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‘Holy Spirit Knight’ was also extremely surprised, but what did he feel about the Divine Item’Death God Chain’ not at all? This Divine Item did not appear in Death God’s hands long before he was controlled by Death God.

In addition, the Death God Divine Consciousness in the Divine Item’Death God Chain’ has also been cleared long ago, making it impossible for the’Holy Spirit Knight’ to know that this is the weapon of Death God.

‘Holy Spirit Knight’ doesn’t know, but Death God who is far away in Small World knows it. Death God left a trace of divine sense in’Holy Spirit Knight’within the body and perceives his own weapon.

Even if this weapon does not have the breath of Death God, the entire process from collecting materials to forging is done by Death God, and naturally has a special sensing ability.

“Kill him and retrieve this weapon!” Death God commanded in the soul of the’Holy Spirit Knight’.

The killing intent in the eyes of’Holy Spirit Knight’ suddenly increased. He looked at David, and his eyes moved to the Black Dragon Alexis on David’s shoulder.

Black Dragon Alexis was also attacked by the’holy light flame’. David didn’t use the Divine Item’Death God Chain’ to help him. This is not David stingy, but Black Dragon Alexis is a Spiritual God, this flame even helped him scratch It doesn’t count.

The white flame wrapped the Black Dragon Alexis, and the Black Dragon Alexis shook his body. The white flame seemed to be strangled by some kind of force, getting smaller and smaller, and finally disappeared.

‘Holy Spirit Knight’ expression congeals, he put away the idea of ​​underestimating Black Dragon Alexis.

Lord Arthur’s Divine Item’Death God Chain’ is extremely powerful, making the’Holy Spirit Knight’ feel that it must spare no effort, and he doesn’t want any accidents in the process.

“You go to deal with the pet on Lord Arthur’s shoulder!”‘Holy Spirit Knight’ turned his head to Fifth Level Bishop Aironside instructed.

Fifth Level Bishop Aironside glanced at the Black Dragon Alexis, who looked like a kitten, and was dissatisfied with the command of the’Holy Spirit Knight’. He wanted to watch the battle at this level, which would be of great benefit to him.

But being ordered by the’Holy Spirit Knight’ to deal with a pet, Fifth Level Bishop Aironside felt insulted.

Fifth Level Bishop Aironside’s eyesight was not good, and the “holy light flame” disappeared one after another. He was not the caster, and he didn’t know the secrets, so he thought it was Lord Arthur who put it out.

“Little lizard, come and let me squeeze you to death!” Fifth Level Bishop Aironside was uncomfortable to exasperate’Holy Spirit Knight’. He waved to the Black Dragon Alexis on David’s shoulder and said.

David felt the body of Black Dragon Alexis on his shoulders suddenly exert force, making his shoulders sink.

David couldn’t help but feel sad for the courting death of Fifth Level Bishop Aironside. Even if David signed a master-servant contract with Black Dragon Alexis, he still maintained due respect to Black Dragon Alexis in peacetime.

Black Dragon Alexis is the last Black Dragon of Giant Dragon Race, Divine Grade powerhouse.

Most importantly, Fifth Level Bishop Aironside used the insulting term’lizard’.

Black Dragon Alexis is of course angry. The last time he was angry, he destroyed the satellite that held him.

“I want a whole body!” David only came and ordered a sentence in the master-servant contract, and he felt a light on his shoulder.

After Fifth Level Bishop Aironside said the provocative words, he did not know how to do it, but felt that the hairs all over his body were erected, just like facing the top predators. This feeling he has not felt for the fewest 100 years.

Then a black shadow flew over, and Fifth Level Bishop Aironside instinctively triggered a flame shield to block him.

But the flame shield had no effect at all. The little claws of Black Dragon Alexis touched the flame shield, and the flame shield was destroyed immediately.

Black Dragon Alexis pounced on Fifth Level Bishop Aironside without a trace. A Fifth Level spirit was suppressed close to the Divine Grade Black Dragon at Fifth Level Peak and was still an angry Divine Grade Black Dragon. The consequences are inevitable. of.

Fifth Level Bishop Aironside’s neck was swooped and turned 360 degrees until his death he didn’t figure out what kind of creature he offended.

The eyes of the’Holy Spirit Knight’ narrowed slightly, and the’Holy Spirit Domain’ broke out again. This time countless lightning fell toward David and Black Dragon Alexis.

