Randal Family’s Knight and violent warrior, as well as the two Level 5 source blood militias of Renault and Shak, and the father and daughter of Imerson, plus Pastor Dane, a total of 13 people received After Victor's invitation to pass the law, they rushed to the wood house villa and packed the small living room.

Charlotte and the four dragon maids put on formal attire, just like the hostess taking the maid to entertain the guests, arranging seats for Nelson and Dane and serving them with homemade herbal tea.

Different from Charlotte's smiling face, which is kind and gentle, the four dragon maids are all unhappy. This wood house is their love nest with the Dragon King. The servants ran into the Dragon King's nest. It is strange that the female dragons are happy. Of course, the sub-draconian female has the superb beauty and enchanting figure that is not inferior to the golden Dame, even if the eyebrows are cold-eyed, it is pleasing to the eye.

The dragon maid still classifies Nelson and the dragon's servants as High Level, and their status is lower than the outside alchemy militia, the golden dragon lizard, the alchemy war mastiff, and the golden crow. Belongs to the "peripheral handyman" among the servants.

Victor felt that it would take a long time to train Laila and her sisters, but in any case, they didn’t use their fearful eyes to drive away the "Dragon Servant handyman" who violated the nest. It was worth it. Affirmation and encouragement of progress.

Feeling the master’s heartfelt approval, the Dragon Maid’s attitude towards Nelson and the others has been much better. But the living room of the wood house villa is indeed a bit smaller. Originally it was not very spacious when there were only 6 people living in it. Now there are more than a dozen people here, and the space of the living room is suddenly more cramped.

Victor asked the four dragon girls to withdraw first. This time he did not issue a mandatory order through the spiritual connection, but softly asked. The purpose of this is to strengthen the human side of the Dragon Transformation maid's will. Laila, Di Li and the others gently lifted the skirt and bowed to the guests.

The dragon maid quit the living room, and followers have a relaxed feeling, even if they are beautiful in appearance, no one except His Royal Highness Randal would treat these foreign women with horns as lovely and gentle close-fitting. Maid.

Charlotte was signaled by Victor and walked to the middle of the living room with several sets of animal skin scrolls, unfolded them one by one, and nailed them to the display stand prepared in advance.

While she was still busy, Victor patted her hands to attract everyone’s attention, and said, "Today, I will teach you a set of Visualization Techniques. Time is limited. Let me introduce this first. The cultivation effect of the new Visualization Technique..."

Victor mentioned the longevity and vitality effects of the secret technique. Imerson's eyes gleamed, and several fierce warriors and Todd were also excited.

Everyone wants to have a longer lifespan, and the Portanos secret method imitates the bloodline rule of Nine-Headed Hydra, which not only allows the cultivator to live longer but also maintains more vigor, which is useful for the violent warrior Very attractive. Even if their lifespan is longer than the average person, they still cannot avoid the problems of aging and debilitating. As a senior trainee Knight, Todd has a battle strength that is not lost to the junior bronze Knight, but he cannot passively interact with the void elements like the senior Knight, and cannot maintain longevity and vitality.

If someone tells Todd that some sort of cultivation can give him the lifespan and vitality of a senior bronze Knight, he will definitely treat him as a liar. The secret of Portanos was created by Master Stormrage Sword Saint, and the weight of this secret is heavier than gold.

When Victor introduced the effect of restoring energy, Todd found that Brandon, Klaus, and Pastor Dane were as dedicated as him, but Lord Nelson and Marcy the blood python The fierce warrior's expression was relaxed.

Energy and Knight’s Battle Qi and priest’s Holy Power are two sides. The speed of energy recovery is very important for Knight, priest and even wizard. The fierce warrior has almost no skills to consume energy. However, His Royal Highness Randal said that the secret method can also increase the strength of the soul, and they regained their spirit. Nelson asked with excitement, "My lord, your moves to clean up the jackals and goblins today are also Portanos' secrets?"

Victor smiled nodded and said, "Portano The secret method is practiced to the extreme, everyone has the same ability, but it is indeed the touch of the soul."

Klaus, who has always been steady, also shook his hands and asked with shining eyes: "My lord , Can I?"

Todd was nervous to see His Royal Highness Randal once again nodded, and the moment of relaxation made him feel that his strength has been exhausted, and he listened to the master in a dazed manner. Said: "Knight nobles regard each person's Fire Element strength, that is, mental strength as divided into four levels: bronze, silver, gold, and legendary. I made a breakdown on this basis. The basic spiritual strength points 11-14 are Bronze level; silver level from 15 to 24; golden level from 25 to 29; the basic spirit attribute above 30 belongs to the Legendary Domain."

"My lord, what is the basic spirit attribute? Nelson scratched his head with a confused expression on his face.

