After returning to Centaur Hills, Victor and Sylvia talked about many things, but just like she didn't mention Lora, Victor didn't talk about the scene in the giant tree forest.

What happened in the giant tree forest involves many of Victor's secrets. No matter how he chooses what he can tell, he is as smart as Sylvia. In fact, after boarding the Sacred Domain, Victor already didn't intend to reveal some of the secrets to Sylvia, but he had concealed it to the present, and he didn't know how to face the question of his lover, so he was so distorted.

However, during Victor’s expedition, the secret Knight and the secret warrior of Rose Manor guarded him. Even if they hadn’t witnessed the entire process of the Giant Tree Forest Battle, they could still detect the abnormal performance of His Royal Highness Randal. Sylvia must have learned part of the content from them, but she never asked Victor for details.

Victor considered it again and again, but decided not to evade and talk to Sylvia about what happened in the giant tree forest.

Recounted the details of the furbolg Elder and the shadow Knight. Victor sat on the grass and said solemnly: "The ancient memory of the furbolg Elder revealed two important information that can be initially confirmed. First, Antiquity Giant Beast launched an eternal battle and swallowed the divine laws of their opponents. Some of the victors got rid of the pan-consciousness of the Creator, retained their will and became Ancient Gods... the church called them Evil Gods or demons."

"Evil God and the devil really exist, whether it is the blood sacrifice war between Chosen One or the purification wizard Will in the Black Castle Town church... At the last moment, the will was replaced by Evil God. Also, Donar, the heavenly spirit worshipped by the Barbarian Race in the north, should also be an Ancient God. His existence almost runs through the history of the Barbarian Race."

"Second Human beings are the existing native species, evolved from the first batch of native species created by Tyrone Riel. The essence is the same as the Antiquity Giant Beast, but it is exceptionally weak. You see, Knight is born with the power of elements, and the wizard is born with the power of laws. This is very similar to the extraordinary power of Antiquity Giant Beast. In a sense, the ancestor of mankind was the creation giant ape Tyrone Riel. It did not deliberately pay attention to the original species, and evolved into today’s human beings. And the original species that he pays attention to, Adhering to his creation will, it evolved into the Antiquity Giant Beast."

Sylvia leaned on Victor’s shoulder and sighed quietly: "So, Spiritual God Knight is..."

" ...You can be called Tyrone Riel's daughter." Victor said with a smile.

"I am Sylvia, the Guardian of the York family, and the wife of His Royal Highness Randal... Spiritual God Knight is World's Child." Sylvia gave Victor a white look and groaned.

Victor was startled, and changed his words: "Yes, you are my Sylvia... According to the furbolg Elder, the native species accepts the will of the Antiquity Giant Beast and can become various forms of life. .But Antiquity Giant Beast has either embarked on the path of pan-consciousness, or achieved Ancient God, separated from the real world. Human impossible then becomes furbolg, elves, or Barbarian Race... However, some people have come into contact with the remnants of Antiquity Giant Beast Will still change..."

Tracey moved in his heart and asked: "Barbarian?"

"Yes." Victor nodded, said: "Barbarian, dwarf, half body People, as well as the Assyrians of the Trigoval family, these alien Human Races are all humans who have come into contact with the fragments of the Antiquity Giant Beast will. They are very similar to humans, but they are no longer the native species."

" What is the fragment of Antiquity Giant Beast's will?" Sylvia asked softly with a deep gaze. She thought of Victor's ancient Rare Item crystal, which contained a drop of bright red liquid.

Victor explained: "I don’t know everything, but I can answer you this question... The nightmare king and the gluttony lord mentioned by the furbolg Elder are two ancient giant wolves. The gluttony lord is The ancestor of the Jackal, and the Nightmare King has no descendants of wisdom species. It is the ancestor of all wolves... The blood-boiling potion invented by the Borui can imitate the bloodthirsty innate talent of the wolf, but Tofoven wizard believes that the blood-boiling potion There are drawbacks. People who take the bloodline method for a long time will experience irreversible changes and pass it on to their offspring. If their offspring continue to take the blood-boiling medicine, the bloodline changes will be further intensified and they are very adapted to the blood-boiling. In other words, they take the blood-boiling medicine. The effect of the potion is more pronounced, almost comparable to the bloodthirsty innate talent of the jackal."

"The main material of the potion of blood is the spinal cord of the jackal and the wolf animal... This is the king of nightmares and gluttony. Fragment of the sovereign's will?" Tracey said in surprise, and then frowned his pretty eyebrows again, and asked in confusion, "bloodline becomes prone to blood-boiling effects. This seems to be a good thing?"

