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David has always believed that Interstellar Federation is more powerful than Great Spiritual World in dealing with low-level insect races, but he has truly refreshed his understanding today.

It’s just a kind of’Light God technique’ with minimal effect in his opinion, but it demonstrates formidable power beyond imagination on this battlefield.

You should know that the’Light God technique’ is only a general divine technique, whose function is to discover the existence of evil and cause a certain degree of harm to the evil.

The’Light God technique’ can be used during insect infestation, and its effect is doubled infinitely.

In addition to the increasing number of war priests, the formidable power of’Light God Technique’ is still increasing.

The round Knight battle formation no longer needs to consume precious Bloodline Strength to kill those inexhaustible low-level insect races, but only needs to focus on destroying the Level 4 insect race among them.

This greatly reduced the pressure on the Knights and gave them more leeway to defend.

A smile appeared on Speaker Gould’s face. In fact, he was under the greatest pressure.

From the very beginning, his task is to escort the 5 shrines “Starry Sky Flying Boat” to the space gate, but he can’t directly declare this. Once the knights are dependent on them, it is very probable that they will not be able to exert their maximum combat power.

In addition, Speaker Gould must also consider whether Evil God followers will intervene in the war. If information is leaked, he cannot guarantee that Evil God followers will contact the insect race without ethics.

According to the news from the temple, this space gate incident was done by the evil Death God.

He did not announce this news at all, and it is still confidential.

The awakening of an evil Spiritual God may cause panic during the war with the insect race.

Speaker Gould looked towards David’s 5 Fifth Level Templar Knights again, and was extremely grateful for being able to successfully place the small Temple of War here. The biggest heroes were these 5 Fifth Level Templar Knights.

He also understands why the 5 Fifth Level Templar Knights fearlessly sacrifice. From the attitude of the 5 Fifth Level Templar Knights, it can be seen that this is what Lord Arthur meant.

David was actually fortunate that when the war order was issued, he guessed that the temple would directly participate in the war, and even Spiritual God would intervene.

Sure enough, even a small Temple of War appeared on the battlefield. If his body is here, he can’t guarantee that his body will be discovered by War God, not to mention that there is Black Dragon Alexis beside him. .

David has too many secrets that the Spiritual God cannot know. Once the Spiritual God knows, the consequences will be extremely probable. He will change from a hero of the Great Spiritual World to a blasphemer of the Spiritual God of the Great Spiritual World.

The small Temple of War is also a temple. As long as it is a temple, Spiritual God can directly perceive everything around the temple through the temple.

“All Knight orders are divided into 2 batches to take turns to rest!” Speaker Gould said through Bloodline Strength in the Knight battle.

Without any hesitation, half of the Knights withdrew from the round Knight battle formation and retreated to rest on the platform of the small Temple of War.

Knight is not a machine, and a long battle will be exhausted.

The rays of light flashed on the small Temple of War platform, and the Knight sitting on it is recovering quickly.

David felt that as long as the small Temple of War was there, this batch of Knights could almost continue to fight like this.

The battlefield in space has fallen into a strange balance.

The insect race keeps attacking the Knight battle formation, and Knight has always been on the defensive. Thanks to the dual help of the priest’s divine technique and the small Temple of War, Knight has not suffered any losses.

Of course, the Great Spiritual World is full of elites, while the insect race is using consumption tactics. The insect race is sent to consume the energy of the Great Spiritual World.

David kept a trace of his mind on the soul of Harlow Templar Knight, and his main mind returned to his body.

David, who was in the War Star castle, stretched out his hand to call Shadow Servant.

Although Black Dragon Alexis has not been proposed, David can perceive the urgency of Black Dragon Alexis.

Of course, David knows what the Black Dragon Alexis is urgent for. He has cleaned up all the insect races on the guard star, and the soul energy he got is not too small.

He ordered Shadow Servant to divide the soul energy into 3 parts, one Shadow Servant absorbed by itself, and the other passed to Black Dragon Alexis. As for the remaining part, he didn’t plan to use it.

The remaining part of soul energy will be used to restore the energy Avatar of 5 Fifth Level Templar Knights. Without the help of soul energy, splitting the soul will make Templar Knight fall into a long period of weakness.

