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This unknown planet, the planet surface is constantly collapsing inward, and the space vortex on the divine runes array is like it can swallow everything, no matter what material it is, it will be mixed into dust when it comes close.

The guardian star Dexter Fifth Level Templar Knight is cultivating. Suddenly he feels the energy becomes violent. With the strength of his Fifth Level Templar Knight, he can’t control the energy to flow smoothly into the body.

Fortunately, Dexter Fifth Level Templar Knight has rich experience. He forcibly interrupted the cultivation. Although there will be some backlash in this way, which will cause him to be unable to cultivation for at least ten days, but if the violent energy enters within the body, the harm will be even greater.

Dexter Fifth Level Templar Knight eyes opened, his first thing is to activate the energy probe array.

On the energy probe array, the dazzling red keeps flashing.

“Dexter, we are in trouble!” Nelson’s Fifth Level Templar Knight’s voice penetrated the cultivation room through the enhancement of Bloodline Strength.

Nelson Fifth Level Templar Knight is another Templar Knight guarding the stars. He was on patrol just now.

“Nelson, I was almost injured in the energy riot, what happened?” Dexter Fifth Level Templar Knight opened the door of the cultivation room and saw the energy Avatar of Nelson Fifth Level Templar Knight, he asked.

“A strong spatial energy response came from the middle of the chaotic Star Domain, either a space explosion or someone deliberately destroying the space!” Nelson Fifth Level Templar Knight’s energy Avatar replied.

Dexter Fifth Level Templar Knight sounded a little anxious.

However, if he doesn’t know anything, he can’t report it. Keeping them 2 Fifth Level Templar Knights here is for them to solve the problem.

The troubles that the two Fifth Level Templar Knights could not solve, the Supreme Council will also need time to convene personnel and organize stronger combat power after the report is reported. These cannot be achieved in a short time.

Such a large-scale operation requires accurate intelligence support, and cannot be determined by the perception and guesswork of the two Fifth Level Templar Knights.

Dexter Fifth Level Templar Knight took off at the fastest speed and came into the sky. He saw Nelson Fifth Level Templar Knight who was observing the distance.

Coming to space, lacking the influence of the atmosphere, Dexter Fifth Level Templar Knight more clearly perceives the violent energy of space.

Dexter Fifth Level Templar Knight and Nelson Fifth Level Templar Knight looked at each other, and both saw fear in each other’s eyes.

Although they hadn’t perceived such a violent spatial energy before, they could imagine the consequences of this violent spatial energy.

Every independent world is protected by space, and if life outside the world wants to enter, it needs to break the barriers of space.

But the space barrier is not so easy to break. The most recent space barrier was broken because the barriers formed by the intersection of the Great Spiritual World, the Interstellar Federation world and the insect race world were destroyed.

That time the three worlds intersect, although the space barrier was broken, it also formed a jointly owned War Star.

However, after suffering the crazy attack of the insect race, the High Priest of the Great Spiritual World borrowed the power of the Spiritual God to add a space barrier between the War Star and the Great Spiritual World.

This space barrier protects the Great Spiritual World to a certain extent, so the Interstellar Federation has a large Star Domain that was eroded by the insect race, but the Great Spiritual World has almost no impact because of this space barrier.

Only small-scale insect races can pass this space barrier. If an insect race is large, it will be shielded by that space barrier.

This space barrier allows the insect race to focus its main attack on the Interstellar Federation world. There is not much defensive power on the Great Spiritual World side. On the contrary, there is not much combat power in defense.

The unknown planet, or it is not a planet anymore, the divine runes array created by Spiritual God, after absorbing a large amount of space energy, turned into a space energy cluster.

This space energy group is extremely unstable. Every time the space energy group flashes, the space barrier of the Great Spiritual World Star Domain is affected.

The space energy group is still devouring space energy, the planet has long been disappeared, and all have become the nourishment of the space energy group.

The purpose of this divine runes array is to continuously absorb space energy, and finally use space energy to break the space barrier and open a window on the space barrier.

