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“Bishop McKinley, can you rebuild the Transmission Gate after Kailian Star’s Transmission Gate is restored?” Temple of War Archbishop asked Bishop McKinley.

Archbishop knows that Bishop McKinley has sent someone to build the Transmission Gate of Grandspread Star and Kailian Star twice, so he asked this question.

“I have no absolute certainty. The difficulty of rebuilding Transmission Gate will increase every time!” Bishop McKinley can’t guarantee anything.

“I just asked to rebuild the Transmission Gate. If there is no way to rebuild the Transmission Gate, I might still ask you to go over there!” Archbishop nodded with a smile said.

Bishop McKinley didn’t guarantee anything, but Archbishop heard the meaning. Although it is difficult to rebuild the Transmission Gate, it is not impossible.

This can be used as a bargaining chip for Temple of War, to obtain more distribution rights for this magical battle from the other major temples.

No matter which temple it is, the attitude toward Plague God Gladstone is the same. This is a rare opportunity to train soldiers. As for the victory or defeat of the God War, the temple has never doubted.

As early as when Plague God Gladstone was discovered, the temple was not discussing how to fight Plague God Gladstone, but how to distribute the spoils of war obtained from Plague God Gladstone.

The Great Spiritual World has had no major battles for many years. Although War Star has continued wars, it is only wars below Level 4. Even the Level 4 Heavenly Knight has restrictions on shooting.

Nowadays, there are a lot of high-level Knights in Great Spiritual World, but there has been no High Rank war for a long time, and it is impossible to polish high-level Knights, especially Fifth Level Templar Knight. Without the spirit Knight should have.

Plague God Gladstone is an opportunity to make Fifth Level Templar Knight feel threatened through this magical battle and make it exercise.

“Yes, Archbishop, always follow your orders!” Bishop McKinley bowed.

Outside the main city of Kailian Star, how long did it take to build a temporary Transmission Gate not at all, and soon a medium-sized Transmission Gate was built outside the golden tent in the tent camp.

From the temple, 5’Alchemy Grandmasters’ were also summoned to repair the planet-level Transmission Gate.

At the same time, how to go to the Grandspread Star to retrieve the energy Avatar of the Fifth Level Templar Knight of Caxton and rebuild the Transmission Gate has become the latest task.

2 The thing is actually a task, to rebuild the Transmission Gate, and then let Caxton Fifth Level Templar Knight energy Avatar return through the Transmission Gate.

In the golden tent, 49 Fifth Level Templar Knight energy Avatars and 5 Fifth Level priests are all present.

“Everyone, this is the task of rebuilding the Transmission Gate. You need to sneak into the Grandspread Star. As for the construction of the Transmission Gate, the tasker will use the’Master Alchemist’ carried by the summon ring to complete!” Temple of War’s Heaviside Fifth Level sacrifices Announced.

Don’t look at the status of “Master Alchemist” in the Great Spiritual World, but the temple wants to invite the adventurous “Master Alchemist” is still very simple, as long as it is recruited from the believers, the recruited “Master Alchemist” will only feel it Supreme glory.

You must know that in the Great Spiritual World, only high-ranking nobles are eligible to be recruited by the temple, and even Heavenly Knight can only participate in the recruitment with high-ranking nobles.

If the ordinary person puts the’Master Alchemist’ in the summon ring, it is simply impossible, but the task is the Fifth Level Templar Knight, and the’Master Alchemist’ can only obey regardless of trust or status.

The environment in the summon ring is extremely claustrophobic, and there is no strong psychological endurance. Staying in it for a few days will make you crazy.

When you enter the summon ring, your life is no longer under your control. Once the person carrying the summon ring has an accident, the person in the summon ring will remain locked in it until starving to death.

So few people are willing to enter the summon ring. As long as they don’t want to enter, they cannot be accepted into the summon ring. Entering the summon ring requires the consent of the parties to be able to achieve.

“The mission rewards ten 5 great achievements!” Heaviside Fifth Level sacrifice then continued.

Many of the Fifth Level Templar Knights who were unwilling before had their eyes brightened.

Great merit tasks are normally rare. Fifth Level Templar Knight has strength and rarely has the opportunity to obtain great merit.

Great achievements can not only promote high-ranking titles, but also a necessary condition for redeeming super territories.

