Only Victor and herself are left in the living room. Gillian looked at the lover who came by, with tears in her eyes and choked up: "Lora...Lora, she... Did she really fall?"

Victor didn't speak, and he stepped forward to hug Gillian who was sobbing, and his heart felt sad.

Jillian and Lora have only been together for a little over a year, but they are close friends of similar temperaments. Chebman Eldest Young Lady is glamorous and sexy, greedy for money, petty, arrogant and overbearing, but she is actually very simple, so pure as to face the storm sword saint and does not hide her grief for Lora. Although Lora fell to save His Royal Highness Randal, at least for the reason on the surface.

Whether Lora was killed by Sylvia, or for saving him and fell, Victor feels deeply guilty. If someone in the Great Knight of Gambis publicly blames him for this, or even dashes against His Royal Highness Randal, Victor's heart may feel better. However, after the fall of Lora, even if the Great Knights who used to support her were sad and regretful, they looked indifferent in front of Victor, and said nothing about Lora, as if there was no Lora Augustus, the long Her Highness the Princess.

Only Gillian cried for Lora in front of Victor. She only regarded Victor as her closest and most trusted lover, not the high-ranking Sacred Domain powerhouse.

How can Victor not like Gillian like this?

Extraordinary Knight can control his emotions by running Battle Qi, but he must also control his emotions in front of his closest partner, disguising himself, Knight’s companionship principle will be meaningless.

Victor held up Gillian's beautifully curved chin, kissed her plump and cool red lips, lightly picked her up, and walked to the master bedroom on the third floor of the manor.

They both need each other's comfort.


The Kingdom Guardian will live in the Rose Manor for a long time In the next month, Gambis Knight sent a guard to reorganize the flower field and transplanted some trees and wildflowers from the outside of the manor. The soldier's gardener's craftsmanship can't be complimented. The transplanted flowers and trees are better than horse dung.

Jillian and Victor are walking in the garden with two unicorns, one is golden, called golden fleece; the other is silver and white, called silver fleece, both from Lora name.

Jillian teased the head of Golden Fleece, and the ears of silver fleece, two ferocious alienated war beasts were docile like kittens in her hands, lying on the ground, turning out their belly, Want her to tickle.

I can't beat this nasty woman anyway, so I might as well enjoy her touch.

Jillian Eldest Young Lady touched the best-looking alienated war beast for a while, stood up and took Victor’s arm, and said: "My dear, Lora Augustus, your two loves The pet is entrusted to me to take care of her. She is now passed away. Should I continue to follow the lord’s entrustment and keep the golden fleece and silver fleece by my side to take care of it?"

Back to Gillian's face, even Victor's mood improved.

Lora can be regarded as his soulmate, and it is by no means a lover relationship that the outside world says. If Nahtigar murdered Lora, Victor will definitely avenge her. However, Sylvia is currently the most suspicious. Among his wife and confidant, Victor can only and must be on Sylvia's side. This is the reason why he feels frustrated.

However, after all, he didn't see the whole process with his own eyes, Lora just disappeared. She may have changed her identity and started a new life. Although this probability is very small, with the power of Augustus Princess, it is easy to fake death and deceive everyone.

In any case, Lora Augustus Crown Princess has disappeared. The Augustus family transported her Mithril armor and "Water Fairy Sigh", and also accepted the fact that Augustus had fallen. Victor decided to put the matter down completely.

"The golden fleece is a mount given to Sophia by Neowest; the silver fleece is a gift from King Friedrich to me. They are occupied by Lora, which does not mean that they belong to the property of the Augustus royal family. "Victor said with a smile.

Jillian’s amber eyes immediately lit up, and happily said: "Then give it to me...I will take care of them for you."

"You?" Victor Slanting Gillian, sneered: "Take care of you, I'm afraid you will feed them skinny... These two war beasts have to eat at least 80 pounds of fresh beef a day. Are you sure you want to take care of them?"

"How is it possible?"

Jillian angrily said: "Do you doubt my character? I will never snatch the meat provided by the Randal Family from the war beast's mouth! You! I’m too underestimated. If you think it’s too troublesome to deliver beef, you can turn it into a gold coin and give it to me. I am responsible for purchasing fresh high-level beef."

