The cavalry of the Cambes Vanguard marched to the east gate of Duncan Fort, immediately arousing a scream of exclamation. The Paladin and the Knights of Barcelius of the church saw Ogre's head on the lance erected by the Gambis cavalry. They counted it carefully and confirmed that the Gambis vanguard had captured 41 ogre heads in total. After a simple specimen treatment, they shrank and wrinkled on the surface, which made them look more hideous and nauseous, and they also gave off an unpleasant smell. The defenders of Fort Duncan looked intently, full of envy and respect.

ogre has always been the most frightening monster, their appearance and disappear unpredictably, footprints all over the world, and even appear in the hinterland of the human kingdom. Even a wandering ogre will leave some country lords helpless and must ask the church or the lord for assistance. Killing an ogre is enough to demonstrate Knight's bravery and wisdom, and sing for the bard everywhere. Every Knight and his vassal soldiers regarded the title of ogre slayer as an honor.

The vanguard cavalry stopped at the door of Duncan Fort, straightened up one by one, enjoying the attention of everyone.

Victor jumped off the fast bird’s back, walked straight to the two Legendary pastors, and saluted separately: "Your Patriarch, Good Morning. Your Lord Kent, Good Morning."

"May the Lord of Radiance of Supreme take shelter in you, your honorable Royal Highness Randal." Freders and Pastor Kent painted the holy emblem on their chests, and chanted solemnly.

Victor stepped forward to hug Kent and said affectionately: "Priest, I am very happy to fight alongside you on the eastern frontier of the Sasan Empire."

"haha, this is The will of the Supreme Lord is also my honor."

Legendary battle priest Patted Victor’s dragon lizard shoulder armor, teased passionately: "You guy, you killed a golden-ranked jackal a few years ago. It has to be covered in dirt, and even the leather armor of the double-headed dragon lizard is rotten. Now, I can easily take off the head of the Ogre Warlord, and the armor is still intact. You're quite something."

Kent The pastor comes from the cold and harsh northern tundra. He has the courage and spirit of mutual help from the northerners. He is highly powerful but does not like to put on airs. During his garrison in Raven Town, he mined with the townspeople and personally led the 2000 Paladins to cultivate the fields for Victor for free. Build roads, dig reservoirs, and cover the city wall. The rapid changes in Raven Town have contributed to Pastor Kent, who naturally won Victor's favor.

I met an old friend in the distant Sasan Empire. He was still a Legendary battle priest. The high-level of the Templar Army. Victor also felt cordial and smiled: "If my leather armor is defeated by the Ogre Warlord Broken, I have become a pile of rotten meat now."

"Fortunately, the Supreme Lord has blessed you...praise my lord."

Kent Pastor nodded , Said with a smile instead: "Didn’t you say that you intend to sell Swiftbirds? You also asked me, do you want the Templar? You offer 5 million goldsore, how can the Templar afford it? Here, I have found a good customer for you. For the sake of my face, I must give you a cheaper price."

"...come." He took Victor's arm and walked to it. In front of Duke Barcelius, he said: "Let me introduce to you. This is the descendant son of Empress Barcelius and sword saint Drawin, Duke Usain. Barcelius... After all, you seem to be cousins. His Royal Highness is very much to the Swiftbird Hussars. Interested."

"Ussein Barcelius greets you, your noble Royal Highness Randal, your noble is like the sun in the sky." Duke Barcelius stepped forward and solemnly performed an ancient Knight ceremony. , And used the royal family of the Iron Mountain Empire to Sun Elf.

He has a handsome face, a gentle temperament, short golden hair, a full forehead, a high nose, and his deep eyes are like the blue sea with a layer of amber halo, making him look noble and extraordinary.

Golden Knight’s charisma is apparent, with a perfect combination of personality, temperament and appearance, leaving people with the strongest first impression to highlight their spiritual will. Victor saw Usain. Barcelius was gentle and humble, calm and calm, and behind this was the broad mind of the world, which made people feel good at first sight, and was completely different from the rumored Emperor Tieshan.

Victor returned the courtesy gracefully, smiling and saying: "Sylvia once said to me that the Sovereign style of the Duke of Barcelius is heartbreaking, and it is the Number One Person of Golden Knight. I fully agree with Sylvia's views."

