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“Alexis, pass me the content of the research!” David said with a bright eye when he heard Black Dragon Alexis research something.

As for copying the “war space array”, David is not at all delusion, every Spiritual God has their own abilities, and Black Dragon Alexis said before that he is good at fighting.

In David’s understanding of Black Dragon Alexis, it means that Black Dragon Alexis is not good at anything except fighting.

If it weren’t for the “war space array” that was too magical, it made David deeply feel its magic, and he had the best research opportunity, so that he did not want to give up the opportunity, which gave birth to the idea of ​​research.

You should know that when David was wearing divine runes armor, he was completely accepted by the “war space”, and all the details of the “war space array” were fully shown to David.

Under the circumstances at the time, he could even perceive the patterns on the’war space array’.

Black Dragon Alexis formed a knowledge spirit ball with the researched content, and David absorbed the knowledge spirit ball after contact with spirit.

David suddenly discovered that it was not that his alchemy level was not enough that he could not understand the principle of the’war space array’, but that his understanding of energy was too shallow, and that he could not understand the true principle of the’war space array’ the reason.

Spiritual God’s understanding of energy can only be understood by Black Dragon Alexis, who is also Divine Grade.

However, David gradually understood the principle after Black Dragon Alexis’s explanation. To reproduce the “war space”, the requirements for the materials needed to meet are very high, and he has to wait for him to return to Garmi Star to assign experimental tasks to the super server. , We can know whether it is possible to achieve the requirements of the materials needed for the “war space array”.

“Master Arthur, these insects today are the insect races that can compete with the Great Spiritual World?” Black Dragon Alexis asked when David was sober in his thinking.

Through the historical knowledge that David passed to Black Dragon Alexis before, Black Dragon Alexis knows that the current three worlds are opposed to each other, but he is still very curious about the insect race.

“Yes, how do you feel?” David put down the’war space array’ in his heart and replied with a smile.

“How can the performance of insect race compete with Great Spiritual World?” Black Dragon Alexis asked puzzled.

In Black Dragon Alexis’s view, although the Fifth Level insect race is not weak, as long as it is not Divine Grade, no matter how strong it is, ants will be killed casually.

“Insect race world is said to also have Divine Grade, but I have never seen it!” David also not quite clear specific matters, he can only tell what he knows.

“I just studied the insect race. The body structure of the insect race is extremely simple, and the physique is extremely powerful, but their fertility is unexpectedly powerful. This kind of race shouldn’t appear at all!” Black Dragon Alexis said with emotion.

At this time, Black Dragon Alexis thought of Giant Dragon Race. This insect race is very similar to Giant Dragon Race to a certain extent. Of course, Black Dragon Alexis will not recognize this. Even if he has this idea in his mind, he will not admit it.

Insect race and giant dragon are both physique and powerful. Although insect race is quite different from giant dragon in physique, it is far better than human beings.

This allows insect race to have a certain battle strength from birth, and its strength will increase as it grows, which is similar to Giant Dragon Race.

But the fertility problem of Giant Dragon Race is not at all reflected in the insect race. The most important reason why Giant Dragon Race was finally expelled from the Great Spiritual World is quantity.

No matter how powerful the Giant Dragon Race is, after the loss of many giant dragons, the Giant Dragon Race is in danger of extinction.

In order to survive, the Giant Dragon Race must give up fighting and choose to continue to reproduce in another world is the most correct choice.

The fertility of the insect race simply has no problems. This is not accurate. It should be said that the fertility of the insect race can be reproduced at will.

Even Fifth Level insect race, as long as there is enough High Rank energy, Fifth Level insect race can breed new offspring at any time.

“I don’t know what the insect race world is, but I know that the planets occupied by the insect race have become so desolate that life cannot survive. Except for stones and soil, everything else will be swallowed by the insect race. The insect race is in order to maintain the population. , Will continue to invade and plunder all resources that can be plundered!” David said solemnly.

“This kind of life form violates the World Rule, how can it be bred and become the master of a world?” Even if Black Dragon Alexis is so knowledgeable, he can’t help being surprised by the insect race.