Victor first glanced at Pastor Dane, and then explained to Nelson: "Knight is compatible with the elements, and they can increase the strength of the four elements at the same time by running Battle Qi, including the strength of the Fire Element. .Senior bronze Knights like Charlotte and Klaus can increase the strength of the Fire Element to around 20 points, but this requires Battle Qi. When they don’t use Battle Qi, they only have an average elemental attribute of 15 points, which is why It's called the basic attribute. In fact, the basic attributes of the senior bronze Knight and the beginner silver Knight are not much different, but the bronze Knight cannot show the void element. If the senior Knight's basic spiritual strength is increased a little bit, he may be able to become an extraordinary Knight."

"The basic elemental attribute of Golden Knight is 25 points. Because His Royal Highness has a deeper control over the elements, in order to avoid long-term erosion by the void elements, they usually suppress the elements and only maintain around 15 points. The basic attribute of...the elevating element or the inhibiting element are actually illusions."

Victor finally fell on the priest, smiled and asked: "Dane, am I right to explain this? "

Dane was startled, converged, and replied respectfully: "The high-level Knight uses elemental perception to determine the strength of a person's Fire Element, and the Shepherd of the Supreme Lord uses the divine technique to do so. Observe the strength of a person’s soul. His Royal Highness subdivided the spirit attribute and proposed a new system to measure Life Level. Although I am not sure how the 1-point spirit attribute is presented, the divine refuge and the divine technique of the fire of the soul will temporarily elevate a person’s soul. Strength, so I think His Highness’s description is correct. There are indeed two cases of basic attributes and false attributes."

Mid- and low-level priest lifespans are relatively short, but high-level priests can pass some kind of The divine technique extends their lifespan. As long as they do not abuse the divine technique, they can basically live to about 120 years old, and their Life Energy is about the same as the senior Knight.

Dane is lack of interest in Portanos' extraordinary effects, and it seems that he is not going to change to the spiritual bloodline secret method. Victor is more sure of his previous judgments—the church does not lack the high level secret method of spiritual orientation.

He retracted his gaze from the priest, and continued to say to his followers: "The effects of the Portanos secret method on the touch of the soul, the fire of the soul, and the breaking of Knight’s elemental barriers need to be further verified. What I can guarantee is that it can form an excellent tenacious innate talent of life, longevity, vitality, strength, tenacious, element resistance, dormant healing, and more powerful than the tenacious innate talent of the elementary spiritual warrior."

"From now on, you only have a standard hourglass time to remember the Visualization Picture I drew. Try to remember every detail... Let's start." Victor walked to the side of the living room and gave Charlotte the middle position special.

Charlotte turned the six shelves around, with six sets of animal skin scrolls nailed to them, each depicting the form of the mythical three-headed lizard Portanos.

Everyone stared wide-eyed and stared blankly at the six Visualization Pictures. After a while, Imerson took the lead in breaking the silence in the living room. He murmured, "This is different from previous visualizations. Ah... it’s too hard to remember them. I, can I paint them?"

Followers of Randal Family have all learned Visualization Technique, which is to visualize the image of oneself. Visualizing to sublime visualization is actually the method of introspection. However, apart from Victor himself, none of the overwhelming majority practitioners achieved true insight.

The Visualization Picture provided by Victor this time is not a human image, but a mythical three-headed lizard Portanos. He is well-equipped and vivid, with a deep and natural flavor, like being sealed alive. The giant beast in the reel.

To write down six pictures in a short time, let alone Imerson, everyone thinks they can’t do it.


Everyone turned their heads together and looked towards Pastor Dane who spoke out against him. He raised his right hand and painted a phantom from his chest to his forehead. The Triangle Sacred Emblem said solemnly: "The Lord said that the honest should be rewarded, and the fraudsters will gain nothing... The so-called honesty must be honest to oneself, and the so-called fraud is to deceive yourself with lies. Your Royal Highness Randal teaches precious secrets, you must be sincere Sincerity will be rewarded. The person who steals, rapes, and slips is not worthy, nor can he comprehend the power bestowed by His Royal Highness Randal."

Imerson's face was embarrassed, and Nono said, "Master, this is too difficult...only this For a moment, I’m afraid I can’t even remember a picture."

Victor laughed and said, "Dane, you might as well explain to these hillbillies."

Although Dane was muttering in his heart, he said very modestly on the surface: "His Royal Highness, this is my honor." He cleared his throat and continued: "His Royal Highness Randal's Visualization Technique is very close to the priest's Meditation Method... Let’s put it this way, it’s normal that you can’t remember the visualization now, and I can’t remember the pastor’s meditation model, but the purpose of meditation is to let us remember the complicated model from the very beginning to the end. Think about it, think clearly... what we see is hidden deep in our hearts, forgetting is temporarily forgetting, and digging into our own spiritual power can reproduce the original memory."

