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David even feels that if such cultivation continues, his Soul Space Small World may really come alive.

He didn’t have much doubt about this, because his Small World was Plague God Gladstone’s Small World, but because of the death of Plague God Gladstone, the vitality of this Small World disappeared and became what it is now.

But David had seen the Small World of Plague God Gladstone. Although the Small World was dark and poisonous everywhere, he personally felt that all kinds of things were like real existence.

The controllable range of David’s Soul Space Small World has increased a bit, this time the increase is 100 times that of the first cultivation.

He eyes opened, feeling the change of his spirit, his spirit is more solid, because the spirit is in the bottleneck, he cannot judge how much the specific spirit has increased, but he can be sure that the result of this time cultivation is at least 10% Fifth Level soul能源 .

“It deserves to be the top Spiritual Cultivation practice!” David murmured and sighed.

If there is a temple who has learned the “Illusory Will Method” to communicate with David, he will be shocked by David’s cultivation success.

Although the’Illusory Will Method’ is a top-level Spiritual Cultivation method, the effect of cultivation varies from person to person, but it is not said that it can have such a large effect, otherwise the Fifth Level of the temple will not be so few.

In fact, the’Illusory Will Method’ as a spiritual cultivation method specially researched by Spiritual God for spiritual innate talents has infinite probability, especially the’illusion pattern’, which contains Spiritual God’s understanding of the World Rule .

The’Illusory Will Method’ can simulate all transactions allowed by the World Rule, and every behavior in Soul Space can more or less increase the Spiritual Cultivation.

Of course, if the cultivation is proper, it can even directly improve Soul Space, and enhance the foundation of spiritual innate talent for spiritual innate talents.

It’s a pity that’Illusory Will Method’ can only be cultivated once a day, otherwise he will continue to cultivation, want to see what will happen to the human babies in the next cultivation?

Although David cannot cultivation’Illusory Will Method’, he wonders whether Fifth Level Bishop and Energy Avatar can both be able to cultivation’Illusory Will Method’.

Fifth Level Bishop does not have Spiritual Cultivation training method now, not to mention improving one’s own spirit, strengthening strength, it is not easy to maintain strength without decreasing.

His energy Avatar has proven that it cannot cultivation Knight cultivation method, and Spiritual Cultivation method is the only one that can be cultivation.

David first experimented with Fifth Level Bishop, trying to call the “Illusion Pattern” from his main Soul Space. The reason he thought that Fifth Level Bishop might cultivation the’Illusory Will Method’ was because of his Avatars In connection with the main soul, Avatar can remotely call the patterns in the main Soul Space, which has been proven feasible long ago.

Sure enough, Fifth Level Bishop successfully activated the’phantom pattern’ remotely and then imported the spirit. Because the Soul Space of Fifth Level Bishop is too small, only about 5000 square meters, plus the total amount of spirit of Fifth Level Bishop due to the resurrection. Not many, so David can’t imitate the Spiritual Cultivation method of the ontology at all.

Fifth Level Bishop cultivation’Illusory Will Method’ only used the most primitive method to create 100 farmers and grow crops in Soul Space.

Although this kind of cultivation method is relatively slow, it is relatively speaking. After the end of the cultivation of the’Illusory Will Method’, the mental capacity of Fifth Level Bishop has been greatly improved. Of course, this is the most important reason. It is still Fifth Level Bishop’s original base value is very high, but only Fifth Level Soul Source is left after the resurrection.

Now with the top-level Spiritual Cultivation method, the cultivation comes from a fast speed.

Later, David experimented with his own energy Avatar. The Fifth Level Soul Source of the energy Avatar is from the Fifth Level Bishop Cameron and is more powerful than the Soul Source of Bishop Gershwin.

It’s just the same problem. The Soul Source of Fifth Level has lost all the soul energy. Both the Soul Space and the total amount of spirit are extremely weak and can only cultivation the most primitive’Illusory Will Method’.

David calculated that when his Avatar borrowed the cultivation of the’phantom pattern’, only one Avatar could be borrowed at a time and could not be cultivated at the same time.

