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David manipulated Shadow Servant to put out the’sonic boom Armor-Plated Insect’ summon in the summon ring on his finger. For a long time, apart from feeding the’sonic boom Armor-Plated Insect’ regularly, and occasionally letting the sonic boom Armor-Plated Insect’s activity outside the summon ring did not really let the’sonic boom Armor-Plated Insect’ leave the summon ring for a long time.

‘Sonic Boom Armor-Plated Insect’ is the transport unit of the insect race. Its long-range flight capability in space even exceeds the speed of the Fifth Level powerhouse.

It is precisely because of the existence of the’Sonic Boom Armor-Plated Insect’ that David is confident that he can shorten the speed to send the Holy Star.

David connected his consciousness to the soul of the’Sonic Boom Armor-Plated Insect’. The’Sonic Boom Armor-Plated Insect’ opened the’intra-abdominal space’, and the’intra-abdominal space’ sent out a link of energy to David, and David was inhaled In the’intra-abdominal space’.

‘Sonic Boom Armor-Plated Insect’ started a 500-kilometer acceleration process. With continuous acceleration, the speed of’Sonic Boom Armor-Plated Insect’ became faster and faster.

After reaching 500 kilometers, the speed of the’Sonic Boom Armor-Plated Insect’ reached its extreme. Its body split open space disappeared in place, and then appeared 1000000 kilometers away, and after that, it continuously traveled through the void and reality every 1000000 kilometers. between.

‘Sonic Boom Armor-Plated Insect’ is a Level 4 insect race. It does not have strong combat power. Its strongest is long-range flight. The most powerful long-range delivery capability of insect race is revealed in’Sonic Boom Armor-Plated Insect’ come out.

David sat in the’intraventral space’ the size of a playground, and he continued to train the’nether shadow Winged Dragon’.

After a day and a half of the flight, David saw the location shown on the map and ordered the’Sonic Boom Armor-Plated Insect’ to stop the flight.

Although’Sonic Boom Armor-Plated Insect’ can continue to get close to Pai Saint Star, David doesn’t want the’Sonic Boom Armor-Plated Insect’ to be discovered by anyone.

He came out of the’abdominal space’ of the’Sonic Armor-Plated Insect’ and asked Shadow Servant to collect the’Sonic Armor-Plated Insect’ into the summon ring.

David stretched out energy feather wings behind his back, and there was a distance of several hundred kilometers. His silhouette turned into an illusory shadow in the gloomy space.

When approaching the Sacred Star, he turned on the “Eagle Eye Technique” Innate Ability. This ability is not very useful in normal times. He has a Shadow Servant and can overlook everything from a height of 1000 meters at any time.

But in this space environment,’Eagle Eye Technique’ has played an unimaginable effect. Because there is no influence of the atmosphere and obstacles,’Eagle Eye Technique’ allows David to observe far beyond imagination.

This also made David understand that no abilities should be underestimated. Perhaps some abilities did not achieve the best results because they were not used in the right environment.

In the outer space of Pai Shengxing, there is a fleet. Through the’Eagle Eye Technique’ David saw that this fleet is a little weird.

The battleships used by the fleet are all military-standard battleships, but these battleships do not have any military logos.

David himself has a military battleship and has experienced many space battles. He is impossible to misread.

“Private armed!” The word came to mind in his mind.

It’s just that David had never thought that in a planet so close to Origin Star, there was a private fleet of more than 2 battleships hidden.

If this fleet is applied properly, it can threaten the safety of Origin Star.

We must know that although there are defensive fleets near Origin Star, only a few battleships are arranged closer, and it takes at least several hours for the rest of the fleet to return to Origin Star.

Of course, this does not include those Transcendents on Origin Star. Transcendent plays an extremely important role in air combat.

After seeing this fleet, David was even more sure of the authenticity of the intelligence provided by the Great Spiritual World intelligence organization. This is definitely an important stronghold.

From activating the “lightning body” Innate Ability, to mobilizing and integrating the lightning in Soul Space’s “lightning pattern”, he once again incarnation is a lightning.

This is David’s most powerful means of hiding. In the vast space, a weak electric light cannot be found by scanning equipment.

