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After the Black Dragon Alexis, who had been suppressing himself, killed two Bone Dragons, he felt refreshed all over, and he couldn’t help but let out a loud dragon roar.

As Dragon’s roar started, a large number of skeletons fell in the shock wave caused by dragon roar.

David quickly speeded up and kept flying above the fallen skeletons. To kill these skeletons requires the Shadow Servant to absorb their souls.

Black Dragon Alexis is indeed very powerful, but his soul has been severely damaged, his attack power and defensive power have recovered most of his combat power, but he lacks the means to attack the soul.

Besides, David doesn’t want to waste a little soul energy. These soul energy are extremely precious. He doesn’t know if he can have such a good opportunity in the future.

Black Dragon Alexis, who was about to recover the kitten state, suddenly looked towards the distance. The Black Dragon Alexis, who was in a normal state, had a keen perception.

“Master Arthur, I found 2 small insects, I will catch them for you!” Black Dragon Alexis said solemnly.

In this state, Black Dragon Alexis speaks like thunder.

After getting permission from David, the huge silhouette of Black Dragon Alexis flashed into a black band of light.

Compared with the huge body of Black Dragon Alexis, this speed makes David’s scalp numb.

David looked at the keel on the ground. The two keels were intact except for the skull. He had attacked the keel before and knew how strong it was.

His spirit swept through, and all the keels were collected into the space pendant. The value of these keels must be extraordinary.

After putting away the keel, David also chased the direction where Black Dragon Alexis was going, and along the way, Shadow Servant collected the souls of the destroyed skeleton under the impact of Black Dragon Alexis.

Fifth Level Bishop Bunian and Fifth Level Bishop Monsarate chose to actively search for Lord Arthur. When Lord Arthur was fighting with two Bone Dragons, they took a sneak attack on the side.

They chased Dragon’s roar, and flew in the direction of dragon roar at the fastest speed. They heard that this was the dragon roar of Bone Dragon.

It’s just that when they were far away from Dragon’s roar, Dragon’s roar suddenly disappeared, which made the two Fifth Level Bishops can’t help looking at each other in blank dismay, an ominous feeling rose in their hearts.

Just when they were still considering whether to check in the past, a dragon roar groaned again.

This a dragon roar is completely different from the dragon roar just now. The dragon roar of the Bone Dragon just now didn’t have a trace of emotion, but in this a dragon roar, it was full of imposing manner of looking at the world.

It is definitely not Bone Dragon who issued this imposing manner dragon roar.

Fifth Level Bishop Monsarate’s hairs stand up all over his body, a sense of have one’s hair stand on end makes him almost blow up his hair.

Fifth Level Bishop Bunian has the same feeling, except that he has experienced too much damaged skin for life extension, and he has long no hairs, but the fear in his heart and Fifth Level Bishop Monsarate are only a lot more.

“Escape!” Although knowing that there is no way to escape inside the Divine Item space card, Fifth Level Bishop Bunian shouted.

They vacated and turned around, but their bodies became stiff and they were forced to stay in place.

Because the two Fifth Level Bishops felt the suppression from the soul, this suppression made them lose the ability to move without a trace of resistance.

“It’s the Black Dragon imprisoned on the 7th satellite!” Fifth Level Bishop Bunian thought in his mind.

Only the legendary giant dragon can have such pressure. This is Dragon’s Might, which is the terror of an era.

The silhouette of Black Dragon Alexis appeared. The 30-meter-high body was like a hill. He did not make a move. In front of him, the two Fifth Level Bishops did not have the slightest ability to resist.

Black Dragon Alexis promised that David was to catch, not to kill, even if he hated the believers of Death God, he still controlled his emotions.

David’s silhouette came to the scene soon, and Shadow Servant from the very beginning has not stopped for a moment, constantly absorbing the soul energy of the skull.

David doesn’t need to worry too much. Some of the fallen skeletons, which have not been absorbed by the soul energy, will continue to stand up and come and die.

Black Dragon Alexis is standing, and all around skeletons will automatically be crushed by a terrifying imposing manner as long as they approach.

“Alexis, good job!” David smiled and praised Black Dragon Alexis when he saw the two Fifth Level Bishops standing in the air.