In order to maintain a world, a corresponding World Rule will be born.

One of the most important is that the number of powerful lives will be limited, and this limitation is reflected in fertility.

Because powerful life will consume a lot of resources, once the number of powerful life is too much, world resources will be consumed too much, causing the rapid destruction of planet.

A survival planet that can only be developed by counting 100000000 million and 1 billion. There are races like insect race, and it only takes a few years to be completely destroyed and become a death planet.

“You have to wait for a chance to go to the insect race world to see before you can understood!” David said with a smile and shook his head.

Of course, David is also talking about fun, but he saw from the books that he has not entered the insect race world without powerhouse before, but in the end, even the strongest powerhouse will never return.

At least David will not rush to the insect race world, he does not want to die because of a little curiosity.

“Alexis, let me give you some psychic energy to see if it helps you heal your soul?” David thought of the soul energy absorbed by the Shadow Servant this time, and he said to Black Dragon Alexis.

Black Dragon Alexis can be said to be David’s largest body protection symbol today. The more Black Dragon Alexis’s strength is restored, the stronger the security it brings to David.

“Thank you Lord Arthur!” Black Dragon Alexis did not refuse. The master and servant contract allowed him to become one with David.

Black Dragon Alexis now fully accepts David, of course because of the unbreakable master-servant contract.

The soul of the David Legendary rank completely makes Black Dragon Alexis lose the possibility of breaking the master-servant contract.

David reached out and summoned Shadow Servant, letting Shadow Servant leave part of the soul energy, and the rest of the soul energy is also a lot, he imported the soul energy into his within the body, and then passed it along the channel established by the master and servant contract Black Dragon Alexis.

Black Dragon Alexis is not good at soul research, but he can still perceive the pure soul energy.

Black Dragon Alexis shrunk like a cat’s body, leaned on David’s shoulder in a very comfortable position, with his eyes narrowed, enjoying the warmth from his soul.

“How is the effect?” David asked aloud after Shadow Servant exported the last trace of soul energy.

“I feel that my soul has recovered a bit, and if it has about 10000 times the soul energy of today, my soul can be healed!” Black Dragon Alexis awoke from the enjoyment, and said with some aftertaste.

David heard a black line, 10000 times the soul energy, which meant he would sacrifice the entire insect race world.

Regardless of the 3 Level 4 insect race soul energy absorbed today, the most important is the soul energy of 3 Fifth Level insect races, and if Black Dragon Alexis wants to recover, David needs to get at least 3000 Fifth Level insects. The soul of race.

Fifth Level insect race is not Chinese cabbage. It is planted in the field and waiting for him to harvest.

Whether there are 3000 Fifth Level insect races in the insect race world is still a big problem. From the perspective of the Great Spiritual World, the number of Fifth Level powerhouses with 100 is the limit of the world.

David didn’t care about Black Dragon Alexis anymore. He couldn’t satisfy the request of Black Dragon Alexis, so let Black Dragon Alexis recover slowly.

He stretched out a hand and pressed it on Shadow Servant’s shoulder, and ordered Shadow Servant to list out the sphere of knowledge he obtained today.

A large number of knowledge balls appeared, and all kinds of weird abilities made David dazzled.

David nowadays is no longer the ignorant boy who wanted to integrate when he saw an ability at the time. Many Innate Ability in his attribute panel are now useless at all.

A Level 2 Innate Ability, the gain effect produced is an utterly inadequate measure for the Legendary David.

So David quickly ordered Shadow Servant to leave the knowledge spheres left by Fifth Level insect race and remove the rest.

Perhaps there are many auxiliary knowledge photospheres in those removed knowledge photospheres, but that can only be studied later when there is time. Anyway, non-Fifth Level Innate Ability has limited effects even if it is useful.

There were no accidents left 3 knowledge spheres, David first focused on the knowledge spheres left by the’stone armor bug’.

The’innate talent’ ball of knowledge. To David’s expectation, this ball of knowledge is not a defensive Innate Ability like’rock armor’.

