Only Victor and Nelson were left in the military command hall of the University of Nova Scotia. The thin-arm green candle crackled and flickered. That is the effect of the unbroken green sedge leaves being burned. It can be regarded as a shortcoming of the green sedge, but it is accompanied by a scent of vegetation.

The air in the hall was a little dull, Victor snapped his fingers, and the sudden cyclone extinguished dozens of green candles, and plunged the room into darkness. He stood up and said, "Go, I will take you to the treasure house below to see my collection."

The two walked through the long corridor of the castle. Victor said cheerfully: "My secret Build a mountain fortress, you know, but this is your first visit to a mountain fortress."

Nelson held a kettle, poured out a lighted brazier, grabbed two steps to follow the lord, and said as he walked. "I remember that the ant plague was not over at that time. The master was called to Rose Manor by his wife. Jack and I stayed in the territory. You also specially ordered me not to let the secret Knight of the York family find us... I didn't expect, You really built such a big family secret fort in the depths of the skylark mountain range."

"Why didn't expect?" Victor asked with a smile.

"Hehe, you and your wife have a deep relationship...The previous things are all misunderstandings."

When the ant tide swept Randal's collar, Victor asked Lilia to bring a sample of rock bricks to Black Castle Town asked for help, but I didn't know that the York family was also overwhelmed at the time, so Sylvia didn't have time to talk to him. When Victor discovered the weakness of the ant tide, he began to adopt guerrilla tactics to shoot and kill the silver rank ant-man chiefs. At this time, Sylvia sent Tracey and Nicole to Baron to lead him.

Victor was confident that he could hold his territory, but worried that Sylvia would put himself under house arrest because he did not build a castle at the time and was not a legal pioneer.

The mountain fortress is the product of that special period. It is said that it was used to defend against Ant-Man, but it was actually a backstop to prevent the York family from taking the Randal collar.

Nelson learned about the family experience, but Victor sighed and said: "Because of my deep relationship with Sylvia, she learned that the consequences of the mountain fortress are particularly serious."

"How could this happen? Madam entrusted the entire York family to the owner..." Nelson said with a smile.

The closer the relationship between husband and wife is, the more unreasonable it is. I am afraid that those who are reasonable cannot be regarded as real husbands and wives. Queen Rose has an extraordinary bearing, but in front of Victor, she is a beautiful and gentle little wife who enjoys her husband's favor, and of course she will not reason with His Royal Highness Randal.

For a long time, Sylvia has tried to improve her husband's prestige and gradually transfer the power of running the York family to him. If Sylvia learns that Victor has concealed the mountain fortress for so long, she will lose her temper.

The anger of Spiritual God Knight can't be afforded by ordinary people.

Victor was too lazy to explain to Nelson, leading him down the spiral staircase and into the corridor leading to the treasure house on the first floor.

There are soldiers guarding it, wearing dark red hexapod crocodile leather armor, holding a round shield and a scimitar, facing each other, standing there completely motionless like a statue.

The first-level spiritual warrior practice Visualization Technique, you can fall asleep quickly in harsh environments, or you can enter a light sleep state through the unique Breathing Technique and Visualization Technique, thereby reducing your own mental consumption and maintaining combat for a long time Physical fitness.

The first-level spiritual warrior of the alchemy militia equipped with the Level 3 source blood secret method equivalent to cream of the crop. They do not eat or drink, and can maintain a standing posture for eight days.

When Victor and Nelson passed by, these well-proportioned militiamen bowed their heads. Nelson couldn't help but admired: "These spiritual warrior very difficult to deal with, I have to break through their defenses a little effort. If I change to Todd, there is no chance."

"Well, what do you want to say?" Victor asked him with a sideways glance.

"My lord, these spiritual warriors are better than Todd and others, and I am better than these spiritual should take me." Nelson said hurriedly.

"Using special methods to create a spiritual warrior is very stupid. This raid requires the martial power of the spiritual warrior, as well as Tao De's wisdom and resilience."

"Tao Germany... Todd, forget it, but Brandon and Klaus are not officially Knights, and they don’t have much experience in field marching." Nelson patted his chest and said, "My lord, I lighted the fire of the soul. Rich expedition experience, dealing with Ant-Man...How can I be spared from the raid on the ant nest?"

At this moment, the two have reached the door of the treasure house at the end of the tunnel, and Victor hasn’t Responding to Nelson's self-recommendation, he gestured to the door opened by the blood militia guard, and turned to say with a smile: "Come in and take a look."

