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After David’s life safety was guaranteed, his mind became agile.

After seeing 2 controlled Fifth Level Templar Knights killing 5’Alchemy Grandmasters’, what he immediately thought of was the souls of those 5’Alchemy Grandmasters’.

‘Alchemy Grandmaster’, even if David has not been in the Great Spiritual World for a long time, he understands the status and scarcity of’Alchemy Grandmaster’.

He has his own’Master Alchemist’ ability, but unfortunately,’Master Alchemist’ is also divided into alchemy types. His’Master Alchemist’ ability can only cope with most common patterns.

The alchemy system is extremely large and complicated. If you want to master all of them, it is almost impossible, but if you can absorb the souls of the 5’Alchemy Grandmaster’, then his alchemy ability will reach the top level of the Great Spiritual World.

David couldn’t resist this temptation. He also saw two Fifth Level Templar Knights fighting with the energy Avatar. He didn’t have time to take care of him anymore.

He turned around and returned to the main city through the’underground stealth’, heading towards the place where the five’Alchemy Grandmasters’ had fallen.

Plague God Gladstone controls 2 Fifth Level Templar Knights, and the attack of the energy Avatar cannot pose too much threat to the 2 Fifth Level Templar Knights in a short time.

He felt the emptiness over the camp, and he couldn’t help but sneer in his heart.

Many years have passed, and it seems that the alchemy level of this World has dropped a lot, and these Knights and sacrifices have shown a naive war level.

The black armor on the body is made by Spiritual God. It is no problem to resist the attack of the energy Avatar for a short time. When Plague God Gladstone saw that even the 5 Fifth Level priests had arrived in the main city, they did not wait any longer.

The pale-gold rays of light erupted from the bodies of two Fifth Level Templar Knights. The silhouettes of the two persons suddenly disappeared in the pattern composed of the pale-gold rays of light, and then the silhouettes of the two persons appeared beside the temporary Transmission Gate.

Plague God Gladstone found a lot of materials from the collection of 2 Fifth Level Templar Knights, and drew short-distance transposition patterns.

This ancient pattern is an extremely advanced pattern. It can be locked to a position when used, and then transmitted back at any time within a range of 1000 meters.

It is estimated that only ancient gods like Plague God Gladstone can master this short-distance transposition pattern, and it is the rareness of this pattern that everyone does not notice this aspect.

“Camp!” The complexion of the 5 Fifth Level sacrifices greatly changed, exclaiming.

They can not care about the golden tent, even if the value of the golden tent is extremely high, but they can’t care about the 5 gods in the golden tent.

That is a divine envoy that can withstand at least one divine descent, and it is the best way for Spiritual God to descend into the world.

The stronger the strength of Spiritual God, the greater the suppression in Great Spiritual World. The best way is to descend from God. Using a body recognized by Great Spiritual World and bearing part of Spiritual God’s soul can display Spiritual God’s Part of the strength.

The strength of this part is not comparable to any powerhouse in Great Spiritual World.

The cost of Spiritual God’s real presence is too great, unless it is as a last resort, no Spiritual God will do this.

The 5 divine envoys are the backhands of the 5 great temples preparing for this action, but it does not mean that the divine descendants can do it immediately, it takes a long time to prepare.

Therefore, the 5 divine envoys have almost no combat power. They were originally under the protection of Fifth Level powerhouses, so there is no problem.

But the sudden accident made the 5 Fifth Level priests dumbfounded, and also made the 48 Fifth Level Templar Knight completely unprepared. They did not hesitate and immediately turned and flew towards the camp.

“What a clever fellow!” Plague God Gladstone sensed that he had just returned to the golden tent with the short-range transposition pattern, and David had returned to the wreckage of the planet-class Transmission Gate in the main city.

David ignored other things. He controlled the Shadow Servant to fly over and absorbed the souls of the 5’Alchemy Grandmasters’.

He also saw the weird movement of the two Fifth Level Templar Knights, and he did not dare to stay here for a long time, and then flashed towards the distant stealth.

Two Fifth Level Templar Knights rushed into the golden tent and carried out a massacre. All the priests in the golden tent, without reaching the Fifth Level sacrifice and without the protection of Knight, faced the Fifth Level Templar Knight without the strength to fight back. .

A group of priests wanted to protect the 5 divine envoys, but within two breaths, all the priests died, and the 2 divine envoys also fell to the ground.

