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“Master Arthur!” Black Dragon Alexis angry roar, invisible fluctuations sent out, and all the nearby insect races shook together.

In the entire battlefield, only the federal battleship main artillery beam fired 10,000 kilometers away was not affected. Insect races were shaken by this angry roar and their souls were shattered.

Black Dragon Alexis’ roar was mixed with’dragon roar’. Even if his Divine Grade’s ability to suppress itself is at Fifth Level Peak, the’dragon roar’ used by it is extremely terrifying.

This is space, and the sound of’dragon roar’ far exceeds the collection range of individual reconnaissance equipment. In the remote federal command, Francis Admiral and Speaker Gould only saw Lord Arthur was injured, and the insect race stopped moving.

“It’s okay!” David waved to Black Dragon Alexis with a wry smile.

David’s gaze fell on the corpse on the long sword. He was very familiar with this insect race. What left him speechless was that he almost died in the hands of the same insect race last time.

Of course, the insect race level this time is even more powerful than the one encountered last time.

This is an’Assassin Mantis’, David’s summon ring has an’Assassin Mantis Puppet’, but that’Assassin Mantis Puppet’ is only Level 4, and the’Assassin Mantis’ that died on his light long sword It is a Legendary insect race.

After recognizing the Legendary’Assassin Mantis’, David was surprised not at all that he was seriously injured.

When I was in War Star before, Fifth Level insect race had the habit of cultivating’Assassin Mantis’.

“Assassin Mantis” is a variant species of praying mantis. Unlike the normal insect race, “Assassin Mantis” does not increase in size as the level increases.

This weakness may be fatal to other insect races, because there is no huge size, no matter in terms of strength or defense, there will be great defects.

Insect race will grow with the increase in strength and body size. This is an evolutionary choice and the right path.

But in the process of evolution, there will always be some special existences, and’Assassin Mantis’ is this kind of special existence.

The mutated “Assassin Mantis” even reaches the Legendary level, and its size is at most comparable to that of a human. This means that the power and defense of the Legendary level “Assassin Mantis” will be weaker than the ordinary Legendary level insect race.

But “Assassin Mantis” is not good at power and defense. What it is good at is unmatched speed plus 2 blades that come with it.

The most terrifying thing about “Assassin Mantis” is Charge Up. It can condense all the breath and accumulate the two blades. When it is activated, it is almost an unmatched blow.

David’s spirit swept away, and the Legendary Tier’Assassin Mantis’ was taken into the space pendant.

The injuries on his body are also being repaired quickly under the treatment of the’immortal life force’.

The wound looked huge, but the injury was not too serious.

David also rejoiced in his heart that this Legendary Tier’Assassin Mantis’ did not use assassinations at all, but instead used sweeps. Although they were all fatal attacks, the consequences were absolutely different.

If it was a stabbing, even though his heart was fused with the heart of God, it would not survive a heavy blow.

Of course, the blade of the Legendary Tier “Assassin Mantis” determines that the strongest attack it can use is sweeping, cutting off the enemy’s body with one blow, absolutely deadly.

It’s just that the Legendary-level “Assassin Mantis” encountered the special existence of David. David’s skeleton is not an ordinary skeleton, and even Spiritual God’s skeleton is not as firm as his skeleton.

If the blade of the Legendary’Assassin Mantis’ uses a stabbing attack, it may also avoid David’s skeleton and pierce David’s heart, but under the sweep, it will only be blocked by David’s skeleton, rendering this fatal attack ineffective .

On the other side of the space door, insect race Divine Grade sensed that the killer it sent was killed, and a sense of helplessness arose in the heart of insect race Divine Grade.

It is not easy to cultivate this “Assassin Mantis King”. Insect race Divine Grade itself belongs to the “Blade Mantis” clan, and the mutant “Assassin Mantis” that appears in the clan can be known by itself.

But the “Assassin Mantis” that can be seen by the insect race Divine Grade is not easy, and even the “Assassin Mantis” with Fifth Level potential cannot be seen by it.

Because of the strength of Fifth Level insect race, as far as the insect race Divine Grade is concerned, it is just the ability to be handed down. There is really no need to spend a lot of effort to cultivate it.

