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In David’s Soul Space, a master-servant contract is suspended in the air. Above the master-servant contract, the name of Black Dragon Alexis flashes with golden rays of light, and the rays of light exceeds the entire master-servant contract.

From this we can see that the soul of Black Dragon Alexis is much stronger than that of David.

If this situation persists, it will still bring some hidden dangers to the future. When the soul of Black Dragon Alexis returns to its peak, you can use your own soul to forcibly cancel the master-servant contract.

However, just when the name of Black Dragon Alexis golden rays of light 4 on the master-servant contract dissipated, David’s master soul plus 96 Fifth Level Soul Clones issued pale-gold rays of light together, in the two gods Spirit Crystal Under the control of the body, it turned into a large pale-gold rays of light and injected it into another name of the master-servant contract.

David also didn’t quite understand the changes in his Soul Space. He was not in a hurry, but watched the changes that followed.

For the two god Spirit Crystal bodies, after many incidents, he can be regarded as understanding the law of the two god Spirit Crystal bodies.

The master-servant contract signed by David and Black Dragon Alexis appeared in Soul Space. It should have triggered a certain preset condition of one of the two Spirit Crystal bodies, causing the Spirit Crystal bodies to call all Fifth Level Souls. Source.

Of course, David will not use the name Arthur Luce to sign the master-servant contract. He uses the name’David Kerr’. At this time, the rays of light with the flashing name of’David Kerr’ are getting stronger and stronger.

The rays of light with the original name of’David · Kerr’ are much weaker than the name of’Black Dragon Alexis’, but Soul Space is David’s home field, with the help of 2 god Spirit Crystal bodies and 96 Fifth Level Soul Clone Below, the pale-gold rays of light in the name’David · Kerr’ are like a campfire, and the golden rays of light in the name’Black Dragon Alexis’ are like candlelight.

Although the golden rays of light in the name of’Black Dragon Alexis’ has a higher level, the pale-gold rays of light in the name of’David · Kerr’ completely beats the name of’Black Dragon Alexis’ in total, making up for the rays of light. Insufficient level.

Black Dragon Alexis also felt that he couldn’t believe it repeatedly perceiving the message from the master and servant contract, and his name represents the strength of his soul.

As a true Spiritual God, no matter how weak Black Dragon Alexis is, his soul is of Divine Grade.

In front of Black Dragon Alexis, David is just a Fifth Level Templar Knight, or a Fifth Level spiritual person, but no matter which identity he is, there is only Fifth Level. There is a huge gap in soul from Black Dragon Alexis. .

But in fact, Black Dragon Alexis now feels that his name is suppressed in the master-servant contract, which shows an important thing, that is, he can’t forcefully terminate the master-servant contract.

Black Dragon Alexis was frustrated. He didn’t know what happened to David, but it was obvious that David also had a secret. Otherwise, how could David’s soul suppress his soul.

David doesn’t know what Black Dragon Alexis is thinking, because he doesn’t know what the scene just now represents.

Black Dragon Alexis is also considered bad luck. It is true to compare it according to normal. David has a special soul and cannot be compared with the soul of Black Dragon Alexis.

But Black Dragon Alexis is not in comparison with David alone. He still needs to be compared with 96 Fifth Level souls, plus 2 Spirit Crystal bodies.

Black Dragon Alexis gave up his plan to forcibly terminate the master-servant contract in his heart. He also confessed his fate, not just a few 100 years to 1000 years. For Black Dragon Alexis, who has almost endless life, it is only a short period of time. time.

At this time, Black Dragon Alexis seems to have forgotten, David’s life course has only passed less than 20 years, and he has reached such strength.

Perhaps Black Dragon Alexis does not believe that David has the ability to become a Spiritual God. As long as he does not become a Spiritual God, he will not live forever.

“You can let me out now?” Black Dragon Alexis urged some impatient.

If it weren’t for being hit by the Death God chain several times in a row, making Black Dragon Alexis dare not easily produce too many emotional and spiritual changes, his performance at this time would be even more excited.