Victor was surprised and pointed to Gillian. , Pointed to his nose again, and finally put down his arm weakly.

Well, this is Gillian, not surprising at all.

Seeing Victor shaking his head and smiling bitterly, Gillian reluctantly said: "At most, I will not adopt you to replace the cost of adoption."

This is what Gillian did. Victor's biggest concession, Victor couldn't help but see her frowning.

Chebman Eldest Young Lady never acted like a baby, her complexion is like honey, Innate Charming Bone. Only Victor can experience Gillian's unique enchantment.

"I plan to give the Golden Fleece and Silver Fleece to Edward and Anna, so don't make their minds." Victor held Gillian's jade-like slender hands and said with affectionate eyes.

"Give it to the king and queen?"

Jillian thought for a while, felt that she might have trouble robbing the king and queen of the alienated war beast. She generously nodded and agreed, but added: "Then you have to compensate me...three courtship gifts. If you are embarrassed to give gifts, they can be folded into gold coins, and the minimum cannot be less than 4000 gold sols. I. It's easy to talk."

"4000 Kinsoul?" Victor showed a funny expression.

"3990 Kinsoul...can't be less!" Gillian hurriedly changed her words.

Victor couldn't help laughing, nodded and said: "It is indeed a little bit less...The gift of more than 5000 Kinsoul is worthy of my Gillian."

Li'an suddenly smiled, and quickly said: "You said, there are three gifts worth more than 5,000 goldsore. There are three in total. Don't regret it!"

What's the gold coin, I will soon be able to cast it by myself! , As much as you want... Victor was smug, lifted Gillian’s chin, and said with a smile: "How can I go back? The performance of baby Gillian is satisfactory to me, and I promise to give you more surprises. "

Jillian’s face was slightly red, she patted Victor’s hand away, squinted her eyes, and said fiercely: "hmph, who is afraid of you!"

"You give it away Gifts to Miss Chebman, I can’t control. As for that unicorn...honey, should you ask my opinion first?"

A soft voice came from a distance, the garden At the corner of, a beautifully dressed woman is walking towards Victor. Her facial features are beautiful and exquisite, her skin is brighter than snow, her gorgeous purple hair curled into a lady's updo, her amethyst-like eyes are clear and energetic, and her skirt is graceful and graceful. The beauty of static and dynamic, the beauty of purity and coquettish, the beauty of youth and maturity blended into her unique charm.

This is the trait of a lady with purple eyes. She is Marquess Sophia Wimbledon, known as the number one beauty of Cambis.

" matter how many gifts you give Gillian, mine can't be less." Sophia walked ten meters in front of Victor, stopped, tilted her head, and wrinkled slightly. Nose, said playfully.

Jillian was taken aback when she saw Sophia's flattery, Victor patted her hand and whispered a few words in her ear. Gillian nodded, took a look at Sophia, and walked out proudly with the golden fleece and silver fleece. When she passed the other side, she deliberately stiffened her proud chest.

Victor shook the head amusedly, turned his eyes to his legal wife, and asked: "When did you come back?"

"I haven't entered the gate of Nightingale Manor, Your Highness You already know it, don’t you?" Sophia curl one's lip murmured: "You treat her better than my wife."

Victor touched his nose and stretched out his arm to Sophia , Said: "Let's go, let's go back to the house and talk."

Sophia smiled, took Victor's arm very well, and walked side by side toward the manor's mansion.

Entering the master bedroom on the third floor, Victor saw Natalia with golden hair and pale blue eyes. I haven't seen her for more than two years. She is still so mature and beautiful and alluring, wearing a red tunic dress with red calfskin high heels. Seeing Victor, she got up from the sofa, walked forward two steps, and stopped a little awkwardly. After hesitating for a while, she lifted her skirt and whispered softly: "His Royal Highness Randal, good day."

Natalia may be the woman who loves Wimbledon Baron the most. The feelings transferred to Victor. The once beautiful boy with weak personality became the Sacred Domain powerhouse today. Those dark golden eyes made Natalia feel ashamed and mixed with all feelings. For a while, she didn't know how to face her old husband.

