According to legend, Level 7 priests have unique holy names. Their holy names correspond to the Level 7 divine technique in the Holy Power pool, and they belong to the power of the Sacred Domain level. Level 7 priest is called Holy Spirit priest; Level 7 Paladin is called God Paladin; Level 7 Paladin is glorious warrior, also called glorious War God.

Lord of Radiance takes salvation as the core doctrine. Compared with the Lord's disciplined Paladin and the Lord's strengthened Paladin, he prefers the Lord's redeemed priest. As long as the bloodline sons of the first Pope Enoch ascend to the position of the Pope, they immediately master the Level 7 divine technique and are automatically promoted to the Holy Spirit priest.

Victor has seen the priest Holy Spirit who can wrestle with Evil God, but he has never heard of the glorious War God in the history of the church.

According to Father Miller, the perfect combination of the soul and body of the priest and Holy Power can break through the limitations of the Holy Power pool, directly borrowing power from the Lord of Radiance, and stepping into the level of the Level 7 priest . As long as they are in the human kingdom shrouded in faith, Holy Power will be endless. Divine technique have the words at hand, and there is no time and efficiency limitation. The only barrier is the limit of their own tolerance of Holy Power. If priests above Level 7 leave the domain of faith in the human kingdom and enter the deserted Barbarian Desolate Land, they can still mobilize the power of the Holy Power pool with extremely high authority.

In other words, Level 7 is the beginning of the priest Transcendent Saint, and there are higher levels behind it.

Of course, this is difficult, very, very difficult.

Holy Power is an external force, after all, the priest must find common ground to combine Holy Power with its own soul, and must not lose self-awareness, otherwise it will incarnate pure holy light. The so-called common ground refers to the way of salvation of Lord of Radiance, which is obviously unfair to Paladin and Paladin.

High-ranking Knights can see the greatness of the elemental sea. They will never abandon the way of Knight, and they will not be able to talk about pious beliefs. Naturally, the god Paladin will not appear.

Paladin also has a primary level healing technique and a holy healing technique, and Paladin is punishment besides strengthening.

Look at Tornance. He is an extraordinary natural talent. He was born in a pastor's family in the Al-Erdom country. He has been influenced by doctrine since he was a child. Can't let go, can only be a Paladin. With Tornance's pious beliefs, pure heart, and powerful innate talent, he failed to go further, which shows how difficult it is for Paladin to advance to Level 7.

However, no matter how difficult it is for Paladin to achieve a glorious War God, the first pope has already set up their promotion path for them. Radiance Church has a history of more than 9000 years, with outstanding figures emerging in endlessly. If Paladin stepped on the footsteps of his predecessors and stepped into the realm of the saints, Victor thought it shouldn't be strange.

The barefooted man who looks like a mature man is obviously a stronger Paladin than Tornance. Both his eyes and skin showed the characteristics of Holy Power, even if he is not the glorious War God now, I am afraid it is not far away.

Victor shouted "Glory War God" to him out of curiosity and surprise. He is eager for the church's achievements in the spiritual field. If it is not for the fear of strategic imbalance, he is willing to cooperate with the church to study the secret bloodline of the soul and get the life source power.

However, the Paladin ignored Golden Eye count’s approach. He crossed Victor and walked to Caligula’s body and said, "Child, you’re fine. You are willing to serve Supreme’s Lord of Radiance, worship me as a teacher, follow me to learn the way of Paladin?"

Pig his name in front of the master?

Victor's face suddenly sank, expressing His Highness's resentment.

For those with a small status, this is undoubtedly a good opportunity to gain extraordinary power and go to the upper class. But the lord’s defender did not have the autonomy to choose the camp. Even if he is willing to serve the Lord of Radiance and choose to fall into the embrace of the church, he must first obtain the consent of the master. This high-ranking Paladin actually invited Caligula in the name of the Supreme Lord, which made the problem complicated and sensitive. If Caligula is dexterous, he can throw the question to the owner in a tactful way, but he just feels dazed, and most likely has to directly answer whether he is willing or unwilling.

