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From the super-large kryptonite crystal mine, David summoned Shadow Servant. When he was traveling in space, he searched for the harvest through spirit. Among them, he found not at all the classics about Lord Marcus’s terrorist attack, and even Even the corresponding records were not found.

In this case, it is possible that the generally speaking terrifying combat capability is Lord Marcus’s Innate Ability, not from the inheritance of the Baruch family.

As for the special Innate Ability of Lord Marcus, that is, his hole card, of course there will be no record.

David wants to check the knowledge sphere obtained this time to see if he has obtained the corresponding sphere of knowledge from Lord Marcus.

He thoughts move, and Shadow Servant listed the knowledge spheres gained this time separately.

There are a lot of knowledge spheres, and those that can appear in the Baruch family castle, whether it is a Knight or an ordinary person, have their own out of the ordinary.

Most of the various inheritance knowledge of the Great Spiritual World is carried out among the nobles, and the top nobles have a more detailed inheritance.

David swept across the sphere of knowledge at will, and found the sphere of knowledge of “cooking”, “painting” and “carving” of grandmaster level in it.

Except for the grandmaster level’painting’ knowledge photosphere, he already has the rest of the grandmaster level, but he can also absorb it as a supplement to related knowledge when nothing is happening.

David will not choose these knowledge balls at this time, his goal is the special innate talent knowledge balls.

At present, only the innate talent knowledge light ball has the greatest effect on him, just like the innate ability of the’Bloodline Strength purification’ obtained before, which directly improves his cultivation speed.

In the end, David separated 4 Innate Ability knowledge balls from the pile of knowledge balls.

After seeing the information of 4 Innate Ability Knowledge Light Balls, his sense of joy was reduced by half.

Because of the 4 Innate Ability knowledge spheres, 3 of them are the same, they are all’rip’ Innate Ability, and the other is’burst’ Innate Ability.

David was a little surprised, why out of the five Templar Knights of the Baruch family, three of the Templar Knights all have Innate Ability, and the Innate Ability of the other Lord Marcus also seems to be torn. Innate Ability is similar.

In fact, this is related to the Bloodline of the top nobles. The Bloodline of the Baruch family is the Alpine giant Bloodline. The Owner of this kind of Bloodline has a certain probability of having a’tear’ Innate Ability.

Naturally, this probability with a certain probability is extremely low. Among the many clansman in each generation of the Baruch family, only a few can obtain the’tearing’ Innate Ability.

Knight who possesses the’tearing’ Innate Ability has a natural bloodline concentration higher than that of ordinary clansman, and the Knight innate talent is far superior to others.

In particular, the “Tear” Innate Ability can not only be used in battle, but also promote the shackles of the breakthrough Level 4 Heavenly Knight. In each generation of Fifth Level Templar Knight, there is a large proportion of the “Tear” Innate Ability.

In fact, it is not only the Baruch family, but also many top nobles.

The stronger the family, the more powerful its Bloodline. The powerful Bloodline makes the cultivation speed and combat power far surpass the rest of the Knights, which in turn drives the family’s strength. This is a virtuous circle.

David has not been exposed to the intelligence of the core of the top aristocrats, and he is not clear about it.

He thought about it for a moment, and decided to absorb and fuse the sphere of “tearing” knowledge first.

Although David did not know that the top aristocratic Bloodline is easy to give birth to someone with a specific Innate Ability, but from the 5 Templar Knights of the Baruch family, there are 3 people who have the’rip’ Innate Ability. This can also be guessed.’ The Innate Ability must be related to Bloodline.

He doesn’t know whether this special ability of relying on the family Bloodline can be mastered by himself, so he first experimented with more “tearing” knowledge light balls.

In fact, David’s confidence is still very high, just looking at the “tearing” knowledge photosphere and the “burst” knowledge photosphere did not show that they could not be integrated, so he guessed that he has a high probability of being able to master it.

With a move of mind, Shadow Servant moved the’tearing’ knowledge light ball into David’s body, and the’tearing’ knowledge light ball flew into David’s Soul Space, and flew straight to the soul fortress in Soul Space’s Small World. Turned into a complex pattern.