The battle scene doesn’t need to be described at all. The huge gap between levels makes the battle process extremely simple. The sword light sweeps through it so fast that the priests don’t even have time to react.

The powerful divine technique of the priests requires time to prepare, and the divine technique that does not require time to prepare is used on Fifth Level Templar Knight’s body, even scratching.

This is also the reason why the temple is fully developing Knight in the Great Spiritual World, and priests only appear in a small area inside the temple.

Knight is the king of war. It can resist and fight, can last forever, and can be formed to deal with stronger enemies.

Especially the emergence of insect race has made Knight’s development take a high-speed road.

In the face of the powerful insect race, the weakness of the sacrifice or warlock is undoubtedly exposed. The powerful divine technique can indeed play a decisive role. However, with the speed and power of the insect race, the powerful divine technique will not perform the sacrifice or warlock. Killed by insect race.

In terms of the number of insect races, how many times can the priest or warlock perform the divine technique?

A priest or a warlock who has lost energy cannot even defeat the weakest insect race.

This is the situation in the golden tent. If the profession is reversed, 2 Fifth Level priests meet a group of 3 Level 4 Knights, at least the Knights can also integrate the Knight battle formation to resist the 2 Fifth Level priests, and 5 gods Protect it.

Even the five envoys have time to cast the gods and change the battle situation.

The 48 Fifth Level Templar Knight’s energy avatars surrounded the golden tent. They didn’t at all rush in, because it was too late to rush in. There was no Life Aura in the golden tent except for the breath of 2 Fifth Level Templar Knights.

All Fifth Level Templar Knights are angry. This time it will be a stain in their lives. Their camp is come and go as they want by the enemy, and the 5 envoys under their protection have also been killed.

“Everyone, don’t offend the dignity of the temple, please do your best to kill the evil!” Hawthorne Fifth Level sacrifice has also arrived, he said solemnly.

The remaining four Fifth Level priests did not speak, but the scepters in their hands began to flash, and they murmured in their mouths, all indicating that they were preparing for a powerful divine technique.

The five Fifth Level priests are of course uncomfortable. This is the task given to them by the temple, and it is also the most glorious time of their lives, fighting on behalf of Spiritual God and Evil God.

But they failed the entrustment of the temple and the Spiritual God they believed in.

The Hawthorn Fifth Level sacrificial hand pointed to the golden tent. The golden tent instantly shrank and collapsed. The silhouettes of Caxton Fifth Level Templar Knight and Bloor Fifth Level Templar Knight were exposed. All around were corpses in the same place.

At this time, the 2 Fifth Level Templar Knights are drawing patterns with the blood of 5 gods.

“Don’t let him continue, attack!” Hawthorne Fifth Level priest shouted.

Faster than his voice is the 4 divine technique rays of light. The white rays of light fell on 2 Fifth Level Templar Knights.

The four negative effects of’slowing down’,’weakness’,’aging’, and’blindness’ appeared on the bodies of 4 Fifth Level Templar Knights. This is the fastest and most effective divine technique that 2 Fifth Level priests can perform.

If it is a low-level sacrifice, these 4 divine techniques will not have an effect on Fifth Level Templar Knight, but the divine technique is Fifth Level sacrifice, and the effect is incomparable.

The effects of these 4 divine techniques are not very powerful, but they are the divine technique that works best with the surrounding energy Avatar.

Just when the 4 negative effects appeared on the 2 Fifth Level Templar Knights, the 48 Fifth Level Templar Knights no longer stingy with the Bloodline Strength in the Energy Avatar.

They displayed their strongest attack, 4 Eighteen attacks hit 2 Templar Knights at the same time.

The black armors on the two Templar Knights were directly scattered by a powerful attack. It was not that the black armor was smashed, but the connection of the black armor was forcibly scattered by a powerful force.

“It’s a pity!” A simple voice came from the mouth of Caxton Fifth Level Templar Knight.

Caxton Fifth Level Templar Knight looked towards the unfinished pattern on the ground with all white eyes. Just give him a little more time to complete the pattern. He can at least use the pattern to project part of the power in the body to here.

The blood of the 5 gods within the body carries a mysterious energy, which is the foundation on which the Spiritual God can descend.