Especially in the process of entering the atmosphere of Pai Saint Star, the seemingly imaginary electric light did not cause friction with the atmosphere, so it quietly entered Pai Saint Star.

In space, David chose the landing site of Pai Shengxing, which is a man-made building complex that can be seen from space and the only man-made building complex of Pai Shengxing.

Observing this man-made building complex from space is not too big, but when it gets closer, it really feels huge.

David ignored the defensive shields here. He swept across the building complex and found an energy line connecting the scanning device. Light and electricity entered it and easily entered the building complex.

He saw the situation inside the complex through the eyes of Shadow Servant.

The first thing you see is a fully automatic production line, and the manipulator is making a semifinished product outer skeleton armored device component.

The’external skeleton armor’ is an extremely complex equipment. Except for the military-standard external skeleton armor, mass production can be achieved. The rest of the external skeleton armor needs to be manufactured according to individual needs.

The full-automatic production line for outer skeleton armor that David saw was producing military-standard outer skeleton armor, and it was also an extremely advanced’black Vajra outer skeleton armor’.

To be honest, he is also very knowledgeable, but this is the first time I have seen a fully automated production line for outer skeleton armor.

The main reason is that the fully automatic outer skeleton armor production lines are all in the military industry, and they have a very high level of confidentiality, where he can see them.

Shadow Servant moved to another factory, and found that it was another fully automatic production line of’Streaming Outer Skeleton Armor’.

In each workshop, there are fully automatic production lines for outer skeleton armor. The number of production lines alone has reached as many as 20.

Let David see the feeling of having one’s hair stand on end. To build such an arsenal near Origin Star, and according to the information given by Baron Dward, this is a base of Erskine admiral, so Erskine admiral in the end What do you want to do?

There are not many workers in the factory area. Automatic production is fully realized here. Monitoring and scanning instruments make the alert level here very high.

In particular, David saw through the eyes of Shadow Servant that there are life detection instruments in every factory building, and the unmanned factory will alarm whenever there is life.

In addition to the factory buildings, the building complex is also a production base for some fruits and vegetables.

David quickly discovered what was wrong here. The scale of this vegetable and fruit food production base was enough to consume 1000 people. According to his current observations, there were only more than 20 people in this building complex in each monitoring room.

“Underground!” When David thought of this, the’underground stealth’ Innate Ability was also activated, and the lightning of his incarnation dived into the underground.

At about 6 meters, he had to stop because he was blocked by special steel walls.

David did not destroy the special steel wall, Shadow Servant went through the wall and entered the interior.

This is the real base, a space military base built in accordance with military standards.

Shadow Servant walked through the underground military base, which was divided into many standard military zones. At least 10000 pieces of outer skeleton armor were found in the storage area David.

David’s heart moved slightly. He controlled the Shadow Servant to come to an outer skeleton armored loading box, and his spirit swept inside.

“Sure enough!” David probably understood why these outer skeleton armors were produced.

The military’s standard outer skeleton armor has special permissions, not only the outer skeleton armor, but also battleship.

Officers with high-level permissions can deprive them of low-level access rights, which means that neither outer skeleton armor nor battleship can be applied to high-level military generals.

Because as long as a senior military commander orders, the weapons of these rebels will be useless.

In order to prevent this from happening, it is necessary to manufacture outer skeleton armor without such instructions.

This is the case with David’s outer skeleton armor that uses mental perception. The permission module solidified in the kernel has been cancelled. This outer skeleton armor will not be restricted by military regulations.

Shadow Servant passed through several outer areas and came to the lobby of the inner area.

Here David saw many soldiers in military uniforms. They were watching the light curtains in front of them and operating them from time to time.

David looked at the content of several of the light curtains, all of which showed Origin Star and various real-time data nearby. The details went to the specific location of each battleship and the range of activities of each Transcendent.

Now David finally understands that he has accidentally entered a premeditated rebellion.

“Then help Great Marshal Andre solve this trouble!” David secretly said in one’s heart.

This kind of military base can easily infiltrate and be destroyed before he goes to the Great Spiritual World to become a Knight.