If he answered that he was willing to betray the master, he answered that he was unwilling to face the Supreme Lord’s disrespect in front of the priest, and the consequences would be even more serious.

Caligula looked ignorant and stared at Paladin, as if he could see a flower on his face.

Testil rushed to speak before Aka said: "Master Ron, please come with me, I have a task to explain to you."

Paladin nodded, Follow Testiel to the death gate of the Boulder Fortress.

When they got far enough, the chief referee Trigoval turned his head and explained to Victor: "Master Ron was formerly the chief Paladin of the court. He left the court 60 years ago and joined the Bright Heart Monastery, where he was responsible for teaching. Paladin. Tornance has studied with Ron Master for a long time. His strength is deep and unmeasurable, and is the Level 6 Paladin closest to the glorious War God."

Victor felt relieved that the church's open level 6 Shengwu has only 28 people, and each of them holds important positions and status. Victor has read their information and can recognize them as long as they meet. Only the Inquisition has been shrouded in black fog, and the Inquisition has never publicized the name of the high-level Paladin. Because the people in the court often have to do things that conflict with the doctrine, such as executing believers who shelter the relatives of the wizard, or even torturing and hurting the innocent.

Only the most pious and fanatical Paladin can bear the collapse of faith brought about by the conflict of doctrine. They don't care about fame and power, they are true fanatics.

The lord hates the fanatics in the church. Fortunately, the Knight aristocrat has mastered the power of the church, and the fanatics gradually disappeared from the eyes of the lord. Victor didn't expect that he ran into a fanatic, who was still a legendary monster.

Trigoval said that Ron's strength is deep and unmeasurable, and the foundation of Radiance Church is inferior. Heaven knows how many monsters like Ron are hidden in the large and small monastery?

Victor doesn't care about Ron's personal strength, any melee powerhouse facing him alone is at a natural disadvantage. The extraordinary shooter itself is a kind of existence that breaks the balance, so Testil can secure the position of the first Paladin family, and the kingdoms are also eager for the bloodline of Gale Knight.

The pure and extreme thinking of the fanatic is the most dangerous.

Beheading the goblin lord, Ron may not be able to play an important role. With him, the wizard that Trigoval secretly raises may not dare to go.

Victor was silent for a moment and asked the chief referee: "Master Ron is walking with us?"

Pope Clement said, "Ron is 131 years old this year. The patriarch lit the red smoke beacon, and he saw it. Two days ago, he rushed to the Boulder Fortress and asked to participate in the operation of beheading the goblin lord. We cannot refuse a pious old Paladin to perform the duty of sweeping the darkness."

Victor's heart moved, and he was surprised and said: "Master Ron intends to use the manticore as the final breakthrough? However, the manticore is not our hunting target."

Clement looked into Victor's eyes. , Said gently: "Victor, Ron Master’s attempts at this time are very important to the Paladin of the church. Moreover, he is an ordinary person, not a born fierce warrior... I hope you can understand."

Victor has nothing to say. People in high positions can often realize that the more common things are, the more valuable they are. The personal strength of ordinary soldiers will increase a little bit, and the overall strength of the family and even the kingdom will increase by a large margin. Tofoven wizard's development of strong potions is invaluable because it emphasizes the usefulness and low cost of ordinary person. Victor meticulously designed the Level 1 source blood secret method for ordinary soldiers for the same purpose, and the Paladin of the church is of course no exception.

Tornance said: "Ron teacher will not interfere with our actions. If we need his help, he will help. If everything goes well... the teacher will stay and find a way to deal with the manticore. "

Victor nodded: "If there is enough time, I am willing to help Lord Ron."

"The overall situation is the most important." Pope Clement looked around and said: "Strand The scout squad led by Paladin, Ki Testil and Konlar Trigoval, is currently hiding somewhere in the mountain range of the boulder, waiting for our support. They released the last red-eyed raven and have lost contact with the boulder fortress. We can’t. Make sure they are in their current situation, are they still in their original positions? The longer the time delays, the more complicated the situation will be. Let’s set off as soon as possible and find a way to find them."