The area of ​​the treasure house in the mountain fortress is the same as the military command hall on the second floor. , The originally neatly stacked treasure boxes were all turned over by the Dragon Maid. The rare treasures inside were mixed into four small piles, the height of a writing desk and the size of a double bed. The soft light of fluorescent stone shines on gold nuggets, silver ingots, mithril, fine gold, thorium, zircon, various elemental crystals, gems, armor and weapons, reflecting brilliant lights and vibrant colors, which is dazzling .

The dragon maids are sleeping soundly on their treasure piles. Except for the four of them, there are no other creatures in the treasure house, not even ants.

The dragon’s guardian realm is like a sieve. Weak creatures such as Insect snakes and rats are killed instantly when they enter the realm; cats, dogs, jackals and other animals choose to stay far away due to the oppression of Dragon's Might; stronger beasts have The dragon's servants besieged and intercepted, and generally cannot enter the guardian domain, but if external creatures can invade to the edge of the domain, they will immediately wake up.

In the sub-draconian form, the guardian domain of the Dragon Maid is only a hundred meters in radius, but the Alex Tower of the red dragon bloodline occupies the largest treasure pile. It is at the front of the hall, and her guardian domain is just right. Cover the front hall and gate.

Because the is Master came in, the dragon maids did not wake up from dormancy, but slept deeper. As for Nelson, they have regarded this powerful and dangerous human as the king's servant, and the guardian domain does not exclude him.

Victor walked to the treasure pile, looked at the dragon maid Laila who was lying on it, and asked: "She is beautiful, isn't she?"

One step away from the golden rank Haruka Nelson can understand that the "beauty" referred to by the master refers to the beauty of Life Level, and ordinary people may be confused by the beauty of the Dragon Maid. He has seen several high-level Dame, their beauty is noble and can not be violated, even if they and the master Qingqing, I will not let other people feel their charming and enchanting side. The beauty of the dragon maid is extremely vivid. Nelson has never seen such a seductive and beautiful opposite sex, but his intuition can touch the incredible power of the dragon guarding the realm.

Nelson was silent for a while, and solemnly said: "It's terrifying."

"A beautiful and terrifying creation." Victor nodded, extend the hand, passing Lai Pulling her white and clean cheeks, turning around, said indifferently, "So, their opponents are equally terrifying... You said before, how can the task of raiding the ant nest be less than you? But I have four dragon maids, only one Narr Lord Sen, I can sacrifice them, but I can’t sacrifice you."

Nelson took a step forward and defended: "But, Mrs. Charlotte and Brandon, don’t you also bring them there. Do you? My current strength is not as good as your dragon maid, and their strength is far worse than mine."

"They respond to my summon, and I create opportunities for them to grow." Victor shook the head , Drew a long sword made of thorium and fine gold from the treasure pile, handed it to Nelson, and said: "In the beginning, you and Charlotte’s brother were dueling in the forest. There was no thorium ant I gave you. First, you have been killed by the Knight in Jinxi Town; you attacked and killed the Golden Sparrow count in Stonetred City. There were no elite guards to rescue you. You are also dead... and Nicole, who went to the Black Forest alone to chase Kill the old ogre, if it weren’t for our timely rescue, she would have been very difficult to survive."

"To gain the favor of the power of fate must be tested by fate. Charlotte, Brandon and their potential and The aptitudes are very average... Frankly speaking, they are not qualified to be followers of Stormrage sword saint. I can only allocate the blessings of the power of destiny, let them get seats in the round table, and enjoy the power and status of the Randal Family. You have to be worthy of this honor."

Victor slightly smiled and said: "Neither you nor Nicole need anymore. You have worked hard. Just keep your current state of mind and wait for the Randal Family. The number of people under the rule is increasing. The size of the army exceeds 100,000. You and Nicole have a great chance to break through to the Golden Domain."

Like a buzzing, the vibration stopped immediately. He one-knee kneels the ground, long sword sticks to the ground, and sincerely said: "My lord, I have never thought about anything you said. I will only follow your footsteps."

Victor bends over and supports it. Nelson's arm, let him stand up, said with a smile: "Lord, I have no doubt about your loyalty, but I can't think about things you haven't thought of."