This is what the 12 ancient gods made 10,000 years ago. For this divine runes array, all the 12 ancient gods made contributions.

12 Some ancient gods used god-made materials, some took out corresponding knowledge, and some participated in the manufacturing.

The production of this divine runes array alone hardly has the second probability, because there are too many materials and there is no second copy, not to mention that the corresponding knowledge is in the hands of different ancient gods, unless the ancient gods work together , And find the corresponding materials, otherwise the divine runes array of Block 2 will always appear.

The space energy group is getting bigger and bigger and more unstable, and the space barrier of Great Spiritual World is shaking.

Insect race world, a beetle with a body size of up to 20 meters and a pure white armor covering its entire body lies on the ground. This is a’space beetle’, Fifth Level space insect race.

The two slender whiskers on the head of the’Space Beetle’ suddenly accelerated and trembled, and the eyes of the’Space Beetle’ who was resting opened.

The’Space Beetle’ was puzzled at first, but its sensitivity to space made it quickly discover a space energy explosion in a distant place.

If it is other races, after discovering an explosion of energy in the unknown world, perhaps what they need to do is not to connect, but to probe the situation of the unknown world first.

But insect race is special. Insect race doesn’t care about war or death.

In the concept of insect race, only insect race can attack others. How can anyone attack insect race? A large number of insect races alone can destroy all enemies.

The reaction of the’Space Beetle’ is the normal reaction of the insect race. It activates the space energy within the body and actively connects with the space energy raging of the distant unknown world.

Without the participation of the’Space Beetle’, this time space energy of Great Spiritual World rages, breaking the space barrier and randomly connecting it to any world.

This World may be very weak or very powerful.

With the participation of the’Space Beetle’, everything is different. After the’Space Beetle’ has a slight connection with the violent space energy of the unknown world, it activates an innate talent pattern from Soul Space.

In front of the’Space Beetle’, a white pattern appeared. This pattern is a coordinate, a coordinate that allows the violent spatial energy to find a direction.

Two Fifth Level Templar Knights use the energy Avatar to drive the “Starry Sky Flying Boat” to fly at full speed to the space energy riot area.

Their body cannot leave the guardian star, their main task is to guard the first barrier from the War Star to the Great Spiritual World.

The’Starry Sky Flying Boat’ is added to full speed, and the highest speed is reached at no cost. As for the maintenance of the’Starry Sky Flying Boat’ after the event, this time is not in the consideration of the 2 Fifth Level Templar Knights.

In the day and a half of the voyage, the’Starry Sky Flying Boat’ arrived in just one day.

When they saw the Star Domain where the space energy group was located, both Dexter Fifth Level Templar Knight and Nelson Fifth Level Templar Knight were dumbfounded.

They remember that there is a planet here, but there is no planet in this location, only a huge space energy group remains. This space energy group rubs against the space and makes a terrible explosion.

Two Fifth Level Templar Knights, let alone stepping forward to stop them, even if they are slightly closer, they may be sucked in by the space energy group.

“Report immediately!” Dexter Fifth Level Templar Knight’s energy Avatar said solemnly.

On the guard star, 2 Fifth Level Templar Knights have taken out the contact array and contacted Speaker Gould.

The affairs of guarding the stars belong directly to the Supreme Council, and the affairs of the Supreme Council are usually organized by the speaker.

“Dexter Templar Knight, did the guardian have something wrong?” Speaker Gould asked quickly when he received a request from Dexter Fifth Level Templar Knight.

Guarding the stars is extremely important. It is the gateway to the Great Spiritual World.

Speaker Gould had just become the Speaker of the Supreme Council. It was just when he was preparing to show his talents. Dexter Fifth Level Templar Knight’s request for contact made him a little nervous and a little excited.

Speaker Gould didn’t want an accident, but also wanted to do something important.

“President Gould, it’s okay to guard the stars, but in the chaotic Star Domain, a space energy riot has occurred. There is a great probability that the Great Spiritual World will have space barrier loopholes!” Dexter Fifth Level Templar Knight reported truthfully.

“What?” Speaker Gould was taken aback.

