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Steward Dickens doesn’t have many requirements. In fact, the castle of Garmi Star has just been built, but there are not many items inside.

This is the spoils of war that David evacuated the Barry family castle. It can be said that all the supplies that a castle should have are not lacking at all.

“Steward Dickens, the imprints on the alchemy carriage and decorations, you can order the housekeeping robots here, they will do it according to your order, and the waiters are also done by the housekeeping robots. They are more efficient. As for the chef, I I plan to cook by myself!” David said with a smile.

“Master, you are a Duke, you don’t need to cook by yourself!” Steward Dickens hastily persuaded.

In Steward Dickens’s mind, David is also a Duke anyway. It is a shame that David does cooking for this kind of thing.

Even if David cooks hobby, it is hobby in private and cannot be put on the surface.

“Steward Dickens, you don’t know Arthur. His cooking level is not the second in the Great Spiritual World. Don’t persuade you for 2. I want to taste the delicacies cooked by Arthur!” Gershwin Minister of Noble Affairs was excited Waved and said.

“Steward Dickens, it’s so decided. You can make any request to the administrative robots here. They can do almost all occupations!” David said afterwards.

“Yes, master!” Steward Dickens bowed.

Steward Dickens knew that he knew too little about David. He remembered what he had heard before in the heart. He believed that as time got along, he could do his job well and satisfy David.

Gershwin’s Minister of Noble Affairs did not stay in Garmi Star for long and left, but he knew that David and Steward Dickens might be busy for some time.

After sending away the Gershwin Minister of Noble Affairs, David returned to the study to prepare invitations from the guests at the reception.

He needs to consider the design of the invitation. The invitations of Great Spiritual World try their best to show the luxury, using precious wood and precious metals in the combination of materials.

David has his own considerations. He has the ability of’Alchemy Grandmaster’ and can make 96 alchemy items at the same time. Naturally, his choice is to make alchemy invitations.

In the study, he has been busy for half a day before finishing all the invitations. This is already very unimaginable. Compared with other alchemists at his speed, other alchemists are afraid it will take months to complete the same. Work, and the quality is also impossible to compare.

Until now, David has been taken care of by many people in Great Spiritual World and made many friends.

He hadn’t paid attention to these relationships before, but under the reminder of the Minister of Noble Affairs of Gershwin, he discovered that he was not doing well in this regard.

For the Great Spiritual World, the promotion of the title is a major event. Perhaps only a few generations of nobles will have the promotion of the title, so the nobles can’t emphasize the promotion of the title too much.

David didn’t say anything about the promotion of the title, and he was still promoted to the duke. It would make the other nobles feel that he was unusual, and it would also affect his reputation in the aristocracy.

Therefore, he paid special attention to this reception, which is also a way to show his family heritage to his friends.

Perhaps David’s family is not as good as those old nobles, but he also has his own special features. He is a talented researcher of the Interstellar Federation recorded by the Noble Affairs Office and the Temple, and has legalized technology use rights from the Interstellar Federation. .

Probably the entire Great Spiritual World does not have a second noble with the privilege of David. After he showed the Interstellar Federation technology on Garmi Star, the temple will definitely fill in the loopholes in this area, and David is probably the only one who can Nobles using Interstellar Federation technology.

David handed a bunch of prepared alchemy invitations to Steward Dickens, and these alchemical invitations would be sent by Steward Dickens to each invitee.

After David left, Steward Dickens looked through the list of invitees curiously, and he needed to distribute the invitation letter one after another based on this list.

It’s just that when Steward Dickens saw the list of invitees, he inwardly startled in one’s heart. This list of invites was the true heritage of the family. David amazed him through the connections he established in Great Spiritual World for a year.

Maine Family, Lord Gould accepted the invitation letter sent by Steward Hayes.

“Arthur finally remembered to have a reception!” Lord Gould said to Steward Hayes with a smile.

These days, Lord Gould’s life has been a lot easier.

David’s revealed ability to kill Fifth Level Templar Knight benefited the Maine Family, who was closely related to him. Originally, Lord Gould was very difficult to maintain and take care of the 4 top families that had lost their lord.