Ussein laughed and said proudly: "Back then, I competed with Queen Rose at Whitewater Fortress. I tried my best to take her forty-three shots and lost to the forty-fourth shot. I have been using this Regarded as a lifetime glory."

"If you compete with Victor's cousin, I’m afraid you won’t even be able to hold ten swords."

A Dame in dark gold armor and Lora walked hand in hand. She has the same blond hair and blue eyes as Usein. She has a goose-egg face with a little baby fat. The eyes are large and clear. The tall nose looks fleshy, and the lips appear fuller. The facial features look alone. It does not seem to be perfect, but it gives people a sense of sight that is lovable and invincible

However, her voice is soft and moisturized like spring water, as if it can flow into the bottom of people's hearts, but Victor can feel To a touch of flattery.

Except for Lora and Marguerite, almost all the high-end Dame that Victor has seen are more or less charming. That is the natural expression of the high-end Dame's favor and affection for him, and the ordinary person can't feel it at all. . Especially Sylvia's coquettishness towards him, even if Golden Knight is standing next to him, he can't feel it. And this Dame's coquettish, soft and elegant, without a trace, and her lovely and extremely beauty formed a unique charm, Victor even had the urge to take a bite on her white and full face.

……Like little fatty, Bertina?

Victor's thoughts turned, and he got rid of Dame's natural spiritual charm, and couldn't help but think of Sylvia's evaluation of this highness.

Oroxia, the Duchess of the Sasan Empire, the Crown Princess of the Iron Mountain Empire, the Guardian of the Barcelius family, she is not the strongest Golden Knight, because she has already stepped into the Legendary with one foot Domain ...... She is gentle and lovely, even I like it when I watch it, but unfortunately she didn’t challenge me, no one else knows that Auroxia is the most powerhouse of the Barcelius family...... Also, you see Auroc Sia, don't give her any illusions, otherwise I will be very angry, very angry.

"If it is a sword technique competition, the Duke of Barcelius can win Victor. If it is a duel, his Royal Highness can't even catch Victor with a single sword." Lora sighed, shaking her head, "This guy is now very connected. As a teacher, I feel frustrated."

Victor was happy that Lora could perceive Aurasia’s charm to him. The Crown Princess of Augustus was compared to the Crown of the Iron Mountain Empire. Princess is not much worse.

Ussein didn’t think he was disgusted, and shook his head to say with a smile: "Her Highness the Princess passed the prize. I don’t have the confidence to compete with Victor’s cousin."

Roxia pursed her mouth and smiled, two lovely dimples appeared on the face of the goose egg. She gave a knight to Victor and said softly, "I am Oroccia from the Barcelius family. I can witness the elegance of the golden eye count. Barcelius's honour. I also thank His Royal Highness Randal for helping Andrea and taking the risk to kill the violent Ogre Warlord."

"This is what I should do, Barcelius cousin." Victor paid it back. Yili, nodded and said.

The Crown Princess of the Iron Mountain Empire tilted her head, sweetly smiled, and said, "Please call me Auroksia, cousin Victor."

"Victor, look at Ao Isn’t Roxia’s elder sister's armor very beautiful?” Lora held Oroxia’s arm, eagerly trying to get Victor’s approval.

The armor casting craft of the Barcelius family is the most contemporary. Aurochia wears a dark gold battle armor, which is different from the traditional mythril armor. It is composed of separate parts. The shoulder armor , Breastplate, arm armor, waist armor, skirt armor, leg armor, combat boots, each component is magnificent, mithril is completely integrated into fine gold, showing a noble and restrained dark golden color, especially its fish-scale skirt and hood, Using a unique metal drawing and weaving process, showing the characteristics of the fabric, the thick and firm armor and the elegant softness of the skirt perfectly blend, practical and beautiful in one body. Compared with it, the mithril armor on Lora's body was scumbag.

Auroksia herself is cute, and she wore this unique women's mithril armor. No wonder Lora blazed her eyes and rushed out of the team. In the blink of an eye, I was holding hands with Crown Princess of the Iron Mountain Empire.

Why is it called the Iron Mountain Empire?

