Pinghu is the largest lake in Victor. When there is no wind, the surface of the 6000 mu lake is as smooth as a mirror, nothing more beautiful can be imagined. In the windy season, fish fat and crabs are strong, the lake is sparkling, and large fish a few feet long jump out of the water from time to time. Flocks of waterfowl play and prey here. At this time, Pinghu has a different harvest scene.

Victor stood by the lake, overlooking the scenery of Pinghu. Not only is the scenery beautiful, it is also the most fertile land in the territory. More than 20,000 acres of farmland can be cultivated around the lake, and the annual harvest is enough to feed more than 2,000 people, and there is half of the surplus. There are groups of fish and shrimps in the lake, including delicious white pelvic fin fish, mullet fish a few feet long, plump and juicy loach, huge mud crabs, delicious green prawns, and so on. Such abundant aquatic products make Pinghu a natural granary. If Bayer hadn't occupied this area first, Victor would choose to establish a settlement here.

However, the biggest problem in the Pinghu area is that it is insecure. If Victor really establishes a settlement here, then it will be him who is trampled down by Ant-Man. Looking over the ruins of Pinghu Village, Victor felt a little bit emotional. Nelson's action to get rid of the ant colony caused more than 600 people in Pinghu Village to be buried in the belly of the ants. This is definitely a terrible tragedy in modern society, and Nelson doesn't care about it. When passing by the ruins, he still spit on the ground.

Victor was just feeling about himself. At the beginning, he could run directly over Pinghu Village and kill all the rebels. Naturally, the rest of them would have to acknowledge allegiance to him. However, Victor wanted to avoid unnecessary killings, ignoring Edwin and Bruce's advice, trying to solve the problems of Pinghu Village with tactics. Thinking about it now, he was really naive to stupid at the time.

For the victims of Pinghu Village, Victor has no sympathy. On the surface, the villagers of Pinghu Village have been deceived by Bayer, but they are not. Most of these people are the people of the three eastern provinces. They will not know the fate of challenging the lord’s dominant position, but they did not choose to leave the worship. Er, join the hill camp. In the final analysis, it is not because these people look down on Victor, they want to use Bayer as a shield to live an autonomous life. As a result, most of Victor's followers survived, but they died. This is the reality, everyone is responsible for their own destiny, and blind followers die without regret.

"It's a pity, now is the harvest season, but more than 5,000 acres of crops here have been gnawed away. Ant-Man is really a harmful insect!" Dewitt held his sword hilt and pointed to the abandoned farmland, regretting To say.

Victor slightly smiled. On the 11th day of Gillian’s distress, Count Chebman sent a team of elite soldiers to protect the heirs of the family. It was Great Knight Dewitt who led the team. Seeing someone from the family, Gillian asked to salvage her equipment immediately. So Victor took Chebman's Knight to Pinghu. The salvage equipment was naturally completed by the soldiers and Knight, while Victor and the two Great Knights stayed on the shore to watch the scenery.

"Your Excellency Dewitt, what do your Chebmans think of Ant-Man?" Victor asked with a smile.

Dewitt said bitterly: "Ant-Man is recognized as a harmful insect! They have similar habits to wild bees. Whoever provokes them will tear them apart! The difference is that wild bees make nectar, and Ant-man gnaws crops. With this alone, we are impossible to coexist with ant-man, even if they will not actively attack humans, we will destroy them!"

"In general." Victor nodded Agreeing with him, he asked, "I take the liberty to ask, how many crops are still left under Chebman? How many ant-mans are staying?"

Dewitt's mouth twitched and sighed, "The land is left. Less than 40% of the harvested crops are planted. In order to prevent Ant-Man from continuing to eat the crops, we have three castles fighting against Ant-Man. There are currently more than 9,000 Ant-Man remaining."

"Yes Ah, the speed at which the ant colony eats the crops is amazing. If there is no fierce fighting to attract them, the ants will eat all the crops, and the York family will lose all the harvest. It is said that the same is true for the Beria family, and the Duke of Neo also has it. Not a small loss. Of course, there are no grains of wheat in my territory, and I don't have the ability to resist the ant colony." Victor whispered.

Dewitt seems to have heard something else. He probed: "Viscount Victor, it seems that you still have a lot of purple cane forest. Don't Ant-Man like to eat purple cane?"