Space energy riots rarely happen, but there are corresponding records in the recorded books.

Every space energy riot, ranging from space shock to severe space crack.

For the space creatures wandering in the Foreign Domain space, any Space Crack may become their food, and then Great Spiritual World will have to face powerful and terrifying space creatures.

This is still the best result. Space energy riots will even create a space channel to connect two different worlds.

“Our energy Avatar is already on the scene, I can share with you what happened there!” Dexter Fifth Level Templar Knight said while operating.

Dexter Fifth Level Templar Knight uses his energy Avatar to receive the scene seen by the energy Avatar through the body, and transfer it to the contact array, so that Speaker Gould in the distance can see the situation of the space energy group.

Speaker Gould felt helpless when he saw the huge space energy group. Such a large space energy group could not be destroyed by man.

Just when Speaker Gould was horrified, the shared picture suddenly changed, and the space energy group turned into a space gate.

This space gate is circular with a diameter of 20 meters.

“Immediately block the space door, and the Supreme Council will support you as soon as possible!” Speaker Gould shouted.

Such a large space door is sufficient for any creature with a body smaller than 20 meters to enter. Speaker Gould must know what is on the other side, what kind of creature there is, and whether it is hostile.

But what made Speaker Gould a little relieved was that the two Fifth Level Templar Knight’s energy Avatars were on the scene and could at least block the space door.

Insect race world, a space door with a diameter of 20 meters appeared in front of the’space beetle’. It can even see the dark space of another world through the space door.

The reason why the space gate of the Great Spiritual World is directly connected with the insect race world, forming a relatively solid space gate, this is the Innate Ability of the Fifth Level insect race’Space Beetle’.

‘Space Beetle’ doesn’t know where the world is on the opposite side, it makes an Insect Cry towards the distance.

Soon after, a group of “iron-winged bats” flew from a distance. This group of “iron-winged bats” numbered 100. They were extremely afraid of the “space beetle”, but they had to follow the “space beetle” The order comes.

The’Space Beetle’ issued an order, and this group of’iron-winged bats’ flew towards the space gate.

‘Iron-winged bats’ are only Level 2, but they are Flying Insect family. They have a great advantage in speed and are one of the best inspecting insect races.

The’Space Beetle’ puts a space observation eye on the head of the’Iron-winged Batworm’, and the’Iron-wing Batworm’ flies into the space door.

“Insect race!” When Dexter Fifth Level Templar Knight saw the’iron-wing bat insect’, he immediately issued a cry out in surprise.

The speed of Nelson Fifth Level Templar Knight is faster than Dexter Fifth Level Templar Knight, and his energy Avatar flashes into the group of’Iron Wing Bats’.

Within two breaths, 2’iron-winged bats’ were killed instantly.

But Nelson Fifth Level Templar Knight didn’t mean to be happy. He saw the space observation eye on one of the’iron-winged bats’.

At this brief moment, both Nelson Fifth Level Templar Knight and Dexter Fifth Level Templar Knight understood the world opposite the space gate, and this is the world they least want to connect to.

On the other side of the space gate, the’Space Beetle’ saw two Fifth Level Templar Knight energy Avatars through the space observation eye, and also understood what the world was on the opposite side.

The’Space Beetle’ happily issued one after another wave, spreading its discovery to the distant’Mother Queen’, and at the same time, it issued an order to the insect race in the area under its control.

Countless insect races, Level 1, Level 2, Level 3, and Level 4 insect races all appeared, and they rushed towards the space gate madly.

This line of insect races is almost endless. With the supply of War God, the number of insect races in the insect race world is beyond imagination.

Now finally there is a place to use it. Under the order of the’Space Beetle’, these insect races all flocked to the New World frantically.

‘Space Beetle’ doesn’t want to wait. It knows the importance of this space gate. It also understands that once Great Spiritual World responds and sends a large amount of combat power to block the space gate, it will be difficult for the insect race to enter the Great Spiritual World again. Up.

Therefore, the’space beetle’ could only mobilize the insect race in its territory without the order of the’mother emperor’ in order to occupy the space gate.

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