Plague God Gladstone. The feeling of being peeped makes him always have one’s hair stand on end. It’s really unimaginable. If there were not 5 Templar Knights dragging Plague God Gladstone back then, he would how is it.

David didn’t know that it was not the 5 Templar Knights who dragged Plague God Gladstone, but Plague God Gladstone mistook him and Shadow Servant for the gods from his Spiritual God.

The kind of divine envoy who is favored by the Spiritual God can summon the Spiritual God in danger. Plague God Gladstone will never want such a thing to happen. As long as David and Shadow Servant do not do too much, Plague God Gladstone Can be tolerated.

As David was thinking about it, his spirit swept across the ancient medium-sized Transmission Gate, which was still set for special attention.

He didn’t hesitate to connect to the safe house of the believers in the shadow of the Grandspread Star underground, and then he stepped into the medium-sized Transmission Gate, the space energy fluctuated, and the things in front of him changed rapidly.

When he saw the familiar confined space, David couldn’t help but let out a long relaxed breath. Everything here was the same as when he left.

Even the dust on the ground has no remaining footprints, which shows that no one has been here since he used this ancient medium-sized Transmission Gate.

David’s mind entered Shadow Servant’s within the body, and then Shadow Servant crossed the mountain, came outside the mountain, and saw the situation outside.

The scenery all around is not at all changing, but David discovered a strange energy fluctuation through the perception of Shadow Servant. The level of this energy is very high. If it weren’t for the powerful spirit of Shadow Servant, it would not be possible to find this energy.

There is a certain Hypnosis effect in this energy. Of course, even the strongest Hypnosis wants Shadow Servant and David whose Hypnosis spirit exceeds 10 points, it is also impossible to do.

In the final analysis, Hypnosis is only a low-level ability. It can only be used to increase Hypnosis’s 2 or 3 major levels through Spiritual God. Impossible makes Hypnosis’s effect more than Level 4.

Even in David’s opinion, this Hypnosis ability is only Level 3 at most. As long as the existence of Level 4 is invalid, it will not have much effect on the determined 3 level existence.

Suddenly David’s heart moved. Although this Hypnosis energy is not effective for him, what about the rest of the people?

Judging from the safe area, several hundred kilometers here are in the mountain range, and even the silhouette is not visible. The Hypnosis energy can spread here, indicating that the entire planet is probably all affected by the Hypnosis energy.

David doesn’t know if there is still a Level 4 powerhouse on the Grandspread Star, but he can be sure that the rest of humans are probably affected by Hypnosis energy.

Thinking of this, he was even more horrified at the power of Spiritual God, which was the power of the entire planet of Hypnosis, which was only done by a weak Spiritual God.

If a flourishing Spiritual God is so powerful, David’s satisfaction with his own strength is completely broken at this moment.

Recently, he has 15 Heavenly Knight, not only has his own rank reached Earth Knight, but his real combat power has even killed 2 Heavenly Knights.

Although David said something proud of not at all, he felt complacent about something in his heart. Even when he came to the’Grandspread Star’ this time, he didn’t worry much about it, but Lord Gould was worried about him.

This may be that Lord Gould knows the horror of Plague God Gladstone better, and David is just bewildered by his current ability.

“I’m still very weak!” David in the heart said to himself.

He stopped checking too much, and once again activated the’lightning body’ and’underground stealth’, he used the safest way to move from the underground to the distance.

David needs to stay away from the safe house. It is not possible to expose the safe house. It is better not to even the fighting spread here. For this reason, he is going to travel longer distances.

His speed is very fast, especially in the state of the’lightning body’, the influence of the’underground stealth’ on the speed is almost non-existent. The underground travel is due to the electric light of the body, not at all resistance.

After a full 1000 kilometers and an ocean, he came to a plain, and on the way he saw a medium-sized city.

David passed under the city. When Shadow Servant passed through the city, he could see the situation in the city.

The city is like a dead city, only the central square of the city is full of people, whether they are men, women, old or young, sitting on the ground.

These people looked at a stone statue in the center of the square with enthusiasm, saying that it was a statue and it was a bit reluctant. It seemed that because of time, the statue was only roughly human.

But everyone here regards the stone statues as the support of their souls, and they constantly mutter to themselves the scriptures that David can’t hear clearly.

Among these people, the elderly are in the worst condition, with a dull complexion and extremely poor complexion, and they may fall down at any time.

Although the youngster is better, it is also complexion pale. Due to long prayers, his lips are chapped.

If it were not for David’s powerful spirit to perceive the weird Hypnosis energy, he would think that these people are true devout followers.

David sighed. The people here are very pitiful, but he can do nothing. He can only arrange the inspection array and Transmission Gate as soon as possible, in the hope that the temple can quickly help the humans here.

When Shadow Servant was observing the stone statue, David’s heart moved. He felt that something was changing in the stone statue. He quickly ordered Shadow Servant to go underground, and then he himself took back all his breath and spirit and locked it within the body. .

At this moment, David turned into an ordinary electric light, a weak electric light at the ten meters underground.

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