"I'm ready, anytime You can go." Victor said with a smile.

"Then go."

Clement led the horned wolf mount and walked towards the gate of the barracks first. As a beginner Knight, he still needs to use the alienated war beast to travel.

The heavy door of death slowly rises, golden Paladin Howard, Clark, Lester Trigoval; Legendary priest Clement, Level 6 Paladin Ron, Tornance, Di Matt, Legendary shooter and Legendary Swordsman Victor, fierce warrior Caligula, Nelson, and 2 Level 4 combat priests, 4 ruling warriors and 8 alchemy warriors entered the northern wilderness and moved towards the east.

There is the lair of the goblin lord, the homeland of mankind.


The east development leads the front line, the lounge on the fourth floor of the Church of Log City.

Golden Paladin Croucher hands behind ones back, standing in front of the window, looking to the east, where his sight can’t reach is the Peking Camp of the Sidon Centaur.

"Go ahead, what do you want to do?" Croucher asked in a flat tone without turning his head.

Ge Reese. Croucher. Frederick, wearing a palace dress and a queen's crown, sat alone on the sofa. She clasped her hands and held her back straight, showing the back of the imperial emperor. Elegant manners.

"Father, I am your daughter and the queen of Sasan Empire. The Knights and soldiers of the Empire are about to fight the centaur invaders. As the Mistress of the Empire, of course I have to be on the front lines to boost my morale." Ge Reese said frankly.

Krochill turned around, his amber eyes looked at Ge Reese’s complex long skirt, returned to the main position, and said coldly: "Then you should wear a war uniform, not This palace dress that is too cumbersome to attend banquets."

Ge Reese curled up his mouth, outlined a soft smile, and said, "My son, your grandson, Siegfried. Frederick and his 3,000 cavalry guards were fully armed. The soldiers in Log City saw the Crown Prince who was preparing to go on the expedition. Only you saw a mother."

"Father, I thought you Will be proud of me and for Zig."

I was satirized by the young girl, Croucher's face revealed a trace of a wry smile, and calmly said: "These years, you have done a good job. It’s just the great war will approach. You and Zieg should sit in the imperial capital, stabilize the people’s minds, and schedule logistics..."

"There is the Fridden Patriarch."

Ge Reese Interrupting Father’s words, and then said: "You said the great war will approach, I said victory is approaching. The 150,000 centaur of the Peking University camp is half gone, and the goblin slave no longer delivers food to the Peking University operations. The remaining half The horses and horses lacked food, had no intention of fighting, and were ready to leave, but we gathered 180,000 elite cavalry, Gripen Knights, Moonbear Knights, Iron Wall Knights, and Swift Dragon Knights. Victory is at your fingertips, but you want yours. Grandson, the future emperor of the Sasan Empire is leaving?"

Krochill said calmly: "There are 15 His Royal Highnesses, more than 70 Silver Knights, and hundreds of senior Knights. What do you get from victory? A laughingstock, or danger? Ge Reese, my daughter, take Zieg back. He will become the king of the Sasan Empire. After Frederick’s fall, it will take more than 60 years. This time is enough for Zieg to polish. Battle Qi, firm conviction, and promotion to the extraordinary Knight...I’m sure, it’s not the time for him to resonate with the elemental position."

"What about me?"

Ge Reese looked directly at father. Eyes, asked: "Can I see my only beloved son enjoying the glorious moment? What can I do for my beloved son?" At this moment, Golden Paladin was speechless. .

Father’s silence aroused Ge Reese’s long-held anger. She stood up full, and pointed her brows with her white and slender fingers, and said: “The Testiel family of Ranked 1st holds the power of the church, and is the last one in the ranking. The Paladin family controls the secular power of the Sasan Empire. For this reason, I lost the favor of the Supreme Lord and married Emperor Frederick and became the queen of the Sasan Empire. One day Zieg will ascend to the throne and marry the daughter of the Bernardikt family as the queen. The Croucher family, who is now at the bottom of the ranking, can rise to third place. Father, in your eyes, am I really just a victim who doesn’t need to think about it?"