It is said that the armor casting process of the Barcelius family is handed down from the Chosen One era. The ancestor of Barcelius was once the top Forging Master of a certain big city.

Oroxia's armor is amazing, but Victor thought of other aspects.

The Barcelius family has a deep heritage. They have the golden bloodline of the Spiritual God Knight. Usain and Aurochia are close to the Legendary Domain. The other four Golden Knights have Barcelius as the monarch. The Kingdom of Bess is bigger, with close to 1.9 million people on the books, almost twice that of Gambis.

The Iron Mountain Empire has never died, the Barcelius family is very rich!

So, Victor decided to take a big hit on Cousin Usain and Cousin Oroxia. He smiled and complimented: "The name of Barcelius' armor is not in vain. It is wonderful. However, although the armor is beautiful, it is no match for the beauty of the two princes."

"humph." Lora glared dissatisfiedly. Victor glanced at it, and this was not the answer she wanted. She originally hoped that the face of Golden Eye Count could help her ask Oroxia for the same armor.

Crown Princess rolled her eyes, put her hand in her pocket, and quietly pulled the cap of the blue yam potion, and quickly plugged it, and then took Oroksia’s arm, raised her eyebrows, and slender her hand Covering her mouth, she reached her ear and whispered: "I have something to give you."

Oroxia's eyes were shining, she twitched her nose, and bit her. Lower lip, eating said with a smile: "...Go, let's go in first, and look at your gift."

The two golden Dame walked into the Duncan Fortress, holding hands. Both Usein and Siegfried stared at Lora's back. The difference is that the Duke of Barcelius looked thoughtfully at Lora's pockets, while the Emperor Frederick eldest son simply chased Lora's silhouette and laughter.

Lora didn't even look at you, you don't even know how to be angry... Victor turned his eyes to the emperor eldest son in ceremonial armor, and felt amused in his heart. In the Glorious Knight group, the young Knights who admire Lora, including the unmarried Great Knight, have each one, or even 300. Now, Lora’s admirers have another Sasan Empire’s eldest son.

Feeling the gaze of Golden Eye Count, Zieg stepped forward and said respectfully: "His Royal Highness Randal, Morning An. I am Siegfried Frederick, and I represent Emperor Frederick. Your Majesty wishes to extend sincere greetings to His Highness and thank You Your Highness for what you have done for Sasan Empire."

Sasan Emperor eldest son is noble, wears ceremonial armor and competes with Golden Knight for us and Lora. His attention, thoughts and mind are remarkable, but it is a pity that Frederick is a poor ghost... Victor gave a gift, smiled nodded, and turned his attention to the Duke of "Fat Sheep" and asked: "Wu Cousin Sein, are you interested in purchasing Swiftbirds?"

Ussein nodded and said, "Yes. Cousin Victor, what do you have?" Just mention it, you’re welcome."

Then I’m really welcome... Victor pondered for a moment, lifts the head, looked at Usain’s deep blue eyes, and said sincerely: "I will provide 150 pairs The best bird of Swiftbird, the price is 2.4 million Kingsore."


Ussein has not responded yet, Pastor Kent will not I did it, yelling from the side: "You told me about 1.8 million Kinsoul, right?"

"Yes." Victor pointed at the flustered and exasperated Kent nodded, and Turning to the "Fat Sheep" Duke said: "If the cousin accepts this price, I guarantee that Dodo, Suse and Three Great Kingdoms will purchase 50 pairs of Swiftbirds at a cost of no less than 1.2 million kinsole... Sasan Empire 2.4 million kinsoul The purchase price of Swiftbird, I look at the discount given to Pastor Kent."

Sasan Empire is three times the size of an ordinary kingdom. According to the distribution rights rules established by Golden Eye count, If a kingdom purchases Swiftbird at a price of 1.2 million gold sols, then Sasan Empire’s purchase price should be 3.6 million gold sols. The Barcelius family bought 150 pairs of Swiftbirds, even if they were resold at the original price to the high lords in the middle and east of the empire, it actually only cost 800,000 jinshor, saving a full 400,000 compared to other kingdoms. As for the purchase price of 400,000 Kinsoul in the Kingdom of Dodo, it was because when they bought the Swiftbird, the Swiftbird Hussar had not undergone actual combat tests, and Rex picked up a big bargain.