This’Assassin Mantis King’ is the only strongest innate talent’Assassin Mantis’ in the’Blade Mantis’ clan in 10000 years.

Through the efforts of the insect race Divine Grade training, the strength of the’Assassin Mantis King’ has been upgraded to the Legendary level.

Insect race Divine Grade has great expectations for the “Assassin Mantis King”, so not at all use the “Sovereign level inheritance pattern” to forcefully enhance the strength of the “Assassin Mantis King”, but step by step to make the “Assassin Mantis King” Promote.

The “Assassin Mantis King” raised in this way will not regress in strength because of the absence of the “Sovereign level inheritance pattern”.

The goal of insect race Divine Grade is very big. If you want to train “Assassin Mantis King” to Half-God Level, then “Assassin Mantis King” will have the terrorist attack power to kill Divine Grade.

The reason why’Assassin Mantis’ is valued by many powerful insect races is that it can explode a charged attack from its weak surface. The formidable power of this charged attack can increase the attack of’Assassin Mantis’ by one step. .

Just like David’s “Assassin Mantis Puppet”, if you give the “Assassin Mantis Puppet” a chance, you can issue a fatal blow to the Fifth Level elementary enemy.

Insect race Divine Grade is inevitable for David, so the “Assassin Mantis King” will be sent. With the attack of the “Assassin Mantis King” comparable to Demi-God, plus the concealment method of the “Assassin Mantis King”, Without David’s defense, it is impossible for David to survive.

I just didn’t expect that it failed in the end. The key is that the insect race Divine Grade didn’t figure out where it failed?

Insect race Divine Grade understands that having lost this opportunity, it will no longer be able to threaten David in a short time. The insect tide that is going to guard the star near the space gate is disconnected, and then flows into the Great Spiritual World insect race from the space gate. Stopped near the space gate, waiting for the new order of insect race Divine Grade.

As for the insects that have launched attacks, insect race Divine Grade not at all cares about the loss of insect race.

“Master Arthur, I’m sorry, it was my mistake, I almost made you…” Black Dragon Alexis fell back on David’s shoulders and apologized to David through the master-servant contract.

“Alexis, it’s none of your business. We will pay attention in the future. Insect race Divine Grade is probably staring at me to death!” David’s eyes flashed cold light. He is not the kind of character who can’t fight back.

If the other party is not Divine Grade, David has already wanted to trouble him at the moment.

“Look at how much the soul energy can restore your soul this time. If it doesn’t work, we will go to kill more insect races near the space gate. Must let your soul recover soon!” David said solemnly.

David knows that although his own strength has improved rapidly, it is impossible to fight the insect race Divine Grade in a short time. The only hope is Black Dragon Alexis.

As long as there is enough soul energy, Black Dragon Alexis can restore the soul and regain the real Divine Grade power.

The chance of insect race invading is just a chance to obtain soul energy in a large amount, otherwise David would not be able to slaughter humans to obtain soul energy.

“I will find out that nasty insect and smash it to death!” Black Dragon Alexis clenching one’s teeth and said.

Black Dragon Alexis protected David closely and put David in fatal danger, which was a great insult to him.

After accepting David as the master, the relationship between Black Dragon Alexis and David has become a relationship of both teacher and friend in the long time of living and fighting together.

Even David became the Black Dragon with the help of Black Dragon Alexis. In this world without giant dragons, David is the only family of Black Dragon Alexis.

Regardless of the reason, Black Dragon Alexis cannot tolerate someone hurting David.

“Lord Arthur, you first withdraw to deal with the injury!” Speaker Gould’s voice was transmitted to David’s ears through the vibration from the identity bracelet.

“I will return!” David did not refuse. He was hit hard just now, so naturally he couldn’t continue to insist. Although his injury was almost healed, he couldn’t be too obvious.

The existence of’immortal life force’ is one of the important secrets that David dare not expose at present.

“Lord Arthur, this is your evacuation route map, you withdraw according to this route map!” Francis admiral said a star map at this time.

David opened the star map and saw the lines marked on the star map.

At this time, the energy beam of the main gun at the rear was obviously doubled, and the insect tide was instantly weakened by half.

