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“Earl Arthur is back?” When a nobleman saw David, he immediately had questions.

You need to know that the distance between Kailian Star and Grandspread Star can be as long as 30 hours using the’Spaceship’. Now David has only been away from Kailian Star for more than 30 hours, how could he be here!

Even if the task fails, it takes time to return.

Soon, there was a saying that Earl Arthur not at all did the task among the enlisted nobles, and this statement was supported by many enlisted nobles.

The priest who delivered the message once again summoned all the conscripted nobles and Heavenly Knights to the meeting hall, and David also arrived with two Heavenly Knights.

Contrary to the expectations of all the recruited nobles, Bishop McKinley finally entered the conference hall not at all with his own identity, but waited for all the called up nobles in the conference hall in advance.

“Gentlemen, I want to tell you a good news. The expected mission of the call-up has been achieved. Earl Arthur went to Grandspread Star in spite of the danger and completed the two tasks of placing the probe array and Transmission Gate on the Grandspread Star!” Bishop McKinley announced with a smile.

With a bang, countless exclamations and unbelievable exclamations erupted in the entire conference hall.

The conscripted nobles and Heavenly Knights in the conference hall looked towards David, with envy and admiration in their eyes.

The admiration is naturally because of this difficult task. As an Earth Knight, David dared to go personally and completed the task.

Envy is because of the reward. Although Bishop McKinley did not say the content of the reward, just think about the task that even 4 Heavenly Knights went and paid the lives of 3 Heavenly Knights to complete the task, and the rewards can be imagined. .

“Quiet, gentlemen!” Bishop McKinley had to maintain order, tapping the ground with his scepter.

The conscripted nobles and the Heavenly Knights stopped talking, and their worries disappeared.

If the task is not completed and no one takes the initiative to take the task, it will be forcibly assigned by the temple. Of course, they can be hard-topped like the Duke of Bertram, but there are how many tempers like the Duke of Bertram. , Dare to ask the temple.

“Next is a group mission. The mission requirement must be Level 4 Heavenly Knight to receive it. Of course, if Earl Arthur wants to receive it, it is also possible!” Bishop McKinley turned his head to say with a smile in David’s direction.

“Bishop McKinley, why can only Level 4 Heavenly Knight be able to receive the mission?” a nobleman asked aloud.

They heard that the Transmission Gate has been connected, and the next mission is probably the usual exploration mission.

As long as this kind of mission reaches the Grandspread Star through the Transmission Gate, almost all of them can get rewards, but the scope of exploration and the amount of rewards.

All came to participate in the call-up, and the most difficult task was completed by Earl Arthur. In the end, this soup can’t and can’t be drunk!

“Grandspread Star is filled with enchanting energy, which has an impact on Knights below Level 4, so the temple decided that Grandspread Star’s exploration mission is only for Heavenly Knight. This is also responsible for gentlemen!” Bishop McKinley smiled and replied.

The nobleman wanted to ask again, why Earl Arthur, the Earth Knight, could go there, but it soon occurred to him that even the Transmission Gate was installed by Earl Arthur, and Earl Arthur had his own means of survival on the Grandspread Star.

Heavenly Knights saw Earl Arthur coming back alive, and guessed that Grandspread Star is not at all as dangerous as imagined, so as soon as the exploration mission came out, they enthusiastically signed up.

David does not have the idea of ​​going to Grandspread Star at this time, he can go anytime he wants.

In his mind, Bishop McKinley’s arrangement is not a good choice. Sending Heavenly Knight to Grandspread Star can indeed get news from there, but the greater probability is to expose the Transmission Gate.

But this has nothing to do with David, he just needs to be rewarded by the task and do his own thing.

He has the words of the lowly carry little weight, regardless of his completion of the main task of the enlistment, but if he is gesticulating about the actions of the temple, he will definitely break the friendship between Bishop McKinley and him.

In the end, 30 Heavenly Knights signed up to participate in the exploration mission, and the remaining Heavenly Knights, for some reasons, did not want to take risks.

Thirty Heavenly Knights left the Transmission Gate, the hotel became lively again, and each and everyone party started everywhere in the hotel.

It’s just that David’s treatment is different this time. Many parties have taken the initiative to invite him. He lacks interest in parties.

Jeremiah Heavenly Knight passed Transmission Gate. He and 29 other Heavenly Knights came to Grandspread Star one after another. After walking out of Transmission Gate, he found himself in a cave.

