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After the battle angel crystal recovered the golden flowing water energy, without waiting for David to try to obtain the speed, the golden rays of light of the bald robust man god Spirit Crystal body also penetrated the Soul Space after that and came into his body.

It seems that the bald robust man Spiritual God is the one who lost the battle, or the battle angel crystal is inherently stronger than the bald robust man crystal, so the battle angel crystal is better than the bald robust man god Spirit in the process of transforming David’s body. Crystal takes one step in the morning.

The golden rays of light from the Robust Man Spirit Crystal body of the bald man entered David’s body and turned into golden water flowing in his body as before.

Wherever the golden flowing water passes, David will feel the explosive power contained there. You must know that David’s power reached the level of the primary Fifth Level Templar Knight at Level 4 Heavenly Knight. He can feel the strong power Change, that shows that the increase in strength is extremely obvious.

The bald robust man god Spirit Crystal body began to take back the golden water after the golden water flowed through David’s body. The golden water turned into golden rays of light and returned to the bald robust man god Spirit Crystal within the body.

David eyes opened, a faint golden light flashed in his eyes.

He felt the changes in his body. After all the muscles, organs, tissues and skeletons of the body had added that faint golden layer, his body seemed to undergo essential changes.

Inexplicably, David thought of the body of Plague God Gladstone, which was the strongest body he had ever seen.

It’s a pity that such a god body is not available at all, but he has been close to the god body of Plague God Gladstone and probably knows some of the god body.

His body at this time has the characteristics of Plague God Gladstone.

David doesn’t know where this idea came from, but this is the idea that suddenly flashed in his mind.

How powerful his thinking ability is, even he himself cannot know.

In addition to his own Fifth Level soul, David also has 96 Fifth Level Soul Clones. These all are capable of independent thinking, plus the Spirit Crystal body that is like an accelerator for the soul, or a double Spirit Crystal body. .

So it is not strange that some inexplicable thoughts appear in his brain from time to time.

These ideas can be very useful sometimes, and sometimes just whimsical.

But David believes that the idea of ​​comparing his body with that of Plague God Gladstone just now is definitely not fantastic.

With a sway of David’s body, his speed suddenly rose from static to extreme, and it took a few kilometers to breathe.

In order to compare his speed, he summoned an energy Avatar and stood beside him.

Then he speeds up with the energy Avatar to test how fast he is.

The intrepid physique is immune to the heat caused by the air rubbing against the skin due to the excessive speed, but the clothes on his body obviously cannot withstand this speed, which makes him have to wrap his spirit in his body.

It’s not that David doesn’t want to use Bloodline Strength to protect body protection. It’s just that his Bloodline Strength is too small, which is equivalent to 2 years of cultivation. It just allows his Bloodline Strength to be supplemented to the extent that he can fight, not enough for him to splurge at will.

At the beginning, David ran side by side with the energy Avatar, slowly he got faster and faster, and faintly dropped the energy Avatar a few positions.

David tried to activate the energy feather wings. Just as the white wings stretched out, the resistance of the air disappeared instantly.

The white wings made him ignore the air, and the air in front of him would separate automatically when he arrived.

Without air resistance, and with the addition of white wings to the speed, David’s speed suddenly increased by a large amount. He threw the energy Avatar behind him and flew farther and farther.

What is certain is that if David wants to chase the energy Avatar in an unobstructed area, he may still catch up if he is a few breaths behind in a normal state.

If the energy feather wings are turned on, the difference is 1000 meters, and he can also catch up with the energy Avatar within 5000 meters.

Of course, David estimates that he will not expose his energy feather wings for the time being, because he has the’nether shadow Winged Dragon’ flying mount, and relying on the’nether shadow Winged Dragon’ innate ability to chase down the energy Avatar does not need Use hidden wings.

Withdrawing the energy Avatar, David stood in the air. He mobilized the power of his body and suddenly punched.

He just had to stop forcibly when his fist was halfway out.

When Lord Marcus used the’Blast’ Innate Ability, it caused the destruction of an area, and that destruction contained a hint of space destruction.

When David was also in the Interstellar Federation, he experienced space destruction from the attack of super large space weapons. At that time, the main artillery of the Federation fleet attacked and forcibly annihilated the Space Wormhole of the insect race.