David puts a hand on the shoulder of the Shadow Servant, and the soul energy of the one third passes into his within the body through this contact, and then he passes into the within the body of Black Dragon Alexis through the contact of the master and servant contract.

Black Dragon Alexis closed his eyes comfortably. David looked at the Black Dragon Alexis on his shoulders amusedly. After the Black Dragon Alexis was reduced in size, it looked like a Divine Grade Black Dragon. It was simply a cute pet.

Of course, David would not say such words, and the dignity of Divine Grade Black Dragon still needs to be taken care of.

While Black Dragon Alexis was enjoying himself, David also began to look at the gains of this guarding star.

The number of insect races killed this time is too much, and the knowledge photospheres obtained are too many to calculate. Anyway, within the body of Shadow Servant, the knowledge photosphere ocean is even broader.

“Shadow Servant, tune out the 2 Fifth Level insect race knowledge balls separately!” David commanded in his heart.

David is not very interested in the rest of the knowledge photosphere, and at this level, he will only be interested in the powerful special Innate Ability.

Two innate talent balls of knowledge appeared before his eyes, and he focused his mind on the first one.

The’acid poison (innate talent)’ knowledge ball, this innate talent made David stunned, especially when he perceives the detailed explanation of this innate talent, he is even more speechless.

This innate talent is a kind of innate talent of the’Red Wing Ant King’, which can turn one’s saliva into the strongest Fifth Level acid poison, and can corrode any substance that does not exceed Fifth Level with just one bite.

Even if it is Fifth Level armor, some damage will appear if it is sprayed.

But the biggest problem with this Innate Ability is that as a human, David, if he turns his saliva into Fifth Level acidosis, how can he communicate with others.

Perhaps when he spoke, accidentally, his saliva flew out, disfiguring the person in front of him.

To be honest, this’innate talent’ has a very strong effect, but it is a pity that David dare not change himself in this area.

Shook the head, he put away the’innate talent’ and let Shadow Servant put away, and then he focused his mind on another ball of knowledge.

The’armor piercing one strike (innate talent)’ knowledge ball, David let out a long relaxed breath, it is finally a normal Innate Ability.

He perceives the detailed description of this’armor piercing (innate talent)’, which is the Innate Ability of the’Golden Beetle’.

The most important Innate Ability of “Golden Beetle” is the “armor piercing hit”, but it is a pity that in the course of its battle with David, this Innate Ability didn’t even have the opportunity to be applied, so David was hit and seriously injured.

The severely wounded’Golden Beetle’ had no power to fight back, and it fell with an’armor piercing one blow’ Innate Ability with terrifying offensive power.

The’Golden Beetles’ are mutants in their group. Originally, the’Golden Beetles’ family should be focused on defense, using their control of metal energy to increase their powerful defensive ability.

However, Fifth Level insect race’Golden Beetle’ is an aberrant among them. It focuses on armor piercing and uses its control over metal energy to achieve armor piercing attacks on any metal.

David ordered Shadow Servant to transfer the’armor piercing (innate talent)’ knowledge ball into his Soul Space, and the’armor piercing (innate talent)’ knowledge ball turned into an’armor piercing one’ as soon as it entered Soul Space. Click on the pattern’.

As long as he inspires the’armor piercing pattern’, he can issue an’armor piercing strike’ at any time.

David immediately activated the’armor piercing one-click pattern’, and he also had a fifth-level long sword in his hand. When he wanted to use the’armor piercing one-shot’, the fifth-level long sword was lightly long. There is an extra golden pattern on the sword, which is the projection of’armor piercing one-click pattern’.

This golden pattern projection is just a flash, and then it turns into a faint golden light that wraps the body of the light long sword.

David’s spirit swept through the space pendant and took out his black armor.

This black armor is a god-made thing. Although it does not reach the Divine Item level, it is also a rare treasure. Its defense effect is similar to Fifth Level armor, and it has more self-repairing effects than Fifth Level armor.

It is also because of the self-repairing effect of black armor that David can safely use black armor to experiment with his new abilities.