Black Dragon Alexis ignored the lightning, and his spirit curled slightly, and collected the body of Fifth Level Bishop Aironside into David’s pendant.

The violent lightning, at least has Legendary Peak’s attack power with every strike, struck Black Dragon Alexis. Black Dragon Alexis stretched his waist and flew back to David in the “Holy Spirit Realm” where lightning was flying. Shoulders.

The lightning of Legendary Peak’s attack power also hit David. Most of the lightning was blocked by 6 Divine Item’Death God Chains’. The remaining lightning hit his body, but not at all caused any damage.

As soon as all the lightning fell on David’s body, it was absorbed by his Soul Space Small World’s “Lightning Pattern”.

David’s body trembled slightly. This was the power left by the lightning of Legendary Peak’s attack power. He also truly understood the Spiritual God living ability mentioned by Black Dragon Alexis at this time.

According to the strength of the’Holy Spirit Knight’, if he is proficient in a rule and studies this rule to the extreme, his attack will be another formidable power of Half-God Level.

The most important thing is that there are no lightning energy fluctuations on the body of the “Holy Spirit Knight” from beginning to end, that is, the lightning attack he sends out is entirely generated by using a certain Spiritual God ability.

Perhaps this ability is indeed very comprehensive and can produce a variety of energy attacks, but fundamentally these energy attacks are not in his own grasp even if they involve rules.

When’Holy Spirit Knight’ saw David blocking another attack from him, his expression became colder and more severe.

Although in his heart he was scrupulous about David’s combat power, and even felt threatening to the Black Dragon Alexis on David’s shoulders, but Death God’s command and his obsession with eliminating evil made him impossible to let go.

“Space slash!”‘Holy Spirit Knight’loudly shouted, all around David’s body, numerous Space Cracks appeared.

David silhouette walked through countless space slashes, and occasionally used’Void Rush’ to make all the space slashes unable to hit him.

At the same time, David also inspired his own field,’Sharp Edge Field’ overlaps with’Holy Spirit Field’.

Countless blades appeared and flew towards the’Holy Spirit Knight’.

‘Holy Spirit Knight’ felt the formidable power of the blade and couldn’t help but sighed in relief. Although the formidable power of this blade was stronger than the average Peak Legendary tier, it had not yet reached the point where it threatened him.

Outside the body of’Holy Spirit Knight’, one after another energy shield appeared, including flame shield, ice shield, space shield, spiritual shield, etc. His body was protected by various colors of energy shields .

David’s’Sharp Edge Field’, the blade continuously attacked the’Holy Spirit Knight’, but encountered the strongest defense.

Every energy shield of “Holy Spirit Knight” can withstand at least the attacks of Demi-God Early-Stage. These attacks of David have not yet reached this level, so let alone multiple shields, it is one of them. It takes a long time for the cover to break open.

The battle fell into an extremely embarrassing situation. All the attack methods of the Holy Spirit Domain of the Holy Spirit Knight were unable to cause damage to David, and the domain that David displayed could not cause damage to the Holy Spirit Knight.

“You are very powerful, you are the strongest Legendary I have ever seen, but my strongest is not the domain, but my sword!”‘Holy Spirit Knight’ took out a Fifth Level light long sword from the space ring, Said to David with a light wave.

After killing 6 Fifth Level Templar Knights by’Holy Spirit Knight’, his equipment has long been replaced with Fifth Level Knight armor and Fifth Level light long sword. In his space item, there are 5 Set of spare equipment.

The reason why’Holy Spirit Knight’ has confidence in his sword is that he is also a Demi-God anyway, possessing power and speed far beyond the Legendary rank. He himself is Knight, which allows him to use the sword in close combat. , Can truly achieve the combat power of high-level Demi-God.

It is not that he is ignorant of his shortcomings. The’Holy Spirit Domain’ is very powerful, but the attack power is too weak. The defensive power can reach the low level of Demi-God.

10,000 years ago,’Holy Spirit Knight’ can use the ability to restrain the opponent no matter what kind of opponent he encounters. This is the most powerful aspect of the’Holy Spirit Domain’.

At least among all the opponents that’Holy Spirit Knight’ has encountered before, no has a variety of abilities and can deal with the various Attack Type types in the’Holy Spirit Domain’.

Now,’Holy Spirit Knight’ has met David, which is considered to be the biggest opponent in the’Holy Spirit field’.