But David never thought that he could do this one day, he just relied on his fist to do it.

Just now, when he mobilized the strength of his body, he sent a punch, and as soon as his fist was sent, he felt the instability of the space.

David realized at this time that his blow might cause harm to space fragments.

So he forcibly stopped this attack, and let his body bear the backlash of this attack. His body was torn in many places. If it weren’t for his skeleton, it was a battle angel skeleton, almost indestructible, maybe his skeleton was almost indestructible. A few will be broken.

Mobilizing an immortal life force to repair the damage to the body, David couldn’t help but smile. His strength exceeded the endurance of his physique, which made him have to strengthen his familiarity with strength, otherwise this kind of thing would happen.

And this kind of exercise cannot be performed in space fragments. Although space fragments have undergone spatial stability transformation, they are still very different from the real world.

After practicing here, space fragments will be destroyed in no time.

David shook the head, he took all 41 Level 4 Heavenly Knight back into the summon ring, leaving behind 12 Level 4 Heavenly Knight without flying mounts, he managed the castle in space fragments, and after thinking about it, he took back 12 Fifth Level Templar Knight together. .

He had just been promoted to Fifth Level Templar Knight, he was ready to relax and let his body rest for a few days.

David left from the space fragments and put away the lord contact array in the within cave. He did not use the “underground stealth” Innate Ability to leave, but called out the “nether shadow Winged Dragon”, which was used by the “nether shadow Winged Dragon” Teleportation’Innate Ability sent him out of the cave.

After these 2 months, the size of the’nether shadow Winged Dragon’ has doubled, and its shape is no longer as harmless as a small one, and the sharpness of the claws of the front and rear feet is not weaker than that of Fifth Level.

This is the first time David has seen such a high-grade sharp claw in a non-insect race. He used to think that only an insect race can grow this level of sharp claw.

Of course, David will not let the’nether shadow Winged Dragon’ participate in the battle. Don’t look at the’nether shadow Winged Dragon’ having such a sharp claw, but its power is not enough to support it to break through the defense of the Fifth Level powerhouse.

He doesn’t know how the ancient gods gave’nether shadow Winged Dragon’ a powerful attack power, but with his current strength, he doesn’t care about the attack power of’nether shadow Winged Dragon’, he only needs’nether shadow Winged Dragon’provides speed support and does not require him to expose too much hole cards.

Since having the’nether shadow Winged Dragon’, many of David’s abilities have naturally been explained.

And the source of’nether shadow Winged Dragon’ is very clear. Many nobles can confirm the source of’nether shadow Winged Dragon’.

David’s ability to sneak in quietly and the ability to get close instantly are all interpreted as the ability of’nether shadow Winged Dragon’, so that he can still hide those abilities that can’t be exploded.

David sits on the back of the’nether shadow Winged Dragon’, not at all’invisibility’, but feels the sunshine all around and the clean air of Garmi Star.

In the past two months, Garmi Star’s renovation work has not been affected at all because of the destruction of the Speaker Abbe. A large area of ​​plantation has taken shape, especially the establishment of a large vineyard, and it has the raw materials for winemaking next year.

The development of Second Continent is also underway. The desert transformation on the third continent will be completed, and the desert transformation on the fourth, fifth, and sixth continents is more than halfway through.

While enjoying the view of Garmi Star from the air, David felt satisfied with the transformation of nature while flying towards the castle.

“Master, you are back!” When didn’t expect to return to the castle, Steward Dickens, who had been busy outside, was there. It seemed that he was just waiting for him. I was very excited when I saw him.

“Steward Dickens, did something happen?” David sent the’nether shadow Winged Dragon’ to rest on his own, and asked as he walked into the castle.

His spirit swept through the spatial pendant. He was excited just now, not at all, and he checked the messages on the lord-level contact array. Only then did he find that there were several ten or so messages on the lord-level contact array.

In addition to daily information, the rest is Steward Dickens’s multiple messages in the past two days, all of which are important to see him.

“Master, Bishop Iraq of the Temple of Justice wants to see you. I don’t know when you are free, but I have never heard of the Bishop of Iraq!” Steward Dickens bowed and reported.