Croquier sighed , Said: "At the beginning, you were willing to marry Frederick, and your relationship was also very good."

"At the beginning I was only 17 years old!" Ge Reese put down his hands, his face looked like a smile Elegant mask, "I married Frederick at the age of 17 and gave birth to Zieg at 19, but Frederick is only 4 years younger than you. My husband is Golden Knight, and I haven’t seen him in 2 years. I miss him all the time, but will he miss me?"

"Zig is the son of Frederick and I. Since my husband is now flawlessly taking care of the war in Log City, I will replace him. Complete the responsibility of a father."

"My beloved father, I have lost the favor of the Supreme Lord and cut off the road to Knight, but don't forget that I am the daughter of the Croucher family. You and I all know that the Lie Family of Fredericks continues to this day, and bloodline alone is not enough to promote my son to Golden Knight. But there is a way to... The secret of the Mark of Light... The faith of the believers, or the reputation of Sovereign ......The awe and love of the people......"

Krocher stood up abruptly, revealing a mountain-like imposing manner, solemnly asked: "Who told you?!"


Ge Reese raised his head and proudly said: "How powerful is the majesty of Golden Knight, but it cannot shake the will of a queen. This is enough to explain the answer to the question."

Er was startled, restrained in an imposing manner, and asked in distress, "Dear Ge Reese, tell me that only the head of the Paladin family is qualified to know the secret, who told you about it?"

"...I have my channels, and you don't know how many resources Blood Wolf Fort has." Queen Sasan smiled triumphantly, as if she had returned to Girls’ Generation, faintly sighed, and said: "Father, I have passed At the age of your coquetry, Zieg has long stopped coquettish to his parents. , But he is my hope, and his achievements will make up for my regrets in life. "

"Father, in your in mind, in order to rank in the family, will your daughter and grandson give up hope? "

Krochier carefreely smiled, nodded and said: "You are right. I don't want Zieg to have an accident, I would rather he successfully take over Frederick's crown. I have sacrificed a daughter and can no longer let your brother sacrifice his daughter. "

Ge Reese was so angry that he gritted his silver teeth and screamed: "I beg you to send someone to protect Zieg and arrange a suitable position for him. If you disagree, then I can only pray for the highest The Lord protects the eldest son of the Sasan Empire... I hope my brother does not have to sacrifice his daughter like you. "

Krochill helplessly said: "Ge Reese, you have to understand that Pastor Kent is the commander of this battle, and four of the Royal Highnesses who fought in Log City belonged to the Barcelius family. I cannot grasp the risks involved. "

"With your status, you can definitely arrange for Zieg! Ge Reese said flatly, sighed, and said: "Frederick and I can't sit back and watch Duke Barcelius cross the battlefield, but Blood Wolf Castle has no sense of existence. The main cavalry forces of the lord of the eastern empire are distributed in Bright City and Crystal City, but in addition to the army of the Barcelius family, Log City also has 43,000 elite cavalry of the lord of the central empire. They can't just see the Gripen flag in their eyes, and the Blood Wolf Sovereign flag will also be flying here. "

"father, the daughter of the Paladin family wears a queen crown, isn't that my mission?" "

Crochel wanted to persuade his almost paranoid daughter again. He suddenly turned his head and shouted at the door: "Marcel, what's the matter?" "

A Paladin wearing mythril armor pushed open the door and saluted Queen Croucher and Sasan respectively, saying, "My lord, the centaur in Beiying has begun to withdraw, and Pastor Kent wants You immediately go to the military hall for an emergency meeting. "

"Let's go. "

Krochiel nodded, got up and walked towards the door, stopped and turned his head before going out, and said to Ge Reese: "I must be the main force of the assault. Zieg can't follow me, I will replace He arranged a suitable position. He and his two uncles acted with the Silver Paladin of the Tester family. "

Queen Sasan smiled like a flower, extracted the skirt, bowed her knees, and said softly: "May the orc invaders blood flow into a river under the sword of father." "

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