David knows how strong the defense of the’stone armor bug’ is. If it is not for the ability of the’war space’, he wants to kill the’stone armor bug’ with one blow, unless his strength is greatly improved.

Just looking at the name’innate talent’, you can imagine that it is very similar to’underground stealth (innate talent)’. This kind of repeated Innate Ability feels more helpless than obtaining a useless Innate Ability.

But in the end this is Fifth Level Innate Ability, and the’underground stealth’ Innate Ability is only Level 3 Innate Ability.

David thoughts move, Shadow Servant moved the’innate talent’ knowledge light sphere into his Soul Space. The knowledge photosphere was transformed into a piece of information, which was absorbed by Soul Space and became a piece of his memory.

He felt that one of his Innate Ability seemed to have changed, and this feeling was very real.

There is no need for Shadow Servant to call out the attribute panel. David combines the underground stealth Innate Ability with the underground Innate Ability, and the new ability generated is still called the underground stealth Innate Ability.

David didn’t understand why the Fifth Level Innate Ability of the powerful Fifth Level insect race was finally merged with the Level 3 “underground stealth” Innate Ability.

He felt the new’underground stealth’ Innate Ability, and found that the time limit for stealth and stealth only in the underground ten meters disappeared, and the speed at which he can move underground has also increased, but the rest has not changed much.

But this is already very impressive. The’underground stealth’ Innate Ability has been a great help to David in the past, but due to the limitation of ten meters, it is always inconvenient for David to use this ability.

Up to now, David rarely uses the’underground stealth’, he will often choose to borrow the’Silver Winged Dragon’ Innate Ability, which can also put his body underground, although he cannot move freely underground, at least he can go deeper. underground.

David was a little speechless about the’stone armor bug’. The’stone armor bug’ provided him with the’burrowing’ Innate Ability, but he didn’t even know the actual effect of the’burrowing’ Innate Ability.

In fact, the Innate Ability of the’stone armor bug’ is not weak, but the previous owner of the innate talent’Stoneskin Worm’ is a king-class mutant insect race, and its’underground stealth’ is also It is also a variant Innate Ability, even surpassing Fifth Level’s Innate Ability in the application of multiple rules.

David was in the air when he encountered the’stone armor worm’, not at all saw how powerful the’stone armor worm’ was after contact with the earth.

Once the’stone armor worm’ touches the ground, it will enter below the ground. At that time, the appear and disappear unpredictably battle method will make any enemy a headache.

At this time, being in the’intraventral space’ of’Sonic Boom Armor-Plated Insect’, David could not test the new’underground stealth’ Innate Ability, he could only move his gaze to the next sphere of knowledge.

‘Control Purple Fire (innate talent)’ knowledge sphere, the soul of’Purple Fire Beetle’ gives a practical Innate Ability.

David ordered Shadow Servant to move the “Purple Fire (innate talent)” knowledge ball into his Soul Space, and the “Purple Fire (innate talent)” knowledge ball was transformed into a “Purple Fire control pattern”.

At the same time, he also understood the details of the Innate Ability of “Control Purple Fire”. Purple Fire is a Fifth Level flame, which is the flame used by the “Purple Flame Beetle”.

Of course,’Controlling Purple Fire’ is just a basic Innate Ability. Although it has Fifth Level attack power, it lacks the corresponding attack method.

It’s like having gasoline in your hand, but you can’t use the engine to bring out the maximum power of gasoline, you can only ignite and burn gasoline directly.

This is a great waste of Purple Fire, but David has no way, at least he can only use the most primitive method to control the flame before he finds the flame class to attack Innate Ability.

However, after David understood the details of Purple Fire, he was extremely satisfied with this Purple Fire. Fifth Level flame is a special flame beyond all flames in nature, derived from the flame generated by the special Innate Ability.

The most terrifying thing about Purple Fire is that it can melt Fifth Level materials. You must know that even in the Interstellar Federation, it is very troublesome to melt Fifth Level materials. A very professional furnace and a special combustion aid are necessary. Do it.

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