But before doing this, David needs to find his goal.

Shadow Servant passes through the hall. Inside is a corridor. On the second side is the living area, and it is a very luxurious living area, which is not prepared for ordinary soldiers.

David felt happy. This arrangement shows that this is the residential area of ​​the core personnel.

Shadow Servant passed through a wall again, and a training room appeared in front of him.

“Found it!” The familiar Knight breath was felt when Shadow Servant entered the training room.

In the training room, 2 Level 4 Heavenly Knights and 6 Level 3 Earth Knights are all present. They are doing Knight’s daily training.

Except for the Templar Knight, who is as strong as Fifth Level, the rest of the Knights need daily training if they don’t want their own strength to decline, to maintain their familiarity with weapons and physical control.

David was a little surprised. He came to Erskine admiral, but he didn’t expect to find the target of this mission directly. This is really a surprise.

David, who was still outside, also found an energy line, sneaked in, and went directly to the training room.

Just when David was about to show his real body to complete the task, a breath came from the training room, which was the breath of as many as 8 Transcendents.

The door of the training room was pushed open, and a soldier in an admiral uniform walked in, as well as 8 Transcendent guards all around.

“The noble Monty Heavenly Knight, the noble Norman Heavenly Knight, 6 Earth Knights, I need your help!” Erskine admiral used the etiquette of the Great Spiritual World, and said in divine language.

“According to our agreement, we will only take action for you after dealing with a chase from Great Spiritual World!” Monty Level 4 Heavenly Knight lightly saying.

Even if he defected to the Interstellar Federation, Monty Level 4 Heavenly Knight’s pride in being a Level 4 Heavenly Knight has not diminished.

After coming to Interstellar Federation, everyone he saw in his eyes was extremely weak, which made him even more proud.

“There is indeed such an agreement, but as long as you accomplish this for me, I will have greater power to ensure that you will not be discovered.

Most recently, there have been many forces searching for your information. Their efforts are in vain. Only a general higher than me can know your information, and all I need to do is to replace the higher general! “Erskine admiral waved his hand to increase his persuasiveness.

Monty Level 4 Heavenly Knight and Norman Level 4 Heavenly Knight looked at each other, they were obviously moved.

They are not worried about the battle, especially Erskine admiral only mentioned the battle within the planet. In the Interstellar Federation, they can be invincible without teaming up.

“Is there any news from the Great Spiritual World?” Norman Level 4 Heavenly Knight asked Erskine admiral.

“No!” Erskine admiral immediately replied without hesitation.

This made David who was watching the scene stunned. With Erskine’s admiral energy, how could he not know that he had come to the Interstellar Federation.

But David quickly reacted, probably this Erskine admiral didn’t want these defected Knights to know his arrival.

The fact is the same. Erskine admiral knew that Duke Arthur had come to the Interstellar Federation and was in the Origin Star.

But Erskine admiral did not at all treat Duke Arthur as an enemy. Instead, he planned to disclose the information of these Knights to Duke Arthur immediately after using these Knights.

This time Erskine admiral supported these Knights to defect only for their own purposes. After achieving their goals, he would not care about the fate of these Knights.

Erskine admiral, who has been in the high position for a long time, has long been dissatisfied with the arrogance of Monty Level 4 Heavenly Knight and Norman Level 4 Heavenly Knight.

Leaving this kind of Knight by his side, I don’t know what will happen.

In addition, the Great Spiritual World will inevitably send Knight to chase the defectors, and then people on the Knight side will be in danger.

Erskine admiral also knew that Duke Arthur was probably the first Knight to hunt down defectors, and he also knew that these Knights would not be the opponents of Duke Arthur, and he was fighting against Fifth Level insect race alone. China is not a secret.

The news from the Great Spiritual World said that Duke Arthur was not a kind man, and he was killing people in Great Spiritual World.

For his own safety, Erskine admiral also plans to sell these Knights after they are used up.

“When will you act?” Monty Level 4 Heavenly Knight looked towards Norman Level 4 Heavenly Knight, Norman Level 4 Heavenly Knight slightly nodded, Monty Level 4 Heavenly Knight asked aloud.

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