“Of course, Black Dragon Alexis, wait a minute!” David felt the master-servant contract in Soul Space, and his face showed a smug look.

Fortunately, Black Dragon Alexis didn’t dare to use his spirit at will. Otherwise, he found the pride on David’s face and guessed that David took advantage of the master-servant contract.

David also knows that the most important thing now is to release Black Dragon Alexis. He came to one of the Death God chains.

He took precautions, but found that the Death God chain only targeted Black Dragon Alexis and would not actively attack.

This is understandable. Death God cannot personally control this place. Everything here is managed by Death God believers. If Death God chain will actively attack all around lives, then Death God believers will definitely be accidentally injured.

Judging from the formidable power of the Divine Item, the Death God chain arranged by Death God, any powerhouse lower than Fifth Level cannot withstand the attack of the Divine Item Death God chain.

David observed the Death God chain. The Death God chain was fixed to the rock under Black Dragon Alexis.

This huge black rock has an extremely solid texture and a huge volume. It is a complete rock deep underground.

A large number of divine runes are engraved on the rock, making the rock almost indestructible.

From this rock alone, David could feel the horror of Death God. Death God forcibly changed the texture of this huge rock into a stone with a hardness comparable to Fifth Level.

Of course, this can be done by Death God using a lot of divine runes. Although the rock has reached the hardness of the Fifth Level material, it cannot be used as a real material, because once the rock is broken, it will be lost. Improved the hardness of Fifth Level grade materials.

David flicked the black rock under Black Dragon Alexis with his finger, and found that the force of his flick quickly spread to all the surfaces of the black rock.

Seeing this, he understood that even with Fifth Level weapons and the blessing of Fifth Level Bloodline Strength, it would take a long time to break through the black rock and slowly consume the energy of the divine runes.

“You can slowly destroy this stone, the one who is sleeping, you have time!” Black Dragon Alexis said through the master and servant contract.

Black Dragon Alexis This is because David is worried about the existence of Death God and will shrink at this time, so he explained.

David is frowned, and Black Dragon Alexis does not have a servant attitude towards his master when he is called. It seems to show some strength to let Black Dragon Alexis know how good he is.

“No need!” David lightly saying.

After talking about David, he activated the “underground stealth” Innate Ability. If the Death God chains were not buried in rocks, but replaced with metal, he might really have to use Fifth Level weapons as Black Dragon Alexis said. Cut it slowly.

But as long as it is a rock, no matter how strong it is, it is also a rock.

‘Underground stealth’ Innate Ability has Rule Power, and the use of rocky land is controlled by this Innate Ability.

So just 2 seconds after David finished speaking, the part where the lower end of the Death God chain was connected to the black rock in front of him, the black rock separated naturally, exposing the hidden part of the Death God chain below.

David also saw a special divine runes in the hidden part of the Death God chain. There was a Divine Consciousness in that special divine runes.

If Death God is not asleep, give David some courage and he dare not go to the Divine Item of Death God.

But Death God has fallen asleep, and the Divine Item of Death God has only one remaining Divine Consciousness without spiritual wisdom that is automatically operating the Death God chain.

“What is this ability?” Black Dragon Alexis was a little confused. He knew how hard the rock underneath him was.

But this kind of rock is hard to break for the weak Black Dragon Alexis, and it looks like soft mud in front of David.

Even the well-informed Black Dragon Alexis does not know that there will be an Innate Ability called’underground stealth’.

You must know that when Black Dragon Alexis was free, the insect race had not yet invaded. He has never seen this unique Innate Ability of the insect race.

David laughed didn’t return to Black Dragon Alexis. It was too troublesome to explain the origin of the’underground stealth’ Innate Ability, so he explained it lazily.

He activated the’Hypnosis pattern’ in Soul Space, and the’Hypnosis’ Innate Ability beyond Fifth Level was activated. A purely spiritual’Hypnosis’ pattern flew out and flocked to the special divine runes of the Death God chain.

Although Death God chains will not actively attack anyone other than Black Dragon Alexis, who can guarantee that David reaching out to control Death God chains will cause Death God chains to attack.