David has as many abilities as the “Holy Spirit Domain” of “Holy Spirit Knight”, which makes David able to deal with all attacks of “Holy Spirit Knight”.

Most importantly, because of the diversity of attacks in the Holy Spirit Realm, the Holy Spirit Realm sacrificed its attack power.

Of course, this is what’Holy Spirit Knight’ thinks. In fact, this is the defect of the’Holy Spirit Domain’ itself. As Spiritual God’s ability to live, it does not have much powerful rule attacks. When dealing with weak opponents, The role of the’Holy Spirit Domain’ is invincible, but when dealing with powerful enemies, it is not enough.

“Knight charge!”‘Holy Spirit Knight’ made a standard Knight charge action, his body rushing towards David.

David’s expression is a little weird, he always feels that’Holy Spirit Knight’ is stealing what he wants to say.

His strongest ability is his sword, which is the Fifth Level long sword on his back.

Generally speaking, when two Knights are fighting, one party launches a Knight charge, and the other party either dodges or also uses Knight charge. Standing still is the worst choice.

You must know that Knight’s charge is an attack method that takes advantage of the situation and increases attack power. As Knight charges, Knight’s imposing manner will also increase.

Knight’s charge also gives Knight time to accumulate strength. In the final attack, he can stack the accumulated strength with the charge’s power to give the opponent the strongest blow.

David didn’t move. He stayed in space, with nowhere to borrow.

His eyes were fixed on the’Holy Spirit Knight’, and the imposing manner from the’Holy Spirit Knight’ was so strong that he felt the power of suppression.

However, when David turned his mind to the Fifth Level light long sword behind him, the suppressing power instantly disappeared.

After a long period of cultivation, the spirit and Strength of Black Dragon in the Fifth Level light long sword have long been full, and they are in the best pre-position of’fatal sword’.

When’Holy Spirit Knight’ saw David not moving, he was happy, and he worried that David would hide and seek and fight with him.

“Kill!” When the’Holy Spirit Knight’ was 50 meters away from David, he loudly shouted. In his hand, the Fifth Level light long sword brought the terrifying Bloodline Strength and slashed towards David.

This blow produced a locking effect when it was slashed. If David did not have the ability of Half-God Level, he would not even be able to move, so he could only be slashed by this sword.

David felt his heart palpitations. After all,’Holy Spirit Knight’ is Demi-God, and the attack power generated is the strongest attack he has encountered except Spiritual God.

Without any hesitation, his black Knight armor disappeared, a crack appeared behind the Divine Item’Dark Shadow’, and a pair of white energy feather wings appeared.

David inspired the “Rule of Speed” from Soul Space Small World, and transferred the trace of “Rule Power” to the main world and activated it.

The sword of the’Holy Spirit Knight’ stopped in the air, not at all completely still, but moved at an extremely slow speed, which shows how terrifying the speed of the sword of the’Holy Spirit Knight’ is.

David flew to the side of’Holy Spirit Knight’, and he immediately moved the remaining’Rule Power’ back to Soul Space Small World.

He didn’t dare to use the strongest blow when the’Rule Power’ was running. Not only would it not cause damage to the’Holy Spirit Knight’, it would cause him to suffer a fatal backlash instead.

The whole process of the’Holy Spirit Knight’ from Knight charging to swinging the sword at David was under his control, but when he was swinging the sword halfway, he discovered that David had disappeared.

Then the’Holy Spirit Knight’ felt a terrifying explosion beside him, a pale-gold sword light cut the space and attacked him, and it was too late for him to rescue him.

This is still David taking the initiative to give up the’Rule Power of Speed’, otherwise David will not be able to react to any movement of the’Holy Spirit Knight’.

‘Holy Spirit Knight’ can only rely on multiple energy shields and Fifth Level Knight armor to protect him when facing this attack.

In the past, he would not have any expectations for the defense of the Fifth Level Knight armor. If it were not for the Fifth Level Knight armor to be more in line with his identity, he would not wear this armor.

The pale-gold sword light with the incomparable formidable power, cut through all the energy shields of the “Holy Spirit Knight”, these energy shields face a sword equivalent to Half-God Level or Middle-Stage, all of them are instantly broken open.

Just as the pale-gold sword light was about to fall on the chest of the’Holy Spirit Knight’, where it was the heart of the’Holy Spirit Knight’, a dark golden rays of light appeared, blocking the sword light.

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