When the sword body wrapped by the faint golden light touches the black armor, the contact point between the black armor and the sword body automatically separates a gap, just to allow the sword body to pass through.

David looked at the light long sword in amazement. After this blow, the golden light had disappeared, but this effect made him somewhat unacceptable.

If this ability spreads in the insect race, Knight’s armor will become a joke.

But he immediately thought that this “golden beetle” is definitely very special, because he has never heard of insect race having similar capabilities no matter in Interstellar Federation or Great Spiritual World.

We must know that the top nobles of Great Spiritual World have successfully hunted and killed Fifth Level insect race countless times. If an insect race with this ability has appeared, they are impossible to find in 10000 years.

After shook the head, David put away the Fifth Level long sword, and the black armor was slowly recovering.

Regardless of the restoration of the black armor, he collected the two Golden Fifth Level Soul Sources from the Shadow Servant within the body into his Soul Space.

Two Fifth Level Soul Sources were assimilated by 2 Soul Clone in Soul Space, and soon became David’s new Soul Clone.

Two more Soul Clones may not be of great help to David, but he has discovered the benefits of Soul Clone to him, and it keeps increasing like this. More and more Soul Clone can make his analysis and judgment ability super Strong.

Because he was in the War Star, David took the space anchor and did not enter the cultivation space for cultivation. It is rare to sleep in bed like an ordinary person for one night.

In the morning of 2nd day, Adams Admiral came here early and waited in the Conference Hall.

Due to the relaxation of his body and mind, David got out of bed until 8 o’clock in the morning.

After being washed by the maid, Earl Brooks reported to David that Adams admiral had arrived.

“Adams admiral, I’m very sorry to keep you waiting!” David walked into the reception room, smiling and saluting to Adams admiral.

Adams admiral stood up and gave a military salute, expressing his greatest respect.

“Lord Arthur, Great Marshal Andre will enter the War Star to meet you during the War Star window. The Federation is already mobilizing the fleet. The first batch of battleships will arrive today and go to the Great Spiritual World!” After the two parties were seated, Adams admiral immediately Enter the subject and say.

David naturally knew the actions of the military, and his other identity also received the corresponding news.

“I will be waiting for Great Marshal Andre in War Star and look forward to this meeting to strengthen our mutual cooperation!” David said with a smile.

“War Star’s insect race started yesterday, and there have been some abnormal actions. Personally, I am very worried about the safety of Great Marshal Andre’s entry into War Star. Please take care of this!” Adams Admiral said softly.

This sentence shouldn’t be said by Adams admiral, but the environment of War Star is very special, and only the powerful Lord Arthur can guarantee the safety of Great Marshal Andre.

With Adams admiral’s understanding of the power of the insect race, he would not think that those Transcendents around Great Marshal Andre can protect Great Marshal Andre.

You must know that the strongest Transcendent is only as strong as the Level 3 insect race in terms of strength, and it is still relatively weak in strength.

“It’s okay. I met Great Marshal Andre. He came to War Star to meet me. Naturally, I guarantee safety!” David nodded agreed.

Speaking, David inspired the energy Avatar from the Heart Sea Space.

“This is my energy Avatar. In War Star, my energy Avatar should be unbeatable!” He introduced confidently.

David is not talking nonsense, his energy Avatar is stronger than ordinary energy Avatar, not to mention that in the environment of War Star, if excessive Fifth Level energy cannot be used, the speed is faster and the power is greater. Avatar can almost suppress most Fifth Level powerhouses.

“Then please your energy Avatar to go with the levitating car that welcomes Great Marshal Andre!” Adams admiral exclaimed and said quickly.

Adams admiral is very relieved of Lord Arthur. Judging from the analysis information sent by the military, Lord Arthur is one of the few lords in the Great Spiritual World who expresses a clear friendly attitude towards Interstellar Federation.

Especially with the great strength of Lord Arthur, he doesn’t need to lie in this regard, what he expressed should be his true attitude.

After David heard that Great Marshal Andre might be in danger, even if Adams admiral didn’t say anything, he would take the initiative to protect him. With the relationship between him and Great Marshal Andre, he would not sit back and watch Great Marshal Andre.

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