Plague God Gladstone uses this pattern drawn with blood to temporarily use the bodies of 2 Fifth Level Templar Knights as the bodies of the gods.

Although this pattern can only last for ten seconds after completion, as long as there are ten seconds, Plague God Gladstone can destroy at least more than ten energy Avatars.

2 The body of Fifth Level Templar Knight fell, and Life Aura disappeared.

The puppet of Plague God Gladstone died, but no one in the room was happy.

When they appeared from the bodies of Caxton Fifth Level Templar Knight and Bloor Fifth Level Templar Knight, they understood Plague God Gladstone had the ability to control the body of Fifth Level Templar Knight through the energy Avatar.

And the puppets they were killing at a heavy price were nothing more than their companions.

The audience was silent, no one took the initiative to speak, and the biggest loss was the temple.

All priests lived in the golden tent. The attack of Plague God Gladstone almost wiped out the priests who remained on the star of Kailian, leaving only 5 Fifth Level priests and a small number of priests who were busy outside.

After David felt the divine technique fluctuations and intense attacks, the breath that made him feel extremely uncomfortable finally disappeared.

He knew in his heart that the two Fifth Level Templar Knights had been killed, and he came out of the ground and released the state of the’lightning body’.

Afterwards, David released Bishop McKinley from the summon ring. Bishop McKinley, who just came out, hasn’t figured out what happened, but after looking all around, he found that he was outside the main city.

“What just happened?” Bishop McKinley asked aloud.

He was inexplicably included in the summon ring and came outside the city after a while. He was naturally curious about such strange things.

“You should know what happened when you return to the camp!” David didn’t explain much, he said with a smile.

David brought out the two summon horses. He rode the little flower by himself. Bishop McKinley rode the scooter horse and ran towards the camp.

When they arrived at the camp, two people found that the atmosphere in the camp was a bit wrong. Several priests were packing up the corpses, and one corpse was placed in the place where the golden tent was originally placed.

The Fifth Level Templar Knights were all concentrated next to the corpse, and the five Fifth Level priests, with their faces as water, reported through the contact array.

Shadow Servant flew over the corpses, absorbing the souls that had not yet dissipated.

Especially the corpses of the two Fifth Level Templar Knights, the Shadow Servant stayed a little longer. David felt that the souls of the two Fifth Level Templar Knights might have something special, otherwise the Shadow Servant would not be slower than usual.

“Bishop McKinley, you are okay, very good!” Heaviside Fifth Level priest of Temple of War saw Bishop McKinley and said joyfully on his face.

The Heaviside Fifth Level priest watched the two Fifth Level Templar Knight puppets flying in the direction of Bishop McKinley. He thought that Bishop McKinley had not escaped the two Fifth Level Templar Knight puppets.

You know that if a bishop of Temple of War dies, then Temple of War’s loss will be great.

In particular, Bishop McKinley is an extremely strong innate talent, which is extremely important to Temple of War.

“It was Earl Arthur who saved me. What happened?” Bishop McKinley looked at the corpses all over the floor, explained it, and asked.

The Heaviside Fifth Level priest glanced at David standing on the side of Bishop McKinley, his eyes moved slightly. It was not easy to be able to escape from the two Fifth Level Templar Knights controlled by Plague God Gladstone. Even in the process of escaping, he was able to control Bishop. McKinley rescued.

In particular, he sees David as just Earth Knight, but Bishop McKinley obviously does not at all regard David as Earth Knight, at least he also regards David as the same level of combat power, or even stronger.

Otherwise, how could Bishop McKinley be rescued by David? The Heaviside Fifth Level sacrifice heard that Bishop McKinley was not at all polite, it was out of sincerity.

“The two Templar Knight energy Avatars we sent to the Grandspread Star were bewitched by Him and teleported here. We lost 2’Alchemy Grandmaster’, 5 envoys, and 5 priests!” Heaviside Fifth Level sacrificed to the heart No matter how jealous, he didn’t call Plague God Gladstone’s real name.

However, the Plague God Gladstone uses Him, and everyone knows that this is a term for Spiritual God.

Bishop McKinley heart trembled. He did not expect that Plague God Gladstone would control two Fifth Level Templar Knight puppets to come to Kailian Star. Without David’s help, he would face two Fifth Level Templar Knight puppets himself, and he would still be Plague God Gladstone. You can imagine the consequences if you manipulate it yourself.

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