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In every corner of the Great Spiritual World, there are silhouettes of law enforcement Knights, and scarlet flags are planted in castles, villas, and manors.

Every noble family has Knight wearing Knight armor and carrying his own weapons, walking into the Transmission Gate.

David sent 5 Fifth Level Templar Knights. In fact, these 5 Fifth Level Templar Knights were also sent out in person. These are all his Avatars.

Enter from the Garmi Star planet-class Transmission Gate, and when it reappears, you are already in Tula Star.

Through the eyes of Fifth Level Templar Knight, David saw that the main city of Tula was full of Knights, and the silhouette of the ordinary person was almost invisible.

The weakest Knight here is also the official Knight, and some Knights with the highest council logo are easing.

“Honorable Templar Knights, the Templar Knights are concentrated in the square in the center of the main city, please come with me!” A guide Knight saw 5 Fifth Level Templar Knights appear, and hurriedly stepped forward and said.

The Knight who guided Knight to the Supreme Council, received the education of the Supreme Council, and recognized every Fifth Level Templar Knight.

When the five Fifth Level Templar Knights appeared, he had recognized four of them as Templar Knights who followed Lord Arthur to participate in the Supreme Council, and he did not recognize the other.

Normally, the leader Knight from the Supreme Council is impossible to know Templar Knight, but when he saw the heraldic emblem on Fifth Level Templar Knight, he also understood.

This strange Fifth Level Templar Knight is also the Templar Knight of Lord Arthur.

Guide Knight led 5 Fifth Level Templar Knights to the square. At this time, nearly 30 Fifth Level Templar Knights had arrived on the square. It is still early, and the rest of Fifth Level Templar Knights have not yet arrived.

When the Fifth Level Templar Knight present saw five Templar Knights coming together, they also saw the Shadow Leopard Emblem on the stranger Templar Knight, and they were extremely shocked.

I thought that Lord Arthur’s 4 Fifth Level Templar Knights were all strengths, but only a few days later, another Templar Knight appeared.

Speaker Gould, who was talking with someone, saw the 5 Fifth Level Templar Knights coming and walked over immediately.

“I have seen Speaker Gould. I am Harlow. These are Mike, Bayer, Harry, and Crowe. According to Lord Arthur’s orders, we will follow your orders at any time!” Harlow Templar Knight bowed and introduced Speaker Gould.

“Welcome 5 people, please also arrange it. There are 4 coats of arms here, please wear them separately!” Speaker Gould returned the gift, took out the 4 coats and handed them over.

The 4 coats of arms representing the Berger Family, Gough Family, Cowper Family, and Cork Family were accepted by Harlow Templar Knight and distributed.

Until then, the rest of the Fifth Level Templar Knights did not understand why Lord Arthur had to send five Fifth Level Templar Knights, and what a deep friendship with Speaker Gould was needed to help Speaker Gould’s four allies in this way.

It’s no secret that Speaker Gould’s four old friends fell when they slaughtered the gods. Speaker Gould took care of the four families. This is why many top aristocrats are willing to make alliances with him. They can take care of this kind of family of friends. The degree is trustworthy.

Speaker Gould saw 4 Fifth Level Templar Knights wearing 4 coats of arms, and he finally let out a long relaxed breath.

Although Lord Arthur had agreed to him, this matter was related to the survival of the four families, and he had to be nervous.

Part of David’s mind stayed on Harlow Templar Knight. Otherwise, with Harlow Templar Knight’s wisdom, he would passively obey orders and fight at best. It would take some time to learn if he wanted to handle the relationship between people on his own.

In the next few hours, Fifth Level Templar Knights slowly arrived one after another.

Speaker Gould was very anxious, but he couldn’t urge too much. You should know that the Fifth Level Templar Knight body was dispatched and only gave a 6-hour preparation time, which was already a very short time.

There are huge family interests behind every Fifth Level Templar Knight. The top nobles are better. Even if the Fifth Level Templar Knight falls, there is a deadly Templar Knight as a deterrent. The top nobles only need to re-train Fifth Level Templar within 2 generations. Knight can restore his strength.

But some great nobles with Fifth Level Templar Knight are different. Fifth Level Templar Knight is everything the great nobles belong to. Once the Fifth Level Templar Knight falls, then the great nobles will decline and there will be no chance of turning over.

Of course, only the top nobles will call Fifth Level Templar Knight.