"Good things are often With the conspiracy... my dear, please continue." Sylvia said calmly.

"I am also worried that this is a sinister conspiracy." Victor nodded, after a moment of indulgence, said: "I read Tofoven's notes carefully, which recorded all his knowledge, including the devil's rants he heard... …Most of these babbles are related to knowledge, and some are broken and disorderly words. After my sorting out, I pieced together two keywords from the broken babble of the devil: shelter and abyss."

"I infer from this that Ancient God is divided into two different camps, the shelter...and the abyss."

Victor's expression was solemn, and the roaring monsoon in this brief moment ceased.

Sylvia looked thoughtful and nodded, saying: "The difference in time scales caused broken babblings. It takes years to ten years for a word or a sentence to be complete. No wonder Tofoven wizard can’t interpret the “protection”. The existence of the'and the abyss'... It seems that the situation of Ancient God is very bad."

The communication between the devil and the wizard showed that they could not solve the difficulties, which is enough to show that their state is not good. .

Victor laughed and nodded: "Ancient God has paid a price for it against the will of the Creator. I am afraid that it will be threatened by Tyrone Riel for its continued existence. If they are separated from the real world and the sea of ​​elements, they should How to maintain oneself? The Eternal War and the blood sacrifice war of Chosen One seem to point out the answer."

"Antiquity Giant Beast devours the divine laws of the same kind and seeks immortality Ancient God; the devil enjoys the blood sacrifice of the wizard , Orcs, Elves, Barbarian Race, and finally even humans are reduced to sacrifices... After all, the soul and bloodline of life originate from the Creator, and the Devil or Ancient God maintains itself by absorbing the Creator’s divine law and bloodline law "Sylvia sighed slightly, turned to look towards Victor, and asked: "Apart from this, they have another way to gain the approval of the creator Tyrone Riel?"

Tracey confused Asked: "If Ancient Gods abandon the Creator's pan-consciousness path, how can they gain the Creator's approval? According to Victor's spiritual bloodline mystical theory, the Creator himself has been pan-conscious..."

Victor sighed and said softly: "The children of the creator, the common belief of the native species."

Tracey's heart was filled with horror, and the jade-green flashes in the depths of his eyes, cold. Ran asked: "You mean, the blood sacrifice war is a conspiracy planned by an Ancient God, who is transformed into Lord of Radiance?!"

"Not necessarily...Even if it is, he is now human. Guardian God, and there is no sense of autonomy." Sylvia frowned and shook her head: "Ancient God should not choose to be the Lord of Radiance."

"This is a mystery, I am afraid that even the first Pope Enoch may not fully understand it. The whole story." Victor said in the interface: "In short, the devil is by our side. They are always there. Maybe the shelter and the abyss are plotting conspiracies around the native species."

The three people were silent for a while. Yes, Sylvia was the first to ask: "Do you suspect that Knight in the giant tree forest is Nahtigal?"

Victor nodded shook his head again, and groaned: "I still don't understand Nahtigal... …He can Performing the brilliant divine technique, obviously impossible is the shadow Knight. However, this Orc War brought the Six Great Families of the Radiance Knight regiment to another level. Testil was promoted to Legendary, and there were two Gale Paladin breakthrough silver steps. Testil is now not just in name only, but also in reality, the first Paladin family. And Nahtigal did nothing... He claimed that as long as Kite Castle gave up the blood feud of King Ryan and agreed to Rand Empire to join the Nantuo camp, he would let Neowest disband Rand Empire... even if Nahtigal was right The Neowest family has a strong influence. Once Neowest gives up the title of emperor, Nahtigal’s secular power will be hit hardest, and he will be reduced from a follower of an emperor to a follower of an independent lord... …The function of fame is similar to belief, it is to concentrate the pan-consciousness of the Creator to obtain the blessing of the power of destiny. Nahtigal doing so will only shame the family and lose the preference of the power of destiny. The six Paladin families relying on the development of Sasan Empire will only get stronger and stronger, and the gap between Nahtigal and them will further widen. This is not something serious..."

Sylvia nodded replied: "The Knights have grown in secular power and influence, and they can easily help the Neowest family. And Neowest has given up the title of Emperor Rand and will have more freedom. Three Great Kingdoms no longer contradict the Eagle Family. Without potential enemies, does Neowest need to rely on Nahtigal's support? Nahtigal allowed Neowest to give up the throne, which is equivalent to Nahtigal giving up control of Neowest. "

"I can't understand Nahtigal's decision to sever his arm. "Sylvia shook her head and smiled, turning the conversation, and then said: "However, they have a pope... the pope represents the church, and the reputation of the church is equal to the pope's reputation. As the Pope’s Iron Guard, Nahtigal can always share the favor of destiny from the Pope. "

"I just want to ask you one thing, Jacob Ludwig attacked Raymond in the Twilight Forest. Peter, you planned it? "Sylvia asked.