David knew that this was the last cover of the Federal Fleet. He tapped the’Silver Winged Dragon’. The’Silver Winged Dragon’ activated the Innate Ability of Teleportation, leading him to disappear in place.

After losing the eyes of individual reconnaissance equipment, the Interstellar Federation fleet immediately stopped the ultra-long-range main artillery attack.

Without the assistance of reconnaissance equipment, this kind of ultra-long-range attack is not effective, and it may accidentally injure friendly forces.

The tide of insects suddenly lost its barriers, scattered into a loose formation, and chased David.

Compared with the speed, among the insect races in the insect tide, the speed of the insect race is rarely comparable to that of the’Silver Winged Dragon’. Even if a few insect races can pass through the space or approach faster, they will also be Divine Item’Death God’ Chains’ kill.

Their attacks can’t even affect the speed of the’Silver Winged Dragon’, and the distance between David and the insect tide is getting farther and farther.

Starting from 10,000 kilometers, the insect tide was no longer attacked by the federal fleet’s long-range main artillery, which greatly increased the insect tide’s speed.

9000000 meters, 8000 kilometers, 7000000 meters, until 6000 kilometers, David was evacuating according to the route given by Francis Admiral.

When the insect tide reached nearly 6000 kilometers, one after another main gun energy beam passed by David and shot towards the insect tide behind.

David carefully controlled his speed, keeping his distance from the insect tide at a distance where Black Dragon Alexis could draw the soul of the Death Insect clan.

He had never been so eager to recover from Black Dragon Alexis’s soul injury before. Now he realizes that after he has forged a feud with insect race Divine Grade, he must have enough combat power to fight against it.

“Hey, how do I feel that the strength of Faith is increasing again!” David is relatively relaxed at this time. All attacks are dealt with by 6 Divine Item’Death God chains’, which gives him time to perceive his own situation, which also Let him make new discoveries.

In David’s perception, the strength of Faith is constantly increasing. Although the rate of increase is not very fast, it is extremely stable.

This makes him very strange. You must know that the Knights of the Great Spiritual World and the soldiers of the Interstellar Federation have almost stabilized their strength of Faith. If the strength of Faith increases at such a speed, impossible is the strength of these two worlds. Faith.

Then there is only one probability, which is the strength of faith of insect race.

“The Worm Tide has no more reinforcements!” David understood the reason after a little thought.

If you can keep the insect race from moving and praying, only the insect race on the space gate will not join the insect tide.

Enter the insect race in the insect tide, where can the strength of Faith be improved.

David is not sure whether he is disappointed or happy. What is disappointed is that only the insect race of the current insect wave is the soul energy obtained this time. There is no limit to obtain more.

I am glad that there is no problem with the security of guarding the stars. This time the military cooperation between Great Spiritual World and Interstellar Federation led by him will eventually end in success.

David’s speed slowed down, causing Francis Admiral and Speaker Gould in the Federal Command to be very worried. They thought David was slowed down because of his injuries.

Since David has been on the run, the two dare not disturb him.

The strength of this worm wave is obviously very high. Starting from 6000 kilometers, the speed of the worm wave is obviously much faster than the previous one.

“Attention to all Templar Knights, enter the designated defense area, and be ready to fight at any time!” Speaker Gould looked at the advancing worm tide and ordered through the contact array.

5 12 Fifth Level Templar Knight was highlighted on the command light curtain of the federal command room, representing their green light spots flying out toward the front of the fleet, laying the last line of defense at a distance of 5000 metres from the fleet.

Compared with the confident David, Francis Admiral and Gould Speakers both lack confidence.

The injury of Lord Arthur and the increase in the strength of the worms caused the two commanders to re-evaluate the situation on the battlefield.

David retreated while observing the insect infestation. The number of insect infestations was extremely terrifying. From the beginning to the present, he and the Federal Fleet have killed at least 100000000 million insect races, but the insect infestation is still extremely large, and it has not decreased at all.

If he is not sure in his heart that the insect tide has no follow-up support, he really has to bear the influence of the heart insect tide.

Entering a distance of 1000 kilometers, the early warning ships in the Interstellar Federation fleet can clearly scan the worm tide, no longer need to resort to the detection device, the worm tide and the federal fleet have really entered the most dangerous distance.

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