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Bishop Gershwin finally let out a long relaxed breath in his mind when he successfully displayed his spatial ability.

The enemies who besieged him this time are powerful, but this can actually make him famous.

Successfully escaped from the siege of 12 Fifth Level Templar Knight and 9 energy Avatars. This achievement can definitely be ranked in the top of Fifth Level Bishop.

When he appeared again, a silhouette appeared out of thin air beside him, and a pale-gold sword light slashed.

“Another Fifth Level Templar Knight!” Bishop Gershwin was shocked. He was not in love, because behind him there were a bunch of Fifth Level Templar Knights chasing after him, and 96 black lances were also chasing after him. he.

Bishop Gershwin showed his spatial ability, and he disappeared again. This time he was sure that the opponent could no longer chase him.

It’s just that when he appeared, he felt the same spatial energy, and the shadow came to him easily, and a sword light swept across.

Bishop Gershwin glanced at the shadow before using the space power. The shadow was a Fifth Level Templar Knight riding on a black flying mount.

Suddenly Bishop Gershwin knew who this was in the heart of Bishop Gershwin. This is the powerful and mysterious existence of the reputed Lord Arthur.

Bishop Gershwin and David started a chase battle. David has a 30% chance of judging the next teleportation position of Bishop Gershwin, and the’teleport’ Innate Ability of’nether shadow Winged Dragon’ is long before More than 100 meters.

After such a period of growth, the Innate Ability of’nether shadow Winged Dragon’ has improved very quickly, and it can be easily used within a distance of two hundred meters.

Therefore, Bishop Gershwin will be quickly approached by the’nether shadow Winged Dragon’ no matter how he escapes.

Every time, he used his spatial ability to appear from one place to another, and David felt that he could catch up with Bishop Gershwin soon.

This of course is because’nether shadow Winged Dragon’ is growing rapidly in the chase.’nether shadow Winged Dragon’ is the first time to encounter this kind of opponent, just like being born,’nether shadow Winged Dragon’ quickly got used to it This kind of battle through space.

Bishop Gershwin was just the opposite. He felt more and more strenuous. Every time David appeared, the sword that struck him became more and more threatening to him.

At this time, Bishop Gershwin took a look at the Fifth Level Templar Knight energy Avatar that was chasing in the distance. Only 9 energy Avatars were fast enough to follow up, and the remaining 12 Fifth Level Templar Knights fell far away.

“Two interest time!” Bishop Gershwin judged that he only had two interest time to fight David.

He doesn’t want to run away anymore. If he doesn’t kill Lord Arthur, he will be chased by Lord Arthur, and after a few more space moves, he may be forced to fight. If he doesn’t prepare in time by then, it’s better to be prepared now. Shot.

Bishop Gershwin didn’t want to drag it anymore. This is Degas Star. Except for the planet-level Transmission Gate, there is no Transmission Gate.

Lord Arthur won’t let him have the opportunity to use the planet-level Transmission Gate, and Degas Star does not have the other Fifth Level powerhouses, and cannot affect their chase.

It is very detrimental to Bishop Gershwin to keep dragging on like this.

Therefore, the next time the use of space ability appeared in 5 beyond ten meters, Bishop Gershwin did not use space ability to leave, instead a space blade appeared in his hand.

David was surprised that Bishop Gershwin did not escape again, but he didn’t care either. The Fifth Level in his hand was a light long sword.

Bishop Gershwin sneered and smashed the space blade back towards David, but’nether shadow Winged Dragon’ reacted faster than David’s. When Bishop Gershwin used the space blade to chop, the’nether shadow Winged Dragon’ was like When I find any delicious food, I just peck my head.

The space blade that could threaten the Fifth Level powerhouse was smashed into pieces by the’nether shadow Winged Dragon’, turned into a little Space Power, and then swallowed by the’nether shadow Winged Dragon’.

This accident not only surprised Bishop Gershwin, but David was even more surprised. He was extremely worried when he saw the’nether shadow Winged Dragon’ peck the space blade with a fifth-level beak.

Originally, David was planning to call Fifth Level Space Power to block the space blade, but didn’t expect it was easily resolved by the’nether shadow Winged Dragon’.