The praised Black Dragon Alexis bowed his huge body and responded to David’s praise.

Although Fifth Level Bishop Bunian and Fifth Level Bishop Monsarate cannot move, they can see the appearance of Black Dragon Alexis. It is hard to imagine such a powerful giant dragon, but because of a compliment from Lord Arthur, it will show a strong reaction.

Fifth Level Bishop Bunian rarely regrets, but now he regrets it.

This Lord Arthur is definitely the most terrifying existence he has ever encountered. Look at the black mist lingering on the side of Lord Arthur, Lord Arthur is obviously more like an Evil God believer than him.

When Lord Arthur came, Fifth Level Bishop Bunian felt the erosion of Lord Arthur by the black mist around him.

He feels that his body is suffering from a poisonous attack that exceeds Fifth Level formidable power. The body that has experienced countless times of life extension has long been resistant to negative effects. At this time, the damage of super Fifth Level poison is very limited.

On the contrary, it was Fifth Level Bishop Monsarate. Since he was just promoted to Fifth Level Bishop, his body was still normal. At this time, he was affected by the poisonous’plague’ and turned black all over.

Being suppressed by Black Dragon Alexis and unable to make a defense, the 2 Fifth Level Bishop can only passively suffer the poisonous attack of the’plague’.

David also didn’t want the corpses of the two Fifth Level Bishops to be corroded by poison. He directly swung two swords and killed the two bishops.

At the moment he killed two bishops, an illusory shadow rose from the body of Fifth Level Bishop Bunian, which was the shadow of a black robe all over.

As soon as this illusory shadow appeared, the entire space trembled.

The illusory shadow’s gaze swept across David, making David stiff, but in David’s Soul Space, the two god Spirit Crystals emitted rays of light, allowing David to regain his mobility.

David silhouette flashed, and quickly backed away, with a Fifth Level shield in his hand, and Death God chained to unfold around his body and turned into six protective layers.

The illusory shadow seemed even more angry after seeing the Death God chains.

Under the black robe’s eyes that could not be noticed, two golden rays of light flashed, and the Force of Death gathered all around quickly.

At this moment David felt the threat of death. The Fifth Level shield in his hand and the black Knight armor on his body could not provide him with any confidence.

“Little Death God incarnation dare to be rampant!” Black Dragon Alexis issued an angry roar, his silhouette blocking David’s body.

Death God incarnation quickly grew larger, becoming the same size as Black Dragon Alexis.

“Black Dragon Alexis, I will catch you again, and this human being, I will throw him into purgatory, let his soul struggle forever in the flames, and let his wailing be my nocturne!” Death God The voice of incarnation sounded faintly, reverberating in the space.

At this time, David really felt his insignificance, and at the same time he felt locked in, as if being stared at by some extremely powerful enemy.

David knows that he is afraid that he has been paid attention to by the real Death God. This attention is malicious. The sleeping Death God will only rely on instinct to act, and there is no need to worry that Death God will come in person.

But David didn’t like this feeling. He thought he was very strong, but he met Bone Dragon and Death God incarnation in a short time.

However, David knows his own advantages. He now has Black Dragon Alexis and has transformed himself into an infant Black Dragon. As long as he continues to cultivation, it is only a matter of time before he becomes a powerful existence that can fight against Death God.

“Death God, my name is Arthur, next time we meet again, I will step on your god body!” David leaned out from behind the Black Dragon Alexis and made his declaration loudly towards Death God incarnation.

David’s words made Death God incarnation extremely angry. Even if he was chased by the temple for 10000 years, Death God is still a Spiritual God and has never been so insulted.

Coupled with the Death God chain exposed next to David and the obvious contractual relationship with Black Dragon Alexis, it all reflects that David rescued Black Dragon Alexis and undermined Death God’s plan.

Death God incarnation knows very well that in this incarnation state, it is impossible to defeat Black Dragon Alexis.

Death God incarnation is the last reliance left in the world after Death God fell asleep. It has been hidden in Divine Idol before and accepted the baptism of faith.

This time, due to the destruction of Orlo Star’s 7th satellite, the sleeping Death God automatically judged and analyzed the situation, leaving Death God incarnation at Fifth Level Bishop Bunian within the body.

