Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 7 Chapter 276: Local drug

"Lan brother's mind is really delicate and tight. Chu Yang's sentence is a heartfelt praise. This Lanjiazi, who only uses singing to pick up a girl, is actually in a short conversation with the night wind. I guessed it out.

And it is speculated that the truth of the matter.

Not to mention the character of this person, but this wisdom and insight can be said to be amazing.

Chu Yang deliberately said that thing in that place, in fact, is to bury a bomb for the night house, but did not expect that the first smell of scent to find the door, turned out to be Lan sing!

"According to such speculation, the night hurricane was definitely not aware of the identity of Wu Xianzi at that time. He just wanted to let his men plunder the beauty, but he did not expect it, but he encountered a hard scorpion."

Lan sang and smiled: "The disciples of the two sages of Fengyue, he even dared to use strong night hurricanes, I have to sing to admire his daring!"

Chu Yang haha ​​smiled, and sincerely said: "The insight of Lan Gongzi is really to pay for the five bodies."

Lan sang and laughed and said: "It's still thanks to Chu brother."

Chu Yangdao: "So, what do you mean by Lan brother?"

Lan sang a little cloudy smile, said: "This piece of tea, in the middle, is being looked at: but as long as someone shakes the cup, this tea will fall."

"And the wind and the moon, you can shake it!"

Lan sang a smirk and smiled. He looked up and looked at Chu Yang. He said: "Chu brother, a chance to change the world's general trend is now in front of you! As long as you say a word, the whole nine heavens The situation will change for you!"

So, in the eyes of Lan Singing

Chu Yang's face was red.

Ji is extremely extreme!

He couldn't help but lean forward, although he immediately noticed it and changed it back, but it proved how much Ji Yang's current ji movement is!

Moreover, Chu Yang’s fist unconsciously smashed up and became a fist.

Then released again, but the knuckles have been white.

Obviously, this sentence is too big for Chu Yang’s shock? The situation of the entire Nine Heavens changes because of you personally! Who is able to do this throughout the ages?

Lan sings in the heart of sneer: It really is a dumpling, actually I was fainted by a few words of soup. Change the nine heavens to be big..., just rely on your country bun...

"Chu brother can't think of it?" Lan smiled and smiled. In order to cater to Chu Yang, the eyes also showed a hot look like Chu Yang, which lowered the voice and became mysterious and serious: "As long as Chu brother handed it to Wuxianzi The Fengyue Supreme can tolerate the beloved close disciples being so bullied? As long as a chaos, this moment is a crucial moment, the nine robbery sword master will out of the entire nine-day storm..., the night will sink down!"

The sound of his movements was a little trembling: "At that time, the brothers of Chu will hang on the sky, whoever sees you, does not raise his thumb and say: 'Good hero! Good man! Nine robbery swords are not necessarily done by the Lord. But as long as you do it in one sentence!, Chu brother, what is life in the world? The man and the man, the hard work of life, why?"

Chu Yang ji moved his face to red, like a chicken blood, it seems that even the scalp also made a bright ji move to look at Lan singing, two eyes almost protruded out and nodded, such as chicken glutinous rice: "Yes! Right, right! Lan brother said, it really makes sense!"

Lan singing spirit is even more shocking, said: "When the time, Chu brothers hold the shackles of the foot, and shake the world! Don't forget to bring up the younger brother."

Chu Yang Da Le, even forgot to shoot the head of Lan Lan singing, the action is like taking a puppy, laughing loudly: "That is natural! When you have something to do, sing you despite my name!"

Lan sings at the corner of his mouth and twitches. His face is clearly floating up with a few black lines. He forcibly resists his heart and sighs with a smile. He said: "After that, our brothers must cooperate sincerely!"

Chu Yang patted his head again and comforted: "Reassured! Brother, I am not the kind of ungrateful person! In short, I will cover you in the future!"

Lan sings the mouth and is a convulsion.

It’s almost impossible to control and jump to make this kid slap a piece of meat. Paralyzed, what are you?" Actually, I have been covered by Lanlan in the future. I am awkward, and the food I ate last year was spit out.

But in order to accomplish the purpose, the face was piled with laughter and complimented: "That is, that is." The heart is as uncomfortable as eating a fly.

It’s still a fly that just flew up from the hot stool...

Lan sings and laughs on his face, and he can't wait to kill this bastard. He is very disdainful in his heart: **! I really thought that I was a personal thing. See how this son will kill you this idiot!

Chu Yang's face is full of ji, two hands patted the guy's head, I really don't want to shoot, and I broke it. In my heart, I dismissed a sentence: ***, I really stupid, see how the sword master will play this silly hat...

"But this thing, once discovered by the night family, Chu brother has the worry of life." Lan sang worried, and looked at Chu Yang with concern: "I don't know if there are good strategies in the heart of the brothers? Can you promote this change?" Also made my brother's name of the world? It has been passed down through the ages?"