When the 6 hours arrived, there were still two Fifth Level Templar Knights of the top nobles, but all the great nobles arrived.

Those two top nobles are in trouble themselves. One top noble is not at all Fifth Level Templar Knight, and the other is Fifth Level Templar Knight, which is in a severe state of emotional lack and cannot play.

Speaker Gould looked at the Fifth Level Templar Knight in front of him. He understood that after the war order was issued, there would be nothing to say about it. The two top nobles would be deprived of their noble titles.

In Fifth Level Templar Knight, Aviad Fifth Level Templar Knight secretly looked towards Harlow Templar Knight and other 5 Templar Knights with his eyes. He is another Templar Knight of the Lytton family.

This time due to the war order, the Lytton family is not a top noble, but because the two Templar Knights of the Lytton family were cultivated by the top nobles using the resources of the Great Spiritual World top nobles, even if the Lytton family is not willing to Need to send a Fifth Level Templar Knight to come.

Great Spiritual World has gone through 10000 years of history. In terms of policy, there are no loopholes that can be exploited.

The Lytton family sent Aviad Fifth Level Templar Knight to come, but there is no alternative.

Earl Abbe didn’t dare to come at all. As long as he came, he probably didn’t die in the insect race war, but was assassinated by Lord Arthur.

Aviad Fifth Level Templar Knight came with the war order. He started not at all to come over immediately, but confirmed that Lord Arthur was not at all to participate in the war order. Only 5 Templar Knights were sent, so he came with confidence.

When actually seeing the 5 Fifth Level Templar Knights, Aviad Fifth Level Templar Knight questioned whether Earl Abbe could lead the Lytton family for the first time.

Offending Lord Arthur, without mentioning Lord Arthur’s own strength, these Templar Knights of Lord Arthur can sweep the Lytton family.

Dissatisfaction arose in Aviad Fifth Level Templar Knight’s heart. He suppressed it forcibly, but the seeds had already been planted, depending on when they sprouted.

The five Templar Knights who have been staring at David are not only Aviad Fifth Level Templar Knight, but also Mickey Fifth Level Templar Knight. The horror in his heart is stronger than any Fifth Level Templar Knight.

Because he perceives the 5th Fifth Level Templar Knight’s Bloodline, which is also the Black Dragon Bloodline.

In other words, Lord Arthur, in addition to being Black Dragon Bloodline, also has 5 Fifth Level Templar Knights who are also Black Dragon Bloodline.

From this point of view, is the Morse family the authentic Black Dragon Bloodline or the Luce Family the authentic Black Dragon Bloodline?

Mickey’s Fifth Level Templar Knight still has a bigger question in mind. Is this fifth Templar Knight named Crowe the last Black Dragon Bloodline Fifth Level Templar Knight in the Luce Family? Will there be other Blacks? Dragon Bloodline Fifth Level Templar Knight?

“Ready to go!” Speaker Gould ordered in a deep voice.

Including Speaker Gould, 81 Fifth Level Templar Knights from the top nobles, plus 33 Fifth Level Templar Knights from the great nobles, all rose into the air and flew toward the sky.

Following them is the Heavenly Knight riding a flying mount, the number of which exceeds 2.

With the eyes of Harlow Templar Knight, David looked at the Knight team that was beyond imagination.

Only Knights of Level 4 and above can enter the space battle, and Level 3 Earth Knights do not have the ability to fight in space.

Just like the title of Earth Knight, Earth Knights who leave the earth, without the help of their mounts, will have their life force and battle strength greatly reduced, and they need auxiliary devices to survive in space.

Although Heavenly Knight also needs a survival disk to survive in space, thanks to the help of flying mounts, they can still move freely in space and maintain a strong combat power.

Therefore, most of the Heavenly Knights in this concentration will follow the front line to fight the insect race, and the rest of the Knights will stay in Tulaxing to organize the first line of defense.

Tula Star had evacuated all residents in just a few hours, all non-war resources were removed, and those that could not be removed must be destroyed.

Every energy left behind may give the insect race a reproductive energy when it enters Tula Star.

Great Spiritual World, a war machine that has not acted uniformly for a long time, began to operate after the war order was issued.

Great Spiritual World cultivates the Knight profession. At this time, it shows its incomparable superiority. Knight obeys orders. Every Knight can join the Knight team at will, and the Knight team can join the Knight team.