Ussey said decisively: "Okay, just 2.4 million Kingsore, 150 pairs of Swiftbirds. However, for such a large sum of money, I need time to raise money, and it is best to pay in installments."


Victor nodded agreed and said: "I will write to Sylvia immediately and ask her to select 150 pairs of Swiftbirds and order them to be sent to the Duke of Barcelius. The payment can be paid in batches within three years, but I don’t want purple. Gold coin, as long as Gold Sol or Silver Sol."

The two Highnesses have already reached the Swiftbird deal, and Pastor Kent doesn’t care how much Barcelius needs to pay. Anyway, the Sasan Empire, the Kingdom of Dodo, and the Kingdom of Gambis develop the fast bird light cavalry, and other kingdoms will follow up. Every country has the fast bird, and the church will be able to levy eleven taxes on the fast bird. Kent was just curious about why Victor refused to pay with the purple gold coin. He was anxious and immediately asked: "Victor, what do you want so much gold coin Silver Coin for? 2.4 million gold coin Silver Coin Silver Coin It takes hundreds of cars to transport it by car... You have to prepare a castle to store this kind of money."

Good question!

Patriarch Flides really wanted to compliment Kent with a big mouth. He stared at Victor intently, not allowing him to avoid it. Duke Barcelius and King Siegfried Eldest son also looked at Victor, waiting for an answer, but they couldn't take our posture.

Why only need gold coin Silver Coin? This question hits the point. Victor will not tell them:

I want to take away the lord’s gold coin and Silver Coin so that you will be short of money, and then you can squeeze your wool.

Politics, war, and economy are inseparable, and even fighting the orcs is fighting the economy. With the current level of civilization, economic volume, and political organization of the human country, it is more fault-tolerant and stronger than the savage orcs. As long as the military leaders do not make major mistakes in their decisions, this all-out war of the orcs, Human Kingdom is set to win.

After the war is over, there is political reorganization and economic reconstruction. There is too much room for profit here that is worthy of Victor's efforts to make arrangements in advance.

Victor wants to sell Fastbird for several reasons.

First of all, Centaur Hills is almost impossible to monopolize the fast bird light cavalry, a powerful unit, because the fast bird is essentially different from the Moonbear of Tatun dukedom. It is an ordinary land raptor and will not eat ferocious creatures. The flesh and blood become violent. In other words, Rapidbird has no specific label. Each Great Influence stole the bird's eggs, hatched the Swiftbird, and then threw it into the wild for hunters to capture, saying that it was a wild Swiftbird and belonged to their own property. Some of this battle of words was fought, but it was still unwinnable. Lord’s rules of the game are, don’t steal what you can buy, steal what you can’t buy. In order to allow families to come to Centaur Hills to steal Swiftbird eggs, Victor might as well sell Swiftbirds.

Secondly, the Imerson wizard is cultivating the third generation Swiftbird. Victor sells the second generation Swiftbird and can get more funds to develop the third generation Swiftbird cavalry. This is equivalent to that Victor spends other people’s money to upgrade his Swiftbird Hussars. Other families have second-generation Swiftbird Hussars, and they also take up a lot of resources and energy. Invisibly, they develop the third generation of Swiftbird Hussars. The wish is small. In the Earth world, certain technological powers have taken this trick to the extreme, and it has been tried and tested.

Thirdly, the sale of Fast Bird is part of the Golden Group's financial strategy.

Currency is the general equivalent of wealth, but once Kinsoul is out of the support of commodities, it is just a metal of little use. Therefore, the kingdom collects taxes and the church collects taxes, which mainly collect material taxes, and the lord cannot afford to pay the materials, so he needs to use double gold coins as compensation. But for a specific individual, holding a heavy gold coin, I feel at ease. After the war, the lords rebuilt their homes and paid for hiring young and strong laborers. Before the establishment of Legion, the resettlement of the migrant tenants needed money, and more money was needed to provide pensions and rewards to soldiers.

