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The two people in charge of the Dennis Family did not know that their chat was being overheard by the person they were talking about.

“Uncle, I will arrange it!” Duke Derek replied solemnly.

A servant delivered the meal, and the two stopped talking and officially started the meal.

David also came to the ground from underground at this time, walking quickly through the castle in the state of’lightning body’.

The previous caution was just because he was worried that the August Fifth Level Templar Knight was in the castle and didn’t want to beat the grass to scare the snake. Now that he knew where the August Fifth Level Templar Knight was, he didn’t have much scruples.

David’s spirit is let go, and the range of 1000 meters is covered by his spirit, which allows him to perceive the movements of anyone in the castle.

From the first floor to the top floor, to the top platform, his silhouette floated upward without any hesitation.

It was noon, and under the sun, a faint electric light not at all attracted who’s attention. Only the August Fifth Level Templar Knight who was having a meal suddenly stopped the knife in his hand.

Then there was a slight sneer on August Fifth Level Templar Knight’s face. He saw the electric light. Although he didn’t know what it was, the one who could sneak in and appear here at this time must be Duke Arthur.

According to the records in the intelligence, Duke Arthur has repeatedly escaped from the powerhouse, even if he and Job’s Fifth Level Templar Knight’s energy Avatar simultaneously shot, Duke Arthur successfully escaped.

Seeing the lightning, August Fifth Level Templar Knight understood why Duke Arthur was able to escape from the powerhouse many times. With such a weird ability, it is indeed difficult to be discovered.

It’s just that since he found out, then Duke Arthur hard to avoid calamity. August Fifth Level Templar Knight, who has experienced countless life and death battles, doesn’t believe that Duke Arthur can kill him without a sneak attack.

Not only was he unable to kill him, but instead he could take the opportunity of Duke Arthur to be close to kill Duke Arthur.

The expression on August Fifth Level Templar Knight’s face was naturally seen by Duke Derek, who was about to ask but was stopped by August Fifth Level Templar Knight waved.

David, who was approaching the invisible spaceship at high speed, also had a sneer on his face. How could he not know the thoughts of August Fifth Level Templar Knight? Shadow Servant stood beside August Fifth Level Templar Knight with the expression on his face. David can also see it.

David came outside the energy shield of the Spaceship. The lightning body cannot break through this energy shield. Of course, if he attacks with all his strength, he can break it in a few strokes.

But he didn’t want to do this. It would alarm the people below. Without solving the August Fifth Level Templar Knight, he still didn’t want to expose too much ability.

David called out the space energy from the’Transcendent Army Knife’ beside the calf, activated the’Void Rush’ ability with the space energy, and arrived in the’Space Boat’ between lightning flashed.

“Protect yourself!” August Fifth Level Templar Knight confessed, his silhouette flashing towards the light that just appeared.

Only when the August Fifth Level Templar Knight was just about to move, he was surrounded.

Shadow Servant immediately brought out the Fifth Level Templar Knight summon of Harlow, Mike, Bayer and Harry, forming an encirclement, and personally sandwiched the August Fifth Level Templar Knight in the middle.

In normal times, there would never be such an opportunity, but Shadow Servant has always been by the side of August Fifth Level Templar Knight, and is already ready to release 4 Fifth Level Templar Knights.

Harlow Fifth Level Templar Knight grabbed the right hand of August Fifth Level Templar Knight and was controlled together with the Fifth Level light long sword that August Fifth Level Templar Knight just took out of the space item.

Mike Fifth Level Templar Knight grabbed the left hand of August Fifth Level Templar Knight, Bayer Fifth Level Templar Knight controlled the left leg of August Fifth Level Templar Knight, Harry Fifth Level Templar Knight controlled the right of August Fifth Level Templar Knight leg.

This is simply not a battle. It is more like a forced horizontal push with a number of people. August Fifth Level Templar Knight initially set the target on David, but did not find 4 Fifth Level Templar Knights in time, which made him instantly under control.

The original August Fifth Level Templar Knight could still resist, but the four Fifth Level Templar Knights used only one hand to control the August Fifth Level Templar Knight, and the other hand used the attack that was prepared long ago, using black armor gloves. The clenched fist hit the August Fifth Level Templar Knight’s body heavily.