On Tula, where the ordinary person was evacuated, the Knight team of each and everyone was quickly deployed. Each Knight team has 5000 Knights, and there are 1000 Knight teams in total. There are still planet-level Transmission Gates continuously. Knight enters.

114 Fifth Level Templar Knight entered space first, David saw 27’Starry Sky Flying Boat’ that had been parked in space.

Among them, there are 5 special golden’Starry Sky Flying Boat’, which belong to 5 temples respectively, and these are also the vehicles for priests and sacrifices sent by the 5 major temples.

114 Fifth Level Templar Knight, every 5 Fifth Level Templar Knights have a’Starry Sky Flying Boat’, 90 Level 4 Heavenly Knights enter afterwards.

Speaker Gould used his power to place five Templar Knights including Harlow Templar Knight in his’Starry Sky Flying Boat’. Headed by the speaker’s’Starry Sky Flying Boat’, the’Starry Sky Flying Boat’ headed towards the chaotic Star Domain.

Compared to the slow action of Great Spiritual World, the action of insect race is much stronger.

Under the unified order of the “Mother Emperor”, a large number of insect races used space like “Space Ripper” to open the Transmission Passage and came to the space gate.

The appearance of as many as 20 Fifth Level insect races has made Dexter Fifth Level Templar Knight and Nelson Fifth Level Templar Knight shocked.

They did not expect that the strength of the insect race would be so powerful, you must know that the most powerful thing about the insect race is their reproductive ability.

Insect race can make any enemy become terror-stricken at the news through insect race tactics, but in Fifth Level combat power, insect race has always been very cautious, and there are very few Fifth Level insect races that have appeared in War Star.

How did the 2 Fifth Level Templar Knights know that the insect race has been cultivating high-level insect races through the resources of War Star. For this reason, the insect race does not hesitate to use the extra low-level insect races in War Star to consume them every once in a while.

The strength of the insect race nowadays has surpassed the imagination of the Great Spiritual World and the Interstellar Federation.

A piercing cry came out. This is a Fifth Level insect race’Golden Beetle’ who discovered the energy Avatar of Dexter Fifth Level Templar Knight and Nelson Fifth Level Templar Knight.

The 2 energy Avatar hides far away, and uses the concealed aura array, but still has not escaped the perception of the’Golden Beetle’.

This is not a strange thing. The evolution of insect race is usually extremely specialized, reaching Fifth Level in its perception ability. It is not too difficult for its perception ability to discover hidden enemies.

While shouting, the’Golden Beetle’ rushed to the direction where the energy Avatar was hidden, and a part of the huge insect race behind it came out following the’Golden Beetle’.

Another Fifth Level insect race’Red Wing Ant King’ responded to the call of’Golden Beetle’ and flew along.

The two energy Avatars didn’t hesitate, they didn’t even have the idea of ​​fighting.

Fight the powerful Fifth Level insect race with the energy Avatar that is already insufficient in energy. Isn’t that the act of courting death?

The Fifth Level insect race is extremely powerful. The battle strength of the general Fifth Level insect race has the same level of digital Fifth Level Templar Knight on top. This is the premise that the Fifth Level Templar Knight is equipped with powerful weapons.

Insect race is born with the advantage of physique. At the level of Fifth Level insect race, its physique is already strong enough to put aside the human Fifth Level Templar Knight.

In terms of strength and speed, insect race has inherent advantages, and Fifth Level also has the same.

The human Fifth Level Templar Knight also has an advantage. When several Fifth Level Templar Knights are assembled together, their strength will be doubled due to Knight’s battle formation.

But Dexter Fifth Level Templar Knight and Nelson Fifth Level Templar Knight are two of them. How can they form a Knight battle formation with sufficient formidable power?

The two energy Avatars speed up and fly towards the hidden “Starry Sky Flying Boat”, which is also the key to the escape of the two energy Avatars.

Without the’Starry Sky Flying Boat’, the two energy Avatars with insufficient energy, in the vast space, not to mention easy to get lost, but not lost, and there is not enough Bloodline Strength to consume to return to the guard star.

Fortunately, they have always been preparing to escape, and the energy Avatar is fast enough to make them get on the’Starry Sky Flying Boat’ first, and the’Starry Sky Flying Boat’ suddenly accelerates, bringing a long string of insect races behind them towards the guard. Star flies away.

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