So David chose to use the’Hypnosis’ Innate Ability, hidden in the Death God chain Divine Consciousness in his view, only Spirit Attack was the only way to deal with it.

The’Hypnosis’ Innate Ability is derived from Plague God Gladstone, and it is still very sure to use the Spiritual God’s Innate Ability to deal with the Divine Consciousness of another Spiritual God.

The’Hypnosis pattern’ flew into the special pattern of the Death God chain. The Divine Consciousness did not even have the consciousness of resistance, so it was affected by the’Hypnosis pattern’.

The most direct feeling is Black Dragon Alexis. Originally, there were 6 Death God chains binding him, but at this time only 5 Death God chains were left, and the other Death God chains gave up their duties.

“You quickly untie these chains!” Black Dragon Alexis said with respect. After all, he signed a master-servant contract with David. When David showed these special abilities, he felt that he was about to leave Sea of The Black Dragon Alexis of Bitterness couldn’t help being grateful to David, and there was respect naturally in his tone.

When David has demonstrated the ability to be respected by Black Dragon Alexis, Black Dragon Alexis must also show a servant attitude under the constraints of the master-servant contract.

David nodded, he was not in a hurry either. Although this Death God chain was controlled by the’Hypnosis’ Innate Ability, it didn’t really belong to him.

He ordered Death God Divine Consciousness to open the recognizing Master divine runes through the’Hypnosis pattern’, and then he left his spiritual imprint in the recognizing Master divine runes, and brought Death God Divine Consciousness out of the recognizing Master divine runes.

David carefully put aside a little golden Death God Divine Consciousness. At this time, Death God Divine Consciousness is still under’Hypnosis’ and will not actively contact Death God.

He came to the other 5 Death God chains again, and in the same way, separated 5 points of Golden Death God Divine Consciousness, and controlled the 5 Death God chains with his spiritual imprint.

When David really controlled the Death God chains, he also got the information about Death God chains.

The Divine Item’Death God Chain’ is originally Death God’s personal weapon. The creatures that are locked by the Divine Item’Death God Chain’ lose the ability to resist from the soul to the body. Life and death are left to the operator of the Divine Item’Death God Chain’ control.

David is so happy to get another Divine Item not at all. Unlike the Divine Item’Dark Shadow’, the origin of the Divine Item’Death God Chain’ must be known to Death God believers, as long as someone sees the Divine Item’Death God Chains’, you will know that he rescued Black Dragon Alexis.

The Death God believers knew that he was not worried, but he was worried about Death God’s reaction. He was afraid that Death God would wake up from his deep sleep after he knew that Black Dragon Alexis had been rescued by him, and went directly to him.

Just think about it if David himself spent 10000 years and prepared a major event that was related to the tremendous improvement of his own strength, but was destroyed by others, and he would not let the destroyer go.

David felt a little headache and put one end of the Divine Item’Death God Chain’ around his waist, and six stretched out like tentacles, instead of his feet, supporting his body.

This is a usage of Divine Item’Death God Chain’ to transmit information. It can replace the legs of the body. The 6 tentacles can make the movement speed of the body much faster. Even the 6 chains of Divine Item’Death God Chain’ can be compared to the body The hands and feet are more flexible.

“I’m free at last!” Black Dragon Alexis’ broken body stretched weakly, and his body that hadn’t moved for 10000 years plus his injuries was a bit uncontrollable, but he still rolled his body and uttered an excited dragon language.

“How is your injury?” David asked Black Dragon Alexis through the master-servant contract.

“My injury is very serious, but it doesn’t matter. As long as 100 years of training, I can recover some of my strength!” Black Dragon Alexis replied with confidence.

But the answer of Black Dragon Alexis made David’s face dark. How could he endure such a long time after 100 years of cultivation.

“Is there any way to recover faster?” David solemnly asked.

“There is nature, but you can’t help me if you want to come. I need Divine Grade healing potions to speed up the recovery of my body, even for Spiritual God, they are extremely precious treasures!” Black Dragon Alexis replied a little helplessly.

Black Dragon Alexis can’t believe that David will have Divine Grade treatment medicine.

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