He is only the cultivation of himself, the energy Avatar and Fifth Level Bishop, which took up 6 hours of the’illusion pattern’. He also wanted the 12 Fifth Level Templar Knight to also cultivation the idea of’Illusory Will Method’ and had to stop. Up.

But having said that, David’s Fifth Level Templar Knight has no risk of emotional loss. It doesn’t matter whether or not it is cultivation’Illusory Will Method’. Anyway, Fifth Level Templar Knight’s battle does not rely on spirit.

On the 2nd day, it was the time for David main body cultivation’Illusory Will Method’. He activated the’Illusory Pattern’ to introduce the spirit into it. Then in Soul Space Small World, the engineers and large machinery that disappeared before each and everyone appeared one after another .

When David was in the cultivation, he thought in his mind that the cultivation would continue from the last time, so the’Illusory Will Method’ continued to follow his mind.

Human babies grow rapidly. These human babies need to consume food in the warehouse as they grow up. The food processing machinery of the Interstellar Federation is also manufactured by the engineers, and part of the energy of the engineering machinery that does not need to be used is moved to the food processing machinery.

This batch of Native Person classes entered the school, and some engineers became Teachers, teaching these people to learn their own knowledge.

After learning the knowledge, the Native Person class began to take over the use of planting and construction machinery to achieve self-sufficiency in food.

The engineers who were completely idle began new research, and the huge chimney was erected. This is the thermal power generation that disappeared in the Interstellar Federation long ago. This technology is outdated, but in David’s memory, it is related to the second generation. Content.

With the emergence of thermal power stations, fuel is the useless branches of planting by-products.

With electricity, all buildings have energy, and there is no need to dismantle construction machinery.

David’s “Illusory Will Method” is out of control, but he is not at all worried, because as long as he wants, he can redefine the rules of the “Illusory Will Method” at any time during a cultivation, so that everything before will disappear. .

Now the effect of cultivation’Illusory Will Method’ is very good, he can’t bear to stop this development momentum.

It’s just that David’s Soul Space Small World is getting more and more weird. When cultivating’Illusory Will Method’ every day, his Soul Space Small World is like a reduced version of the civilization world.

The Native Person class slowly does not require engineers to use artificial methods to manufacture blank tires, but is produced by natural combination.

The Native Person class will age and die, and a new Native Person class will be born. In Small World, the Native Person class slowly takes over. 100 engineers no longer participate in ordinary affairs, but become Law Enforcers.

The engineers stabilized the order in Small World, the population of the Native Person category began to explode, and the buildings of the soul fortress all around became higher and higher.

The way food is produced is also changing, from ordinary land farming to an agricultural factory model, with 100-storey agricultural factories, each layer adopts the soilless planting technology of the Interstellar Federation, which feeds the explosive growth. population.

This is the result of cultivation in about 20 days before and after. Both the mental control and mastery have improved a lot.

And with the increase in the population and cultivation of the Native Person category, the benefits he gets from each cultivation also increase.

Especially the increase in the controllable range of Soul Space Small World after each cultivation also increases with the increase of the Native Person category. At the current rate of increase, even if he no longer absorbs soul energy, he only relies on the’Illusory Will Method’ The cultivation of’Small World can also be fully occupied within 20 years.

This is a healthy development process. As the controllable range of David Soul Space Small World increases, more agricultural factories can be built and more food can be produced.

The internal development of Small World is actually a bit deformed. According to the World Rule, so many Native Person classes live together so densely, there will be too many contradictions.

The fact is the same. The’Illusory Will Method’ perfectly substitutes World Rule. These Native Person classes are also like ordinary person classes, with emotional changes, disputes and even murder.

However, 100 engineers wearing outer-engine skeleton armor have effectively controlled the public order in Small World. It seems that David only considered the needs of life and development when he was cultivating the’Illusory Will Method’, not at all considering the military.

Therefore, the internal development of Small World has not seen any military equipment, let alone military factories.

The 100 engineers wearing outer-engine skeleton armor are invincible in Small World. The engineers will not age or die. They maintain the stable development of the world.