Victor’s dark golden eyes returned to pure black, embraced Natalia’s soft and slender waist, and carried her into his arms, and said with a smile in a affectionate tone: "Dear , You are still that charming."

Familiar movements, familiar eyes, Natalia rubbed Victor's face and murmured: "Victor, you've grown up."

"Yes, I have grown up and can protect Sophia and you." Victor nodded, letting go of Natalia, and said to Sophia sideways: "You haven't given Natalia the golden potion?"

Sophia shook the head and said: "Sylvia's repeated instructions for such an important thing as the golden potion, how dare I give it to Natalia privately? Besides, I don't have the golden potion in my hand."

"I guess Natalia has learned about the golden potion from you." Victor said with a smile.

Natalia smiled shyly, Sophia stepped forward and took her arm, and said confidently: "Of course, we are good sisters, and even the husband is the same person. How could I keep hiding from her? "

"It sounds like I'm an outsider..." Victor murmured, waved his hand and said, "I will bring a set of golden potions here and give Natalia to take it. During this time, you will Serve your husband well in Nightingale Manor."

Natalia pursed her beautiful red lips, staring at her and asked: "I am taking the golden potion. What if someone sees it?"

"It’s okay, you don’t usually use Battle Qi, and Golden Knight can’t see how many elements you resonate. Even if someone knows it..." Victor paused, separately said: "Don’t bother about anyone. Just push it to me."

Natalia was overjoyed, kissed Victor’s lips hard, and said with a smile: "My dear, you are so good. I'll prepare Your favorite snow tea. These snow teas were only shipped from the Yarete Plateau recently."

She left the room and closed the door. In the luxurious bedroom, only Victor and Sophia. Neither of them spoke, and the inexplicable atmosphere gradually rippled.

Victor tugged at the neckline of his shirt and broke the silence first, saying with a smile: "I went to Nightingale Manor for three days before you appeared."

Sophia gave him a white look and moved Unwinding the hair bun gracefully, letting the gorgeous purple hair fall, and said: "Give you three days to get along with Gillian, and you blame me for being too late. I returned to Nightingale Manor from Bronze Halberd City, even clothes. If I didn’t change, I went to find you."

She turned her back to Victor and said while playfully pouting: "Don’t froze, help me unbutton the buttons on the back."

Victor stepped forward, hugged Sophia’s slender waist from behind, with his mouth close to her ear, and said with a smile, "Madam, are you jealous?"

Sophia was touched, once 'S little husband also likes to hug her from behind. The same movement, the same tone, the silhouette of Stormrage sword saint and Baron Wimbledon overlapped in Sophia's heart. She turned around and stared at her husband's dark eyes, muttered: "Yes, I'm jealous... but I don't regret it. , Dear Victor, you understand."

Wimbledon marquess is beautiful, but her character is not likable, stubborn, unruly, and a little clumsy and cute.

Victor described Sophia as dumb and cute. This is his true feelings, derived from Wimbledon Baron.

Little Baron would not think that Wimbledon marquess is an idiot, Sophia is his true love, none of them. In his in mind, his wife is beautiful and gentle, warm and sincere, smart and wise, strong and confident, and can't pick out any shortcomings. However, the concept of love between Extraordinary Knights starts from oneself, loving what one loves, not being enslaved, nor enslaving each other. Little Baron is not a high-level Knight, he is obsessed with Sophia and loses himself. Sophia also loves Victor, but she will give up when it is time to give up. Abandoning it also prevents her from continuing to love Victor.

Nowadays Victor completely accepts transcender's view of love, and Baron's affection for Sophia has always affected him, making him feel that Sophia is full of charm, dumb and cute.

After he set foot in Sacred Domain, he finally realized clearly that if he abandons the feelings of Baron’s will, very bad things will happen. It has nothing to do with political interests and is connected with fate. It comes from the world. The abandonment of Source.

Do you love me or not, I love you all, if you don’t respond, it’s just a feeling of love, and will never do anything extra for you, even if one day we fall in love and kill each other, No regrets or regrets.

There is nothing wrong with this kind of love.

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