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But no matter how much opinion he has, General Manager Cushing dare not express it in person.

When entering the meeting room, his face changed to a professional smile.

“Hello, I am Cushing, General Manager of Tianchuang Data!” General Manager Cushing proactively extended the hand and introduced himself.

McCraken Transcendent was a little sensitive to any active contact with Duke Arthur, and he stepped forward to block General Manager Cushing.

He seemed to have forgotten that Duke Arthur was very familiar with the Federation, and would never mistake him for an attack because of the etiquette of reaching out.

Of course, McCraken Transcendent’s current mission is to prevent Hart’s high-end equipment display shop from happening again, and his behavior is also excusable.

“General Manager Cushing, I am McCraken Transcendent of the military department, this is Duke Arthur from Great Spiritual World, please pay attention to the etiquette!” McCraken Transcendent reminded as he introduced.

“Sorry, I was impolite. May I ask if Duke Arthur came to Tianchuang Data to do anything?” General Manager Cushing asked with a smile on his face for his ignorance of Great Spiritual World.

“I need to buy a super server!” David replied directly.

“Duke Arthur, I would like to ask where you purchased the super server? Of course, I don’t want to ask about your privacy, I just want more information to provide you with better services!” General Manager Cushing Wei Weiyi Frozen, asked.

He thought about the Duke of Great Spiritual World to buy a server, but he didn’t expect to buy a super server.

Even if the super server is the lowest, it needs a room of tens of square meters to store it, which is not operable by an ordinary person, let alone the Barbarians of Great Spiritual World.

“I want to bring the super server back to Great Spiritual World!” David replied.

“Duke Arthur, you need to know that we won’t package and install Great Spiritual World!” General Manager Cushing reminded him that he didn’t know whether to cry or laugh.

“No need to install, I need a powerful enough super server!” David waved.

General Manager Cushing looked towards McCraken Transcendent. He thought that Duke Arthur didn’t understand something, but this McCraken Transcendent should know what a super server is, and it cannot be installed and used without a professional.

It’s just that where did General Manager Cushing know that, when it comes to understanding of super servers, McCraken Transcendent is not even at the kindergarten level in front of David.

“Duke Arthur, please take a look at these super servers. There are corresponding parameters on them!” General Manager Cushing saw that McCraken Transcendent had no response, so he opened the light curtain in the conference room and called up all the super server data. .

David looked towards the light curtain. To be honest, this Tianchuang data super server has a complete variety, and even one of the highest super servers has reached the level of a top research room.

He bought the super server just for the construction of Garmi Star.

Garmi Star is still in the preliminary construction stage, and that server is smart enough for the system to use. However, as the construction of Garmi Star deepens, more subtle and massive work will sooner or later make the server unable to support it.

The server is one of the equipment that the research station cannot produce. The research station lacks the core drawings and material formulas.

If he hadn’t come to Interstellar Federation this time, he was also prepared to switch Garmi Star to manual management mode when the servers were not enough.

But manual management will waste a lot of time, slow down the speed of development, and require a lot of professionals, which are all David lacks.

“Just this one!” David said as if he ordered the highest super server at random as if he was choosing vegetables in a vegetable market.

Perhaps in the eyes of General Manager Cushing and McCraken Transcendent, his choice is arbitrary, but the computing power of David’s brain is not comparable to these two. David only has a glance to clearly understand the details of this super server. .

“Duke Arthur, we have a demonstration machine for this super server in 11 layers. Please follow me to have a look!” General Manager Cushing looked at the super server with a quotation of 2 billion, without any excitement in his heart, he requested.

Although selling such a super server is enough to bring great benefits to Tianchuang Data, if the 2 billion super server becomes a waste product, the subsequent possible troubles will also make Tianchuang Data a headache.

If it is a few 10000000 million servers, as the Duke Arthur, if you lose it, you will lose it.

But this is a top super server with 2 billion credit points. General Manager Cushing doesn’t believe that Duke Arthur will not take such a huge credit point seriously.

“Is there a display machine? Okay, go and see!” David agreed with a smile when he heard that Tianchuang Data actually has a display machine for the top server.

For an “Electronic Countermeasure Grandmaster”, there is not much resistance to top super servers, as if he is about to see a new toy.

General Manager Cushing personally led the way, and several people got on the elevator to 11 layers. During this process, General Manager Cushing saw McCraken Transcendent’s attitude towards Duke Arthur and couldn’t help snort disdainfully. How could he be so humble as a Transcendent.

General Manager Cushing’s psychological activities, apart from the perception of David’s strong spirit, McCraken Transcendent had no idea, and David would not be dissatisfied with this little thing.

In a super 11 2 square meter room in 100 layers, it occupies half of the area and is 4 meters high, all of which are auxiliary equipment of a super server.

“General Manager Cushing, can you give me permission? I want to check this super server!” David looked at this super server and was extremely satisfied, he asked.

“Of course!” General Manager Cushing said with a light curtain.

David skillfully clicked on the light curtain, and he compiled a small test code to verify the computing power of this super server.

No wonder this super server is worth 2 billion credits, and its actual computing power can be ranked relatively high in the federation.

Later, David continued to open the each and everyone detail page of the super server to check the actual configuration of the server.

General Manager Cushing watched David’s operations in amazement. With David’s proficiency in operating super servers, even the ordinary engineers of Tianchuang Data could not compare.

Of course, General Manager Cushing was not only surprised by David’s familiarity with super servers, but because he saw a Barbarians from Great Spiritual World in front of him, operating the most complex equipment of Interstellar Federation.

This feeling made him feel very unreal.

“Does Great Spiritual World also have schools for cultivating scientific and technological talents?” General Manager Cushing couldn’t help but guess.