But since the Dennis Family was destroyed, those who wanted to threaten the four top noble industries, each and everyone have converged a lot.

David is not only a powerful ally of the Maine Family, but also a madman of vicious and merciless.

When David is in the limelight, it is not worthwhile to risk offending David just for a little profit.

Lord Gould had invested in David before, but he didn’t expect that the return would come soon after the investment. How could this not make him proud.

“Master, Duke Arthur also sent an invitation letter to Charlie Young Master!” Steward Hayes saw that Lord Gould was very interested and bowed to report.

“Charlie has such a friend, it is also his luck, but the strength gap between Arthur and Charlie is getting bigger and bigger. Turning back to let Blackmore stare at Charlie’s cultivation!” Lord Gould thought that Charlie’s cultivation had fire in his heart, and he was instructed in a deep voice. .

Baron Blackmore is Charlie’s Uncle, but it is not easy to let Baron Blackmore take charge of Charlie. Although Steward Hayes knows it, he can only bow down.

“Arthur’s invitation letter is something new!” Lord Gould felt the alchemy energy revealed in the invitation letter in his hand, and could not help saying with a smile.

There are not no nobles who use alchemy invitations, but they are all top aristocrats with a lot of money. Among the great nobles, alchemy invitations are only a few.

The main reason is that there are very few good alchemists. In order to spend a lot of energy and financial resources on invitations, not all nobles will do it. Using other materials of the same value, the effect of making invitations is not much different.

More importantly, it is useless to use the invitation letter once. It is too wasteful to use the alchemy invitation letter, even for the extravagant nobles.

The alchemy invitation letter is made by adding several metals to the Shining Gold Stone. In addition to the words of the invitation letter, the surface is painted with dust, water, and fireproof patterns. These patterns can make the alchemy invitation no matter what Keep it clean all the time.

Lord Gould opens the alchemy invitation letter. There is no text inside the alchemy invitation. The densely packed one is drawn with complicated patterns, and 2 small top kryptonite crystal stones are inlaid in the middle seam.

When the alchemy invitation is opened, energy flows from the small top kryptonite crystal, lighting up the complex patterns one by one. When the last line is lit, a dynamic picture is projected above the alchemy invitation.

That is the reduced Garmi Star in space. As the field of view approaches, the Garmi Star enlarges. The continents are displayed as the Garmi Star rotates, and finally fixed on the first continent.

The field of vision zoomed in again, the first continent zoomed in, and quickly approached the ground from a high altitude, and soon saw the beam of light raised by the super-large Spirit Gathering Formation on the ground. When the field of vision was zoomed in, the beam of light disappeared, and the center focus was on a pale- castle of gold.

After being able to see the castle clearly, the field of vision turned to the opposite side of the castle, and a line of text appeared on it, “The Duke of Shadow Leopard Bloodline Arthur invited the great Lord Gould to Garmi Star to attend the promotion party”.

Perhaps this form of invitation really can’t be considered in Interstellar Federation. Interstellar Federation has many ways to make it more beautiful and gorgeous than David’s alchemy invitation.

But here is the Great Spiritual World. David didn’t use any Interstellar Federation technology. He completely relied on the alchemy ability of the grandmaster level and used a variety of high-level alchemy patterns to create this effect.

If there is any connection between the alchemy invitation letter and the Interstellar Federation, it is that David used the design concept of the Interstellar Federation.

“Arthur is really interested, but this is too wasteful!” Lord Gould looked at the alchemy invitation letter in his hand and couldn’t help but feel distressed for David.

Lord Gould only needs to look at the extremely complex patterns inside the alchemy invitation letter, and you can imagine how profound the alchemy technology used in this alchemy invitation letter is. Without the alchemy level of the grandmaster level, it is difficult to make such an alchemy invitation. letter.

Since losing 5 Alchemy Grandmasters in the last battle with Plague God Gladstone, the number of Alchemy Grandmasters in Great Spiritual World has only been in single digits, which makes it more difficult to ask Alchemy Grandmasters to take action.

