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In the sky, the energy Avatar of Fifth Level insect race’Halfbody Spider Queen’ was flying, and it suddenly felt a little familiar and strange life aura.

Familiar with it is because this breath is very similar to the human who cut off one of its fingers, and it is strange because this breath seems right but actually isn’t, making it impossible to accurately judge whether it is that human.

‘Halfbody Spider Queen’ can remember the finger of the body, making it a joke in the Fifth Level insect race. It was injured by a weak Armored Soldier and even a finger was left behind. This kind of thing is for the Fifth Level insect race In terms of it is a great shame.

Therefore, although the energy Avatar of the’Halfbody Spider Queen’ cannot tell whether the human below is a human who harmed it, it is an insect race and does not require any evidence.

Only after perceiving the strength of the humans below, the mood of the’Halfbody Spider Queen’ energy Avatar became very bad.

This turned out to be a Level 4 Heavenly Knight. According to the agreement between Great Spiritual World and the insect race, the Fifth Level powerhouse cannot enter the opponent’s occupied land and actively harm the weaker below Fifth Level.

If this regulation is really let go, then this little War Star simply cannot become an important energy source for the three worlds.

You must know that as long as one Fifth Level powerhouse is dispatched, almost all enemies below the Fifth Level can be killed instantly, and this is completely a battleground for the Fifth Level powerhouse.

This is intolerable to both parties, and neither can fight such a consumption.

Most importantly, the Fifth Level powerhouses that two worlds can send to War Star are very limited, and Fifth Level powerhouses willing to swear not to use Fifth Level energy are still few.

Not many Fifth Level powerhouses are willing to tie their hands to the dangerous War Star, whether it is Great Spiritual World or insect race.

Therefore, although the’Halfbody Spider Queen’ energy Avatar’s heart is desperate to kill the enemy that it thinks is possible, it still can’t make a move.

If the energy Avatar of the’Halfbody Spider Queen’ attacks David, the consequence is that the soul of the’Halfbody Spider Queen’ will be backlashed by the oath and bear the price far more than the price paid.

However, when the Avatar of’Halfbody Spider Queen’ saw the’nether shadow Winged Dragon’, he immediately made a decision to kill the’nether shadow Winged Dragon’.

On the body of the’nether shadow Winged Dragon’, it perceives the life sharing contract connected with David and the same source of Bloodline Strength breath.

If you can’t kill David actively, then kill David’s flying mount, and you can get revenge on David.

The consideration of the energy Avatar of the’Halfbody Spider Queen’ is just a moment, and its silhouette immediately turned and swooped down towards the’nether shadow Winged Dragon’.

Tahti Fifth Level Templar Knight expression congeals in the castle, he suddenly looked towards the sky.

“There is Fifth Level insect race, I will drive it away!” Tahti Fifth Level Templar Knight said solemnly.

The guests at the reception were not at all panicked when they heard the words of Tahti Fifth Level Templar Knight. They knew that if they came to Level 4 insect race, it might be dangerous, but the Fifth Level insect race was impossible to attack them here. .

There are only a few rules for Fifth Level insect race. One is that humans enter the occupied area of ​​the insect race. In this case, regardless of the level of the human, the Fifth Level insect race has the right to kill.

Of course, normally speaking, Fifth Level insect race will not attack humans with too low strength. As long as they don’t take the initiative to send them to Fifth Level insect race, Fifth Level insect race will be lazy about Level 2 humans.

2 Human beings take the initiative to provoke the Fifth Level insect race anywhere, and the Fifth Level insect race can fight back and kill the provocative enemy.

This provocation includes both verbal and deeds. The dignity of Fifth Level insect race cannot be offended.

3 is Fifth Level insect race. When encountering Fifth Level Templar Knight, both parties can fight with all their strength without using Fifth Level energy.

Many of the falls of Fifth Level Templar Knight and Fifth Level insect race are under this condition.

“Go out and have a look!” Baron Dubois said first.

His strength is very close to the Fifth Level Templar Knight. For the battle between Fifth Level powerhouses, he has an urgent idea to watch the battle.

The Avatar of Tahti Fifth Level Templar Knight’s energy is very fast, and it leaves the hall as soon as it flashes, and Baron Dubois also follows it. Among the guests, the daring ones also walked out of the hall.

Tahti Fifth Level Templar Knight can discover the energy Avatar of Fifth Level insect race’Halfbody Spider Queen’. David’s surface is Level 4 Heavenly Knight. How could the quasi-Fifth Level powerhouse with Fifth Level spirit not discover it?