" In this raid on the ant nest, I am not sure of destroying the queen. The main purpose of this trip is to detect the enemy and cause some trouble to the ant-man army by the way. Defending Centaur Hills and Randal leaders is my goal. I need you. I am actively preparing for the battle with Nicole in the rear, but what I am most worried about is the fire in the backyard."

Nelson touched the back of his head with a very confused expression, and asked, "Backyard? That backyard? Okay, how could it happen? Will it burn?"

"...It's Mrs. Sylvia's anger."

Victor shook his head and laughed, pulling out a hexapod vine leather armor from the bottom of the treasure pile, all kinds of treasures The rustling sound flowed to the ground. Lying on the top of the dragon maid Laila turned over, stabilized the collapsed treasure pile again, and continued to sleep soundly.

The rattan leather armor that she used as a cushion was already flat. Victor shook it slightly, and the deformed leather armor returned to its original shape.

"The appearance of this leather armor is the same as that of ordinary hexapod crocodile vine leather armor. The vine silk and the inner lining of the scorpion skin have been fused with thorium. The defensive can far exceed the hexapod crocodile vine leather armor. But it's not as good as the real Thorium leather armor. This expedition, every member is equipped with this thorium-doped leather armor. Except for the reason of lightness and durability, I don't want to expose the secrets of Thorium." Victor took the skin The armor passed to Nelson and said.

Nelson twisted the Thorium leather armor into a single strand, and then watched it restore its form, chuckled: "Thorium is a good thing."

Victor nodded: " Thorium is worth more than rock bricks. Centaur Hills needs more time to reserve softsilver ore... You see, there are also Mithril nails and fine gold ingots. They are my exchange of Mithril in the silver mine in the east with the Chebman family. "

Nelson stared wide-eyed and said in disbelief: "That silver mine ordered by you to seal up is mythril mine?"

The corner of Victor's mouth With a bitter smile on his face, Sighed said: "I used to guard against Sylvia like a thief... She learned about the secrets of the mithril, thorium, and the Imerson wizard, the dragon maid, and the war beast of the mountain fortress. She must Very angry, angry with me. If I'm in Centaur Hills, everything is easy to say, but I'm not here, who will bear her anger?" Nelson thought for a long time, and suddenly got cold Trembling, pointing to his nose, and then he said: "My lord, do you mean to let me bear the anger of Mrs.?"

Victor laughed, pressing the lord’s shoulder, and said with relief: "Don’t worry. After all, the bear of the North is a fierce warrior with half of his foot in the Golden Domain. Sylvia always talks about love. Even if my love is punished, you and Nicole can take it together. If you leave with me Led by Randal, Nicole and Lilia are going to be unlucky... Sylvia only needs a look, and Lilia will spit out the mountain people stronghold I run, as well as the Mercury Manor; Tracey will come forward to take over Silvermoon Manor, and Nicole will be driven there. Fort Rose."

At the end, he added, "When we come back, the position of the leader of your hired Legion is gone."

Nelson's face changed, whispering He said: "His Royal Highness, Madam is your wife, what does this have to do..."

It really doesn't matter, but the absence of the powers of the leader of Legion and the wife of the lord will hinder the promotion of you and Nicole. ……Victor is funny and angry, and some hate iron for not becoming steel, he sternly said: "You stay, this is an order!"

"As you bid!"

Nelson straightened his body, his right hand clenched his fist on his left chest, and gave a standard military salute.

Victor was nodded with satisfaction, and calmly said: "This expedition, I estimate that it will take two or three years to come back at the earliest. You can at least extend my standard Legion by at least one and a half years. The base mobilizes some troops. The training strategy for hiring Legion against ant tide operations will be drawn up in advance, but it will also be revised according to the actual situation. When I use the letter crow to send back the information, Mrs. Sylvia will make corresponding arrangements. You must be active Participate in the drafting of the tactics and strategy of the Rose Manor, and cooperate with the military deployment of the lady."

"As you wish, sir." Nelson leaned slightly and stammering said: "The expansion of the employment of Legion requires Mrs. Nicole to agree. That’s okay...Look at this, you should tell her yourself. It will be angry, I’m afraid it’s not just Mrs. Sylvia."

Victor rubbed his tangled eyebrows, why didn’t he know that Nicole was not Someone who is easy to deal with, but telling Nicole about this in advance is equivalent to telling Sylvia.

"Well, I will tell Mrs. Nicole... You are not allowed to disclose any information to anyone!"

Nelson scratched his head with a confused expression on his face . "What news? I don't know anything."

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