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The energy Avatar of the Bloor Fifth Level Templar Knight trapped in midair is constantly consuming the Bloodline Strength of the body within the body, and flies down a little bit.

He didn’t dare to look back, because he was 100% sure that with the distance he had just forcibly charged, and with his Bloodline Strength within the body, he would not be able to support his departure from the road.

The Bloor Fifth Level Templar Knight has only one way. Bloodline Strength forms a sword edge, splits a channel, and then the energy Avatar keeps up, but every time he consumes a lot of Bloodline Strength to separate the fine nets on the energy Avatar.

He did not understand how the Knight who entered the Grandspread Star did it before. If he came with the Fifth Level Templar Knight body, he might be able to break through the defensive net, but the Bloodline Strength in the energy Avatar is like nothing. The water of the source, use a little less, and the quantity is still very limited.

After the energy Avatar of the Bloor Fifth Level Templar Knight passed a distance of 5000 metres, he couldn’t go any further. The Bloodline Strength of the energy Avatar within the body was so thin that it could barely maintain and protect itself, and there was no room to move forward.

“Trapped!” the Bloor Fifth Level Templar Knight in his castle muttered helplessly.

Without any hesitation, he reported his situation to the Fifth Level priests of Kailian Star.

In fact, without the Bloor Fifth Level Templar Knight report, the five Fifth Level priests also received a report from the Level 5 priest in space, knowing that the plan to enter the Grandspread Star failed.

Now it goes without saying that the energy Avatar to save Caxton Fifth Level Templar Knight, even the energy Avatar of Bloor Fifth Level Templar Knight may have to catch up.

The energy Avatar of the Bloor Fifth Level Templar Knight trapped in midair saw a giant eagle flying towards him.

What made him feel strange was that the giant eagle ignored the defensive net that could trap his energy Avatar, and the giant eagle flew in front of him.

The Bloor Fifth Level Templar Knight perceives the level of the giant eagle. This is only a giant eagle of the Transcendent creature level. No matter how weak his energy Avatar is, the Transcendent creature of this level cannot do any harm to the energy Avatar.

But soon, the Bloor Fifth Level Templar Knight discovered that it was wrong. The giant eagle kept flying around him, and the defensive net that trapped him was tightened.

This makes the energy Avatar have to increase the consumption of Bloodline Strength to resist the defensive net. At the same time, the’sacred barrier’ divine technique is also accelerating its consumption. It could have resisted the’sacred barrier’ divine technique for 24 hours, at this rate for up to ten minutes Will dissipate.

“Everyone, see you again!” Bishop McKinley smiled and bowed and saluted the five Fifth Level priests.

“Bishop McKinley, trouble you!” Except for the Heaviside Fifth Level sacrifice of Temple of War, the faces of the other Fifth Level sacrifices are not pretty, but they can only say that.

The five Fifth Level priests reported the situation to their respective temples, and the five major temples negotiated, and finally Temple of War received benefits and sent Bishop McKinley.

“Well, I am honored to be able to contribute!” Bishop McKinley said with a smile.

“Currently there are two Templar Knight’s energy Avatars trapped in the Grandspread Star. Even if we want to rescue, we need to rebuild the Transmission Gate to do it. You have experience in this matter, so please take your time!” Hawthorne Fifth Level The priest asked loudly.

Although Caxton Fifth Level Templar Knight was angry with him, the Hawthorn Fifth Level priest still hopes to save the energy Avatar of Caxton Fifth Level Templar Knight to show that the temple is not incompetent.

“I’m here for this. I don’t know what the reward for rebuilding Transmission Gate is?” Bishop McKinley waved his hand and asked.

“Before it was the top ten merits, Templar Knight Bloor accepted the task, and it has been confirmed that it failed. The rewards for the subsequent missions can be increased to ten seven major merits!” Hawthorne Fifth Level sacrifice replied.

“Okay, I’ll find a way!” Bishop McKinley must have said with a smile in his heart.

The Transmission Gate was built for the second time, but Bishop McKinley gave up his face and paid his favors to get Earl Arthur to take the shot. Now, with the top ten important tasks, he can invite Earl Arthur to take the shots without paying favors.

Without enough rewards, Bishop McKinley went sorry to invite Earl Arthur.