David discovered it when the energy Avatar of the’Halfbody Spider Queen’ approached, but he did not expect that the energy Avatar of the Fifth Level insect race would appear on the defense line of the Great Spiritual World and the Interstellar Federation.

When he was only slightly surprised, he found the energy Avatar of the’Halfbody Spider Queen’ swooping towards the’nether shadow Winged Dragon’.

“You dare!” David heart startled shouted. At this time, the’nether shadow Winged Dragon’ is flying a little high, and the’nether shadow Winged Dragon’ that is playing is rising. Not at all, David in the heart calls’nether shadow Winged Dragon’. ‘Come back,’nether shadow Winged Dragon’ thought David was playing with it, and didn’t use’teleport’ to return immediately.

David did not show direct flying ability. He bent his feet and kicked the ground with all his strength. Under the force of his feet, a pair of deep footprints appeared on the ground.

With this kick, his body rushed towards the energy Avatar of the’Halfbody Spider Queen’. In the middle of the journey, Fifth Level Knight armor and Fifth Level light long sword were equipped.

The silhouette exuding pale-gold rushed to the energy Avatar of the’Halfbody Spider Queen’ without hesitation. At this time, the energy Avatar of Tahti Fifth Level Templar Knight exited the castle gate and was seeing this scene.

“Be careful, that’s Fifth Level insect race!” No matter how fast the Avatar of Tahti Fifth Level Templar Knight’s energy, it can’t catch up with the two silhouettes approaching at high speed, he can only remind loudly.

Tahti Fifth Level Templar Knight completely forgot the legend of Duke Arthur at this time. No matter how powerful Duke Arthur is, Duke Arthur faces the Fifth Level insect race of War Star.

The energy Avatar of the Fifth Level insect race is somewhat different from the strength of the body, but this is also the energy Avatar of the Fifth Level insect race. It has a strength far beyond Level 4, far from what Duke Arthur can compete with the Level 4 Heavenly Knight.

However, Tahti Fifth Level Templar Knight soon discovered a strange thing. Duke Arthur’s jump speed is so fast and unimaginable that it can even be compared with the dive speed of the’Halfbody Spider Queen’ energy Avatar.

The energy Avatar of the’Halfbody Spider Queen’ saw David leaping up, and when he faced it, he didn’t worry a bit, but was extremely happy.

David’s action is an active attack on the Fifth Level insect race. Then the Avatar of the Halfbody Spider Queen can completely kill him without worrying about being bound by the oath.

And David’s Fifth Level grade equipment, even the “Halfbody Spider Queen” energy Avatar to David increased the killing intent.

The raw materials of Fifth Level equipment are collected from the corpses of Fifth Level insect race. Each piece of Fifth Level equipment in Great Spiritual World represents the death of multiple Fifth Level insect races.

In history, there have been many times when top aristocrats assembled Fifth Level Templar Knight to hunt and kill Fifth Level insect race in order to harvest Fifth Level grade materials.

This behavior not at all violates the agreement of the two races and is also the main source of Fifth Level materials.

The energy Avatar of’Halfbody Spider Queen’ thinks more, it seems to see that there is a finger in it, so it has a stronger hatred of Fifth Level equipment than other Fifth Level insect races.

When David jumped to the side of the’nether shadow Winged Dragon’, he still had free time to grab it with one hand and force it into his summon ring.

‘nether shadow Winged Dragon’ also felt the terrifying aura in the sky, this time without any resistance, it was taken into the summon ring.

David collected the’nether shadow Winged Dragon’ and settled down in his heart. His gaze looked towards the energy Avatar of’Halfbody Spider Queen’.

He has always wanted to fight the Fifth Level insect race, especially the special rules here in War Star, which allows him to play to his advantage.

David owns the physique of Fifth Level Templar Knight, and he can display the power and speed similar to Fifth Level Templar Knight. The difference between him and Fifth Level Templar Knight is that there is no energy difference between Avatar and Bloodline Strength.

But this time his opponent is only the energy Avatar of the “Halfbody Spider Queen”, not the body of the “Halfbody Spider Queen”, and the strength is not the actual combat power of the “Halfbody Spider Queen”.

And David has the best equipment. The Fifth Level equipment ensures that his attack power is enough to damage the Fifth Level insect race.

He did not use any Innate Ability, it was a face-to-face melee duel.

When the energy Avatar of David and the’Halfbody Spider Queen’ is still five meters away, Grandmaster David’s’Knight inheritance sword technique’ drives the Fifth Level light long sword in his hand, and a faint golden sword light pierces out.

The energy Avatar of the’Halfbody Spider Queen’ possesses a stronger combat capability than Fifth Level Templar Knight, which is determined by the race innate talent.