“The Bishop of Yi10000s wants to see me?” David said in his mouth, already thinking of the probability in his heart.

It should be the result of the handling of Speaker Abbe and 22 top nobles. According to the rules of Great Spiritual World nobles, David is the victim and will receive corresponding compensation.

“I’m understood, I will contact the Bishop of Iraq!” David waved.

“Master, there are many lords who want to see you recently, here is a list, please check it out!” Steward Dickens took out a list and handed it to David.

David took the list and looked at the familiar names above. There were eleven top noble lords, all members of the Speaker Abbe alliance, and they all came to Garmi Star to participate in the invasion.

“I’ll talk about this later!” He threw the list aside and said to Steward Dickens.

“Yes, Master, you haven’t checked the financial report for several months. Do you need me to report to you at this time?” Steward Dickens wouldn’t let this opportunity pass, he then asked.

It is also helpless to say that Steward Dickens, as a steward, should be the closest person to Duke Arthur, but he often cannot see Duke Arthur for many days, and even this time he has not been able to get in touch with Duke Arthur for 2 months. .

Today’s Luce Family is not the small family it used to be. The large amount of assets has made the Luce Family a backlog of a lot of things in a few months. Some things Steward Dickens can handle directly, and some require the authorization of Duke Arthur.

“I won’t talk about these things in advance. Recently, you will prepare for it. We are going to hold another cocktail party!” David waved to block Steward Dickens’ request, instructed.

“Master, it’s my dereliction of duty. Is there an important date I don’t know?” Steward Dickens heard David’s words and quickly bowed to apologize.

Based on Steward Dickens’s knowledge of Duke Arthur, Duke Arthur would never be fine to hold a cocktail party. Based on his experience, there must be something important that would allow Duke Arthur to hold a cocktail party.

For aristocrats to hold a cocktail party, Steward should generally take the initiative to remind them, rather than asking the aristocrats to ask for Steward. That would appear to be too inefficient.

Steward Dickens considers himself a qualified Duke Steward. He has analyzed all the information he can grasp, but he does not know what is most recently important enough to hold a cocktail party to celebrate.

“It’s not an important day. According to the rules of the Great Spiritual World, I need to hold a Templar Knight cocktail party and invite the Templar Knight I know to participate!” David said with a smile.

Steward Dickens stayed for a while, then looked towards David in disbelief.

The Templar Knight Cocktail Party, also known as the Promotion Cocktail Party, is a cocktail party for the promotion of Fifth Level Templar Knight.

Through this cocktail party, it was announced to Great Spiritual World that there will be an additional Fifth Level Templar Knight powerhouse in the world. This is also a process of getting to know the newly promoted Fifth Level Templar Knight and the rest of the Fifth Level Templar Knight.

You must know that in the past, even if they had identities, it was almost impossible for Level 4 Heavenly Knight and Fifth Level Templar Knight to get together. There was a huge gap between Level 4 and Fifth Level.

Naturally, David is an exception. His Level 4 Heavenly Knight has done far more than Fifth Level Templar Knight. He has a lot of Fifth Level Templar Knights and has more Fifth Level Templar Knights who fear him.

“Master, congratulations, you are already Fifth Level Templar Knight!” Steward Dickens flushed with excitement.

Yuan himself is a professionally educated professional steward dedicated to serving the duke, and he should be able to restrain his emotions.

But the news that David said still made it difficult for Steward Dickens to control himself.

Steward Dickens couldn’t help thinking that when he accepted David’s invitation and became the steward of the Luce Family, he was thinking of the great potential of Duke Arthur.

At that time, he was just a Duke. Almost all the industries were chaotic. It was for the potential of Duke Arthur that Steward Dickens took over this difficult job.

Unexpectedly, how long it took, Duke Arthur became the Fifth Level Templar Knight, think about this Garmi Star, plus Duke Arthur’s other identity, a reserve member of the Supreme Council.

Duke Arthur becomes the Fifth Level Templar Knight, so the day when Luce Family becomes the top nobleman will not be far away. Steward Dickens will become a top noble steward, leaving a strong mark in history!

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