For the development of the family, this kind of ten-five great task reward is definitely worth the risk.

“I’m willing to go!” Bloor Fifth Level Templar Knight said first.

The other Fifth Level Templar Knights were very upset, they wanted to take it too, but they were a step slower.

“Templar Knight Bloor, prepare for it, and there will be a’Spaceship’ to take you to the periphery of the Grandspread Star!” Heaviside Fifth Level priest nodded said.

Everyone present is Fifth Level Templar Knight, whoever takes the task first, no one will grab the task again.

Bloor Fifth Level Templar Knight got a summon ring with a’Master Alchemist’ on standby at any time, and a space ring with all the items needed to arrange the Transmission Gate.

On the Grandspread Star, the energy Avatar of Caxton Fifth Level Templar Knight, who was still looking for a hidden place, received a message from Kailian Star. Of course, this information was conveyed through the body of Caxton Fifth Level Templar Knight.

But this didn’t help him at all. After more than 20 hours of searching, he found that no matter where he was, he couldn’t escape the surveillance of Plague God Gladstone.

Even if he just finds a place where no creatures exist, there are very few such places. Plague God Gladstone can easily calculate his general location based on his trajectory.

What Caxton Fifth Level Templar Knight can do now is to keep moving. In this way, Plague God Gladstone can’t lock his position, thus gaining time and waiting for the rescue from the temple.

But Caxton Fifth Level Templar Knight found a big problem. The effect of the divine technique on his body was slowly diminishing.

Once the’sacred barrier’ divine technique disappears, his energy Avatar loses its protection against spiritual Hypnosis and bewitching.

The energy Avatar of Fifth Level Templar Knight is indeed very powerful. It has an incomparable speed advantage. As long as the Bloodline Strength in the energy Avatar is not used up, the energy Avatar can rely on speed or fight or walk, come and go freely, and master the initiative of fighting. .

But the energy Avatar is not without its shortcomings. The energy Avatar is created by the Fifth Level Templar Knight by cutting a part of the soul.

Although this part of the soul can think synchronously with the main soul because of the special connection method, because the energy Avatar does not have a real body, this part of the soul is equivalent to only being protected by a mass of energy.

The energy Avatar cannot use the equipment to protect the soul, and even the cultivation technique to protect the soul cannot be applied to the energy Avatar. This makes the energy Avatar extremely vulnerable to Hypnosis and bewitching.

Of course, usually this shortcoming is not a shortcoming at all, because if you want to be fascinated by the energy Avatar Hypnosis and enchantment of Fifth Level Templar Knight, you must at least have Fifth Level spirit.

Not to mention Fifth Level spirit among evil believers, there are very few sacrifices with Fifth Level spirit in the major temples, and there are even fewer professional Hypnosis and bewitching.

But this time is different. The energy Avatar of Caxton Fifth Level Templar Knight has to face Plague God Gladstone, a true ancient god, even the weak one, its strength is far superior to Fifth Level.

Not to mention from the previous situation, it can be seen that this Plague God Gladstone is good at Hypnosis and bewitching, which makes Caxton Fifth Level Templar Knight feel worried.

The Avatar of the Fifth Level Templar Knight of Caxton flies above the sea, where only a few seabirds fly in the sky, and the rest of the sea fish are under the sea, which gives him a sense of security.

He watched the white armor generated by the divine barrier divine technique on his body fade a little, and finally the white armor of the divine barrier divine technique turned into a few starlights and disappeared.

Caxton Fifth Level Templar Knight, who has lost the protection of the “Holy Barrier”, can more clearly feel the Hypnosis energy on the surface of the Grandspread Star. Fortunately, this Hypnosis energy does not exceed Level 4 and has limited effect on him.

A seabird in the distance glanced at Caxton’s Fifth Level Templar Knight Energy Avatar with all white eyes. These eyes were full of scrutinizing gazes, as if a giant dragon was watching an ant.

Caxton Fifth Level Templar Knight heart trembled, his gaze matched that of the seabird, almost instinctively with a wave of his hand, a bloodline strength flew out and hit the seabird’s body.

The seabird’s body exploded in the air, turning into a black mist.

“It’s Him!” Caxton Fifth Level Templar Knight muttered to himself.

The feeling of being stared at by natural enemies made him immediately understand that Plague God Gladstone was staring at him.