Therefore, although the development of Small World is deformed, due to the existence of 100 invincible engineers, the internal balance of Small World cannot be broken.

David didn’t know that his’Illusory Will Method’ cultivation, even the Spiritual God who created it, never thought it would develop into this way.

The best Fifth Level sacrifice of the temple cultivation’Illusory Will Method’ is just a farmer who makes the most of the use of spirit generation and planting plants with the highest activity value. This is also the result of the temple research’Illusory Will Method’.

Of course, the farmers imaginary by the Fifth Level worshipers also have the most advanced planting techniques in the Great Spiritual World, and various planting secrets privately owned by the top nobles will also be applied.

But no matter how enhanced, the cultivation of the temple cultivation’Illusory Will Method’ has never been separated from the cultivation method that has been followed. Perhaps the priests think this is the correct path of cultivation, this is the real’Illusory Will Method’.

And David’s “Illusory Will Method”, it is better to say that it has become a real world. Although this real world has various drawbacks, it is indeed a real world that conforms to the World Rule.

It is the two Avatars of Energy Avatar and Fifth Level Bishop. The “Illusory Will Method” of cultivation is relatively normal. The Soul Space of Energy Avatar has undergone more than 2 days of cultivation, and the first innate talent pattern appears.

It’s a pity that this innate talent pattern is a “fanatic faith”, which makes David very disappointed.

Consider that the Fifth Level Soul Source of the fusion of energy Avatar comes from Fifth Level Bishop Cameron. It is not surprising that Innate Ability appears.

David can only hope that as the energy Avatar spirit improves, there will be other useful Innate Ability.

David, who is addicted to cultivation, has to temporarily end cultivation. The Templar Knight cocktail party is about to begin in 2 days, and his master must go to Duner Star.

David collected 12 Fifth Level Templar Knight, a Fifth Level Bishop, into the summon ring of Shadow Servant, and returned to Garmi Star.

When he came to Garmi Star, the first thing he did was to go to the secret room of the mountainside where the super server was located.

As early as 2 days ago, the intelligence system reported that two books were cracked, but David was secluded cultivation at the time, and the energy Avatar could not pass through the belly of the mountain to enter the secret room where the super server is located, so he has been waiting until now.

David waved his hand and a light curtain appeared. He manipulated it, and the contents of the two previously scanned books appeared on it.

Below the scanned content, there is an extra line of translation text, and there are a lot of annotations on one side.

Based on a large amount of historical data and a large amount of knowledge of Great Spiritual World, the super server conducted an in-depth analysis of the text in the two books, and found the direction in the few words in some ancient books.

Fortunately, David brought two books with the same text, which gave the super server more reference, otherwise the translation would be more difficult.

The titles of the two books were translated. To David’s surprise, the titles of the two books were the same, which was called “The Book of God”.

Of course, this translation is not necessarily accurate, because the meaning of this type of text is very complicated, and one text may represent dozens or even hundreds of meanings.

To read and understand this kind of text, it is necessary to combine the content before and after, the occasion of use, and the most important emotion contained in the written text.

According to the analysis of the super server, this kind of text has great probability and is not prepared for humans, because the human association ability and the complexity of knowledge, even after rigorous learning, it is difficult to understand the content written in this kind of text.

You should know that for these two books, the super server has spent more than a month before and after, consuming more than half of the computing resources of the super server.

Supporting the research on the super server are books that David obtained from many top nobles and big noble families. It can be said that these knowledge reserves alone cannot be compared to any Great Spiritual World person.

Of course, the contents of the two “Books of Gods” are completely different except for the same title. According to the translation of the super server, the two “Books of Gods” record the stories of two different Spiritual Gods.

Looking at the “Book of Gods” in his hand, to be honest, David was still a little disappointed. Originally, he thought these two books were so valued by the two Fifth Level Bishops. They should be very important items, and it is very likely that they recorded secret techniques. Content.

But who would know that these two books are really important to Fifth Level Bishop, because these are books for Fifth Level Bishop and their belief in Spiritual God.

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