Sen was straightforward and asked: "Can we strengthen spirit strength by thinking hard?"

"It's exercise." Dane glanced at him and laughed and said, "The more you train, the stronger your brain, and the more you use your brain. The smarter the Lord is, can the Lord understand this truth? When you recall all the Visualization Picture, you will find that your soul has become stronger."

Pastor Dane’s explanation is easy to understand, and the audience present. It all feels like a sudden realization. In fact, the principles of the Meditation Method and Visualization Technique are as simple as that. Including the visualization and introspection proposed by Victor also "retrieve memory". According to Earth world, it can be called "flip through cell memory".

The difficulty of visualization at this level is too high. It almost only exists in theory. Victor himself has only entered the state of introspection once. It is far inferior to the church’s model Meditation Method, or the visualization of the three-headed lizard, which is simple and easy to learn.

Dane looked at the three-headed lizard Visualization Picture, and commented: "His Royal Highness's Visualization Technique is more complicated than the meditation model I learned. You have the time memory of a standard hourglass. Our priest views the most models. You can only watch for a quarter of an hour. You have to hurry and remember with your heart."

"Your Excellency Dane, I have another question to ask." Brandon raised his hand and asked, "If, I I can really recall the owner’s Visualization Picture in the future. Is it exactly the same as the original one?"

"Impossible." Dane said with a smile: "Everyone sees the same things, they will have their own differences. , How can it be exactly the same? But it doesn’t matter. You should ask, can I draw the Visualization Picture in the future?"

Klaus leaned over Dane slightly, respectfully asked: "Your Excellency, restore Visualization Picture is difficult, isn’t it?"

Dane hooked the head, and nodded said: "There are few people who can redraw the Visualization Picture they see. I only tell you that Legendary Paladin Tornance can Do...The Visualization Picture he restored is also Paladin's inheritance Supreme Treasure. If you can draw your own Visualization Picture one day, your soul strength will have reached the Legendary level."

Nelson asked curiously: "Why is this?"

"Because of concentration." Dane said sternly: "Meditation emphasizes the mindlessness. We enter a state of meditation, we can't hear or see. Concentration is the only one, I can’t even move my fingers, how can I draw a picture of meditation? When we can meditate and draw a picture, the Meditation Method has been cultivated to the extreme. Is the picture we drew consistent with what we saw at first? It doesn't matter. You can draw the Visualization Picture, and it is also a treasure that can be inherited."

"His Royal Highness, I don't know if my explanation is correct?" Dane bowed to Victor and asked.

The Visualization Picture or meditation picture drawn by Legendary powerhouse is only useful. Victor’s followers cannot leak the Portanos Meditation Method. When they have the ability to leak, Victor will not stop it, because He must be a Legendary powerhouse, with his own inheritance.

However, how many people can reach the Legendary realm? Maybe none of them...

Victor nodded: "Pastor Dane is right. My Visualization Technique is based on the Church’s Meditation Method. The principle is the same... I want to remind everyone that people’s minds are repeated Changeable, you can have many ideas in the blink of an eye. Therefore, the temperament of the cultivation Visualization Technique is the most important thing. You must focus on the uniqueness. Even if you do not reach the Legendary realm, you can benefit a lot from the visualization process. If like Imerson just now As I said, first draw the picture. This is the idea of ​​seize every opportunity. It is like the weeds in the mind. It is difficult to eradicate. Even if you look at the Visualization Picture every day, it is absolutely impossible to make any progress."

Victor glanced at the hourglass on the table, Shi Shiran said: "Okay, the sand has leaked a little and a half...Aka and Bell are glanced around; Charlotte, Renault, and Schack have been remembering the Visualization Picture; All of them are looking at me...Is there a picture on my face?"

Everyone turned their heads quickly and desperately remembered the six three-headed lizards Visualization Picture.

Victor beckoned to the priest to come over, and whispered to him: "Dane, you practice your Meditation Method every day. Do you think I called you to explain the principles of meditation?"

Dane blinked without knowing it, and saw Victor say silently with his mouth: This is Miller's old man.

Sir Miller meant, that means, Lord Miller thinks that I can set foot on the real Legendary Domain with the help of your majesty's visualization method?

Dane was shaking in his heart, and he was busy watching the Visualization Picture of the six three-headed lizards, more focused than anyone else.

More than a dozen followers and Pastor Dane remember the Visualization Picture for just over an hour, but Victor stayed in the Grey Rabbit mountain range for another half a month to help them consolidate their memories and teach them the matching Breathing Technique by the way And pile method.