Without any hesitation, Bishop McKinley went to Bama Star through the temporary Transmission Gate. As soon as he appeared in the main city of Bama, the Fraser Sheriff’s Minister and Clarence Law Enforcement Chief hurried forward to pay respect.

As the bishop of Temple of War, his position in the world is terrifying.

Bishop McKinley is coming to the main city of Bama, the temple has a priest in advance to inform the Noble Affairs Office and the Law Enforcement Group in the main city of Bama, and the 2 Chief-In-Charge from the Noble Affairs Office and the Law Enforcement Group are waiting here immediately.

“Prepare a carriage for me, I need to visit Earl Arthur right away!” Bishop McKinley didn’t have any politeness, and was instructed slightly nodded.

“Master Bishop, Earl Arthur is at the Qinya Manor outside the city at this time. I will arrange the carriage!” Clarence Chief Law Enforcement Officer bowed and said.

“Qinya Manor? Then I will go by myself, the carriage is too slow!” Bishop McKinley shook his head when he heard that Earl Arthur was not in the main city.

Then he took out an alchemy car from the space ring, sat in it and took off.

Fraser Secretary of the Peace and Clarence Law Enforcement Chief looked at each other in blank dismay. They all had a sense of fortune in their hearts. If Earl Arthur was really investigated before, then they are now in big trouble.

No one thought that Earl Arthur not only had a background in the Maine Family, but also had a connection with the Temple of War.

You must know what happened in the normal temple. They were all directly ordered to summon. This time they saw a bishop of Temple of War visit Earl Arthur in person. What did this show?

In the hearts of the two officials, Earl Arthur’s status was once again elevated, and he was listed as one of the existences that Bama Star could not provoke.

While looking at the alchemy map, Bishop McKinley flew towards the target while driving the alchemy speed car, but when he was more than ten kilometers away from Qinya Manor, he felt the surging of energy.

The direction of Qinya Manor is like an energy black hole, and the energy in the entire area is surging there.

Bishop McKinley’s spirit has reached Level 4, so he can perceive the change of energy in the air.

“Is Earl Arthur in the cultivation?” Bishop McKinley muttered to himself in horror.

This kind of energy response is not like an Earth Knight can stir.

David just ended his cultivation at this time. He withdrew his mind and immediately sensed that a strong spiritual man was approaching nearby.

The Fifth Level spirit made him extremely keen, not to mention that Bishop McKinley did not have the spirit of restraint. Bishop McKinley came to visit David and would not intentionally restrain his spirit.

David’s heart moved. The energy inspired by his cultivation was clear to him, so he had been hiding in the cultivation at Qinya Manor without staying in the main city of Bama.

Now that Bishop McKinley has found out, he must have an explanation to save Bishop McKinley from guessing.

Thinking of this, David looked at 15 Heavenly Knight standing in the cultivation room, and thought that it would be better to take this opportunity to expose the hidden Heavenly Knight.

Although there are so many Heavenly Knights all at once, it is a bit eye-catching, but among the nobles, plus some accidental breakthrough Heavenly Knights, it is unremarkable in the entire Great Spiritual World.

With a wave of his hand, David found a dress from the space pendant and put it on, then walked out of the cultivation room.

“Earl Arthur, please forgive me for rushing to visit!” Bishop McKinley looked at David and 15 Heavenly Knight standing aside, smiled and bowed.

He had doubts about the previous surge of energy, but after seeing so many Heavenly Knights, he also guessed the reason.

15 Heavenly Knight gathered together for cultivation, coupled with the arrangement of Spirit Gathering Formation, it is possible to cause a large-scale concentration of energy.

Bishop McKinley also doesn’t believe that only David as an Earth Knight can arouse such a huge energy.

“Bishop McKinley, you are a distinguished guest!” David greeted with a smile.

Sitting in the living room, David did not wait for the servant to deliver a drink, but took out 2 copies of’Heart-warming Lotus Seed Soup’ from the space item.

“Earl Arthur knows what I want!” Bishop McKinley couldn’t help saying with a smile after seeing the’heart-warming lotus seed soup’.

“I only have this special capacity here!” David said with a gesture of please.

“I still want to trouble you to go to Grandspread Star this time!” Bishop McKinley took a sip of’Heart Warm Lotus Seed Soup’ and tasted it before putting down the small bowl and said.