The energy Avatar of the’Halfbody Spider Queen’ maintains the same height as the body shape. The upper body is in the form of a human, but it has 6 more arms, reaching 8 arms.

This makes the energy Avatar of the’Halfbody Spider Queen’ when attacking, it is inherently more intensive than David’s attack.

When David stabs a sword, the two forearms of the’Halfbody Spider Queen’ energy Avatar also stabs at the same time, faster than David’s stab, and immediately arrives in front of David.

David fully aroused the speed innate talent given by the battle angel crystal, and the two front arms pierced by the’Halfbody Spider Queen’ slowed down in his eyes.

Under the perfect manipulation of the grandmaster level’Knight inheritance sword technique’, the fifth level light long sword shook 2 times when it was stabled, and it was precisely spotted on the 2 pierced arms of the energy Avatar of the Halfbody Spider Queen Above the joints.

Under the same level of power, David has the ability to break the body of Fifth Level insect race, not to mention that this is just an energy Avatar.

The first half of the two arms pierced by the’Halfbody Spider Queen’ energy Avatar suddenly stopped in the air, and the second half continued to pierce a little and then stopped. At this time,’Halfbody Spider Queen’ discovered that its two arms were at the joints. Was stabbed off.

The two broken forearms dissipated into dots of energy. The energy Avatar of the’Halfbody Spider Queen’ quickly fled to the side while the remaining arms made a defensive posture.

The actual speed of the’Halfbody Spider Queen’ energy Avatar is faster than that of David. David’s speed is about the same as the speed of the Fifth Level Templar Knight body, but it is still a distance from the speed of the energy Avatar.

In the short-distance battle, David still suffered a lot.

The energy Avatar is composed of Fifth Level energy, no need to consider the weight of the body and the influence of air resistance.

The speed innate talent given to him by the battle angel crystals in David Soul Space, although due to his own strength, he is unable to exert the maximum ability of the speed innate talent, but his powerful Fifth Level spirit allows him to play part of his consciousness. The ability to speed innate talent.

He can see the attack process of the energy Avatar of the’Halfbody Spider Queen’, analyze and judge in time, and then make a counterattack action.

As long as David’s counterattack is smaller, he can barely keep up with the attack speed of the energy Avatar of the Halfbody Spider Queen.

After the first confrontation between the bodies of the energy Avatar of David and the’Halfbody Spider Queen’ in the air, they hovered in the air 20 meters apart and stared at each other.

At this time, Baron Dubois had come out of the castle, and the rest of the guests followed out, seeing the opposite sides in the air.

Baron Dubois looked at the two sides in the sky incredulously. He saw the pair of forelimbs of the’Halfbody Spider Queen’ energy Avatar being reborn.

This shows that just before he came out, in the battle between Duke Arthur and the energy Avatar of the’Halfbody Spider Queen’, Duke Arthur gained an advantage and injured the energy Avatar of the’Halfbody Spider Queen’.

Baron Dubois pinched his thigh hard, feeling the pain in his thigh, he knew he was not in a dream.

In the past, who would say that Level 4 Heavenly Knight can compete with Fifth Level insect race, he would never believe it.

But the battle before him raised the upper limit of Level 4 Heavenly Knight’s combat power to an incredible height.

Baron Dubois does not know if there will be any Level 4 Heavenly Knight that can reach this height in the future, but he can be 100% sure that no Level 4 Heavenly Knight has ever been able to fight against Fifth Level insect race in history, and he hurt first in the confrontation. Fifth Level insect race.

This is not a trap battle of crafty plots and machinations, but a face-to-face battle. This kind of battle can be done without any fakes, and how strong is it at a glance.

Baron Dubois looked towards Tahti Fifth Level Templar Knight on the side. The one who has the most say here should be Tahti Fifth Level Templar Knight.

“What do you think of Duke Arthur’s strength?” Baron Dubois asked using Bloodline Strength rumors.

“If you are close and unprepared, it is very possible to severely damage the body of Fifth Level Templar Knight!” Tahti Fifth Level Templar Knight did not conceal the family’s key training of Knight, and also replied with Bloodline Strength rumors.

“In other words, are the rumors that Duke Arthur assassinated 2 Fifth Level Templar Knights are true?” Baron Dubois curiously asked.

Tahti Fifth Level Templar Knight didn’t answer this time, he just shook the head gently.

It’s not that he didn’t want to answer, but he was not sure. With the strength that David showed, he did have some Fifth Level Templar Knight’s strength, but if he wanted to kill Fifth Level Templar Knight, he thought it was a little worse.

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