Chu Yang's heart roaring: You said it for so long, isn't it just to pour out the dirty water in your own stomach? What are you doing at this time?

On the surface, it was a frowning, a look of distress, and he was helpless: "This, I really didn't think about it. If the night house is going to kill me..., this..., this..., me, me, how am I night? Home opponent?"

A timid look.

Lan sings and then he looked a little lighter, and his heart was even more scornful. On the surface, it was a heroic cloud, a shot of the chest, a bold way: "Chu brother, have you forgotten the younger brother? Hey, little brother, here, down There is a perfect strategy..."

Chu Yang hurriedly asked: "What is the best policy? Quickly say, hehehe, singing, I found that you are so cute. Hehe..." He patted his head like a soothing puppy. Actually, he squatted down the neck.

Just like a person is complimenting a big yellow dog: really...

Lan sings very shamelessly, but the overall situation is heavy, not dare to get angry, said: "Chu brother has now had a relationship with Wu Xianzi. There will be follow-up treatment in the future, just a reminder intentionally or unintentionally... As a young girl, Wu Xianzi was almost raped. How can this breath swallow?"

"So Wuxianzi will certainly conduct an investigation. Once the evidence is found, it will tell the Fengyue Supreme... and you and I are here, only need to push the waves... The contradiction between the night house and the Fengyue Zun can only be more and more people. ....."

Chu Yang’s doubts: "But that is not enough to make things so big."

Lan’s singing eyes reveal a hint of haze, saying: “How about Chu Xiong, Wu Xianzi?”

Chu Yang put out his tongue and licked his lips, and said: "Tian Xianhua people are generally... so beautiful!"

Lan sings a glimpse of the face, immediately disappeared, said: "Does the brother of Chu not want to have such a beautiful person forever? Think about it... If every night, you can put such a beautiful woman to the white sheep, press In the majesty, enjoy is it happy........."

Chu Yang’s eyes showed a hint of anger, and his heart murdered and rushed out. At this moment, because of this sentence, Lan sings in his heart has already been sentenced to death!

There is absolutely no hope of living!

Damn, I dare to say that Wu Shijie...

But..., this confession..., cough... that's my business!

The face is a satyr-like look, pretending to be high: "Lan brother..., cough, what are you talking about..., I am with Wu Xianzi, that is pure relationship between men and women... ”

Listening to this ‘pure relationship between men and women, these words, Lan sang in a sigh of relief, almost bursting his chest, unable to breathe, almost screaming, smashing the goods in front of him!

I went to your uncle's pure relationship between men and women...,

"Don't you want to be a brother?" Lan sang to suppress the urge to vomit blood.

"Of course I want to..." Chu Yang did not want to blurt out.

"I have a way to become a Chu brother, who can let the Chu brothers hold the beauty, and can blame the night house, let the Fengyue sages be furious... and never stop with the night house..." Lan sings Mysterious and awkward.

"Say." Chu Yang can't wait.

"Chu brother first clarified this matter, healed the wound for Wu Xianzi, and gained trust. When Wu Xianzi and Feng Yuezun determined that it was the hand of the night house... and then found the opportunity, I have a pack of medicine here... When a woman smells it, she will be unconscious..., the most unfortunate, but also weak...."

"At that time, I sent people to cut out the Wuxianzi, but left traces so that the Fengyue Supreme can find... and of course get to the night house..."

"At that time, the sage of the wind and the moon hit the hand, but the Chu brother was able to configure this one-door antidote. After a painstaking attempt, he finally solved the fairy... but the last step, but men and women need to be handed over..."

"As a result, Wu Xianzi broke down. Due to the relationship between drugs, the qualifications will become very poor, and because of the drug relationship, it is very easy to promote women's conception... If Wuxianzi has a big belly, haha... That would be equivalent to destroying the disciple of the Wind Moon Supreme... How can the Wind Moon Supreme not be angry?"

"But Chu brother, you can hold beautiful people because of this. Chu brother, you were originally trying to save people and can’t help, then...but even if Wu Xianzi doesn’t have much affection for you, you are the father of the child, is he? Can you kill you? Besides, she has no hope of martial arts, and she is married to Chu’s wife as a wife. What else can she do?”

"As a result, under the wrath of Fengyue, the night house, what good benefits can it be? At that time, other big families will attack and attack... and you will be very angry, and you will fulfill your life. Wei Ming, and, also got a godsend, such as Huamei, this matter, why not?"

(Being abused and depressed! My speed is in front of the knife god, it is slag... Hey, the knife **** hit me, saying: Laozi has ten fingers, you have two middle fingers, Laozi has not upgraded to five times your Speed ​​is already giving you a face.

I was so angry that I almost passed over and thought for a long time and finally said: Although I only have two middle fingers in the codeword, when I am spelling with you, my two middle fingers always point to you...

I didn't talk over there... (to be continued)


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