Actually, there is not much currency in the king’s vault. Take Sasan Empire’s Imperial Family as an example. The Frederick Lie Family maintains a team of 80,000 elite cavalry to build a solid line of defense in the east. Countless currencies are paid every year. Victor knows exactly how much gold coin, Silver Coin and Copper Coin are needed to raise an army. Kings are all poor ghosts and cannot be wrong.

Sasan Imperial Family guarding the east of the empire and defending against orc invaders must have no money; the Paladin family also has no money. If they have money, why bother to encourage the lord of Sasan Empire to start the Green Wheat War? In order to open up the food market in the Three Kingdoms of the South, should the green wheat be sold at high prices? But Barcelius is very rich. Their army is the smallest and far from the east of the empire. Three thousand years of accumulation cannot be underestimated. The emperor Sasan cheekily asked Barcelius to borrow money, give the soldiers pensions, rewards, and pay for the hiring Legion. That would be troublesome.

So, Victor has to dig out the money bags of Lord Barcelius and Sasan. Of course, it also includes the high lords of other kingdoms. After several rounds of distribution rights of raw sugar, iron bricks, fast birds, and rock bricks are smashed, the lords will find that there is no currency in the vault.

There is a shortage of money, so the coin is right.

There is no need for Victor to step forward. The royal families will soon unite and put pressure on the church to re-conclude the Sol Covenant and obtain the right to free coinage.

However, this requires a process.

Isn't it because gold and silver can be used as currency? Gold coin impossible fell from the sky, and the lord mines gold and silver mines and then mints currency, and it will not be able to meet the domestic currency gap for a while. During this period, the currency in Centaur Hills can really call the wind and summon the rain in the market. The benefits need not be elaborated. In short, Victor holds the currency that everyone urgently needs, and has the initiative that cannot be challenged, and establishes the most authoritative financial credit. For example, the purple gold coin he issued can be redeemed in sufficient amounts and in a timely manner to circulate the entire human kingdom.

Everyone recognizes the purple gold coin issued by Centaur Hills. Who can shake the financial credit system created by Golden Eye count?

It doesn’t matter if the lord casts enough Silver Coin to get rid of the currency shortage. Victor will link the gold coin of the Gambis Empire with jaggery. If you want to buy or sell jaggery, you must first exchange the gold coin for the Gambis.

Raw sugar is a good thing, it can quickly replenish the physical strength of people and livestock. For example, a herbivorous warhorse has great strength, but its energy intake efficiency is too low. To run a section of the road, one needs to stop and eat grass for a long time, otherwise it will be exhausted. Victor's raw sugar was originally for people to eat, but the lords discovered that the daily rush march of the cavalry increased from 150 kilometers to 290 kilometers with the feed accompanied by raw sugar and fed to the horses. This kind of maneuvering advantage is amazing. Victor didn't expect raw sugar to become a strategic material. The fast bird light cavalry of the various kingdoms also need raw sugar to maintain sufficient combat energy. The more fast birds they raise, the greater the demand for raw sugar.

The gold coin of the Gambis Empire is bound to jaggery, and the hard one cannot be harder.

Victor is best at breaking the status quo, re-establishing the rules of the game, and realizing overtaking in corners. He has been planning the financial strategy for a long time. The lords were not interested in the Swiftbird. Victor was very struggling to sell the Swiftbird. This sudden war changed everyone’s view of the Swiftbird. Victor did not take the opportunity to sweep Lord Sasan’s pocketbook. , I'm so sorry to myself.

This is probably the way to make war fortune.

Victor showed an inexplicable smile on his face and sighed: "Good question...I give up the right to monopolize the Swiftbird Hussars. Besides gold coin and Silver Coin, what else can I change? The purple gold coin of Sasan Empire is not easy to exchange in Gambis."

"Let’s go in and talk about the military affairs of the Eastern Frontier Line."

Freds Patriarch nodded, decisively terminates On this topic, it is of course the best to be able to buy Swiftbird with gold coin. As for the deeper conspiracy of Golden Eye Count, he cannot see it for the time being, but this transaction is ultimately within the rules of the game of the lord. The Radiance Knight regiment did no harm.

The patriarch suddenly turned his head and said to the emperor eldest son: "Zig, you take the soldiers of the Cambes vanguard to familiarize yourself with Fort Duncan. You don't need to participate in our meeting."

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