Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 7 Chapter 465: You don't regret it? Is he worth it?

"Israel!" The demon did not smile with a slight expression, and the voice was cold.

The purple evil spirits are squatting, and the beriberi bites the red lips without saying a word.

"Oh, I know, what are the benefits of 伱?" After the demon, the faint saying: "While it is not the local indigenous people of the Nine Heavens, but the scorpion itself is a purple scorpion in the mountains, but it is unintentional, and it has the power of the saints. Reborn, although the current repair is low, but the power of the saint has been stabilized in the body of the scorpion. And it has been made into a purple sacred dan... This is different from my nine-day scorpio, so I need help. Otherwise, I I will not look at this little purple cicada!"

"Although the root of the dragonfly is the only purple mysterious dragon of the Nine Heavens, it is no different."

After the demon, the cold road: "I should know, I just take some blood, I want to lick a little Dan, to cure my son; although it will damage the body, it will not let the roots lose their roots, not even It hurts your life! It will reward you."

"Let's leave the roots, I'm going to protect people until after recovery... I can laugh and be proud again!"

The eyes behind the demon become more and more cold, and there is a cold murderousness from it: "While it hides the strength, I can see that it is not the kind of emperor-level character, the most, but also the sky. Level, and, only the initial stage."

"I value it, because the power of the saint in the body can save the life of the Prince. That's all."

The purple evil is faint: "This section has already been known in the next."

After the demon, he said: "I am not talking about it! I want to know that it is low, but as long as it is a **** Dan Yuan, after the restoration, with the Prince, you can be extreme. In the time, let the 伱 span the barrier that has not crossed for more than 100,000 years, and use the power of the demon royal family to stimulate the power of the saint in the body, so that you can become the most promising new star of my nine-day demon!

"I have to tell you. As long as you promised, when I return to the sky, as long as I am still alive at that time, the new generation of the demon position is awkward! This, even if it is the Scorpio Emperor, can not change!"

"At the time, one of the overlords. Sitting in the world! Waving the stars and bowing. The anger is discolored! It is the ultimate life of the nine-day Scorpio everyone's lifelong dream!"

"Do you understand?" After the demon, he snorted coldly.

"I understand." The purple evil is whispering, but it is a firm statement: "But I still want to be a man!"

"Waste!" After the demon, he was unhappy, and his eyes shot two white lights. I watched the eyes of the purple evil: "The purple evil, I looked at my eyes and said."

She stared at the purple evil with her white light in her eyes, and asked a word: "Oh, really. Be a person? Don't be a demon?"

The face of the purple evil is showing a confused color. It seems that the mind is completely fascinated at this moment, and only speaks by the heart.

Her voice sounded, although confused, it was clear: "I want to be a person!"

After the demon body shocked, the white light in the eyes. A long sigh: "Yu too disappoints me... The Yaozu is now in the battle of the three parties, and it will be defeated... I will not wait until I change my mind and return, and even come back to see you in the first time. I just told me this sentence: "Will you be a person?"

Her voice was low, and she couldn’t hide her heart.

The wisdom of the purple evil spirits recovered, she said a little embarrassed: "Only please the demon, complete!"

The demon sighed long.

"I finally said it to you!" After the demon, the voice was heavy, and he turned his face away. He said: "First, from the demon body to the human body. Without the reincarnation, you must first divide the soul of the soul; After nine or ninety-eight, and then entered the broken heart spring, suffering from the heartbreaking pain of 999. Finally, he entered the forged demon cave, and forged it through the demon-thundering 1989. It faded away. Can be a person!"

"This process, I have to say that it is awkward, even if it is me..." After the demon took a deep breath: "I may not be able to withstand it. Do you know?"

"I know." Purple evil whispered: "And I also know that this is the soul of the Taiwan, the broken heart spring, the forged demon cave, only after the demon you have here, and only you, can open. ”

"That does not know; once this decision is made, it is tantamount to betraying the entire Yaozu?! Especially the nine-day scorpio and the sorrowful family, it is even more shameful and humiliating! From then on, the demon genie is shameful, killing And then fast! From then on, the life of the world will be the enemy?" asked the demon.

"I know." The purple evil is determined.

"I don't know, I don't know, after I donated a part of my life and Dan Yuan; even if I can support the excessive soul Taiwan and the broken heart spring, forging the demon cave; but the self-cultivation of the embarrassment itself will be ten. It takes three years to recover?"

She waited for the purple evil to speak, and then said: "Hugh must think that three years is very short; in this world, even if it is a slap in the eye, there are also sacred fields. Before the blink of an eye, or in the same day, but when you open it again, It may already be a boneless mountain. And hey, 70,000 years ago, the number of people who have been offended, how many people have offended, you should know what you are."