Victor said frankly: "Yes, I suspect that the Shadow Council recommends Raymond. Peter as their agent in the south, so I use Randal Family spies to place Raymond next to Raymond. Eyeliner. "

Sylvia thought for a few seconds, and said: "Trigoval cleansed the shadow priest, but Elizabeth Princess was attacked by the Legendary wizard and disappeared... Do you think the real Shadow Council was not They are still eager to gain status and fame after the blow to the tribunal. Raymond Peter was the move they arranged, and Barcelius was the partner they worked hard to strive for. We were originally the collaborators selected by the Shadow Council, but Shadow Knight destroyed the layout of the Shadow Speaker. There is a devil's conspiracy behind this... Then you say, why does the Shadow of the Devil's Loved Knight assassinate you? "

Victor shook his head expressionlessly and said, "I don't know. "

If this question goes deeper, it will involve the secrets of Alchemy Tower. Victor can't say it anyway, at least he can't be honest with Sylvia right now.

"I have a guess... It is because of the secret bloodline of the soul. "Sylvia retracted the gaze on Victor's face, and further said: "The wizard of the Shadow Council wants to gain fame and status, and the devil wants to plot the Lord of Radiance, but the high-level wizard of the Shadow Council knows that the devil is untrustworthy, so the devil uses another In such a way to lure the wizard into the game, they not only took out the boiling potion and the golden potion, but also taught the shadow wizard to configure potions and cultivate the Blood Guard. "

"The value of the gold potion is of course greater than the boiling bloodfiend potion, but the Shadow Council can only use the gold potion to enhance the status of Raymond Peter. They are impossible to use the gold potion to buy the lord, because the gold potion does not need to be used To the wizard. If the high lord gets the golden potion, it will only kill the wizards who contributed the formula, how can it be possible to cooperate with them? "

"Boiling bloodfiend medicine is different. Only the magic of wizard can cultivate Blood Guard. Veronika is interested in potions, and I am also interested. This may be a trap set by the devil. Boiling bloodfiend medicine can change the bloodline law of humans. It originated from the fragments of will of the Antiquity Giant Beast nightmare king and the gluttony king. "

"However, the secret bloodline of the soul you created can replicate the innate talent of Blood Guard, and it does not change the disadvantages of the law of bloodline. What do I need to boil bloodfiend medicine for? "

Victor looked at Sylvia's clear blue eyes, and suddenly realized that he had become an obstacle to the devil unconsciously.

He was entangled in the secrets of Alchemy Empire and never realized it. This. Sylvia knows that Victor created the secret bloodline of the soul. Father Miller gave him a lot of inspiration, and the Lord of Radiance has always been the backbone of the fight against the devil.

Tracey doesn’t know. The true identity of Father Miller said: "If this is the case, do we issue a warning to the church and the lords to completely ban blood-boiling potions? "

Sylvia said with a smile: "This matter does not require us to intervene, someone will take care of it. "

Tracey stopped asking. Nodded said he obeyed Sylvia's will. Instead, he asked: "There may be a problem with Princess Lin and her entourage. I will arrange a spy and check it carefully?" "

"If the wizard, or even the devil, does tricks, how can our spies find it out? "

Sylvia shook her head instructed: "Let Celine take her entourage to Randal to lead a stay for a while... They can only borrow the monastery under the Flatlake Town cathedral, without receiving the order from Rose Manor , Must not leave. "

After finishing speaking, Sylvia pulled Victor to his feet, and said with crooked eyebrows: "My dear, one day, all the secrets will be invisible in front of me, even the devil. No exception, but I don't want to do that... The church specializes in dealing with the problems of the devil and the wizard, and we only do our things. "

"What do you want? "There was a bitter smile on Victor's face. Seeing Sylvia's sly smile, he knew she was starting to make her own ideas again.

"My dear, the Faceless is not going to build pharmacy with us. Secret fort? Red Frost Tree Manor is good, you can go to Randal to lead it, and bring back Green, the dwarf. Sylvia hugged Victor's arm and said affectionately: "I really want to see, what kind of Blood Guard do you cultivate? "

This is a reasonable suggestion, Victor nodded and said: "Okay, I will go to Randal tomorrow, and I will be back half a month later. The three million gold coins that King Naville gave me, I also brought back Silvermoon Manor..."

Tracey said innocently, "There are only two million...the other one million gold coins. , You gave it to Yuanbao. "

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