David’s spirit came into contact with this newly emerged pattern, and related information came from the pattern.

This is a’tearing pattern’, derived from the innate talent of the mountain giant, and exists in the bloodline of the mountain giant.

The effect of “Tear” Innate Ability on non-lifeforms is not obvious, because it is as strong as Fifth Level Templar Knight. When attacking, a random hit can cause great damage to non-lifeforms. “Tear” Innate Ability strengthens a part of it. The harm is not great.

But the most terrifying thing about the “Tear” Innate Ability is the effect of the attack on the lifeform. After the “Tear” Innate Ability is activated, as long as the target’s defense is broken and the target is damaged, the wound is In addition to the erosion of Bloodline Strength, there will be more “tearing” states, making the wound unable to recover.

The wound cannot be recovered until the “tear” state disappears. Even if the Bloodline Strength is removed and the best medicine is used, the wound will not heal in the “tear” state.

If it is an ordinary wound, it is better. If it is a wound in an important position, once it appears’teared’, it will end up waiting for death.

The’tearing’ state can last for one day at the shortest time. Like the’tearing’ Innate Ability cast by Fifth Level Templar Knight, the’tearing’ state can last more than ten days.

Think about it if a person’s abdomen is broken open. Although such a wound is very heavy, it can still be cured as long as there are top-level therapeutic agents. However, such a wound cannot heal for ten days, and the loss of life force in ten days will also cause People can’t bear it, and it doesn’t take ten days. As long as 2-3 days, no matter how strong the body is, it can’t hold on.

Of course, the “tearing” state can also be lifted by the “tearing” Innate Ability, which means that after the important position of the body is in the “tearing” state, life is basically in the hands of the Baruch family.

David is quite satisfied with this ability, mainly because of this offensive ability. He can send it through eleven Fifth Level Templar Knight, provided that he needs to actively control Fifth Level Templar Knight in order to call the “tearing pattern” in the main Soul Space. , Cast’Tear’ Innate Ability.

David cast his gaze on the “burst” knowledge sphere again. This is Lord Marcus’s Innate Ability. According to the name of Innate Ability, it is very likely that Lord Marcus hit Baruch Castle with a single blow. The ability to break into pieces.

He ordered Shadow Servant in his heart, and Shadow Servant would move the “burst” light ball of knowledge into his body within the body.

The light ball of “burst” knowledge flew into David’s Soul Space, and also turned into a dao chart pattern.

This is a’burst pattern’, but this’burst pattern’ is different from the’tearing pattern’. The’tearing pattern’ can be called at any time and will not consume the energy in the’tearing pattern’.

However, as long as the “burst pattern” is used once, the energy of a special pattern in the “burst pattern” will be used up. The next time you use it, you need to wait for the energy in the burst pattern to be full.

The effect of’burst’ Innate Ability is to detonate the energy specified by itself, thereby obtaining formidable power twice its own energy, and indiscriminately attacking all around 2 degrees.

David recalled that the blow of Lord Marcus that day was to detonate three bloodline strengths into a sword edge, thus obtaining double formidable power of his Fifth Level Bloodline Strength, and no coverage in all directions. s attack.

It’s no wonder that on that day, just three sword edges made by Bloodline Strength could have such a terrifying formidable power.

You must know that Lord Marcus himself is the old powerhouse in Fifth Level Templar Knight. Its own Bloodline Strength formidable power is so big that it is much stronger than ordinary Fifth Level Templar Knight. If you double the formidable power, it is estimated that facing this Attack, Fifth Level Templar Knight will be severely damaged or even risk of falling.

At that time, Lord Marcus did not at all attack the 6 Fifth Level Templar Knights, but chose what he thought was the hiding place of Duke Arthur, for a reason.

Such an attack is aimed at the 6 Fifth Level Templar Knights, and the 6 Fifth Level Templar Knights are equipped with the Knight battle formation. Even if it has the effect, it will be greatly reduced.

At the time, Lord Marcus’ main purpose was to kill Duke Arthur, not only because of the hatred between Duke Arthur and the Baruch family, but also because Duke Arthur took away the space fragments of the Baruch family.