As soon as General Manager Cushing came up with this idea, he was immediately overthrown. How could the Great Spiritual World teach this? Isn’t that world only teaches Knight who is savage fighting.

“General Manager Cushing, this is what I need. I will add 4 sets of Level 1 storage components, 8 sets of Level 2 storage components, and a set of automatic energy supply components!” David said, satisfied after the test.

“Duke Arthur, there is no problem with these, we need a month to prepare for you, the total price remains the same!” General Manager Cushing thought for a while and said.

In fact, the price of this top-level super server is negotiable. The price of Tianchuang data report is only a reference price. At least General Manager Cushing has the authority to be 200000000 million credits cheaper.

However, General Manager Cushing was not prepared to give a little price. At most, the component that David asked to add would not add additional credits. Anyway, the value of those components was at most about 10,000,000 credits.

As long as he thinks that such a super server will be sent to Great Spiritual World, he will have a strong unwillingness in his heart.

“One month? I haven’t waited so long!” David said, shaking his head.

David didn’t have any surprises for a month. For this level of super server, the main equipment needs to be reproduced. If there is no order, it will not be stored in the warehouse.

This is a super server of up to 2 billion. David was surprised to be able to show one here.

If there is another one in the warehouse, the pressure of credit point funds alone will be enough to make Tianchuang Data difficult.

In fact, the super server David saw was booked by another customer. After giving half of the deposit, the customer filed for bankruptcy, which made the super server fall into the hands of Tianchuang Data.

“Duke Arthur, I have been producing at the fastest speed in a month. Normally, this Level 1 super server cannot be shipped out of the factory in less than 3 months!” General Manager Cushing said helplessly.

“In this way, I will take this super server with all the money, no problem, right?” David glanced at the super server in the room and asked.

He has just operated this super server, he knows the performance of this server very well, this is a very new server.

“Of course, if you don’t mind, you can move this super server away at any time!” General Manager Cushing said happily.

This super server squeezed nearly 1 billion of Tianchuang Data’s funds, and it has always been a headache for him as the general manager. He did not expect that it was sold at the original price today, and the profit in it was huge.

At this time, General Manager Cushing didn’t have the mentality of being dissatisfied with Great Spiritual World before. This is the point of credit. He doesn’t care about such a person’s identity.

“I will let the warehouse deliver the components you need, and the technicians will come to disassemble this super server so that you can transport it away!” Cushing continued.

“You don’t need a technician to come, I will disassemble it myself!” David said with a smile.

He didn’t make any special performance either. After shutting down the energy supply in various places in order, he dismantled the complicated super server with extremely fast speed.

As Interstellar Federation’s most sophisticated equipment, the convenience of the super server is not considered when it is produced, and the only consideration is the computing power.

Many interfaces are easily damaged by improper force, so it takes at least half a day to disassemble.

But General Manager Cushing saw David dismantling the super server in only ten minutes. After the dismantling, David kept putting the super server into his own space.

McCraken Transcendent on the side glanced at David’s body and did not see the spatial item, but he knew very well that the spatial item was extraordinary.

Space technology is also being applied in Interstellar Federation, but the only miniaturized space technology products are Transcendent’s space wristbands, but the space wristbands are only one cubic meter, and the advanced ones are 5 meters, and the top ones will not exceed ten. cube.

And as the space of the space item doubles, the material consumed needs to be increased by 100 times. Ten cubes is the limit value of Interstellar Federation’s miniaturized space item.

As for the spatial items passed down from the Great Spiritual World, although they are larger, they can be opened because they require spiritual innate talent, and there are fewer in the Interstellar Federation.

This super server is more than 100 cubic meters in size. McCraken Transcendent compared his 2 cubic space wristbands and looked at Duke Arthur’s.

Of course, McCraken Transcendent doesn’t have a trace of greed. Just think of Hart Transcendent who was pinched to death by the hand of Duke Arthur. Any Transcendent will not have greed for items on powerful existence.

After the remaining components were sent from the warehouse, David used his identity bracelet to pay out 2 billion credits.

The spirit swept across the super server in the space pendant. There was a smile on his face, credits and so on. He didn’t have a trace of regret. It was all sent by Hart Transcendent himself. This time, it was a super server for nothing.

David chose a number of small servers in Tianchuang Data, and spent another 200000000 million credits. This is to replenish his stock. I don’t know how long it will be before I come to Interstellar Federation next time.

Upon leaving, General Manager Cushing personally sent David out of the Tianchuang Data Building.

General Manager Cushing returned to the office and contacted the president of TICO Data through his identity bracelet. Such a large transaction needs to be reported to the president immediately.

If it is not for David to complete the transaction too quickly, he should report to the president before the transaction is completed.

“President, the 11-layer super server was sold today, with a price of 2 billion credits and a gift of 10,000,000 credits components!” General Manager Cushing was overwhelmed with excitement.

“Very good, who bought it?” The president’s tone was satisfied and surprised.

“It was bought by a Duke from Great Spiritual World. That Duke was able to operate super servers proficiently, and was more familiar with super servers than professional engineers!” General Manager Cushing said as if he was an anecdote.

“It’s Duke Arthur!” The tone of the president over there was solemn.

“Do you know Duke Arthur?” General Manager Cushing asked quickly, but he knew that the president did not care about the operations of Tianchuang Data, because the president was a high-level official of the federal government.

“Duke Arthur killed a Transcendent of the government just now and paid a lot of compensation. This transaction closed the whole company!” The president was somewhat helpless instructed.

Over there, Duke Arthur obtained 22 100000000 million credit points from the government’s Hart Transcendent, and turned around and used the credit points in his company. The government knew that this kind of thing would definitely be a big trouble.

Hart Transcendent’s friend didn’t have the guts to trouble Duke Arthur, and the anger might be transferred to him.

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