The smell here made him frown, and he couldn’t help but complain about the installation site Earl Arthur chose for the Transmission Gate.

“Everyone, I’m going in this direction, you are free!” A Heavenly Knight pointed out a direction and said first.

Then he summon out of the flying mount and flew away, without giving the other Heavenly Knight a chance to speak.

Jeremiah Heavenly Knight also chose a direction. Without saying anything to other Heavenly Knights, he got on the flying mount and left.

Of all 30 Heavenly Knights, some formed groups, and most acted alone.

Their task is to use the alchemy recorder to record the scenery that they have passed by in the sky. The more areas recorded, the more valuable, the more merits they will gain.

Jeremiah Heavenly Knight carefully observed the scenery on the ground in the air. Before he came, he spent a lot of money to purchase the Grandspread Star map through the relationship.

At this time in the air, he took out the map from the space ring, found his current location, and found the location of the nearest city based on the direction.

Jeremiah Heavenly Knight is very clever. He knows that ordinary mountains and rivers do not have much feats recorded. Only by finding valuable records can he get more feats than other Heavenly Knights.

He turned around in the air and flew towards the city.

That city is a large city with a population of 2,000,000. On the Grandspread Star, a city with 2,000,000 people is among the top large cities.

Jeremiah Heavenly Knight didn’t waste it all the way. He kept turning on the alchemy recorder and recorded everything he went through.

Just when he flew out for ten seconds, a Heavenly Knight who seemed to think that high altitude was more secure, flew 1000 meters high, and suddenly let out a stern cry.

After that, all the Heavenly Knights who hadn’t flew far away saw this Heavenly Knight like an Insect caught in a net, constantly struggling crazily.

As the Heavenly Knight struggled, he got deeper and deeper, and the rest of the Heavenly Knight looked at each other in blank dismay. They dared not approach him for fear of being caught in the net like him.

Heavenly Knight struggled more and more helplessly, and the fine net constantly eroded his Bloodline Strength, making him have to increase the output of Bloodline Strength.

“Help me, help me!” He cried out for help.

Jeremiah Heavenly Knight looked at the Heavenly Knight coldly, with no pity in his eyes. There was already a fine-net blockade on the periphery of the Grandspread Star in the intelligence. This Heavenly Knight died by himself, he didn’t want to save it.

There are many Heavenly Knights who have the same thoughts as Jeremiah Heavenly Knight. In addition, this Heavenly Knight is not well-known. The Heavenly Knight’s voice is getting smaller and smaller. In the end, he gave up struggling and was smashed by the net. The tighter he tightened, the poison eventually stained his skin and his life stopped.

Jeremiah Heavenly Knight shook the head, and he continued to fly in the direction he determined, but he and the rest of the Heavenly Knight carefully lowered the height.

After flying for 2 hours, Jeremiah Heavenly Knight saw the outline of the huge city from a distance, and he couldn’t help but feel proud.

He turned his head and looked towards the rear, but did not see the silhouette of the rest of Heavenly Knight.

Only those who record first can get the merits, so as long as Jeremiah Heavenly Knight first records the big city ahead, the merits obtained can be much higher than those of Heavenly Knights who are full of the world.

Thinking of this, Jeremiah Heavenly Knight flew towards the city called Gora on this map. He was not at all scrupulous, because according to the results of his investigation, Gora City is a big city, but here is the strongest Knight. It is only Level 3.

This Level 3 Knight was transferred from the Grandspread Star by the Maine Family before, which means that the strongest in Gora City is at most Level 2 Knight.

Jeremiah Heavenly Knight has the advantage of flying in the sky, even if all the Knights in this city are controlled by Evil God, he doesn’t have to worry about anything.

Flying over the city of Gora, he was surprised to find that there was no silhouette in the city, but soon he saw the silhouette, which is the same as the small town David visited last time. The square of this big city is full of people. people.

What it’s like for 2,000,000 people sitting together, probably many people will not be able to see it in their entire lives, because it is difficult to gather 2,000,000 people together.

Jeremiah Heavenly Knight looked at the square below in surprise at this time. 2,000,000 people were below, and all of them were sitting on the ground, facing the center of the square.

He looked towards the center of the square, where there is a stone statue, a very crude Divine Idol carved.