The three-headed lizard Visualization Technique has a shortcoming. When the cultivator visualizes in depth, all perception activities stop, even if the enemy puts a knife on their neck, they will not notice it. Victor repeatedly warned them that once the prototype of the visualization is constructed, without his approval and protection, they must never practice the Portanos secret method in private.

Although it was a bit outdated to teach followers the high level bloodline secret method during the expedition, Victor believed that Miller old man had a special meaning, and this top goddess would not aimlessly. From the perspective of Victor's heart, he also hopes that his confidants can return to Randal alive, and it is good that the Portanos secret method can help them improve a little.

Victor faintly felt that this might have something to do with the queen, or to be precise, with the king of Spirit World. According to the description of the ancient alchemist, the resurrected Ancient God is the Antiquity Giant Beast known for the extraordinary mind, and the mind connection of the Ant-Man monster just confirms this.

Twenty-one days later, all the cultivators successfully visualized the prototype of the mythical three-headed lizard. After all, they are not ordinary persons. Even the two homunculus classes, Renault and Schack, have a spirit attribute of 15 points. As for the four dragon maids, such as Laila and Di Li, Victor directly imprinted the visualization creatures in their minds, but he absolutely didn't expect. The first person to visualize the mythical three-headed lizard was not Aka. , Not the Dragon Maid, but the snack Bertina!

The little girl entered the cultivation state that night, and the breathing rhythm of sleep was completely in line with the characteristics of the Portanos secret law, like a Nine-Headed Hydra sleeping in the mud.

Victor is puzzled. She can only attribute her success to the extraordinary natural talent. This guy is greedy and sleepy, and he grows very slowly, much like Nine Headed Snake or giant dragon. Legendary creature.

At noon the next day, Victor bound six sets of Visualization Picture into a book, wrapped several layers with oil canvas, sealed it in a fine gold box, and buried it in a shallow earth pit. Laila and Di Li changed their draconian shape to a height of more than 3 meters, and worked together to move a boulder and press it on top of the pit.

The strength of the draconian is greater than that of Caligula. The key is that the draconian has strong bones and can withstand the weight of the boulder. Such a boulder cannot even be lifted by the Ogre Warlord, but a human craftsman can slowly shovel the boulder with a tool, or the angry wave Dame may corrode and become brittle with the Void Water Element.

Portanos Visualization Picture is the inheritance Supreme Treasure. Victor has written to Sylvia and asked Tracey to bring the heavy camp to take the picture away. Without the mythical three-headed lizard Visualization Picture, Sylvia's Breathing Technique and Staking Technique that Victor had given her before were useless.

Victor believes that Sylvia has obtained a complete visual inheritance, and combined with the medicine of dawn and dreams, it is fully capable of helping the Knights who are promoted by the medicine to break the elemental barrier. The in-depth study of the secret bloodline of the soul will help Spiritual God Knight to get rid of the fate of premature death.

"Your Highness, the people staying in the camp have been arranged." Charlotte walked to Victor's side and said softly.

She followed Victor’s instructions and selected the 3 most experienced elite guards, who led 20 elementary spiritual warriors and 10 craftsmen, and equipped them with 5 war mastiffs and 15 bears. dog.

Victor pushed down the boulder hard and saw that the stone was completely motionless, he patted his hand with satisfaction, and looked back at the alchemy militia left behind.

He can remember the name of every homunculus class, but the Captain of the left-behind personnel is a very familiar bull. This alchemy militia is 12 years old this year. It is the second batch of alchemy units manufactured by Alchemy Tower. After smuggling, he has also been in the marsh scout troops for a long time, and his mind is almost the same as a normal person.

Victor is more at ease with the abilities of the bull, holding down his shoulder and saying: "There are no powerful monsters and ferocious wild beasts near the camp. The heavy camp will come in autumn. You have to stay here for four. In the next month, I left all the remaining 67 antelopes for you, breed them well, and you can use these llamas in the future."

The bull with a boxing chest, solemnly said: "My lord, We will live up to our expectations!"

Victor nodded, and warned repeatedly: "You know Mrs. Tracey, you lead people to take good care of the things under the stone... Except for Mrs. Tracey, don't let anyone else know. "

"Yes, I only tell Mrs. Tracey where the master's treasure is." Man Niu said with a sharp glance.

Charlotte approached and said worriedly: "His Royal Highness, Portanos Visualization Picture is not a trivial matter. We might as well wait for Mrs. Tracey to come before leaving... Don't you want to see her?"

Victor cast his deep gaze to the west of the mountain forest, which is the direction of the prairie, slowly shaking his head, said solemnly: "I am preparing, and my opponent is also preparing... I have a hunch, time The longer I drag it, the harder it is for me to deal with Him."

"Let’s set off, across the grassland, to the endless forest!"

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