"They love to eat purple cane, but there are murlocs besides purple cane in my territory." Victor said with a smile.

"What?!" Dewitt whispered, and Victor's information moved him.

Victor said with his jaw head: "In the beginning, the number of ant-men who poured into my territory exceeded 30,000. Some of them entered Chebman's collar and some of them entered Beria's collar. The Eskry collar was also attacked by Ant-Man and stayed in my territory. There are still about 7,000 Ant-Man in China. Later I discovered that they were fighting with the murlocs on the river bank. So far, the number of Ant-Man here has been reduced to 3,000, and the purple cane forest has been preserved."

Dewitt solemnly paid a Knight tribute to Victor, "Your Excellency Viscount, thank you very much for revealing this information to us."

The Count Chebman collar is also close to the Jinshui River, and the length of the river bank in their territory is more than Victor leads, the number of murlocs is also very objective. Because Count Chebman resolutely resisted the ant-man invasion, the ant colony has not collided with the murloc. Now with Victor's intelligence, the Chebman family can also use the murlocs to share the pressure of the ant colony. In this way, their war losses will be greatly reduced.

Dewitt was overjoyed, but Victor reminded: "If you think Ant-Man is simple and brainless, there will be heavy casualties!"

"Victor, I always have a question." Gillian asked in an interface: "Are you ambushing the silver rank Ant-Man, and happened to save me?"

Victor laughed. Few people knew that he had the ability to monitor territory, and he wouldn't Gillian explained this, nodded and said: "Yes, I am ambushing Silver Ant-Man. Recently, the York family launched a battle to attract ant colonies. They found that the colony was mixed with particularly powerful Ant-Man, and these The silver rank ants will take the initiative to attack Great Knight. Mrs. Sylvia believes that eliminating these escaped ants can really weaken the strength of the ant colony, thereby slowing down the offensive of the next wave of ant tides. This information has been notified by the York family to the emissary of the king. , I believe you will receive the announcement soon. Mrs. Sylvia also warned that the silver rank ants are indistinguishable from the ant colony and are very dangerous. She does not think that Great Knight can survive the ant-man’s siege. "

Dewitt and Gillian's faces turned ugly. Only a monster that can threaten the Silver Knight can be called a monster of the silver rank. The Great Knight is not afraid to fight with the silver rank monster, but is absolutely unwilling. Was attacked by silver rank monster sneak, especially when fighting.

"No wonder Viscount Beria would die in Ant-Man's hands." Dewitt said dullly. Viscount Beria was the first Great Knight to die in an ant plague. His death shocked Gambis Kingdom, which directly caused the lord of all regions to dare not send Knights to eliminate the ant colonies, and instead adopted castle defense tactics.

Jillian frowned and asked: "Is there no way to distinguish? Under what circumstances will Silver Ant-Man run away?"

"I don't know." Victor shook his head and said, "Maybe If they lose cover, they will run away. For example, the number of ant colonies is reduced to a certain level. They are like assassins and soldiers in the colony. When the colony is threatened, they will take action. In short, you have to Be careful."

Jillian and Dewitt looked at each other and sighed: "It seems that the elite cavalry can only attract the ant colony to the river bank."

"Sacrifice is Inevitably, the warrior must have such awareness." Dewitt nodded and said.

"Master Gillian, your equipment has been salvaged." A soldier from Chebman's family came to report.

Jillian was overjoyed. Regardless of worrying about the fate of the elite cavalry of the family, she walked towards the lake in high leather boots. Her figure was originally very tall and she wore a half-high heeled body. Behind the leather boots, not only looked more upright, the walking posture also brought a touch of enchantment. Many soldiers of the Chebman family were secretly peeking at their Eldest Young Lady.

After the raft docked, Gillian couldn't wait to receive her armor and long sword from the family Knight. After careful inspection, she confirmed that there was no damage, and she immediately smiled.

"This Great Knight's equipment is made of fine gold, mithril, and iron essence. Not only is it extremely strong, it is also corrosion-resistant, and it will not rust even if it is soaked in water for half a year. "Dewitt explained to Victor on the side.

"Very good." Victor laughed of indifferent expression. He is waiting for Dewitt's following.