If Bishop Gershwin used other energy types to attack, the’nether shadow Winged Dragon’ would not have strong attack ability, and it would be impossible to help David.

However, Bishop Gershwin used the space energy attack of the space blade, but he encountered the specialty of the’nether shadow Winged Dragon’. In the eyes of the’nether shadow Winged Dragon’, the space blade was more like a delicacy.

David was not idle. His Fifth Level light long sword continued to hack. Bishop Gershwin didn’t have time to attack, and he didn’t have time to use the spatial ability to dodge. The only way is to use the spatial barrier.

Bishop Gershwin is very relieved of his space barrier. His defensive power is very good. It can resist several attacks by Fifth Level Templar Knight without crashing.

With this time, he has enough time to use his spatial ability to escape.

David’s power is too big for him to judge accurately, because his power exceeds the power he should have at his level.

When Bishop Gershwin saw David’s Fifth Level long sword not at all flashing the rays of light of Fifth Level Bloodline Strength, his heart was even more stable. Without the help of Fifth Level Bloodline Strength, this attack would not hurt. he.

Bishop Gershwin has decided that he will not want to attack David anymore, he will run away with all his strength.

In fact,’nether shadow Winged Dragon’ is probably his nemesis, the same spatial ability, but the movement distance of’nether shadow Winged Dragon’ is obviously farther than him, and the use of spatial ability attacks will also be attacked by’nether shadow Winged Dragon’ Destruction, he has no time to try again.

When Bishop Gershwin was thinking about it in the heart, David’s Fifth Level light long sword hit the space barrier.

The space barrier made a light cracking sound. After the light long sword in David’s hand opened the space barrier, he continued to slash towards Bishop Gershwin without stopping.

And the light long sword suddenly accelerated, at a speed several times faster than the attack just now, making Bishop Gershwin nowhere to dodge.

David has been controlling his attack speed, and his attack speed has already reached an extremely terrifying level because the battle angel crystal has strengthened his body again.

The constant use of Innate Ability of’nether shadow Winged Dragon’ before, made David discover that’nether shadow Winged Dragon’ is growing rapidly.

How could David miss such a good opportunity? Anyway, Bishop Gershwin has always been in a controllable range. It is only a matter of time before Bishop Gershwin is killed.

After the’nether shadow Winged Dragon’ was able to come first and catch up with Bishop Gershwin’s speed, coupled with Bishop Gershwin’s counterattack, David decided not to wait any longer.

The sudden acceleration of the Fifth Level long sword made Bishop Gershwin too late to react, so he was pierced into the heart by the Fifth Level long sword.

The’Knight inheritance sword technique’ at the grandmaster level allows David to naturally choose the most concise and effective method of lethal attack when launching an attack.

Bishop Gershwin was pierced in the heart, and his eyes flashed with confusion before he died.

“Why is Lord Arthur’s power so strong? The normal Fifth Level Templar Knight could not break the space barrier in a short time, but Lord Arthur broke through with a single sword!”

“Why is Lord Arthur’s sword drawing speed so fast, it almost surpasses Bishop Gershwin’s reaction ability, that is the reaction ability of Fifth Level spirit!”

With the doubts in his heart, Bishop Gershwin softened and fell from the air.

David didn’t pick it up, but controlled Shadow Servant to suck out Bishop Gershwin’s soul first, and then he lifted the body with his spirit.

This kind of powerful existence, approaching without 100% confirmation of death, is a very dangerous behavior.

The best way to detect death is to let Shadow Servant suck out the soul.

David collected the body of Bishop Gershwin into the space pendant. He sat on the back of the’nether shadow Winged Dragon’ and entered the’invisibility’ state. Shadow Servant also put away a Fifth Level Templar Knight and the energy Avatar.

He summed up the gains and losses of the battle this time in his heart, first he underestimated Fifth Level Bishop.

Fifth Level Bishop may not have the frontal defensive power and attack power of Fifth Level Templar Knight, but Fifth Level Bishop’s abilities are even more bizarre.