The material of the black armor is comparable to Fifth Level grade materials, and all the attacks are on the Fifth Level grade Templar Knight body. The power is extremely powerful, which makes August Fifth Level Templar Knight be stunned for a while.

Duke Derek was stunned by the sudden appearance of Level 4 Fifth Level Templar Knight, but when he saw that August Fifth Level Templar Knight was under control and attacked, he immediately reacted. The Level 4 armor appeared on his body and he had more hands. A Fifth Level light long sword rushes towards the Fifth Level Templar Knight.

He knows very well that the only chance he can survive is to save August Fifth Level Templar Knight. Of course, he also understands how he can save August Fifth Level Templar Knight with his strength, but he hopes that the Fifth Level in his hand is of a lighter grade. The long sword can give any one of the 4 Fifth Level Templar Knights a sense of threat. As long as the Fifth Level Templar Knight shows a weak spot, the August Fifth Level Templar Knight has a chance to get away.

This probability is extremely low, but Duke Derek has no other choice.

A silhouette appeared in front of Duke Derek, the same Level 4 Knight armor, not at all weapons in his hand, it was David that stood in front of Duke Derek.

David watched Duke Derek slashing at him with a Fifth Level light long sword, with a strange meaning in his eyes.

In his eyes, Duke Derek’s sword drawing speed is very slow, not at all the strength that Level 4 Heavenly Knight should have.

This is not because Duke Derek’s strength is weak, but David’s strength has increased too fast, and has long surpassed the strength that Level 4 Heavenly Knight should have.

David stretched out his hand and grabbed the wrist of Duke Derek holding the sword. He slipped a step behind Duke Derek. The other hand buckled Duke Derek’s head and turned back.

With a’click’, Duke Derek’s neck was twisted and his body fell softly to the ground.

David casually took down the Fifth Level long sword in Duke Derek’s hand, and turned to charge towards the August Fifth Level Templar Knight. The Fifth Level long sword in his hand was placed in front of him in a stab form, and the other hand also held the sword. handle.

In the’Knight inheritance sword technique’ of the grandmaster level, this style is the inheritance sword technique of the top aristocratic Berger Family. It drives all the impact to the point of the sword with a full charge to achieve the effect of armor piercing.

This style can use low-level 1 weapons to break through high-level 1 defenses. August Fifth Level Templar Knight is now wearing a Fifth Level Knight armor. If David is just a normal stab, even if it is a light Fifth Level Long sword can hardly cause fatal injuries.

Because the August Fifth Level Templar Knight was stunned by the 4 Fifth Level Templar Knights, the body was also instinctively mobilizing Bloodline Strength to protect itself.

The Fifth Level Knight armor is indeed very powerful. Although it is not as good as the black armor worn by the four top noble lords, it is similar.

The 4 Fifth Level Templar Knights used their fists to hammer them vigorously, which is considered a means of armor piercing. Through this attack, the August Fifth Level Templar Knight’s body can be shaken, making it impossible to resist for a short time.

David did not dare to let August Fifth Level Templar Knight have a chance to resist. He didn’t even want to appear in the death blow of August Fifth Level Templar Knight. This allowed the 4 Fifth Level Templar Knights to use this method to limit August Fifth. Level Templar Knight.

The Fifth Level long sword carries terrifying power, and the air in the cabin rolls over for a while, blowing all the items around the dining table away.

Amidst the tingling sound of the scalp, the Fifth Level light long sword penetrated from the breastplate of the Fifth Level Knight armor. Under the influence of the David equivalent to Fifth Level Templar Knight power, the Fifth Level light long sword Breaking open the Fifth Level Knight armor, and continuing to break open a bit of Bloodline Strength mobilized by the August Fifth Level Templar Knight, through the skin and muscles, and pierced into the heart of the August Fifth Level Templar Knight.

August Fifth Level Templar Knight’s eyes flashed unwilling, he is Fifth Level Templar Knight, the most powerful existence of Great Spiritual World.

How could he die in such a useless way, defeated by the battle method of street gangsters.

Yes, although the 4 Fifth Level Templar Knights were shot, their battle method is indeed not an orthodox Knight battle method, just like a street gangster.