Dewitt pondered for a moment, and said: "Although fine gold is called gold, it has nothing to do with gold. They are extremely strong and light in weight. As long as a small amount of fine gold is mixed, the performance of weapons and armor can be greatly improved. Quality. Adamantite gold is also very scarce. If it weren’t for the vast number of Adamantite mines found in Borui Kingdom, its value would not be much lower than Mithril. Nevertheless, Borui people still restrict the sale of refined gold. And our Chebman family happens to have one place. Fine gold mine.

Victor, you are willing to sell us mythril, we are very grateful. But in addition to mythril, we also need the iron essence mine and copper mine of Centaur Hills. I don’t know if these are available. Within the scope of the transaction."

Iron essence, strong, heavy, and corrosion-resistant, is an important material for building weapons and equipment. The equipment of elite soldiers must be mixed with iron essence, and Knight’s equipment is also based on iron essence. Therefore, iron essence has a wide range of uses and is an indispensable metal. Centaur Hills, lack of iron ore, lack of salt ore, lack of flax, but rich in iron essence ore and copper ore. The Chebman's request to trade iron essence and copper mines is reasonable, but they obviously still regard Victor as Sylvia's spokesperson, and Victor does not intend to continue to explain this misunderstanding.

"Trade between free people should be free trade. I don't know, don't collect taxes, don't block, don't hurt, I hope the Chebman family can hold the same attitude." Victor said softly.

Dewitt frowned in thought, but Gillian put down his armor and long sword, stared at Victor with scorching eyes, and said excitedly: "Including purple cane wine, jaggery, snow sugar, coffee?"

"With the exception of purple cane wine, I'm impossible to violate the notarization before the gods." Victor said with a smile.

Jillian leaned over and kissed Victor’s lips fiercely in Victor’s stunned eyes. After a bit of entanglement, she said with a crimson face: "This is a reward for saving me. , I will save you again in the future."

Looking at Miss Chebman who is amazingly obsessed, Victor said with a smile: "I don't want this day."

Glancing at the dumbfounded Dewitt, Gillian said to Victor: "I'm leaving."


Chebman’s entire house group, drifting away. Nelson walked to Victor and asked, "My lord, did they agree?"

It's really jerky! Victor touched his numb lips and said, "They still have to discuss with Count Chebman, but the Chebman family will definitely agree. Mithril is too important for high-level Knights, not all Great Knights have Mithril equipment. "

"Then why don't we exchange with York's family? If they know, I'm afraid they will be very unhappy." Nelson asked worriedly.

Victor sighed: "Just don’t let the York family know about it!"

Mythril is too scarce. There are many knights in the York family. If they know that there is a mythril mine here, they must account for it. For yourself. And Sylvia impossible distorted the will of the vassal family and favored Victor. In the end, the fast territory where the Mithril Mine is located will be swept away, and Victor will get some compensation at most.

Victor's subordinates do not have Knight, and they do not care about the ownership of the Mithril Mine, but they cannot tolerate the York family taking away his eastern territory. Otherwise, his territory will be completely isolated, which will cut off Victor's connection with the outside world.

Victor’s territory is Great Swamp to the west, Jinshui River to the south, Eskry and Black Castle Town to the north, Beria to the northeast, and Chebman to the east. North, west, and south are all dead ends, and the Beria family in the northeast has cooperated with the queen in conspiring Victor, and they are considered hostile to each other. Therefore, Victor wanted the Freedmen Business Group to go out. He had no choice but to go east, passing through Chebman territory, into the sphere of influence of the southern lord of the kingdom, and then eastward, passing through the Rand Empire and El Kingdom, and finally arrived in the United Kingdom of Borui.

Similarly, Victor seeks a small piece of territory at the northern end of Centaur Hills. In addition to monitoring the ant colony and occupying the mountain range resources, he also has the purpose of starting there and going all the way north to open up the kingdom of Dodo, Sasan. Empire, the trade route of Tatun dukedom.

This is Victor's strategic vision of going north to east. The transaction with Chebman's family is Victor's 1st Step. For this reason, he needs to establish a good relationship with his neighbors in the east, even if they have stolen his own mithril and purple cane.

"Nelson, let's go! Clean up the ant-man in the territory."

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