Take Bishop Gershwin as an example. David believed that the siege was 100% sure, but Bishop Gershwin escaped.

Fortunately, David himself was carefully calculated every time he acted. He chose to block Bishop Gershwin’s way, so that he was able to hold Bishop Gershwin.

David shook the head and tapped the’nether shadow Winged Dragon’ to fly towards the castle where Bishop Gershwin escaped.

At this time the castle had long been chaotic, and the sudden battle was very short, but everyone could see that there was a problem with their Baron.

Maybe the people in these castles can’t recognize Templar Knight, but no one can’t recognize the energy Avatar.

The energy Avatar of Fifth Level Templar Knight is simply the symbol of Fifth Level Templar Knight, so after discovering up to 9 energy Avatars, based on the most basic judgment, they suspect that their Baron has a big problem.

David came here to find out some clues about Bishop Gershwin. Bishop Gershwin’s space item has not been checked yet. He came to the castle first because he was worried that the clues would be destroyed.

In addition, he has to clean up the memories of everyone here. If he didn’t get the’Hypnosis’ Innate Ability, he would choose to kill everyone here.

It doesn’t need to be like that now, the’Hypnosis’ Innate Ability was put on display and erased all the memories of everyone in the castle tonight.

As for the clues left by Bishop Gershwin, David was very disappointed. There is nothing special here except for the items that ordinary Baron should have.

David did not stay anymore. He once again used the authority of a member of the Supreme Council in the’stealth’ state and returned to Garmi Star through the planet-level Transmission Gate.

Without returning to Garmi Star’s castle, he went to the secret room in the mountain and entered the space fragments.

Sitting on the roof chair of the castle in the space fragments, David’s spirit entered the space pendant and scanned the body of Bishop Gershwin.

There is a space item on the corpse of Bishop Gershwin. It is a space ring. The exterior is very ordinary, but the interior space is huge, with an area of ​​1000 square meters and a height of 20 meters.

“Really poor!” This was David’s first thought after scanning the inside of the space ring.

Of course, this is relatively speaking. For ordinary nobles and even Level 4 Heavenly Knight, the wealth in this space ring is pretty good.

But Bishop Gershwin is a Fifth Level powerhouse, and the wealth in the space ring is relatively small, especially in terms of resources.

The only thing that can make David feel interested is a book, a very heavy book.

I don’t know the words David in the book. This is definitely not his unknown and inexperienced. It can be said that no one can compare his knowledge reserve in the entire Great Spiritual World plus Interstellar Federation.

Through the knowledge photosphere, he can easily obtain the most proud knowledge of others in his life. It has gathered the knowledge of many Peak talents in various industries, and the words that can make David feel strange are too rare.

The most special thing about this book lies in its materials. The paper pages used in the book are made of biological skins, but this skin has a Fifth Level atmosphere remaining. This is a book made by the skin of Fifth Level life. .

This alone shows that this book is special. If there is no important information recorded in it, David doesn’t believe it.

With a strong curiosity, or because there is nothing to view the rest of the items in the space ring, David took out the book and returned to Garmi Star.

He came to another secret room, where the super server was located.

David turned on the light curtain and entered the management interface of the super server. Now Garmi Star is developing steadily, and the resource occupancy rate of the super server is not high, only about 30%.

He took out a book from the space pendant and scanned it into the database by the super server. Books obtained from many noble families, together with the books in the lord-level “Starry Sky Flying Boat”, plus all the castles He took all the books.

Piles of books were scanned into the database by the super server, supplementing the super server’s knowledge of the Great Spiritual World.

David wanted to do this work very early, but because of the procrastination, he never proceeded.

A lot of knowledge of Great Spiritual World is inherited through books. Although David’s books are not comprehensive, they can represent the knowledge system of Great Spiritual World to a certain extent.

The scanning speed of the super server is very fast. As long as the books sent by David, after scanning the rays of light, all contents will be imported into the database.

It seems that there are a lot of books, but it took only a few hours to transfer the knowledge of Great Spiritual World in countless years to the super server.

This was only the 1st Step, after which David allowed the intelligent system to use half of the resources of the super server to analyze and organize the contents of the books.

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