But the battle is over. The process is not important, but the result is important.

August Fifth Level Templar Knight’s heart was broken open, and his body quickly released its strength. After absorbing the soul of Duke Derek, the Shadow Servant came to the top of his body. Then David felt a burst of soul energy being absorbed by the Shadow Servant.

Without any hesitation, David took the corpse of August Fifth Level Templar Knight into the space pendant. Since the space pendant has a very high space level, he didn’t need to remove the space ring first.

David put away the corpse of Duke Derek again. The battle lasted only 2 seconds from the beginning to the end.

Because the sound here was too loud, the servant was still alerted to come and check.

When the servant saw the scene in the room and was about to scream, his head was directly broken by the power of in the sky.

Not only this servant, but all Dennis Family members in the entire’Spaceship’ were all killed by David’s mental twist.

These servants without battle strength are as weak as babies in front of Fifth Level spirit.

David’s spirit can cover 1000 meters, and he can easily reach every part of the “Space Boat”. His spirit has found the largest and most luxurious room among them. This room should be the room of August Fifth Level Templar Knight.

In the room, David found the console of the’Spaceship’. Let an’Alchemy Grandmaster’ stand in front of the console, which means that the owner of the’Spaceship’ can be replaced at will.

Boyo star, the energy Avatar of August Fifth Level Templar Knight and the energy Avatar of Job Fifth Level Templar Knight stood in the air, observing the situation of the planet-level Transmission Gate below.

Six Earth Knights are doing their due diligence to check every noble who uses Transmission Gate.

Job Fifth Level Templar Knight suddenly felt something wrong, and the breath of August Fifth Level Templar Knight energy Avatar beside him was undergoing terrible changes.

Also Fifth Level Templar Knight, Job Fifth Level Templar Knight is naturally very aware of what happened.

Only when the Fifth Level Templar Knight’s body has trouble, will the Fifth Level Templar Knight’s energy Avatar have such an unstable aura.

“August, what happened?” Job Fifth Level Templar Knight asked concerned.

At this moment, the energy Avatar of August Fifth Level Templar Knight actually began to become transparent, and Job’s Fifth Level Templar Knight’s eyes tightened.

“Save my family!” August Fifth Level Templar Knight’s energy Avatar exhausted the last energy and said.

After the August Fifth Level Templar Knight’s energy Avatar said this, the energy in the energy Avatar instantly dispersed, and only one space ring fell down from the air.

Job’s Fifth Level Templar Knight didn’t even bother about the space ring falling. He stared blankly at the location where the August Fifth Level Templar Knight’s Avatar dissipated.

The energy Avatar of Fifth Level Templar Knight dissipates, which means the end of August Fifth Level Templar Knight’s life.

Recalling what the August Fifth Level Templar Knight said just now, the meaning is also obvious, the Dennis Family is under attack.

The question is who will attack the Dennis Family, and if a Fifth Level Templar Knight body stays behind, and can kill the Fifth Level Templar Knight body in a short time, then the Dennis Family naturally has no capital to resist.

“It’s Duke Arthur!” Job Fifth Level Templar Knight suddenly understood who killed the August Fifth Level Templar Knight, although it was difficult for him to believe this.

August Fifth Level Templar Knight was killed. Even when he was dying, he clearly believed that the person who killed him would not let his family go.

In Great Spiritual World, there are not many people who can commit massacres. This is not to say that the nobles of Great Spiritual World are kind.

But the nobles of the Great Spiritual World will not waste resources. After killing the guardian Knight, leaving the rest of the people, they can easily transfer all the nobles’ properties to their own families, and at the same time some talents can also be gathered under their hands.

Of course, another reason is faith. Spiritual God doesn’t like the mass murder of believers, so nobles rarely slaughter them.

But as far as Job Fifth Level Templar Knight knows, Duke Arthur is a person who likes to exterminate the race to avoid future troubles.

It seems that Duke Arthur is very greedy for money, but this kind of greed for money is very low in the eyes of the great nobles. Duke Arthur destroyed the Barry family, but only took away the wealth of Barry Castle, but the real wealth of the Barry family is their business.

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