Fortunately, the brain capacity of seabirds is too small. Even Plague God Gladstone cannot use the body of seabirds to perform Spirit Attack on a Fifth Level Templar Knight’s energy Avatar.

It is estimated that as long as Plague God Gladstone adds a bit of spirit, the seabird will explode and die.

Caxton Fifth Level Templar Knight knew the name of Plague God Gladstone, but he didn’t dare to call it directly. On the planet occupied by Plague God Gladstone, calling Plague God Gladstone by name would be unimaginable.

Seabirds flew over again, and their numbers increased.

Every seabird will stop at several dozen meters of the Fifth Level Templar Knight Energy Avatar in Caxton, and look at him quietly with all white eyes.

The strange feeling made Caxton Fifth Level Templar Knight almost crazy. He was facing a Spiritual God. As long as he thought of this, his whole body chilled.

Born in the Great Spiritual World, he has been educated by Spiritual God Supreme since he was a child. Although he has become a Fifth Level Templar Knight and has a trace of his own destiny, Spiritual God still has a great influence.

Caxton Fifth Level Templar Knight is now alone on a planet occupied by an ancient god, and is eyed by the ancient god, and the temple to rescue him needs at least 30 hours of flight to reach here.

After Caxton Fifth Level Templar Knight killed 100 seabirds in a row, he gave up killing seabirds because it didn’t make any sense.

Not to mention the number of seabirds in the Grandspread Star, the number of seabirds in this Sea Territory is difficult to kill. If the body of the Fifth Level Templar Knight of Caxton is here, it is easy to kill the entire planet’s life. But the Bloodline Strength of Avatar within the body is limited.

Instead of wasting precious Bloodline Strength, it is better to leave here.

Thinking of this, Caxton Fifth Level Templar Knight manipulated the energy Avatar, descending to the sea and flying into the distance.

At the speed of the energy Avatar, these seabirds cannot catch up.

As Caxton Fifth Level Templar Knight was flying close to the sea, countless flying fish flew upward under the entire Sea Territory.

The number of flying fish is huge and unimaginable. Under the control of Plague God Gladstone, they all fly out from below the surface of the sea, making Caxton Fifth Level Templar Knight’s energy Avatar even faster, and it can’t count 1000 meters. Dodge completely within the range.

“Courting death!” Caxton Fifth Level Templar Knight lightly shouted, these flying fish without any combat power, although more of them are not a threat.

The Bloodline Strength of the energy Avatar was released outwards, and all the flying fish within 100 meters outside the Fifth Level Templar Knight energy Avatar of Caxton were all smashed into powder.

But at the moment of death, the body of the flying fish turned into a black mist. The black mist of the flying fish within 100 meters envelops the energy Avatar of the Fifth Level Templar Knight of Caxton.

Caxton Fifth Level Templar Knight turned Bloodline Strength into armor. At this time, he didn’t dare to stingy on Bloodline Strength and flew out at full speed.

It’s not that he didn’t want to fly to a higher place, but countless seabirds formed a black cloud at the height, waiting for him.

The flying fish exploded as Caxton Fifth Level Templar Knight walked through, and the black mist on the energy Avatar also increased.

There was a hissing sound between the Bloodline Strength armor and the black mist, and Caxton Fifth Level Templar Knight felt that the Bloodline Strength in the Avatar was consuming wildly.

Caxton Fifth Level Templar Knight rushed out of the flying fish’s range, but he didn’t have any feeling of escape alive at all, because he saw more fish leaping out of the sea, not only flying fish, but swordfish, etc. High-level fish.

At this moment, he felt as if he was fighting the entire world.

“Escape!” This is Caxton Fifth Level Templar Knight’s only thought.

He felt the continuous consumption of Bloodline Strength, rushing through the defense line formed by fish and seabirds, and every time he rushed over a fish and seabird, he would add a hint of black mist on his body.

Caxton Fifth Level Templar Knight never knew there would be so many fishes in the ocean, endless.

Ten minutes later, he managed to escape the encirclement of fish and seabirds. At this time, his energy Avatar was much more transparent than before. This is a state where the Bloodline Strength has been consumed too much.

Moreover, the level of this black poison mist is not high, but it cannot be expelled from the body, just like bone gangrene.

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