Just when Jeremiah Heavenly Knight was observing Divine Idol, Divine Idol also felt his gaze, and then Plague God Gladstone, who was in his world, was shocked.

The Avatar of Plague God Gladstone came to the Divine Idol in Gora City Square. If Jeremiah Heavenly Knight has the keen perception of David and the strong spirit of David, he can perceive the change of Divine Idol at this moment.

It’s a pity that Jeremiah Heavenly Knight doesn’t have David’s ability. He wants to record the details of Divine Idol. This discovery can definitely get more feats.

Of course, the most important thing is that Jeremiah Heavenly Knight not at all finds any powerful people in the city, not even Level 3 Knight. As for the 2,000,000 people here, he doesn’t care.

For Heavenly Knight, with these 2,000,000 people, given some time, he can kill all 2,000,000 people without any harm to himself, and he will not consume much.

So Jeremiah Heavenly Knight lowered the flying mount, and he approached the Divine Idol below, wanting to record more clearly.

Jeremiah Heavenly Knight hovered 20 meters above Divine Idol. To his surprise, no one looked up at the 2,000,000 people below, and no one would come to fight him.

He didn’t know that a powerful divine sense in the Divine Idol below was concentrating. When he saw the rays of light in Divine Idol’s eyes, he knew something was wrong, and the driving flying mount wanted to leave.

At this time, Jeremiah Heavenly Knight’s reaction was a little slow, and a psychic energy rushed towards him. This psychic energy turned into 2 special patterns in the air, submerged in the minds of him and the flying mount.

Jeremiah Heavenly Knight stopped in midair, there were no pupils in his eyes, only whites of his eyes remained.

Even if it is as strong as Level 4 Heavenly Knight, under Plague God Gladstone’s personal shot, it cannot escape his control.

Jeremiah Heavenly Knight descended slowly, and the flying mounts also cooperated honestly. The crowd on the ground near Divine Idol gave way to a space, and Jeremiah Heavenly Knight descended into the empty seat.

He jumped off the flying mount, and the flying mount stood still. He strode forward to Divine Idol, knelt down on the ground, and expressed his loyalty by prostrate oneself in admiration.

The stone Divine Idol conjured an energy hand and pressed it on the head of Jeremiah Heavenly Knight. Subsequently, Plague God Gladstone learned about the Transmission Gate on the Grandspread Star.

“My followers, lead those Heavenly Knights who blaspheme Spiritual God to the right faith!” Plague God Gladstone lightly said.

Jeremiah Heavenly Knight heard Plague God Gladstone’s order, he stood up, paid a Knight salute heavily, turned and jumped on the flying mount.

When leaving, Jeremiah Heavenly Knight put on Knight’s armor and lowered his visor, no one saw his white eyes anymore.

Jeremiah Heavenly Knight flew dozens of kilometers, and he saw a Heavenly Knight flying slowly.

“What have you encountered? Why did you wear all the armor?” The Heavenly Knight couldn’t help asking strangely when he saw Jeremiah Heavenly Knight.

Although the flying mount has a good load capacity, in order to save the physical strength of the flying mount, Heavenly Knight still packs the armor into the space ring when not fighting.

Anyway, the speed at which Knight wears the armor is the time of the movement of his mind, so he can put on the Knight armor in time when in danger.

“I’m hurt a bit and want to exchange some medicine for injury. I can use this to redeem it!” Jeremiah Heavenly Knight took out a blue clover and said.

Blue Clover is a kind of extremely precious medicinal herb with the effect of expanding Heart Sea Space. For Heavenly Knight, it is regarded as a resource of heavenly materials, earthly treasures, Level 1.

So when Jeremiah Heavenly Knight took out the blue comfrey, greed flashed in that Heavenly Knight’s eyes.

“You came out to do the task and didn’t even prepare for the wounding medicine. I agree to exchange it for a bottle of Level 3 healing potion for a blue comb!” Heavenly Knight said with a smile.

It can be exchanged for dozens of bottles of Level 3 healing potions with a single blue comb in normal times. This Heavenly Knight just wants to raise the price.

“Okay!” Jeremiah Heavenly Knight nodded agreed. He drove the flying mount to the side of Heavenly Knight. When he was away from Heavenly Knight five meters, a golden rays of light flashed in his eyes, piercing Heavenly. Knight’s head.

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