To tell the truth, David was a little disappointed with the “Burst” Innate Ability. This is not to say that the “Burst” Innate Ability is not strong. The formidable power of this Innate Ability is very scary.

But for him at this time, the effect of “Burst” Innate Ability is not obvious.

David’s strongest is not Bloodline Strength, but strength. He has a strength similar to Fifth Level Templar Knight, but his Bloodline Strength is still Level 4 Heavenly Knight.

Even if the’burst’ Innate Ability doubles his Bloodline Strength formidable power, his Bloodline Strength cannot harm the Fifth Level Templar Knight, and facing Level 4 Heavenly Knight, he does not need to use Bloodline Strength, just rely on strength. Rolling.

However, the “Burst” Innate Ability will still have an effect on him in the future. After he becomes the Fifth Level Templar Knight, the “Blast” Innate Ability can make him a frontal threat to the Fifth Level Templar Knight.

David didn’t care about the other knowledge spheres, those various knowledge spheres, and waited to deal with them slowly later.

He left the space fragments through the Transmission Gate in the middle of the small continent and appeared in the secret room.

He only took away the eleven Fifth Level Templar Knight and 33 Level 4 Heavenly Knights. He stayed in the super-large Spirit Gathering Formation of space fragments. The only mission of those Heavenly Knights was cultivation.

With 33 Level 4 Heavenly Knight-like cultivation, even if David doesn’t cultivate, he can guarantee that he has 4 times the cultivation speed of the ordinary Level 35 Heavenly Knight.

Coupled with sufficient resources, and the super-large Spirit Gathering Formation’s enhancement of cultivation, this speed will be even faster.

As for the eleven Fifth Level Templar Knight, he must carry it at all times. This is a guarantee of his safety, especially now that there is a conflict between him and Speaker Abbe’s top noble alliance.

After leaving this mountain, David went to the inside of another stone mountain, where the smart system was installed.

He first used the’underground stealth’ Innate Ability to expand the cave. The original size was not enough to house a new super server.

After expanding the space this time, David painted ancient isolation patterns on the walls, as well as patterns to maintain temperature and humidity to facilitate the normal operation of demanding super servers.

After finishing all this, he took out the components and started to assemble the super server.

The spirit of Fifth Level frees David from installing by hand. He only needs to use his spirit to grab the super server components, and up to 96 Soul Clone allows him to accurately use the spirit to operate multiple super server components at the same time.

The super server with an area of ​​more than 100 square meters and a height of 4 meters was assembled. David turned on the super server and connected it with the previous small server, and the intelligent system was transferred to this super server.

David entered the information of the 20 production line on the super server. It was his spoils of war in the Interstellar Federation. The 20 outer skeleton armor production line is a military-standard outer skeleton armor production line.

Even in the Interstellar Federation, it is also an arms control product, and companies without relevant qualifications can’t access it.

Of course, if the 20 outer skeleton armor production line produces outer skeleton armor, it is not at all effective for David.

He now needs to change the 20-outside skeleton armor production line to 20-production robot production line that uses the military outer-skeleton armor technology.

With a super server, David does not need to modify it himself. The intelligent system will use its own large amount of knowledge to design the best solution through the computing power of the super server.

All David needs to do is to find a suitable place to install a skeleton armor production line of 20 yards.

This time, instead of recreating underground space, he chose to build a standardized factory building under the command of an intelligent system to direct engineering robots.

For these 20 outer skeleton armor production lines, it has not yet been so important that it needs to be hidden.

Thanks to the super server, the processing power of the intelligent system is greatly enhanced. Although most of the computing power is in the production line modification design, it can still command a large number of engineering robots to complete the tasks assigned by David.

After the factory building was built in only 6 hours, David put down the skeleton armor production line of 20 yards. He did not ask anything about it and returned to the space fragments for cultivation.

In just a few days, Garmi Star’s new robot factory walked out of the enhanced robot.

The super server enables the intelligent system to manipulate more robots. The desertification transformation of the third continent is accelerated, and the fourth continent Diwu Continent also has robots in the desertification transformation project simultaneously.

At the same time, more prospecting robots are exploring in the sea. Mining robots speed up the mining speed of minerals. The entire Garmi Star construction work is like pressing the accelerator key.

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