The process of Fifth Level Bishop Bunian from being suppressed to being killed was too fast, Death God incarnation was still active, and Fifth Level Bishop Bunian was killed by David.

Although Death God incarnation has experienced countless years of belief in baptism, but it still barely maintains its existence. The energy of Death God incarnation within the body can only be used for short-term battles.

For opponents like Black Dragon Alexis, the defensive power is too powerful, and it is not a short time to break the defense.

Besides, the defense of Death God incarnation couldn’t block the attack of Black Dragon Alexis at all, so Death God incarnation made the most direct response in the anger.

Death God incarnation gave up his plan to fight Black Dragon Alexis. He gathered all the divine forces and sent a Lethal Blow to David.

From the eyes of Death God incarnation, two golden lights shot into the void and came to David when they reappeared.

When David said the words, he felt a palpitation, and a pair of wings stretched out behind him, wrapping him tightly.

Black Dragon Alexis also noticed the attack of Death God incarnation, uttered a dragon roar and rushed towards Death God incarnation.

The time of the world seemed to slow down at this moment. The dragon claw of Black Dragon Alexis was hacking down from the head of Death God incarnation. On the other side, Lethal Blow of Death God incarnation also hit David.

Lethal Blow is a powerful attack method of Death God. There are only 2 results for hitting the enemy, either being immune or dying.

Immunity only occurs in battles at the same level, but in battles at the same level, few of the same level are willing to take a blow from Lethal Blow, because no one wants to encounter the probability of death.

When Lethal Blow attacks a weak opponent, there will only be one result, and that is death.

Death God incarnation also hates David so much that it will send this fatal blow to all the divine forces that Death God incarnation can call. Death God incarnation simply does not intend to give David a chance to live.

Black Dragon Alexis is also extremely angry at this time. If David dies, don’t mention David’s life-saving grace and the recent harmony between the two parties. Even after David’s death, the backlash of the master-servant contract is not something Black Dragon Alexis can bear of.

But Lethal Blow’s attack was not at all changed by the will of Black Dragon Alexis, and David was literally attacked by this attack.

However, Lethal Blow attacked the energy feather wings that glittered with milky white radiance. David’s whole body was protected by the energy feather wings.

Death God incarnation The attack with death divine force collided with the strong Life Aura on the energy feather wings. Death God incarnation sent out pure energy attacks, and the energy feather wings were not only energy feathers composed of life energy, but also indestructible. The wings skeleton is the backing.

David only felt that he was surrounded by warmth. Although there was a terrifying evil Death Aura besides the warmth, he was not at all able to hurt him.

Death God incarnation was surprised that Lethal Blow was blocked.

When Death God incarnation was surprised, Black Dragon Alexis’ dragon claw also cut Death God incarnation. This attack started from the head of Death God incarnation and went to the feet of Death God incarnation. Death God incarnation was damaged by dragon claw. Divided into several sections, and then shattered by the terrifying power contained in dragon claw.

“Master Arthur, are you okay?” Black Dragon Alexis didn’t feel the soul’s backlash punishment, but he still didn’t believe that David could escape Lethal Blow.

In the last period of the giant dragon era, Death God’s Lethal Blow was very famous, the choice of life or death, so many powerful existences of the same level as Death God fell.

Although the Lethal Blow used by Death God incarnation is far from the formidable power of the Lethal Blow used by Death God, David is not a powerful existence at the same level as Death God, and there is not a trace of resistance under Lethal Blow.

To be honest, Black Dragon Alexis’s soul was damaged, making him greatly affected, otherwise he could respond better.

The soul is damaged so that Black Dragon Alexis can now only use the body to fight, and some Dragon Race secret arts cannot be used.

The energy feather wings separated, revealing the face of David inside. His face was a little pale, which was the effect of the divine force in Lethal Blow.

David’s strength is too weak. In the face of divine force, the crushing feeling of far surpasses the imagination. If it is not for the protection of energy feather wings, lethal blow is not needed. As long as ordinary divine force attacks, he can not withstand it. of.

“Still alive!” David shook the head, able to speak such madness in front of a powerful Spiritual God incarnation, and still survive. He felt a sense of blasphemous Spiritual God pleasure.

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