"Plus all the demon people in the world, I feel that you have a little grasp, you can live?" asked the demon.

"There is no one." The purple evil said frankly.

"In this case, then you will dispel your mind." The demon sighed with relief.

"I can live without a certain degree of confidence, but I can't regret it!" The purple evil sentiment straightened the delicate spine.

"Hey!" After the demon, he turned his head and looked at her with a stern look: "Let's go!"

The purple evil is silent, his lips are squinting, but his eyes are determined.

Behind the demon, a white woman who has been sitting quietly and quietly asked: "The purple evil, I want to know, why do you want to do this, why?"

The purple evil face was red and looked down.

The white woman’s voice was calm and faint: “Is it for a man?”

Purple evil bites his lips and slowly nods.

"But even if you keep the demon, you can still get married with him. Although both the human and the demon do not tolerate, but as long as the secret is done ... there is still a way to go." White woman show eyebrows slightly: " Why do you have to be so self-defeating?"

Purple evil teeth deeply stuck in the red lips, for a long time, she only said the hard way: "70,000 years ago, Bai Susu..."

After the demon and the white woman suddenly shocked, relatively speechless.

Bai Susu is a legend of the Yaozu, a legend of deviant.

Bai Susu, the first genius of the white fox family; after the transformation of the year, the rivers and lakes, but inadvertently met a descendant of Ling Feng Tiange, the two sides shouldering the rivers and lakes, love and investment.

Bai Susu knows that the **** does not stand up, hides her identity, and resolutely marries the man as a wife.

However, the tragedy finally appeared: a few years later, the children of the two were born; this child turned out to be a human foxtail! When you are born, you are full of demon!

The disciple of Lingfeng Tiange was like a thunder, and asked his wife. Bai Susu had no choice but to admit his identity. The man was also sentimental and righteous. He took his wife and children to leave the division that night, and died.

But the **** and the second family can not tolerate the existence of such things; together to kill and finally kill their family under the mountains!

It is said that at the time of death, the fox elders asked Bai Susu, who had regretted it? Bai Susu said: "I regret later, I didn't dare to divide the soul platform, forged the demon cave... So that now the tired husband and child are innocently killed... I don't regret to marry him as a wife!"

"I don't dare to regret, I can't regret it! I don't want to regret it!"

After saying this, Bai Susu Xiang Yuyu disappeared.

The high-ranking masters who pursued the killings felt their affection and buried them; and named the section of the valley from now on: no regrets the gorge.

It was also from that time that although the marriage to the **** was apparently banned, in the dark, even if it was discovered, everyone would do it with one eye.

No longer killing!

Because it is clear: unless it is love to the extreme; otherwise, no one will touch such taboos.

This is also known as Bai Susu's own life, opening a window for a love that transcends the world. Although she did not enjoy it herself, but whenever such a daring demon and the human race loved to be able to extricate themselves, they would go to the unrepentant gorge to worship Bai Susu.

I don’t regret the gorge, although I have been deserted, I still have a lot of incense throughout the year.

Nowadays, the purple evil affects Bai Susu, and the two women on the opposite side suddenly understand what the purple evils are concerned about.

The purple evil does not want to be ashamed of the man she loves, but she does not want to let the man she loves become the laughing stock of the world; but she can't live without it, so she can't let go, so she has chosen to suffer thousands of sufferings and become a person!

The white woman sighed in sigh, didn't know what she was thinking, after a long time, said: "Big sister, hey... make him all."

"I don't regret it?" The sigh sighed and looked at the purple eyes.

"Do not regret!" Purple evil sentiment firmly nodded.

"He is worth it?" asked the woman in white.

"I think he is worth it, it is not worth it, it is worth it." The purple evil whispered.

"A good one is not worth it and it is worth it!" After the demon eyes, the cold light was released: "One day, I will look at this worthy, how worth it!"

She turned around in a whirlwind and said in a word: "Alright! Since you are willing to go it alone, then all the consequences, one person bears! As long as you save my son, I will fulfill this wish!"

"Thank you for the demon after the completion!" Purple evil emotions said.

"Don't thank me!" After the demon faintly said: "This is a deal. As long as my son is alive, and hey, just want to... be a man! Hey... be a man! Save my son, I will be full." For the person! Deliver the money in one hand, clear each other, and don't owe each other!"

"Yes." The purple evil spirits were relaxed and silent, and it seemed that the words "not owing each other" were exactly what she said.

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