After the picture on the alchemy invitation stopped for a few seconds, a line of small characters appeared below, with the specific time of the reception, and it specifically pointed out that Duke Arthur would cook it himself.

When Lord Gould saw Duke Arthur cooking by himself, an expression of surprise flashed in his eyes.

He is very clear about David’s cooking ability, but even if he is a lord, he is a Fifth Level Templar Knight, but he does not have the power to order a good nobleman to cook for him.

That’Nuanxin Lotus Seed Soup’ was still used as a potion by Lord Gould and bought from David. It is true that’Nuanxin Lotus Seed Soup’ has a potion for Fifth Level Templar Knight, and it is also a top potion with extremely strong effect.

Now I have the opportunity to taste the dishes prepared by David himself, Lord Gould does not want to miss it.

David is very famous in the Great Spiritual World, especially after the Dennis Family was destroyed and the August Fifth Level Templar Knight was killed, David’s reputation is even more resonant in the nobility circle.

There is no evidence to prove that David did it. The Noble Affairs Office, Law Enforcement Group, Chamber of Assembly and other agencies did not even contact David for investigating the case, but these did not at all affect the aristocracy’s actions. Judgment.

David has also become a new star among the great aristocrats from the ordinary aristocracy, and he has destructive power comparable to the top aristocrats, which is recognized by many aristocrats.

At this moment, there were rumors of Duke Arthur’s reception in the noble circle. It was normal for nobles to hold receptions. Almost every day, nobles held receptions in many places in Great Spiritual World.

But an unexpected thing happened. The 49 Fifth Level Templar Knight steward who participated in the Plague God Gladstone battle respectively asked Steward Dickens to participate in the reception.

49 Fifth Level Templar Knights fought with David, and because David assumed the Plague God Gladstone attack, indirectly protected these Fifth Level Templar Knights, making the Fifth Level Templar Knights inherit David’s favor.

After the news that David was able to kill Fifth Level Templar Knight came out, it was these Fifth Level Templar Knights who didn’t question this matter the least.

The 49 Fifth Level Templar Knights who were able to withstand the undead of the Plague God Gladstone battle would have looked at David in a different light, otherwise these 49 Fifth Level Templar Knights would have expressed David’s favor on the spot.

In order to strengthen the friendship with David, 49 Fifth Level Templar Knights took the initiative to apply for the reception regardless of face.

In fact, when David’s strength was recognized by the Fifth Level Templar Knights, David’s strength was equal to that of Fifth Level Templar Knights. Fifth Level Templar Knights voluntarily applied to participate in the cocktail party, but it was too bad face.

The friendship is deepened from the exchanges, and there are not many opportunities to communicate with David. This is David’s first reception. The Fifth Level Templar Knights who hope to establish a deeper friendship with David will not miss it.

David came out of the kitchen and collected the cooked dishes into the space ring. This was what he prepared for the reception. This time the reception was set as a cold dinner party, and enough dishes were needed.

As long as he has free time in the past few days, he will cook a batch of dishes. Anyway, he will not worry about changing the taste of the dishes in the space ring.

“Master, here are 49 heraldry cards, please take a look!” Steward Dickens bowed and handed a stack of heraldry cards on the tray to David.

“How come so many people are coming to see me? Is something wrong?” David asked unexpectedly.

He took the coat of arms card and saw the coat of arms on it, all of which he was familiar with. It was the coat of arms of 49 Fifth Level Templar Knights who participated in the battle with him.

“Master, they mean they want to visit you on August 8th!” Steward Dickens reminded.

David immediately understood that August 8th was the day he held the reception. It was obvious that the 8 Fifth Level Templar Knights would visit on that day.

“I will prepare an invitation letter for them immediately, and you will deliver it to them as soon as possible!” He put the heraldry card away and said to Steward Dickens.

David didn’t expect that one of his receptions would shock so many Fifth Level Templar Knights. He hadn’t thought about these Fifth Level Templar Knights before, but he had no contact with these Templar Knights after the battle, so he rashly sent them out. He also worried about whether the invitation letter was abrupt.

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