“What? Transmission Gate was discovered again?” David was really surprised this time. He was sure that the hidden cave he chose would not be so easy to find. Is Plague God Gladstone so powerful?

But if Plague God Gladstone is really good, you should have discovered the ancient medium-sized Transmission Gate within the cave in the safe house.

“I don’t know the specifics, but Templar Knight who wants to perform the task should be careless!” Bishop Milekin sighed softly, and he turned to said with a smile: “This time is a mission issued by the temple. reward!”

“You are here in person, how can I refuse!” David nodded with a smile responded.

Bishop Melikin was overjoyed. David was still so straightforward and immediately agreed.

“Then we will go to Kailianxing now, where to get the Transmission Gate and isolation array!” Bishop McKinley drank the’heart-warming lotus seed soup’ and stood up and said.

“Wait a minute, I’ll get ready!” David also stood up and said.

When the two people got on Bishop McKinley’s alchemy car together, David still took the Knight Mark and Garland Knight.

From beginning to end, Bishop McKinley never asked about Heavenly Knight. With the speed of David’s rise, no secret is impossible. If David is still weak, maybe Bishop McKinley will track down the secret, but now David has been up early. After gaining momentum, he made friends with the Maine Family and has the subordinates of 15 Heavenly Knight.

In order to be able to maintain friendship with David, Bishop McKinley will not ask David’s secrets.

When he came to Kailianxing again, David found that the location of Transmission Gate was outside the city. All around were huge tents. The nearest tent was a golden tent.

He knew where this was. This was the camp of Fifth Level powerhouses that he avoided before leaving Kailian.

Unexpectedly, David would return here a few days later and teleported into the camp of Fifth Level powerhouses.

David was also puzzled, why not use planet-level Transmission Gate, the camp’s Transmission Gate is a temporary Transmission Gate, this kind of Transmission Gate should not be used during war.

The number of people who can pass through the temporary Transmission Gate at the same time is limited, while the planet-level Transmission Gate does not have this limit.

“Earl Arthur, the war here is not spreading at all, so you don’t know the previous battle! The main city of Kailian was affected by the poison, the whole city was corroded, and even the large Transmission Gate was damaged. Five’Alchemy Grandmasters’ have been transferred, and they are repairing the large Transmission Gate!” Bishop McKinley introduced softly.

Kai Lianxing’s battle was upgraded to Fifth Level war. The situation here belongs to the category that only the top nobles can know. In addition, the battle situation is unfavorable and everyone in a major city is dead. This kind of thing will not be announced immediately.

“Can I go see the main city?” David asked aloud.

David is a little curious about the situation in the main city of Kailian. Although what Bishop McKinley said is not clear, he still guessed whether it was caused by the ability of’plague’.

You must know that it is the effect of’plague’Innate Ability that makes a city affected by toxic effects.

David has never used the’plague’ Innate Ability since he got the’plague’ Innate Ability. The effect of the’plague’ Innate Ability made him afraid to test it casually. Going to see the situation in the main city of Kailian will help him master the effect of the’plague’ innate talent.

“Of course!” Bishop McKinley didn’t know why David wanted to go, but he wouldn’t refuse David’s simple request.

As for the reconstruction of the Transmission Gate, for him, one moment in the morning is almost the same.

Someone in Fifth Level Templar Knight discovered David’s arrival. They didn’t at all pay attention to David. An Earth Knight with two Heavenly Knights might be noticeable elsewhere, but no one here will pay attention.

David and Bishop McKinley came to the main city of Kailian. David looked at the situation in the city. Although the priests used the divine technique to eliminate the influence of’plague’, he still thought at a glance that this was caused by’plague’.

Walking in the main city, he felt both excitement and sadness in his heart. The excitement was’plague’. Innate Ability was really terrible. It caused such an effect. This is the Innate Ability he mastered, although he may not reach Plague God Gladstone by himself. The effect of casting, but the formidable power is not too weak.

Sadly, he also lived in this main city for a while, and now everything here has been destroyed by the’plague’.

David even sighed in his heart. He saw a pool of black marks, which were the marks left by the highly toxic and corrosive human body. Every black mark is a life. Looking at the past, from entering the main city to the hotel The section of the road, at least has black traces of 10000.

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